def E(level=1): if level == 0: from common import level1 as P P = partial(P, FOnly=True) # high order function, here we only test LEVEL-1 F CNN elif level == 1: from common import level1 as P elif level == 2: from common import level2 as P else: from common import level3 as P data = getDataFromTxt(TXT) error = np.zeros((len(data), 5)) for i in range(len(data)): imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt = data[i] img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert(img is not None) logger("process %s" % imgPath) landmarkP = P(img, bbox) # real landmark landmarkP = bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkP) landmarkGt = bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkGt) error[i] = evaluateError(landmarkGt, landmarkP, bbox) return error
def geneDataTxt(imgPath, landmarks): imgTxt = 'dataset/data/testImageList.txt' data = getDataFromTxt(imgTxt, False, False) #image_path,bbox trainData = defaultdict(lambda: dict(landmarks=[], patches=[], label=[])) logger( "generate 25 positive samples and 500 negative samples for per landmark" ) trainData = generateSamples(trainData, data, landmarks) arr = [] for idx, name in types: patches = np.asarray(trainData[name]['patches']) landmarks = np.asarray(trainData[name]['landmarks']) label = np.asarray(trainData[name]['label']) arr1 = landmarks.reshape(1, -1) arr.append(arr1) patches = processImage(patches) shuffle_in_unison_scary(patches, landmarks, label) with open('test/%s.txt' % (name), 'w') as fd: fd.append(landmarks.astype(np.float32)) fd.append(patches.astype(np.float32)) fd.append(label.astype(np.uint8))
def generateSamples(trainData, data, landmarks): t = 0 for (imgPath, bbox) in data: img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert (img is not None) logger('process %s' % imgPath) height, width = img.shape[:2] #downsampled by 3: 3X3 Patch size = (int(width / 3), int(height / 3)) img = cv2.resize(img, size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) trainData, t = getTrainData(trainData, landmarks, img) print('After getting raw data,there are %d datas') % t r2 = 20 / 3 r3 = 10 #400 / 3 for idx, landmark in enumerate(landmarks): print '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' + str(idx) # 25 Positive samples landmarkPs25 = randomShiftWithArgument(landmark, 0, r2, 25) trainData, t = getTrainData(trainData, landmarkPs25, img) #print ('After getting 25 positive samples,there are %d datas') % t # 500 negative samples landmarkNs500 = randomShiftWithArgument(landmark, r2, r3, 500) trainData, t = getTrainData(trainData, landmarkNs500, img) print( 'After getting 25 positive and 500 negative samples,there are %d datas' ) % t return trainData
def generateSamples(trainData, data): t = 0 print '##########################################################################' for (imgPath, landmarkGt, bbox) in data: img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert (img is not None) logger("process %s" % imgPath) height, width = img.shape[:2] #downsampled by 3: 3x3 patch cephaImg = cv2.resize(img, (int(width / 3), int(height / 3)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) #raw data #trainData,t = getData(trainData,landmarkGt,cephaImg,t) #print ('After getting raw data,there are %d datas') % t r1 = 20 / 3 r2 = 20 #60/3 r3 = 400 #400/3 for idx, landmark in enumerate(landmarkGt): #19个landmark # 25 Positive samples landmarkPs25 = randomShiftWithArgument(landmark, 0, r1, 25) trainData, t = getData(trainData, landmarkPs25, cephaImg, t) print('After getting 25 positive samples,there are %d datas') % t # 500 negative samples landmarkNs500 = randomShiftWithArgument(landmark, r2, r3, 500) trainData, t = getData(trainData, landmarkNs500, cephaImg, t) print( 'After getting 25 positive and 500 negative samples,there are %d datas' ) % t if idx == 1: break return trainData
def __send_message(sc, text, channel, thread_ts="", icon_url='ru', emoji='null'): # Required slackclient, channel, thread_ts # thread_ts if this is a thread response # icon_url to override default, set this to 'emoji' override with an emoji # emoji set this to a valid emoji and ensure icon_url='emoji' try: if "emoji" in icon_url: res = sc.api_call('chat.postMessage', username=BOT_NAME, icon_emoji=emoji, as_user='******', channel=channel, text=text, unfurl_links='true', thread_ts=thread_ts) else: res = sc.api_call('chat.postMessage', username=BOT_NAME, icon_url=icon_url, as_user='******', channel=channel, text=text, unfurl_links='true', thread_ts=thread_ts) logger('info', res) if res['ok'] != "True": logger("warn", "Error: __send_message API Error: %s" % res['error']) logger('info', res) # KeyError is not going through logger, debug it except KeyError as e: logger("ignore", str(e) + " error in __send_message.") except Exception as e: logger("warn", "Unknown error in __send_message: " + str(e))
