def ToolSpecificFlags(self):
    add_env = {
    for k,v in add_env.iteritems():"export %s=%s", k, v)
      os.putenv(k, v)

    proc = ThreadSanitizerBase.ToolSpecificFlags(self)
    # On PIN, ThreadSanitizer has its own suppression mechanism
    # and --log-file flag which work exactly on Valgrind.
    suppression_count = 0
    for suppression_file in self._options.suppressions:
      if os.path.exists(suppression_file):
        suppression_count += 1
        suppression_file = common.NormalizeWindowsPath(suppression_file)
        proc += ["--suppressions=%s" % suppression_file]

    if not suppression_count:
      logging.warning("WARNING: NOT USING SUPPRESSIONS!")

    logfilename = self.log_dir + "/tsan.%p"
    proc += ["--log-file=" + common.NormalizeWindowsPath(logfilename)]

    # TODO(timurrrr): Add flags for Valgrind trace children analog when we
    # start running complex tests (e.g. UI) under TSan/Win.

    return proc
 def __init__(self):
   temp_parent_dir = None
   self.log_parent_dir = ""
   if common.IsWindows():
     # gpu process on Windows Vista+ runs at Low Integrity and can only
     # write to certain directories (
     # TODO(bruening): if scripts die in middle and don't clean up temp
     # dir, we'll accumulate files in profile dir.  should remove
     # really old files automatically.
     profile = os.getenv("USERPROFILE")
     if profile:
       self.log_parent_dir = profile + "\\AppData\\LocalLow\\"
       if os.path.exists(self.log_parent_dir):
         self.log_parent_dir = common.NormalizeWindowsPath(self.log_parent_dir)
         temp_parent_dir = self.log_parent_dir
   # Generated every time (even when overridden)
   self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="vg_logs_", dir=temp_parent_dir)
   self.log_dir = self.temp_dir # overridable by --keep_logs
   self.option_parser_hooks = []
   # TODO(glider): we may not need some of the env vars on some of the
   # platforms.
   self._env = {
     "G_SLICE" : "always-malloc",
     "NSS_DISABLE_UNLOAD" : "1",
  def ToolSpecificFlags(self):
    ret = []

    ignore_files = ["ignores.txt"]
    for platform_suffix in common.PlatformNames():
      ignore_files.append("ignores_%s.txt" % platform_suffix)
    for ignore_file in ignore_files:
      fullname =  os.path.join(self._source_dir,
          "tools", "valgrind", "tsan", ignore_file)
      if os.path.exists(fullname):
        fullname = common.NormalizeWindowsPath(fullname)
        ret += ["--ignore=%s" % fullname]

    # This should shorten filepaths for local builds.
    ret += ["--file-prefix-to-cut=%s/" % self._source_dir]

    # This should shorten filepaths on bots.
    ret += ["--file-prefix-to-cut=build/src/"]
    ret += ["--file-prefix-to-cut=out/Release/../../"]

    # This should shorten filepaths for functions intercepted in TSan.
    ret += ["--file-prefix-to-cut=scripts/tsan/tsan/"]
    ret += ["--file-prefix-to-cut=src/tsan/tsan/"]

    ret += ["--gen-suppressions=true"]

    if self.EvalBoolFlag(self._options.hybrid):
      ret += ["--hybrid=yes"] # "no" is the default value for TSAN

    if self.EvalBoolFlag(self._options.announce_threads):
      ret += ["--announce-threads"]

    if self.EvalBoolFlag(self._options.free_is_write):
      ret += ["--free-is-write=yes"]
      ret += ["--free-is-write=no"]

    # --show-pc flag is needed for parsing the error logs on Darwin.
    if platform_suffix == 'mac':
      ret += ["--show-pc=yes"]
    ret += ["--show-pid=no"]

    boring_callers = common.BoringCallers(mangled=False, use_re_wildcards=False)
    # TODO(timurrrr): In fact, we want "starting from .." instead of "below .."
    for bc in boring_callers:
      ret += ["--cut_stack_below=%s" % bc]

    return ret
  def ToolCommand(self):
    """Get the tool command to run."""
    # WINHEAP is what Dr. Memory supports as there are issues w/ both
    # jemalloc ( and
    # tcmalloc (
    add_env = {
      "JSIMD_FORCEMMX"   : "1",  #
    for k,v in add_env.iteritems():"export %s=%s", k, v)
      os.putenv(k, v)

    drmem_cmd = os.getenv("DRMEMORY_COMMAND")
    if not drmem_cmd:
      raise RuntimeError, "Please set DRMEMORY_COMMAND environment variable " \
                          "with the path to drmemory.exe"
    proc = drmem_cmd.split(" ")

