import sys, os
from bioblend.galaxy.objects import GalaxyInstance
from common import get_one

URL = ''
    sys.exit('API_KEY not set, see the README.txt file')
gi = GalaxyInstance(URL, API_KEY)

# Select "W2 - Bacterial re-sequencing | Paired-end" from published workflows

workflow_name = 'W2 - Bacterial re-sequencing | Paired-end'
previews = gi.workflows.get_previews(name=workflow_name, published=True)
p = get_one(_ for _ in previews if _.published)

# Import the workflow to user space

iw = gi.workflows.import_shared(

# Create a new history

history_name = '%s output' % workflow_name
h = gi.histories.create(history_name)

# Select the "Orione SupMat" library

library_name = 'Orione SupMat'
l = get_one(gi.libraries.list(name=library_name))

# Select the datasets
    def convert_experiment_to_page_tab(self):
        files_to_copy = []
        copied_files = []
        for file_name in self.file_names:
            # print("Working on:" + file_name)
            if file_name.endswith('.zip'):
                # print('ZIP FILE: ' + file_name)
                files_to_copy.append(os.path.join(self.dir_path, file_name))
            elif file_name.endswith("idf.txt"):
                # if oct(os.stat(self.dir_path)[ST_MODE])[-1:] == '0':  # translating only public AE experiments
                #     continue
                # idf_file_path = os.path.join(self.dir_path, file_name)
                # files_to_copy.append(idf_file_path)
                # self.idf_dict = self.parse_idf(idf_file_path)

                # accession = file_name[:file_name.find('.')]

                # if "Comment[ArrayExpressAccession]" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                #     # the case when filename does not correspond to the accession
                #     accession = self.idf_dict["Comment[ArrayExpressAccession]"][0]

                # self.out_dir = BASE_DIRECTORY  # RootPath is not working for submission. Will change back when it is fixed in BS

                if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.page_tab_filename)):
                pt_file = open(self.page_tab_filename, 'w')

                print("", file=pt_file)

                print("Submission\t" + self.accession + "\tPublic",
                      file=pt_file)  # start writing PageTab - only for public experiments for now!!
                print_one("Title", "Investigation Title", self.idf_dict, 0, pt_file)
                print_one("ReleaseDate", "Public Release Date", self.idf_dict, 0, pt_file)
                print("RootPath\t" + "%s/%s" % (self.folder, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                print("AttachTo\tArrayExpress", file=pt_file)

                print("", file=pt_file)
                print("Study\ts-" + self.accession, file=pt_file)
                print_one("Title", "Investigation Title", self.idf_dict, 0, pt_file)
                print_one("Description", "Experiment Description", self.idf_dict, 0, pt_file)
                print_one("Study type", "Comment [AEExperimentType]", self.idf_dict, 0, pt_file)
                if self.organisms:
                    if len(self.organisms) > 1:
                        print("Organisms\t%s-org\ts-%s" % (self.accession, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                        for o in self.organisms:
                            print("Organisms\t%s" % o, file=pt_file)
                        print("Organism\t%s" % self.organisms[0], file=pt_file)

                # print("RootPath\t" + '/E-MTAB/E-MTAB-13/', file=f)

                # print("", file=pt_file)
                if "Experimental Design" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    ed_num = len(self.idf_dict["Experimental Design"])
                    if ed_num:
                        # print("Experimental Designs\texp-des-%s\ts-%s" % (self.accession, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                        for i in range(0, ed_num):
                            print("Experimental Designs\t%s" % (self.idf_dict["Experimental Design"][i]),
                            print_one("[Ontology]", "Experimental Design Term Source REF", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                            print_one("[TermId]", "Experimental Design Term Accession Number", self.idf_dict, i,
                        # print("", file=pt_file)

                if "Experimental Factor Name" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    ef_num = len(self.idf_dict["Experimental Factor Name"])
                    if ef_num:
                        # print("Experimental Factors\texp-fac-%s\ts-%s" % (self.accession, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                        for i in range(0, ef_num):
                                "Experimental Factors\t%s" % (self.idf_dict["Experimental Factor Name"][i]),
                            print_one("[Ontology]", "Experimental Factor Term Source REF", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                            print_one("[TermId]", "Experimental Factor Term Accession Number", self.idf_dict, i,
                            print_one("[TermName]", "Experimental Factor Type", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print("", file=pt_file)
                if "Quality Control Type" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    qc_num = len(self.idf_dict["Quality Control Type"])
                    if qc_num:
                        # print("Quality Control\texp-qual-%s\ts-%s" % (self.accession, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                        for i in range(0, qc_num):
                            print("Quality Controls\t" + self.idf_dict["Quality Control Type"][i], file=pt_file)
                            print_one("[Ontology]", "Quality Control Term Source REF", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                            print_one("[TermId]", "Quality Control Term Accession Number", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print("", file=pt_file)

