Beispiel #1
def common_md():
    print(f"Using docs directory:     {DOCS_DIR}")
    print(f"Using ops docs directory: {OP_DOCS_DIR}")

    op_table_template = env.get_template("")
    op_extended_template = env.get_template("")

    output = ""
    output += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"
    output += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"
    output += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"

    all_ops = set(list_ops()) | set(list_mods())
    all_ops_dict = {}

    ops_with_docs = set()

    for section in OPS_SECTIONS:
        md_file = Path(OP_DOCS_DIR, section + ".md")
        toml_file = Path(OP_DOCS_DIR, section + ".toml")

        output += "\\newpage\n"

        if md_file.exists() and md_file.is_file():
            print(f"Reading {md_file}")
            output += md_file.read_text() + "\n\n"
            output += "\n"

        if toml_file.exists() and toml_file.is_file():
            print(f"Reading {toml_file}")
            extended = []
            # n.b. Python 3.6 dicts maintain insertion order
            ops = toml.loads(toml_file.read_text())
            deep_merge_dict(ops, all_ops_dict)
            for key in ops:
                if key not in all_ops:
                    print(f" - WARNING: unknown {key}")
                if "aliases" in ops[key]:
                    ops_with_docs |= set(ops[key]["aliases"])
                if "description" in ops[key]:
                    render = op_extended_template.render(name=key, **ops[key])
                    extended.append((key, render))

            output += op_table_template.render(ops=ops.values())
            output += "\n"
            output += "\n".join([e[1] for e in extended]) + "\n\n"

    output += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"

    output += "\\appendix\n\n"

    output += "# Alphabetical list of OPs and MODs\n\n"
    sorted_ops = [kv[1] for kv in sorted(all_ops_dict.items())]
    output += op_table_template.render(ops=sorted_ops)

    output += "# Missing documentation\n\n"
    missing_ops = all_ops - ops_with_docs
    output += ", ".join([f"`{o}`" for o in sorted(missing_ops)]) + "\n\n"

    output += Path(ROOT_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"

    return output
Beispiel #2
def common_md():
    print(f"Using docs directory:     {DOCS_DIR}")
    print(f"Using ops docs directory: {OP_DOCS_DIR}")

    op_table_template = env.get_template("")
    op_extended_template = env.get_template("")

    output = ""
    output += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text()
    output += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text()

    all_ops = set(list_ops()) | set(list_mods())
    all_ops_dict = {}

    ops_with_docs = set()

    for section in OPS_SECTIONS:
        md_file = Path(OP_DOCS_DIR, section + ".md")
        toml_file = Path(OP_DOCS_DIR, section + ".toml")

        output += "\\newpage\n"

        if md_file.exists() and md_file.is_file():
            print(f"Reading {md_file}")
            output += md_file.read_text()
            output += "\n"

        if toml_file.exists() and toml_file.is_file():
            print(f"Reading {toml_file}")
            extended = []
            # n.b. Python 3.6 dicts maintain insertion order
            ops = toml.loads(toml_file.read_text())
            deep_merge_dict(ops, all_ops_dict)
            for key in ops:
                if key not in all_ops:
                    print(f" - WARNING: unknown {key}")
                if "aliases" in ops[key]:
                    ops_with_docs |= set(ops[key]["aliases"])
                if "description" in ops[key]:
                    render = op_extended_template.render(name=key, **ops[key])
                    extended.append((key, render))

            output += op_table_template.render(ops=ops.values())
            output += "\n"
            output += "\n".join([e[1] for e in extended]) + "\n\n"

    output += "\\appendix\n\n"

    output += "# Alphabetical list of OPs and MODs\n\n"
    sorted_ops = [kv[1] for kv in sorted(all_ops_dict.items())]
    output += op_table_template.render(ops=sorted_ops)

    output += "# Missing documentation\n\n"
    missing_ops = all_ops - ops_with_docs
    output += ", ".join([f"`{o}`" for o in sorted(missing_ops)]) + "\n\n"

    output += Path(ROOT_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"

    return output
Beispiel #3
def common_md():
    print(f"Pandoc version:           {pypandoc.get_pandoc_version()}")
    print(f"Using docs directory:     {DOCS_DIR}")
    print(f"Using ops docs directory: {OP_DOCS_DIR}")

    html_op_list_template = env.get_template("")
    html_op_table_template = env.get_template("")
    pdf_op_table_template = env.get_template("")
    pdf_op_extended_template = env.get_template("")

    intro = ""
    intro += Path(DOCS_DIR / "") \
        .read_text().replace("VERSION", TT_VERSION["tag"][1:]) + "\n\n"
    intro += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"
    intro += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"
    intro += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"
    intro += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"

    all_ops = set(list_ops()) | set(list_mods())
    all_ops_dict = {}

    ops_with_docs = set()

    pdf_ops_section = ""
    html_ops_section = ""

    for section in OPS_SECTIONS:
        md_file = Path(OP_DOCS_DIR, section + ".md")
        toml_file = Path(OP_DOCS_DIR, section + ".toml")

        pdf_ops_section += "\\newpage\n"
        html_ops_section += "\\newpage\n"

