def serve(args): from tornado import ioloop, web, template, websocket from common import get_db get_db(args.mongohost) from handlers import MainHandler, RTHandler, GoogleAuthHandler if args.authgmaillist and not args.cookiesecret: print '--cookiesecret required with --authgmaillist' return settings = dict( debug = True, cookie_secret = args.cookiesecret, authgmaillist = args.authgmaillist.split(',') if args.authgmaillist else [] ) handler_list = [ ( '/', MainHandler ), ( '/login', GoogleAuthHandler ), ( '/rt', RTHandler ), ( '/web/(.*)', web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": "./web"}), ] application = web.Application(handler_list, **settings) application.listen(int(args.port)) ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
def main(main_database, energy_cuts_database, data_file_path, label, update_db): import ROOT # Fetch all triplets of RunNo, Hall, DetNo to use to find files with common.get_db(main_database) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( '''SELECT RunNo, Hall, DetNo FROM runs NATURAL JOIN accidental_subtraction WHERE Label = ? ORDER BY RunNo, Hall, DetNo''', (label, )) run_keys = cursor.fetchall() # Look up delayed energy cuts with common.get_db(energy_cuts_database) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( ''' SELECT Hall, DetNo, Peak - 3 * Resolution, Peak + 3 * Resolution FROM delayed_energy_fits WHERE Source = ? ''', (label, )) energy_bounds = cursor.fetchall() energy_lookup = {} for site, ad, low_bound, up_bound in energy_bounds: energy_lookup[site, ad] = (low_bound, up_bound) with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool: results = pool.starmap( one_file, zip(run_keys, it.repeat(data_file_path), it.repeat(energy_lookup))) if update_db: new_results = [] for x in results: new_results.append(x + (label, )) results = new_results with common.get_db(main_database) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.executemany( '''UPDATE accidental_subtraction SET Total_Acc_Eff = ?, Total_Acc_Eff_err = ? WHERE RunNo = ? AND DetNo = ? AND Label = ?''', results)
def setup_database(database): """Create the database tables to store the analysis results.""" with common.get_db(database) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.executescript(''' CREATE TABLE num_coincidences_by_run ( RunNo INTEGER, DetNo INTEGER, NumCoincidences INTEGER, Label TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(RunNo, DetNo, Label) ); CREATE TABLE muon_rates ( RunNo INTEGER NOT NULL, DetNo INTEGER NOT NULL, Count INTEGER, Livetime_ns INTEGER, Rate_Hz REAL, Efficiency REAL, PRIMARY KEY(RunNo, DetNo) ); CREATE TABLE singles_rates ( RunNo INTEGER NOT NULL, DetNo INTEGER NOT NULL, Iteration INTEGER, Rate_Hz REAL, Rate_Hz_error REAL, IsolatedEventCount INTEGER, IsolatedEventRate_Hz REAL, CorrelatedRate_Hz REAL, MultiplicityVetoEfficiency REAL, PRIMARY KEY(RunNo, DetNo) ); CREATE TABLE runs ( RunNo INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Hall INTEGER, Start_time INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE accidental_subtraction ( RunNo INTEGER NOT NULL, DetNo INTEGER NOT NULL, Label TEXT NOT NULL, BaseRate_Hz REAL, DistanceTime_DT_Eff REAL, AccScaleFactor REAL, DTCrossCheck REAL, DTCrossCheck_error REAL, DistanceCrossCheck REAL, DistanceCrossCheck_error REAL, Total_Acc_Eff REAL, Total_Acc_Eff_err REAL, PRIMARY KEY(RunNo, DetNo, Label) ); ''' ) return
def main(infile, update_db, pairing, run, detector, selection_str): import ROOT accfile = ROOT.TFile(infile, 'READ') all_pairs = accfile.Get('all_pairs') num_pass_DT_cut = all_pairs.Draw( 'energy[0]', f'({delayeds._NH_THU_DIST_TIME_CUT_STR}) && ({selection_str})', 'goff') num_pairs = all_pairs.Draw('energy[0]', selection_str, 'goff') efficiency = num_pass_DT_cut / num_pairs error = math.sqrt(num_pass_DT_cut * (1 - efficiency)) / num_pairs # binomial try: percent_error = 100 * error / efficiency except ZeroDivisionError: percent_error = 0 if update_db is None: print(f'Pairing type: {pairing}') print( f'Efficiency: {efficiency:.6f} +/- {error:.6f} ({percent_error:.1f}%)' ) print(f'Total pairs: {num_pairs}') print(f'Passed DT cut: {num_pass_DT_cut}') else: all_pairs.GetEntry(0) with common.get_db(update_db) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( '''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO distance_time_eff_study VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (run, detector, pairing, efficiency, error, num_pairs))