                if "Replicate Type" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    rep_num = len(self.idf_dict["Replicate Type"])
                    if rep_num:
                        # print("Replicate\texp-rep-%s\ts-%s" % (self.accession, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                        for i in range(0, rep_num):
                            print("Replicates\t%s" % (self.idf_dict["Replicate Type"][i]), file=pt_file)
                            print_one("[Ontology]", "Replicate Term Source REF", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                            print_one("[TermId]", "Replicate Term Accession Number", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print("", file=pt_file)

                if "Normalizations" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    nor_num = len(self.idf_dict["Normalization Type"])
                    if nor_num:
                        # print("Normalizations\texp-nrom-%s\ts-%s" % (self.accession, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                        for i in range(0, nor_num):
                            print("Normalization Type\t%s" % (self.idf_dict["Normalization Type"][i]),
                            print_one("[Ontology]", "Normalization Term Source REF", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                            print_one("[TermId]", "Normalization Term Accession Number", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print("", file=pt_file)

                pub_num1 = 0
                pub_num2 = 0
                pub_num3 = 0  # multiple ways in MAGE-TAB to describe publications
                if "PubMed ID" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    pub_num1 = len(self.idf_dict["PubMed ID"])
                if "Publication DOI" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    pub_num2 = len(self.idf_dict["Publication DOI"])
                if "Publication Title" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    pub_num3 = len(self.idf_dict["Publication Title"])
                for i in range(0, max(pub_num1, pub_num2, pub_num3)):
                    print("", file=pt_file)
                    if "PubMed ID" in self.idf_dict.keys() and i < len(self.idf_dict["PubMed ID"]):
                        print("Publication\t" + self.idf_dict["PubMed ID"][i],
                              file=pt_file)  # in PageTab identifier of the Publication section is the PubMed id, if present
                        print("Publication", file=pt_file)
                    print_one("Title", "Publication Title", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                    print_one("Authors", "Publication Author List", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                    print_one("DOI", "Publication DOI", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                    print_one("Status", "Publication Status", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)

                affiliation_list = []
                address_list = []
                if "Person Last Name" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    person_num = len(
                        self.idf_dict["Person Last Name"])  # we assume that all contacts will have at least Last Name
                    for i in range(0, person_num):
                        print("", file=pt_file)
                        print("Author", file=pt_file)
                        name = self.idf_dict["Person Last Name"][i]
                        if "Person Mid Initials" in self.idf_dict.keys() and i < len(
                                self.idf_dict["Person Mid Initials"]):
                            name = self.idf_dict["Person Mid Initials"][i] + " " + name
                        if "Person First Name" in self.idf_dict.keys() and i < len(self.idf_dict["Person First Name"]):
                            name = self.idf_dict["Person First Name"][i] + " " + name
                        print("Name\t" + name, file=pt_file)
                        print_one("Email", "Person Email", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        print_one("Role", "Person Role", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        print_one("Phone", "Person Phone", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        print_one("Fax", "Person Fax", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        affiliation = ""
                        if "Person Affiliation" in self.idf_dict.keys() and i < len(
                                self.idf_dict["Person Affiliation"]):
                            affiliation = self.idf_dict["Person Affiliation"][i]
                        address = ""
                        if "Person Address" in self.idf_dict.keys() and i < len(self.idf_dict["Person Address"]):
                            address = self.idf_dict["Person Address"][i]
                        index = -1
                        if affiliation in affiliation_list:  # we have already seen this affiliation
                            index = affiliation_list.index(affiliation)
                            if address_list[index] != address:
                                # turns out the address is different -
                                # let's treat this as a different organization after all
                                index = -1
                        if index != -1:
                            print("<affiliation>\to" + str(index + 1), file=pt_file)
                            print("<affiliation>\to" + str(len(affiliation_list)), file=pt_file)