        if md_file.exists() and md_file.is_file():
            print(f"Reading {md_file}")
            pdf_ops_section += md_file.read_text() + "\n\n"
            html_ops_section += md_file.read_text() + "\n\n"

        if toml_file.exists() and toml_file.is_file():
            print(f"Reading {toml_file}")
            extended = []
            # n.b. Python 3.6 dicts maintain insertion order
            ops = toml.loads(toml_file.read_text())
            deep_merge_dict(ops, all_ops_dict)
            for key in ops:
                if key not in all_ops:
                    print(f" - WARNING: unknown {key}")
                if "aliases" in ops[key]:
                    ops_with_docs |= set(ops[key]["aliases"])
                if "description" in ops[key]:
                    render = pdf_op_extended_template.render(name=key,
                    extended.append((key, render))

            pdf_ops_section += pdf_op_table_template.render(ops=ops.values())
            pdf_ops_section += "\n"
            pdf_ops_section += "\n".join([e[1] for e in extended]) + "\n\n"

            html_ops_section += html_op_list_template.render(ops=ops.values())

    advanced = Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"

    pdf_alpha_ops = "\\appendix\n\n"
    pdf_alpha_ops += "# Alphabetical list of OPs and MODs\n\n"
    html_alpha_ops = pdf_alpha_ops

    sorted_ops = [kv[1] for kv in sorted(all_ops_dict.items())]
    pdf_alpha_ops += pdf_op_table_template.render(ops=sorted_ops)
    html_alpha_ops += html_op_table_template.render(ops=sorted_ops)

    missing = "\n\n# Missing documentation\n\n"
    missing += ", ".join([f"`{o}`"
                          for o in sorted(all_ops - ops_with_docs)]) + "\n\n"

    changelog = Path(ROOT_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"

    pdf_output = intro + pdf_ops_section + advanced + pdf_alpha_ops + missing + changelog
    html_output = intro + html_ops_section + advanced + html_alpha_ops + missing + changelog

    return {"pdf": pdf_output, "html": html_output}
Beispiel #4
def common_md():
    print(f"Pandoc version:           {pypandoc.get_pandoc_version()}")
    print(f"Using docs directory:     {DOCS_DIR}")
    print(f"Using ops docs directory: {OP_DOCS_DIR}")

    html_op_list_template = env.get_template("")
    html_op_table_template = env.get_template("")
    pdf_op_table_template = env.get_template("")
    pdf_op_extended_template = env.get_template("")

    intro = ""
    intro += Path(DOCS_DIR / "") \
        .read_text().replace("VERSION", TT_VERSION["tag"][1:]) + "\n\n"
    intro += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"
    intro += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"
    intro += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"
    intro += Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"

    all_ops = set(list_ops()) | set(list_mods())
    all_ops_dict = {}

    ops_with_docs = set()

    pdf_ops_section = ""
    html_ops_section = ""

    for section in OPS_SECTIONS:
        md_file = Path(OP_DOCS_DIR, section + ".md")
        toml_file = Path(OP_DOCS_DIR, section + ".toml")

        pdf_ops_section += "\\newpage\n"
        html_ops_section += "\\newpage\n"

        if md_file.exists() and md_file.is_file():
            print(f"Reading {md_file}")
            pdf_ops_section += md_file.read_text() + "\n\n"
            html_ops_section += md_file.read_text() + "\n\n"

        if toml_file.exists() and toml_file.is_file():
            print(f"Reading {toml_file}")
            extended = []
            # n.b. Python 3.6 dicts maintain insertion order
            ops = toml.loads(toml_file.read_text())
            deep_merge_dict(ops, all_ops_dict)
            for key in ops:
                if key not in all_ops:
                    print(f" - WARNING: unknown {key}")
                if "aliases" in ops[key]:
                    ops_with_docs |= set(ops[key]["aliases"])
                if "description" in ops[key]:
                    render = pdf_op_extended_template.render(name=key, **ops[key])
                    extended.append((key, render))

            pdf_ops_section += pdf_op_table_template.render(ops=ops.values())
            pdf_ops_section += "\n"
            pdf_ops_section += "\n".join([e[1] for e in extended]) + "\n\n"

            html_ops_section += html_op_list_template.render(ops=ops.values())

    advanced = Path(DOCS_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"

    pdf_alpha_ops = "\\appendix\n\n"
    pdf_alpha_ops += "# Alphabetical list of OPs and MODs\n\n"
    html_alpha_ops = pdf_alpha_ops

    sorted_ops = [kv[1] for kv in sorted(all_ops_dict.items())]
    pdf_alpha_ops += pdf_op_table_template.render(ops=sorted_ops)
    html_alpha_ops += html_op_table_template.render(ops=sorted_ops)

    missing = "\n\n# Missing documentation\n\n"
    missing += ", ".join([f"`{o}`" for o in sorted(all_ops - ops_with_docs)]) + "\n\n"

    changelog = Path(ROOT_DIR / "").read_text() + "\n\n"

    pdf_output = intro + pdf_ops_section + advanced + pdf_alpha_ops + missing + changelog
    html_output = intro + html_ops_section + advanced + html_alpha_ops + missing + changelog

    return {"pdf": pdf_output, "html": html_output}