def detect(self, args): if args is not None and len(args) == 1: if str(args[0]).strip().lower() in ('music', 'audio'): = True elif str(args[0]).strip().lower() in ('video', 'movies'): = True else: = common.any2bool(args[0]) if args is not None and len(args) >= 2: = common.any2bool(args[0]) = common.any2bool(args[1])
def _configurations(self): # get settings common.debug('Reading addon configuration') self.__BIOLANGUAGE = common.setting("biography_language") self.__RESTRICTCACHE = common.setting("restrict_cache") self.__MAXCACHESIZE = common.any2int( common.setting("max_cache_size")) * 1000000 self.__SSLCHECK = common.any2bool(common.setting("ssl_check")) self.__NICE = common.any2int(common.setting("nice"), none=10)
def istrace(): """ Checks if the TRACE level is activated. As it was mentioning in the log function, TRACE and DEBUG levels can be activated to the Skin level using "trace" skin setting property. In case TRACE level is activated to the Skin level will provide messages in the log over NOTICE level and through a particular TRACE channel, on top on the default and custom channels. :return: True is the TRACE level is active. """ _TRACE = getSkinSetting("trace") if _TRACE is not None: return common.any2bool(_TRACE) else: return False
def run(self, mode=-1): result = True if not common.any2bool( xbmc.getInfoLabel("Window(%s).Property(%s)" % (10000, "SystemRecovery.Running"))): # set windows setting to true window = xbmcgui.Window(10000) window.setProperty("SystemRecovery.Running", "true") if self.remoteFS.RootPath is not None and self.remoteFS.RootPath != '': common.debug( "Local directory: " + self.localFS.RootPath + ", Remote directory: " + self.remoteFS.RootPath, "SystemRecovery") if mode == self.Backup: if common.setting("compress_backups"): # delete old temp file if self.localFS.exists( common.path('special://temp/')): self.localFS.rmfile( common.path('special://temp/')) # save the remote file system and use the zip vfs self.savedRemoteFS = self.remoteFS self.remoteFS = ZipFileSystem( common.path("special://temp/"), "w") self.remoteFS.setRootPath(self.remoteFS.RootPath + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") + "/") # run backup process self.backup() result = self.status >= 0 elif mode == self.Restore: if self.restorePoint.split('.')[-1] != 'zip': self.remoteFS.setRootPath(self.remoteFS.RootPath + self.restorePoint + "/") # run restore process self.restore() result = self.status >= 0 else: result = False # cleaning locations self.localFS.cleanup() self.remoteFS.cleanup() else: result = False # reset the window setting window.setProperty("SystemRecovery.Running", "") else: common.warn( 'Script already running, no additional instance is needed') result = False return result
def _LoadParameters(self): try: self.__params = dict( arg.split("=") for arg in sys.argv[1].split("&")) except: self.__params = {} common.debug("Loading parameters: %s" % str(self.__params)) self.movies = common.any2bool(self.__params.get("movies", "")) self.tvshows = common.any2bool(self.__params.get("tvshows", "")) self.episodes = common.any2bool(self.__params.get("episodes", "")) self.musicvideos = common.any2bool(self.__params.get( "musicvideos", "")) self.artists = common.any2bool(self.__params.get("artists", "")) self.albums = common.any2bool(self.__params.get("albums", "")) self.songs = common.any2bool(self.__params.get("songs", "")) self.actors = common.any2bool(self.__params.get("actors", ""))
def isdebug(): """ Checks if the DEBUG level is activated. As it was mentioning in the log function, DEBUG level can be activated to the Skin level using 'debug' skin setting property, or to the Kodi system configuration. level (using Logging area). In case DEBUG level is activated to the Skin level will provide messages in the log over NOTICE level and through a particular DEBUG channel, on top on the default and custom channels. :return: True is the DEBUG level is active. """ _DEBUG = getSkinSetting("debug") if _DEBUG is not None: return common.any2bool(_DEBUG) else: return False