                # print out Organizations - a separate PageTab section for each
                org_num = len(affiliation_list)
                for i in range(0, org_num):
                    print("", file=pt_file)
                    print("Organization\to" + str(i + 1), file=pt_file)
                    if not affiliation_list[i]:
                        print("Name\t" + address_list[i], file=pt_file)
                        print("Name\t" + affiliation_list[i], file=pt_file)
                        print("Address\t" + address_list[i], file=pt_file)

                # end of IDF transformation	(except Protocols - will come after Files extracted from SDRF(s) )
                if "Protocol Name" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    protocol_num = len(self.idf_dict["Protocol Name"])
                    protocols_id = 'protocols-' + self.accession
                    if protocol_num > 0:
                        print("", file=pt_file)

                        print("Experiment Protocols\t%s\ts-%s" % (protocols_id, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                        print("", file=pt_file)
                              "Description\tParameters\tHardware\tSoftware\tContact" % protocols_id, file=pt_file)
                        for i in range(0, protocol_num):
                            p_row = [self.idf_dict["Protocol Name"][i] + "\t" + self.idf_dict["Protocol Name"][i]]
                            p_type = get_one("Protocol Type", self.idf_dict, i)
                            p_ontology = get_one("Protocol Term Source REF", self.idf_dict, i)
                            p_id = get_one("Protocol Term Accession Number", self.idf_dict, i)
                            p_description = get_one("Protocol Description", self.idf_dict, i)
                            p_params = get_one("Protocol Parameters", self.idf_dict, i)
                            p_Hardware = get_one("Protocol Hardware", self.idf_dict, i)
                            p_software = get_one("Protocol Software", self.idf_dict, i)
                            p_contact = get_one("Protocol Contact", self.idf_dict, i)
                            print('\t'.join(p_row), file=pt_file)
                        print("", file=pt_file)
                        # print_one("Type", "Protocol Type", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print_one("[Ontology]", "Protocol Term Source REF", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print_one("[TermId]", "Protocol Term Accession Number", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print_one("Description", "Protocol Description", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print_one("Protocol Parameters", "Protocol Parameters", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print_one("Protocol Hardware", "Protocol Hardware", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print_one("Protocol Software", "Protocol Software", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)
                        # print_one("Protocol Contact", "Protocol Contact", self.idf_dict, i, pt_file)

                if "SDRF File" in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    sdrf_num = len(self.idf_dict["SDRF File"])

                    for i in range(0, sdrf_num):
                        # if i > 0: print(file_name)
                        sdrf_file_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, self.idf_dict["SDRF File"][i])
                        # files_to_copy.append(sdrf_file_path)
                        with open(sdrf_file_path, "r") as sdrf_file:
                            sdrf_content = sdrf_file.readlines()
                        for k in range(len(sdrf_content)):
                            sdrf_content[k] = sdrf_content[k].replace('"', '')

                        header = sdrf_content[0].rstrip('\n').split('\t')
                        mask = self.sdrf_mask(header, sdrf_content)

                        # organisms = self.get_organism(sdrf_content, header)

                        print("", file=pt_file)
                        char_text = self.manage_chars(sdrf_content, parent_id='s-' + self.accession,
                        if char_text:
                            # print("Characteristics\tchars-%s\ts-%s" % (self.accession, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                            print(char_text, file=pt_file)

                        _factors = [n for n in header if 'factor' in n.lower()]
                        factors_pt_txt = self.get_char_txt(header, sdrf_content, _factors,
                                                           ch_id="exp_factor-" + self.accession,
                                                           title="Experimental Factors\texp_factor-%s\ts-%s" % (
                                                               self.accession, self.accession),
                                                           att_name="Factors", id_base='factors')
                        if factors_pt_txt:
                            print("\n" + factors_pt_txt, file=pt_file)

                        new_header = [t for t, flag in zip(header, mask) if flag]  # apply mask to the header
                        new_contents = []
                        for j in range(1, len(sdrf_content)):
                            current_line = sdrf_content[j].rstrip('\n').split('\t')
                            new_contents.append([t for t, flag in zip(current_line, mask) if flag])
                            # as well as to the contents - now we have a SDRF (in newContents) with less columns

                        file_array = []  # list of File column indices
                        for idx, headerStr in enumerate(new_header):
                            if headerStr.endswith(" File"):
                        for j in range(0, len(file_array)):  # we treat each of the File columns separately
                            file_name_prop_vector = collections.OrderedDict()
                            # map from file name to property vector, i.e., a set of all the different props