    # By default, don't run python (this will exclude python's children as well)
    # to reduce runtime.  We're not really interested in spending time finding
    # bugs in the python implementation.
    # With file-based config we must update the file every time, and
    # it will affect simultaneous drmem uses by this user.  While file-based
    # config has many advantages, here we may want this-instance-only
    # (
    drconfig_cmd = [ proc[0].replace("drmemory.exe", "drconfig.exe") ]
    drconfig_cmd += ["-quiet"] # suppress errors about no 64-bit libs
    run_drconfig = True
    if self._options.follow_python:"Following python children")
      # -unreg fails if not already registered so query for that first
      query_cmd = drconfig_cmd + ["-isreg", "python.exe"]
      query_proc = subprocess.Popen(query_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
      (query_out, query_err) = query_proc.communicate()
      if"exe not registered", query_out):
        run_drconfig = False # all set
        drconfig_cmd += ["-unreg", "python.exe"]
    else:"Excluding python children")
      drconfig_cmd += ["-reg", "python.exe", "-norun"]
    if run_drconfig:
      drconfig_retcode = common.RunSubprocess(drconfig_cmd, self._timeout)
      if drconfig_retcode:
        logging.error("Configuring whether to follow python children failed " \
                      "with %d.", drconfig_retcode)
        raise RuntimeError, "Configuring python children failed "

    suppression_count = 0
    supp_files = self._options.suppressions
    if self.full_mode:
      supp_files += [s.replace(".txt", "_full.txt") for s in supp_files]
    for suppression_file in supp_files:
      if os.path.exists(suppression_file):
        suppression_count += 1
        proc += ["-suppress", common.NormalizeWindowsPath(suppression_file)]

    if not suppression_count:
      logging.warning("WARNING: NOT USING SUPPRESSIONS!")

    # Un-comment to dump Dr.Memory events on error
    #proc += ["-dr_ops", "-dumpcore_mask", "-dr_ops", "0x8bff"]

    # Un-comment and comment next line to debug Dr.Memory
    #proc += ["-dr_ops", "-no_hide"]
    #proc += ["-dr_ops", "-msgbox_mask", "-dr_ops", "15"]
    #Proc += ["-dr_ops", "-stderr_mask", "-dr_ops", "15"]
    # Ensure we see messages about Dr. Memory crashing!
    proc += ["-dr_ops", "-stderr_mask", "-dr_ops", "12"]

    if self._options.use_debug:
      proc += ["-debug"]

    proc += ["-logdir", common.NormalizeWindowsPath(self.log_dir)]

    if self.log_parent_dir:
      # gpu process on Windows Vista+ runs at Low Integrity and can only
      # write to certain directories (
      symcache_dir = os.path.join(self.log_parent_dir, "drmemory.symcache")
    elif self._options.build_dir:
      # The other case is only possible with -t cmdline.
      # Anyways, if we omit -symcache_dir the -logdir's value is used which
      # should be fine.
      symcache_dir = os.path.join(self._options.build_dir, "drmemory.symcache")
    if symcache_dir:
      if not os.path.exists(symcache_dir):
        except OSError:
          logging.warning("Can't create symcache dir?")
      if os.path.exists(symcache_dir):
        proc += ["-symcache_dir", common.NormalizeWindowsPath(symcache_dir)]

    # Use -no_summary to suppress DrMemory's summary and init-time
    # notifications.  We generate our own with
    proc += ["-batch", "-no_summary"]

    # Un-comment to disable interleaved output.  Will also suppress error
    # messages normally printed to stderr.
    #proc += ["-quiet", "-no_results_to_stderr"]

    proc += ["-callstack_max_frames", "40"]

    # disable leak scan for now
    proc += ["-no_count_leaks", "-no_leak_scan"]

    #, no heap mismatch check for Windows release build binary
    if common.IsWindows() and "Release" in self._options.build_dir:
        proc += ["-no_check_delete_mismatch"]

    # make callstacks easier to read
    proc += ["-callstack_srcfile_prefix",
    proc += ["-callstack_modname_hide",

    boring_callers = common.BoringCallers(mangled=False, use_re_wildcards=False)
    # TODO(timurrrr): In fact, we want "starting from .." instead of "below .."
    proc += ["-callstack_truncate_below", ",".join(boring_callers)]

    if self.pattern_mode:
      proc += ["-pattern", "0xf1fd", "-no_count_leaks", "-redzone_size", "0x20"]
    elif not self.full_mode:
      proc += ["-light"]

    proc += self._tool_flags

    # Dr.Memory requires -- to separate tool flags from the executable name.
    proc += ["--"]

    if self._options.indirect or self._options.indirect_webkit_layout:
      # TODO(timurrrr): reuse for TSan on Windows
      wrapper_path = os.path.join(self._source_dir,
                                  "tools", "valgrind", "")
      wrapper = " ".join(["python", wrapper_path] + proc)
      self.CreateBrowserWrapper(wrapper)"browser wrapper = " + " ".join(proc))
      if self._options.indirect_webkit_layout:
        proc = self._args
        # Layout tests want forward slashes.
        wrapper = wrapper.replace('\\', '/')
        proc += ["--wrapper", wrapper]
        return proc
        proc = []

    # Note that self._args begins with the name of the exe to be run.
    self._args[0] = common.NormalizeWindowsPath(self._args[0])
    proc += self._args
    return proc