def export(): engine = get_db() mappings = defaultdict(set) expand = defaultdict(set) for row in engine.query(QUERY): al = row.get('al') # an = row.get('an') bl = row.get('bl') # bn = row.get('bn') synonyms = al + bl unique = set(synonyms) canonical = max(unique, key=synonyms.count) # canonical = setmedian(synonyms) # unique.remove(canonical) # print(unique, canonical) for name in unique: expand[name].update([u for u in unique if u != name]) if name != canonical: mappings[name].add(canonical) with open('synonyms.txt', 'w') as fh: for name, expansions in sorted(mappings.items()): expansions = ' , '.join(expansions) fh.write('%s => %s\n' % (name, expansions)) # print(name, expansions) with open('synonyms.expand.txt', 'w') as fh: for name, expansions in sorted(expand.items()): expansions = ' , '.join(expansions) fh.write('%s => %s\n' % (name, expansions))
def delete(self): """ Removes todo item from the database """ db = get_db() query = "DELETE FROM `todo_items` WHERE `id` = ?" values = (, ) DB.execute_delete_query(db, query, values) self.update_history('remove')
def is_user_with_email_in_user_list(cls, email): """checks that is user with given email in database""" db = get_db() query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=?" values = (email, ) user_from_db = DB.execute_select_query(db, query, values) return bool(user_from_db)
def is_user_with_name_in_user_list(cls, name): """checks that is user with given name in database""" db = get_db() query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=?" values = (name, ) user_from_db = DB.execute_select_query(db, query, values) return bool(user_from_db)
def main2(run, files, site, ad, outfile, label, db): daq_livetime = 0 usable_livetime = 0 num_veto_windows = 0 for filename in files: with open(filename, 'r') as f: results = json.load(f) daq_livetime += results['daq_livetime'] usable_livetime += results['usable_livetime'] num_veto_windows += results['num_veto_windows'] efficiency = usable_livetime / daq_livetime rate = num_veto_windows * 1e9 / usable_livetime with open(outfile, 'w') as f: json.dump( { 'run': run, 'site': site, 'ad': ad, 'daq_livetime': daq_livetime, 'usable_livetime': usable_livetime, 'usable_fraction': efficiency, 'num_veto_windows': num_veto_windows, }, f) if db is not None: with common.get_db(db, timeout=0.5) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO muon_rates ' 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (run, ad, label, num_veto_windows, usable_livetime, rate, efficiency)) return
def delete(self): """ Removes user from the database """ db = get_db() query = "DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?" values = (, ) DB.execute_delete_query(db, query, values) Todo.delete_todos_by_user_id(
def is_complete(run, ad, outfilename, label, db): """Check to ensure the outfile exists and the run has been logged to db.""" if not os.path.isfile(outfilename): return False with common.get_db(db) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( ''' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM muon_rates WHERE RunNo = ? AND DetNo = ? AND Label = ? ''', (run, ad, label), ) num_rows, = cursor.fetchone() if num_rows == 1: return True elif num_rows > 1: raise ValueError( f'Multiple rows in table muon_rates for Run {run} AD {ad}') else: return False
def extrapolate_down_one_bin(database, source, data_period): """Linear extrapolation based on 0th and 1st bin values.""" with common.get_db(database) as conn: conn.row_factory = common.sqlite3.Row cursor = conn.cursor() for core in range(1, 7): cursor.execute( ''' SELECT Energy, NuPerMeVPerSec FROM reactor_emitted_spectrum WHERE Source = ? AND DataPeriod = ? AND Core = ? ORDER BY Energy LIMIT 2 ''', (source, data_period, core)) bin_0, bin_1 = cursor.fetchall() dE = bin_1['Energy'] - bin_0['Energy'] dN = bin_1['NuPerMeVPerSec'] - bin_0['NuPerMeVPerSec'] new_E = bin_0['Energy'] - dE new_N = bin_0['NuPerMeVPerSec'] - dN cursor.execute( ''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO reactor_emitted_spectrum VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (new_E, core, new_N, data_period, source)) return