                            for k in range(0, len(new_contents)):
                                prop_array = new_contents[k]
                                file_name = prop_array[file_array[j]]
                                if len(prop_array[0:file_array[j]]) > 0:
                                    # props will be, for a specific File, all other values in SDRF
                                    props = '\t'.join(prop_array[0:file_array[j]]) + '\t' + '\t'.join(
                                        prop_array[file_array[len(file_array) - 1] + 1:len(new_header)])
                                    props = '\t'.join(prop_array[file_array[len(file_array) - 1] + 1:len(new_header)])
                                prop_vector = collections.OrderedDict()
                                if file_name in file_name_prop_vector.keys():
                                    prop_vector = file_name_prop_vector[file_name]
                                prop_vector[props] = 1
                                file_name_prop_vector[file_name] = prop_vector
                            if len(file_name_prop_vector) == 0:

                            minimum = min([len(v) for v in file_name_prop_vector.values()])
                            # for files in this column, what is the minimum number of different props that they have?
                            maximum = max([len(v) for v in file_name_prop_vector.values()])

                            if minimum < 3:
                                # we think this column contains e.g. .cel files (where each file has a single props vector),
                                # or perhaps, for 2-colour experiments, two different lines per file

                                print("", file=pt_file)
                                print(new_header[file_array[j]], "Section\ts" + str(i) + "-" + str(j), file=pt_file)
                                print("", file=pt_file)
                                if len(prop_array[0:file_array[j]]) > 0:  # Files table header
                                    print("Files\t" + '\t'.join(new_header[0:file_array[j]]) + '\t' + '\t'.join(
                                        new_header[file_array[len(file_array) - 1] + 1:len(new_header)]), file=pt_file)
                                        "Files\t" + '\t'.join(
                                            new_header[file_array[len(file_array) - 1] + 1:len(new_header)]),
                                for f_name in file_name_prop_vector.keys():  # the actual Files table
                                    f_path = os.path.join(self.dir_path, f_name)
                                    if os.path.exists(f_path):
                                        f_path = os.path.join(self.dir_path, 'unpacked', f_name)
                                        if os.path.exists(f_path):
                                        # else:
                                        #     raise Exception("%s NOT FOUND.")

                                    for props in file_name_prop_vector[f_name].keys():
                                        if f_name.strip():
                                            print(f_name, file=pt_file, end="")
                                            print("\t", file=pt_file, end="")
                                            print(props, file=pt_file)
                                print("", file=pt_file)
                                print(new_header[file_array[j]], "Section\ts" + str(i) + "-" + str(j), file=pt_file)
                                for idx, f_name in enumerate(file_name_prop_vector.keys()):
                                    # for this case we will create a separate section for each File

                                    if f_name.strip() == '':
                                    section_id = "s" + str(i) + "-" + str(j) + "-" + str(idx)
                                    print("", file=pt_file)
                                    print("Data File: " + f_name + "\t" + section_id + "\ts" + str(i) + "-" + str(j),
                                          file=pt_file)  # section header
                                    print("", file=pt_file)
                                    print("File\t" + f_name, file=pt_file)  # single file
                                    print("", file=pt_file)

                                    if len(prop_array[0:file_array[j]]) > 0:
                                        print("List of associated samples [" + section_id + "]\t" + '\t'.join(
                                            new_header[0:file_array[j]]) + '\t' + '\t'.join(
                                            new_header[file_array[len(file_array) - 1] + 1:len(new_header)]),
                                              file=pt_file)  # "sample table" header
                                        print("List of associated samples [" + section_id + "]\t" + '\t'.join(
                                            new_header[file_array[len(file_array) - 1] + 1:len(new_header)]),
                                    for props in file_name_prop_vector[f_name].keys():  # the actual "sample table"
                                        print("\t", file=pt_file, end="")
                                        print(props, file=pt_file)