def _providers(self): # read and load plugins common.debug('Discovering content providers') for cls in ContentProvider.__subclasses__(): try: plugin = cls() module = str(cls.__name__).lower() if (module == 'local' or common.any2bool(common.setting(module)) ) and not module in self.PROVIDERS: self.PROVIDERS[module] = plugin common.debug('Loading provider: %s ' % module) except BaseException as be: common.error( 'Unexpected error while loading [%s] provider: %s' % (str(cls), str(be)))
def getproxies(): """ Get and merge the proxy configuration defined to the OS level and to Kodi level, over Kodi graphical interface. """ global PROXIES if PROXIES is None: if common.any2bool(common.getSystemSetting("network.usehttpproxy"), none=False): httpproxytype = common.getSystemSetting("network.httpproxytype") httpproxyserver = common.getSystemSetting( "network.httpproxyserver") httpproxyport = common.getSystemSetting("network.httpproxyport") httpproxyusername = common.getSystemSetting( "network.httpproxyusername") httpproxypassword = common.getSystemSetting( "network.httpproxypassword") proxyurl = httpproxyserver + ":" + httpproxyport if httpproxyusername is not None and httpproxyusername != '': proxyurl = httpproxyusername + ":" + httpproxypassword + "@" + proxyurl if common.any2int(httpproxytype) == 0: if common.any2int(httpproxyport) == 443 or common.any2int( httpproxyport) == 8443: proxyurl = "https://" + proxyurl else: proxyurl = "http://" + proxyurl elif common.any2int(httpproxytype) == 1 or common.any2int( httpproxytype) == 2: proxyurl = "socks4://" + proxyurl elif common.any2int(httpproxytype) == 3 or common.any2int( httpproxytype) == 4: proxyurl = "socks4://" + proxyurl PROXIES = {'http': proxyurl, 'https': proxyurl} common.trace("Detecting proxy in Kodi: %s" % proxyurl, "urlcall") else: PROXIES = {} return PROXIES
def getImageList(self, params): common.trace("Starting to search images using parameters: %s" % str(params), "fanarttv") images = [] url_params = {} filepath = os.path.join(params.get('infodir', ''), self.FILENAME) cachefilepath = os.path.join(params.get('infodir', ''), self.CACHETIMEFILENAME) if params.get('mbid', '') == '': common.trace("Searching for MusicBrainz ID") params['mbid'] = self.getMusicBrainzID(params['artist']) url = self.URL_MUSICSEARCH + params.get('mbid', '') url_params['api_key'] = params.get("clientapikey") json_data = self._getData(filepath, cachefilepath, url, url_params) if json_data is not None and json_data: image_list = json_data.get('artistbackground', []) if common.any2bool(params.get('getall', 'false')): image_list.extend(json_data.get('artistthumb', [])) for image in image_list: url = image.get('url', '') if url: images.append(url) if not images: return [] else: return self._delExclusions(images, params.get('exclusionsfile'))
def any2bool(self, v, error=False, none=True): return common.any2bool(v, error=error, none=none)
def getImageList(self, params): common.trace("Starting to search images using parameters: %s" %str(params), "duckgo") images = [] if params.get('mbid', '') == '': common.warn("No artist identified over MusicBrainz, search stopped") return images if "fullname" in params and not common.isempty(params['fullname']): keywords = params['fullname'] + " AND (singer OR band)" elif "alias" in params and not common.isempty(params['alias']): keywords = params['alias'] + " AND (singer OR band)" elif "artist" in params and not common.isempty(params['artist']): keywords = params['artist'] + " AND (singer OR band)" else: keywords = None if keywords is not None and "location" in params and not common.isempty(params['location']): keywords = keywords + " AND " + params['location'] elif keywords is not None and "lang" in params and not common.isempty(params['lang']): keywords = keywords + " AND " + params['lang'] if keywords is not None: payload = {'q': keywords} common.trace("Hitting DuckDuckGo for token", "duckgo") data = common.urlcall(self.DDG_SEARCH_URL, "POST", payload=payload) searchObj ='vqd=([\d-]+)\&', data, re.M | re.I) if not searchObj: common.error("Token parsing failed!", "duckgo") return images else: common.debug("Obtained token: %s" %, "duckgo") headers = { 'authority': '', 'accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'user-agent': common.agent(), 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'referer': '' } payload = { "q": keywords, "vqd":, "v7exp": "a", "o": "json", "l": "wt-wt", "f": ",,,", "p": '1' } data = None while True: try: data = common.urlcall(self.DDG_SEARCH_URL + "i.js", headers=headers, payload=payload, output='json') break except ValueError as e: common.trace("Calling url failure; sleep and retry", "duckgo") common.sleep(500) continue index = 0 max = common.any2int(params['limit'], 0) for obj in data["results"]: contextual = str(obj["title"].encode('utf-8')).lower().find(params['artist'].lower() + " ") >= 0 dimension = int(obj["width"]) >= 876 if common.any2bool(params.get('getall', 'false')) else int(obj["width"]) >= 1920 if contextual and dimension: index += 1 images.append(obj["image"]) if max > 0 and index >= max: break if not images: return [] else: return self._delExclusions(images, params.get('exclusionsfile'))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def addonrunning(self): return common.any2bool(self.getSkinProperty("SlideshowAddon.Running"))
def addoninfo(self): return common.any2bool(self.getSkinProperty("SlideshowAddon"))
def run(self, index): """ Runs package for content discovery and processing""" # check if forecast workflow is enabled if not common.setting('Enabled'): return # check provider configuration provider = self.getProviderByCode(common.setting('ProviderCode')) common.debug("Found provider to run forecast workflow: %s" % provider) if provider is None: common.NotificationMsg(32202, 15000) return if provider is not None and ( (common.setting('APIKey') == '' or common.setting('APIKey') is None) and common.any2bool(common.setting("ShowAPIKeyOption"))): common.NotificationMsg(32123, 15000) return # validate provider configuration if common.any2bool(common.setting("ShowAPIKeyOption")): try: provider.validate() common.debug( "Content provider is valid, running weather forecast workflow" ) except BaseException as err: common.debug( "Content provider is invalid, reset forecast skin properties: %s" % str(err)) common.NotificationMsg(32203, 20000) provider.clear() return # normalize locations count = 0 found = False for id in range(1, 6): locname = common.setting('Location%iAction' % id) locid = common.setting('Location%i' % id) if not found and (locname != '' and locid != ''): count += 1 elif not found and (locname == '' or locid == ''): found = True if found: common.setSkinProperty(12600, 'Location%i' % id) common.setsetting('Location%iAction' % id) common.setsetting('Location%i' % id) else: common.setSkinProperty(12600, 'Location%i' % id, locname) common.setSkinProperty(12600, 'Locations', str(count)) common.debug("Active locations: %s" % str(count)) # identify the right location if index is None: common.debug( 'Run GeoIP location discovery due to missing configuration') locname, locid = provider.geoip() else: common.debug("Using location index: %s" % str(index)) locname = common.setting('Location%sAction' % str(index)) locid = common.setting('Location%s' % str(index)) if locid == '' and common.any2int(index) > 1: common.debug( 'Trying first location instead, due to invalid index defined in previous configuration' ) locname = common.setting('Location1Action') locid = common.setting('Location1') if locid == '': common.debug( 'Run GeoIP location discovery due to wrong configuration') locname, locid = provider.geoip() # run forecast workflow if locname != '': # reset skin properties when the location is changed if locid != provider.skininfo("Current.Location"): provider.clear() # publish provider details provider.skinproperty('WeatherProvider', if os.path.isfile( common.path('resources', 'media', provider.code() + '.png')): provider.skinproperty( 'WeatherProviderLogo', common.path('resources', 'media', provider.code() + '.png')) else: provider.skinproperty('WeatherProviderLogo', common.path('icon.png')) # call provider forecast common.debug('Call forecast for location %s (%s)' % (locname, locid)) provider.forecast(locname, locid) else: common.warn('No location found or configured') provider.clear()