def archived_todos_count(self): """connects with db and counts archived todos for user""" db = get_db() query = """SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `todo_items` WHERE `owner_id` = ? AND `is_archived` = 1;""" values = (, ) return DB.execute_select_query(db, query, values)[0][0]
def active_todos_undone_count(self): """connects with db and counts active todos with undone status for user""" db = get_db() query = """SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `todo_items` WHERE `owner_id` = ? AND `is_archived` = 0 AND `status` = 0;""" values = (, ) return DB.execute_select_query(db, query, values)[0][0]
def aggregate(): engine = get_db() table = engine.get_table('tokens') table.delete() bulk = ChunkedInsert(table, chunksize=10000) rex = re.compile(r'\w+') for names in iter_names(engine): parts = set() for name in names: for token in rex.findall(name): token = token.lower() if len(token) > 3: norm = normalize(token) if len(norm): parts.add((token, norm)) pairs = set() for pair in combinations(parts, 2): pairs.add(tuple(sorted(pair))) for ((a, an), (b, bn)) in pairs: if an == bn: continue max_dist = max(len(an), len(bn)) * 0.6 dist = distance(an, bn) if dist <= max_dist: # print(a, b, max_dist, dist, dist > max_dist) bulk.insert({ 'a': a, 'an': an, 'b': b, 'bn': bn, }) bulk.flush()
def main(infile, database, label, update_db, iteration, extra_cut): import ROOT ch = ROOT.TChain('ad_events') ch.Add(infile) ch.GetEntry(0) runNo = site = ad = ch.detector[0] start_time = ch.timestamp[0] multiplicity_1_count = ch.Draw('energy', f'detector == {ad} && ' f'multiplicity == 1 && energy < {_EMAX_THU} && ({extra_cut})', 'goff') with common.get_db(database, timeout=0.5) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('''SELECT Rate_Hz, Livetime_ns/1e9 FROM muon_rates WHERE RunNo = ? AND DetNo = ?''', (runNo, ad)) muon_rate, livetime_s = cursor.fetchone() multiplicity_1_count_error = math.sqrt(multiplicity_1_count) multiplicity_1_rate_Hz = multiplicity_1_count / livetime_s uncorr_rate_error = multiplicity_1_count_error/livetime_s * UNCERTAINTY_MULTIPLIER # convert to seconds and subtract off 1us window_size = _NH_THU_MAX_TIME/1e9 - 1e-6 if iteration > 0: raise NotImplementedError("Haven't connected to database") else: R_corr = 0 neutron_efficiency = None tau_Gd = None tau_LS = None alpha = None parameters = (R_corr, muon_rate, window_size, neutron_efficiency, tau_Gd, tau_LS, alpha) underlying_uncorr_rate = fsolve(lambda x: single_rate(x, *parameters) - multiplicity_1_rate_Hz, multiplicity_1_rate_Hz)[0] multiplicity_eff = multiplicity_efficiency(underlying_uncorr_rate, R_corr, muon_rate, window_size) if update_db: #with common.get_db(database, timeout=0.5) as conn: #cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO singles_rates VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', ( runNo, ad, label, iteration, underlying_uncorr_rate, uncorr_rate_error, multiplicity_1_count, multiplicity_1_rate_Hz, R_corr, multiplicity_eff, )) else: print(f'multiplicity-1 rate: {multiplicity_1_rate_Hz} Hz') print(f'relative error: {100/multiplicity_1_count_error:.2f}%') print(f'underlying uncorr. rate: {underlying_uncorr_rate} Hz') print(f'multiplicity efficiency: {multiplicity_eff}') return