                print("", file=pt_file)
                print("MAGE-TAB Files\tmt-" + self.accession, file=pt_file)
                print("", file=pt_file)
                print("File\t" + self.idf_file_path.split('/')[-1] + '\tmt-' + self.accession, file=pt_file)
                print("Type\tIDF File", file=pt_file)
                print("Format\ttab-delimited text", file=pt_file)
                print("Description\tInvestigation Design Format (IDF)", file=pt_file)
                print("", file=pt_file)
                for i in range(0, sdrf_num):
                    print("File\t" + self.idf_dict["SDRF File"][i] + '\tmt-' + self.accession, file=pt_file)
                    print("Type\tSDRF File", file=pt_file)
                    print("Format\ttab-delimited text", file=pt_file)
                    print("Description\tSample and Data Relationship Format (SDRF)", file=pt_file)
                    print("", file=pt_file)
                data_links = []
                if 'Comment [SecondaryAccession]' in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    data_links += self.idf_dict['Comment [SecondaryAccession]']
                elif 'Comment[SecondaryAccession]' in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    data_links += self.idf_dict['Comment[SecondaryAccession]']
                arrays = []
                arrays_id = []
                res = retrieve_arrays_by_exp_acc(self.accession)
                if res:
                    for a in res:
                        array = a.array
                        if array:
                            arrays.append("%s\tBiostudies\tArray" % array)
                if arrays_id:
                    for i in arrays_id:
                        # print("Array Design\t%s\tarrays-%s" % (i, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                        print ("", file=pt_file)
                        print("Link\t%s\ts-%s"%(i, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                        print("Type\tBiostudies", file=pt_file)
                        print("Description\tArray Design", file=pt_file)
                related_studies = []

                for acc in data_links:
                    if acc.startswith('E-GEOD-'):
                            "r-%s\t%s\tGEO (ArrayExpress)\tRelated GEO Study" % (acc, acc))
                    elif acc.startswith('E-MTAB-'):
                            "r-%s\t%s\tBiostudies (ArrayExpress)\tRelated ArrayExpress Study" % (acc, acc))

                if related_studies:
                    print("", file=pt_file)
                    print("Related Studies\trelated-studies-%s\ts-%s" % (self.accession, self.accession), file=pt_file)
                    print("Related Studies[related-studies-%s]\tAccession\tType\tDescription", file=pt_file)

                    for r in related_studies:
                        print(r, file=pt_file)

                if data_links:
                    print("", file=pt_file)
                    print("Study Links\tslinks-" + self.accession, file=pt_file)
                    print("", file=pt_file)

                    print("Links[slinks-%s]\tType\tDescription" % self.accession, file=pt_file)

                for i in range(len(data_links)):
                    acc = data_links[i]
                    if acc.startswith('ERP'):
                        print("%s\tENA\tENA Project" % acc, file=pt_file)

                    elif acc.startswith('E-GEOD-'):
                            "%s\tGEO\tRelated ArrayExpress Study" % acc,
                    elif acc.startswith('E-MTAB-'):
                            "%s\tBiostudies\tRelated ArrayExpress Study" % acc,
                seq_links = []
                if 'Comment [SequenceDataURI]' in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    seq_links += self.idf_dict['Comment [SequenceDataURI]']
                elif 'Comment[SequenceDataURI]' in self.idf_dict.keys():
                    seq_links += self.idf_dict['Comment[SequenceDataURI]']

                if seq_links:
                    for i in range(len(seq_links)):
                        print("%s\tENA\tENA Runs" % seq_links[i].split('/')[-1], file=pt_file)

                # print("E-MTAB-1\tBiostudy\tRelated Experiment", file=pt_file)
                # for a in arrays:
                #     print(a, file=pt_file)
        # print(files_to_copy)
        for f in files_to_copy:
            if os.path.isdir(f):
            f_name = os.path.split(f)[-1]
            des_file = os.path.join(self.out_dir, f_name)
            # print(des_file)
            if os.path.exists(des_file):
                if not filecmp.cmp(f, des_file):
                    # print("overwriting ", f_name)
                    # print(f)
                    shutil.copy2(f, self.out_dir)
                # print("copying ", f_name)
                shutil.copy2(f, self.out_dir)


            if f_name.endswith('.zip'):
                # print("extracting:: " + f_name)
                zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r')
                zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r')
                files = zip_file.namelist()
                copied_files += [os.path.join(self.out_dir, a) for a in files]

        return copied_files
Beispiel #3
import sys

from bioblend.galaxy.objects import GalaxyInstance
from common import get_one  # noqa:I100,I201

URL = ''
    sys.exit('API_KEY not set, see the README.txt file')
gi = GalaxyInstance(URL, API_KEY)

# Select "W2 - Bacterial re-sequencing | Paired-end" from published workflows

workflow_name = 'W2 - Bacterial re-sequencing | Paired-end'
previews = gi.workflows.get_previews(name=workflow_name, published=True)
p = get_one(_ for _ in previews if _.published)

# Import the workflow to user space

iw = gi.workflows.import_shared(

# Create a new history

history_name = f"{workflow_name} output"
h = gi.histories.create(history_name)

# Select the "Orione SupMat" library

library_name = 'Orione SupMat'
l = get_one(gi.libraries.list(name=library_name))
Beispiel #4
URL = ''
    sys.exit('API_KEY not set, see the README.txt file')
gi = GalaxyInstance(URL, API_KEY)

# import the workflow from the JSON dump

with open("") as f:
    wf = gi.workflows.import_new(

# Select the "Orione SupMat" library

library_name = 'Orione SupMat'
l = get_one(gi.libraries.list(name=library_name))

# Select the input dataset

ds_name = '/RNA-Seq - Listeria monocytogenes/Listeria_monocytogenes_EGD_e_uid61583/NC_003210.rnt'
ld = get_one(l.get_datasets(name=ds_name))
input_map = {'input_tsv': ld}

# Run the workflow on a new history with the selected dataset as
# input, overriding the index of the column to remove; wait until the
# computation is complete.

history_name = 'get_col output'
params = {'Cut1': {'columnList': 'c2'}}
print 'Running workflow: %s [%s]' % (,
outputs, out_hist =, history_name, params=params, wait=True)
Beispiel #5
URL = ''
    sys.exit('API_KEY not set, see the README.txt file')
gi = GalaxyInstance(URL, API_KEY)

# import the workflow from the JSON dump

with open("") as f:
    wf = gi.workflows.import_new(

# Select the "Orione SupMat" library

library_name = 'Orione SupMat'
l = get_one(gi.libraries.list(name=library_name))

# Select the input dataset

ds_name = '/RNA-Seq - Listeria monocytogenes/Listeria_monocytogenes_EGD_e_uid61583/NC_003210.rnt'
ld = get_one(l.get_datasets(name=ds_name))
input_map = {'input_tsv': ld}

# Run the workflow on a new history with the selected dataset as
# input, overriding the index of the column to remove; wait until the
# computation is complete.

history_name = 'get_col output'
params = {'Cut1': {'columnList': 'c2'}}
print('Running workflow: %s [%s]' % (,
outputs, out_hist =, history_name, params=params, wait=True)
Beispiel #6
import sys, os
from bioblend.galaxy.objects import GalaxyInstance
from common import get_one

URL = ''
    sys.exit('API_KEY not set, see the README.txt file')
gi = GalaxyInstance(URL, API_KEY)

# Select "W5 - Metagenomics" from published workflows

workflow_name = 'W5 - Metagenomics'
previews = gi.workflows.get_previews(name=workflow_name, published=True)
p = get_one(_ for _ in previews if _.published)

# Import the workflow to user space

iw = gi.workflows.import_shared(

# Create a new history

history_name = '%s output' % workflow_name
h = gi.histories.create(history_name)

# Select the "Orione SupMat" library

library_name = 'Orione SupMat'
l = get_one(gi.libraries.list(name=library_name))

# Select the "/Metagenomics/MetagenomicsDataset.fq" dataset
Beispiel #7
import sys

from bioblend.galaxy.objects import GalaxyInstance
from common import get_one

URL = ''
    sys.exit('API_KEY not set, see the README.txt file')
gi = GalaxyInstance(URL, API_KEY)

# Select "W5 - Metagenomics" from published workflows

workflow_name = 'W5 - Metagenomics'
previews = gi.workflows.get_previews(name=workflow_name, published=True)
p = get_one(_ for _ in previews if _.published)

# Import the workflow to user space

iw = gi.workflows.import_shared(

# Create a new history

history_name = '%s output' % workflow_name
h = gi.histories.create(history_name)

# Select the "Orione SupMat" library

library_name = 'Orione SupMat'
l = get_one(gi.libraries.list(name=library_name))
import sys

from bioblend.galaxy.objects import GalaxyInstance
from common import get_one

URL = ""
    sys.exit("API_KEY not set, see the README.txt file")
gi = GalaxyInstance(URL, API_KEY)

# Select "W3 - Bacterial de novo assembly | Paired-end" from published workflows

workflow_name = "W3 - Bacterial de novo assembly | Paired-end"
previews = gi.workflows.get_previews(name=workflow_name, published=True)
p = get_one(_ for _ in previews if _.published)

# Import the workflow to user space

iw = gi.workflows.import_shared(

# Create a new history

history_name = "%s output" % workflow_name
h = gi.histories.create(history_name)

# Select the "Orione SupMat" library

library_name = "Orione SupMat"
l = get_one(gi.libraries.list(name=library_name))