def main(infilename, hist_name, database, label, binning_id, binning_db_path, is_TF1): import ROOT # fetch binning with common.get_db(binning_db_path) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( ''' SELECT BinEdgeEnergy_keV FROM reco_binnings WHERE Id = ? ORDER BY BinEdgeIndex ''', (binning_id, )) # Must reshape to get 1D array since sqlite3 returns 2D bin_edges = np.array(cursor.fetchall(), dtype=float).reshape(-1) / 1000 infile = ROOT.TFile(infilename, 'READ') bg_spec = infile.Get(hist_name) values = np.zeros((len(bin_edges) - 1, )) if is_TF1: # Annoyingly, the AmC spectrum is stored as a TF1, so I have to bin it manually for bin_index, (low_edge, up_edge) in (enumerate( zip(bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:]))): values[bin_index] = bg_spec.Integral(low_edge, up_edge) else: # extract bin values binned_hist = bg_spec.Rebin( len(bin_edges) - 1, 'rebinned_bg', bin_edges) for i in range(1, len(bin_edges)): # this is correctly off-by-1 values[i - 1] = binned_hist.GetBinContent(i) total_counts = sum(values) values /= total_counts # normalize rows = [] for bin_index, value in enumerate(values): rows.append((label, binning_id, bin_index, value)) with common.get_db(database) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.executemany( ''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO amc_spectrum VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ''', rows) return
def main(infilename, outfilename, site, ad, database): import ROOT infile = ROOT.TFile(infilename, 'READ') spectrum_2d = infile.Get('final') delayed_spectrum = spectrum_2d.ProjectionY() mu0 = 2.3 sigma0 = .14 alpha0 = 0.8 scale0 = 2 # Approximate the normalization as the area under the main part of # the nH peak (1.5-3.5 MeV) low_bin = delayed_spectrum.FindFixBin(1.5) up_bin = delayed_spectrum.FindFixBin(3.499) approx_integral = delayed_spectrum.Integral(low_bin, up_bin) bin_width = delayed_spectrum.GetBinWidth(1) norm0 = approx_integral * bin_width fitter = ROOT.TF1("calo_fitter", calorimeter_fn, 1.5, 12, 5) fitter.SetParameters(mu0, sigma0, scale0, alpha0, norm0) if outfilename is None: options = 'QN0S' else: options = 'QS' try: fit_result = delayed_spectrum.Fit(fitter, options, '', 1.6, 2.8) except: print([mu0, sigma0, scale0, alpha0, norm0]) delayed_spectrum.Draw() fitter.Draw() time.sleep(10) ROOT.gPad.Print('error.pdf') raise mu, sigma, scale, alpha, norm = [fit_result.Parameter(i) for i in range(5)] mu_err, sigma_err, scale_err, alpha_err, norm_err = [ fit_result.ParError(i) for i in range(5) ] chi_square = fit_result.Chi2() num_bins = fitter.GetNumberFitPoints() num_params = fitter.GetNpar() delayed_spectrum.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(1.5, 3.4) if outfilename is not None: ROOT.gPad.Print(outfilename) infile.Close() if database is not None: with common.get_db(database) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( '''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO delayed_energy_fits VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (site, ad, mu, mu_err, sigma, sigma_err, scale, scale_err, alpha, alpha_err, norm, norm_err, chi_square, num_bins, num_params)) conn.commit() else: print(mu, sigma, scale, alpha, norm) print(mu_err, sigma_err, scale_err, alpha_err, norm_err) print(f'Chi2/NDF: {chi_square:.03f} / ({num_bins} - {num_params})') return
def main( output, datafile, accfile, database, ad, override_acc_rate, label, general_label, update_db, ): try: with open(os.path.splitext(datafile)[0] + '.json', 'r') as f: stats = json.load(f) # livetime = stats['usable_livetime']/1e9 run_number = stats['run'] site = stats['site'] except FileNotFoundError: import ROOT infile = ROOT.TFile(datafile, 'READ') ad_events = infile.Get('ad_events') ad_events.GetEntry(0) run_number = site = with common.get_db(database, timeout=0.5) as conn: c = conn.cursor() if override_acc_rate: singles_rate = None else: c.execute( ''' SELECT Rate_Hz FROM singles_rates WHERE RunNo = ? AND DetNo = ? AND Label = ? ''', (run_number, ad, general_label)) singles_rate, = c.fetchone() c.execute( ''' SELECT Rate_Hz, Livetime_ns/1e9 FROM muon_rates WHERE RunNo = ? AND DetNo = ? AND Label = ? ''', (run_number, ad, general_label)) muon_rate, livetime = c.fetchone() database = database if update_db else None subtract(output, datafile, accfile, ad, singles_rate, muon_rate, livetime, override_acc_rate, run_number, database, label)
def is_admin(self): """checks that user has admin status """ db = get_db() query = "SELECT FROM users_permissions " \ "JOIN users ON " \ "JOIN permission_types ON users_permissions.permission_id = " \ "WHERE = ? AND = ?" values = (, 'admin') return bool(DB.execute_select_query(db, query, values))
def main(infilename, hist_name, database, label, binning_id, binning_db_path): import ROOT # fetch binning with common.get_db(binning_db_path) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT BinEdgeEnergy_keV FROM reco_binnings WHERE Id = ? ORDER BY BinEdgeIndex ''', (binning_id,) ) # Must reshape to get 1D array since sqlite3 returns 2D bin_edges = np.array(cursor.fetchall(), dtype=float).reshape(-1)/1000 infile = ROOT.TFile(infilename, 'READ') bg_hist = infile.Get(hist_name) binned_hist = bg_hist.Rebin(len(bin_edges) - 1, 'rebinned_bg', bin_edges) # extract bin values values = np.zeros((len(bin_edges) - 1,)) for i in range(1, len(bin_edges)): # this is correctly off-by-1 values[i-1] = binned_hist.GetBinContent(i) total_counts = sum(values) values /= total_counts # normalize rows = [] for bin_index, value in enumerate(values): rows.append( (label, binning_id, bin_index, value) ) with common.get_db(database) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.executemany(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO li9_spectrum VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ''', rows ) return
def delete_timetable(): ttid = request.form.getlist('TTID') if (not ttid): return redirect(url_for('admin.show_timetable')) db = get_db() with db.cursor() as cursor: id_list = ','.join(ttid) del_str = 'delete from timetable where id in (%s)' % id_list cursor.execute(del_str) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('admin.show_timetable'))
def fill_db(database, rows): with common.get_db(database) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.executemany( ''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO prompt_eff_osc_corrections VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', rows)
def _run(): """ Write all _id-s from ip collection to file, record in another file the elapsed time. To fetch the data find/limit is used (using the _id of the last processed document as filter) !!! THIS APPROACH IS APPLICABLE ONLY IF THE _id IS OF TYPE ObjectId """ conf = common.get_conf('conf') if not conf: return db = common.get_db(conf) db_collection = db.ip criteria = {'isActive.ts.h': {'$gt': datetime(1991, 1, 1)}} fetch_fields = {'_id': 1, 'isActive.ts.h': 1} batch_limit = 1000 # TODO try with 3000 all_docs_count = db_collection.count(criteria) write_limit = 50000 ids_to_write = [] sort_field = [('isActive.ts.h', pymongo.ASCENDING)] docs = list(db_collection.find(criteria).sort(sort_field).limit(1)) if not docs: print('Collection %s is empty' % db_collection) return last_h = docs[0]['isActive']['ts']['h'] ids_to_write.append(str(docs[0]['_id'])) processed_docs_count = 1 while True: criteria = {'isActive.ts.h': {'$gt': last_h}} docs = list( common.retry_run( db_collection.find(criteria, fetch_fields).sort(sort_field).limit, batch_limit)) if not docs: break last_h = docs[-1]['isActive']['ts']['h'] ids_to_write.extend([str(doc['_id']) for doc in docs]) if len(ids_to_write) > write_limit: common.write_to_file(FILE_NAME, ids_to_write) ids_to_write = [] processed_docs_count += len(docs) percent = (processed_docs_count * 100.) / all_docs_count print(' * Processed %d/%d [%6.2f]' % (processed_docs_count, all_docs_count, percent)) if ids_to_write: common.write_to_file(FILE_NAME, ids_to_write)
def get_users_list(cls): """ Retrieves all users from database and returns them as list. Returns: list(Userlist): list of all users """ db = get_db() users = [] query = """SELECT `name`, `password`, `id`, `email`, `registration_date` FROM `users`;""" users_from_db = DB.execute_select_query(db, query) for user in users_from_db: users.append(User(*user)) return users
def load_to_database(database, results, mc_configuration): extended_results = [] for row in results: new_row = tuple(row) + tuple(mc_configuration) extended_results.append(new_row) with common.get_db(database) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.executemany( '''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO fitter_validation_results VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', extended_results) return
def main(infilename, database, source, data_period): with open(infilename, 'r') as f: with common.get_db(database) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() for line in f: items = [float(x) for x in line.split()] energy = items[0] for core_index, value in enumerate(items[1:]): cursor.execute( ''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO reactor_emitted_spectrum VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (energy, core_index + 1, value, data_period, source))
def set_admin_status(self, is_admin): """toggle admin status for user - add new record or delete existed record in user permission table""" db = get_db() if self.is_admin != is_admin: if self.is_admin: query = "DELETE FROM users_permissions WHERE user_id = ?" values = (, ) DB.execute_delete_query(db, query, values) else: query = "INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (user_id, permission_id) VALUES (?, ?)" values = (, 1) DB.execute_insert_query(db, query, values)
def _fetch_progress(database): """Fetch a dict of progress from the progress tracker, keyed by run then script name. """ with common.get_db(database) as conn: conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM processing_progress''') rows = cursor.fetchall() progress = {} for row in rows: progress[row['RunNo'], row['DetNo']] = dict(row) return progress
def main(): # wait for couchdb to start time.sleep(2) server_pool = pools.Pool(create=lambda: couchdb.Server(options.COUCHDB_URI), max_size=15) print "create db" with server_pool.item() as server: db = common.get_db(server, "app2") for i in range(10): eventlet.spawn_n(worker, i) worker(0)
def get_by_id(cls, id_): """ Retrieves user with given id from database. Args: id_(int): user id Returns: Todo: User object with a given id """ db = get_db() query = """SELECT `name`, `password`, `id`, `email`, `registration_date` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?;""" values = (id_, ) user_from_db = DB.execute_select_query(db, query, values) return User(*user_from_db[0]) if user_from_db else None
def update_history(self, event): """saves events with event time in database""" event_dict = { 'create': 1, 'remove': 2, 'archive': 3, 'activate': 4, 'update': 5, 'status done': 6, 'status undone': 7 } history_query = "INSERT INTO todo_history (item_id, change_date, event_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" values = (, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), event_dict[event]) DB.execute_insert_query(get_db(), history_query, values)
def tail(args): db = get_db(args.mongohost) spec = dict() if args.comp: spec['comp'] = args.comp total = db.find(spec).count() cursor = db.find(spec,tailable=True).skip(max(0,total-10)) while cursor.alive: try: print '' if args.comp else doc['comp'],doc['lvl'],doc['msg'] except StopIteration: sleep(1)
def worker(i): print "worker", i server_pool = pools.Pool(create=lambda: couchdb.Server(options.COUCHDB_URI), max_size=15) with server_pool.item() as server: while True: db = common.get_db(server, "app2") uuids = common.UUIDsIterator(server) print "worker", i, "create" common.create_docs(db, options.NUM_DOCS, uuids) eventlet.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 3)) # Delete some random docs common.delete_random(db, common.random_rows(db, 10), i) eventlet.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 3))
def handle(start_response, route): """ We pass in the function "start_response" which when called triggers the start of the response. """ if 'num' in route: num = int(route['num']) if num <= 0: # Invalid number requested by user return error.handle(start_response, '400 Bad Request', "<i>num</i> should be greater than 0.") else: num = 12 # The default value of num when none is specified db = common.get_db() conn = sqlite3.connect(db) cursor = conn.cursor() records = [] # Construct a list of tuples with each tuple of the format (time, buy, sell) for values in cursor.execute('''SELECT "time", "buy", "sell" FROM "prices" ORDER BY "time" DESC LIMIT ?''', (num,)): t = values[0] buy = values[1] sell = values[2] ts = common.format_time(t) records.append({'time': ts, 'buy': buy, 'sell': sell}) bi, si = maxima(records) # get the indices of the maxima records[bi]['min_buy'] = True # Append boolean values to the records corresponding to the maxima records[si]['max_sell'] = True template = common.get_template('recent.html') response = template.render({'rows': records}).encode("utf-8") conn.close() start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) return [response]
def main(): # wait for couchdb to start time.sleep(2) couch = couchdb.Server(options.COUCHDB_URI) db = common.get_db(couch, 'app1') uuids = common.UUIDsIterator(couch) while True: # Create docs until there are options.NUM_DOCS docs in the DB print 'Create docs' common.create_docs(db, options.NUM_DOCS, uuids) time.sleep(2) # Delete some random docs common.delete_random(db, common.random_rows(db, 10), 1) time.sleep(2)
def listen(args): global MSGPATTERN rserver = redis.Redis('localhost') pubsub = rserver.pubsub() pubsub.subscribe(CHANNEL) db = get_db(args.mongohost) for packet in pubsub.listen(): try: if packet['type'] != 'message': continue match = MSGPATTERN.match(packet['data']) component = level = int( message = db.insert(dict( tstamp=datetime.utcnow(),comp=component,lvl=level,msg=message)) except Exception, e: print e, packet
def handle_since(start_response, route): """ Handler for the /bitcoin/api/since/<timestamp>/ end-point. It returns JSON containing bitcoin price data since the timestamp specified. """ if 'timestamp' in route: timestamp = int(route['timestamp']) if timestamp <= 0: # Invalid number requested by user return error.handle(start_response, '400 Bad Request', "<i>timestamp</i> should be greater than 0.") else: return error.handle(start_response, '400 Bad Request', "<i>timestamp</i> not passed in URL.") db = common.get_db() conn = sqlite3.connect(db) cursor = conn.cursor() data = [] for values in cursor.execute('''SELECT "time", "buy", "sell" FROM "prices" WHERE "time" > ?''', (timestamp,)): ts = values[0] buy = values[1] sell = values[2] data.append({'t': ts, 'b': buy, 's': sell}) conn.close() response = json.dumps({'data': data}) start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) return [response]
def main(): # wait for couchdb to start time.sleep(2) server_pool = pools.Pool(create=lambda: couchdb.Server(options.COUCHDB_URI), max_size=15) print 'create db' with server_pool.item() as server: db = common.get_db(server, 'app3') ctx = zmq.Context() skt = ctx.socket(zmq.XREP) skt.bind("inproc://#1") for i in range(10): eventlet.spawn_n(worker, ctx, i) while True: msg = skt.recv_multipart() addrs, bodies = split_multipart(msg) rows = map(json.loads, bodies) common.delete_random(db, rows, 0)
def worker(ctx, i): print 'worker', i skt = ctx.socket(zmq.XREQ) skt.connect("inproc://#1") server_pool = pools.Pool(create=lambda: couchdb.Server(options.COUCHDB_URI), max_size=15) with server_pool.item() as server: while True: db = common.get_db(server, 'app3') uuids = common.UUIDsIterator(server) print 'worker', i, 'create' common.create_docs(db, options.NUM_DOCS, uuids) eventlet.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 3)) # Delete some random docs rows = common.random_rows(db, 10) for row in rows: skt.send_multipart(['', json.dumps(row)]) eventlet.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 3))
import re import json import thread from threading import Thread from tornado import web, auth, template, websocket from common import get_db, LEVELS, json_, stop_signal from pymongo import DESCENDING index_template = template.Template( open('web/html/logfire.html','r').read(), autoescape='') db = get_db() components = db.distinct('comp') levels = map(lambda x: LEVELS[x], db.distinct('lvl')) class MainHandler(web.RequestHandler): def get(self): authgmaillist = self.application.settings['authgmaillist'] # Check if Authorization is required if len(authgmaillist) > 0: usergmail = self.get_secure_cookie('_userid_') if not usergmail: self.redirect('/login') return if usergmail not in authgmaillist: raise web.HTTPError(403, 'You are not authorized')