def geneDataTxt(imgPath,landmarkREF,mode = 'test'): imgTxt = 'dataset/data/testImageList.txt' data = getDataFromTxt(imgTxt,False,False) #image_path,bbox testData = defaultdict(lambda:dict(landmarks=[],patches=[],label=[])) logger("generate 25 positive samples and 500 negative samples for per landmark") testData = generateSamples(testData,data,landmarkREF) for idx,name in types: patches = np.asarray(testData[name]['patches']) landmarks = np.asarray(testData[name]['landmarks']) #label = np.asarray(testData[name]['label']) patches = processImage(patches) shuffle_in_unison_scary(patches,landmarks) createDir('dataset/test/%s' % imgPath[-7:-4]) with h5py.File('dataset/test/%s/%s.h5' % (imgPath[-7:-4],name),'w') as h5: h5['data'] = patches.astype(np.float32) h5['landmark'] = landmarks.astype(np.float32) #h5['label'] = label.astype(np.uint8) with open('dataset/test/%s/%s.txt' % (imgPath[-7:-4],name),'w') as fd: fd.write('dataset/test/%s/%s.h5'% (imgPath[-7:-4],name)) '''with open('dataset/test/%s.txt' % (name),'w') as fd:
def navigate_to(): """ Navigation path: Personal Information -> Course Registration -> Add or Drop Classes -> Registration Term -> Add or Drop Classes """ common.logger("Navigating to add/drop page... \n") # Click: Course Registration data.driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//*[contains(text(), 'Course Registration')]")[0].click() common.logger("Click: Course Registration") WebDriverWait(data.driver, 10).until(ec.title_contains("Course Registration")) common.random_wait() # Click: Add or Drop Classes data.driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//*[contains(text(), 'Add or Drop Classes')]")[0].click() common.logger("Click: Add or Drop Classes") WebDriverWait(data.driver, 10).until(ec.title_contains("Registration Term")) common.random_wait() # Click: submit data.driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[@value='Submit']")[0].click() common.logger("Click: submit") WebDriverWait(data.driver, 10).until(ec.title_contains("Add or Drop Classes")) if "You may register during the following times:" in data.driver.page_source: common.logger( "Got add/drop page! " f"Please wait { - int(time.time())} seconds... \n" )
def generate_data(ftxt, fname): data = getDataFromTxt(ftxt) F_imgs = [] F_landmarks = [] F_genders = [] F_smiles = [] F_glasses = [] F_poses = [] F_all_attr = [] for (imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt, gender, smile, glasses, pose, all_attr) in data: img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) print(imgPath) assert (img is not None) logger("process %s" % imgPath) f_bbox = bbox #f_bbox = bbox.subBBox(-0.05, 1.05, -0.05, 1.05) f_face = img[ + 1, f_bbox.left:f_bbox.right + 1] f_face = cv2.resize(f_face, (39, 39)) f_face = f_face.reshape((39, 39, 1)) f_face = f_face / 255.0 f_landmark = landmarkGt.reshape((10)) F_imgs.append(f_face) F_landmarks.append(f_landmark) F_genders.append(gender) F_smiles.append(smile) F_glasses.append(glasses) F_poses.append(pose) F_all_attr.append(all_attr) F_imgs = np.asarray(F_imgs) F_landmarks = np.asarray(F_landmarks) F_genders = np.asarray(F_genders) F_smiles = np.asarray(F_smiles) F_glasses = np.asarray(F_glasses) F_poses = np.asarray(F_poses) F_all_attr = np.asarray(F_all_attr) shuffle_in_unison_scary(F_imgs, F_landmarks, F_genders, F_smiles, F_glasses, F_poses, F_all_attr) logger("generate %s" % fname) with h5py.File(fname, 'w') as h5: h5['data'] = F_imgs.astype(np.float32) h5['landmarks'] = F_landmarks.astype(np.float32) h5['genders'] = F_genders.astype(np.float32) h5['smiles'] = F_smiles.astype(np.float32) h5['glasses'] = F_glasses.astype(np.float32) h5['poses'] = F_poses.astype(np.float32) h5['all_attr'] = F_all_attr.astype(np.float32)
def refresh(): common.logger("Refreshing! \n") data.driver.refresh() try: data.driver.switch_to.alert.accept() except selenium.common.exceptions.NoAlertPresentException: pass WebDriverWait(data.driver, 10).until(ec.title_contains("Add or Drop Classes"))
def wait_until(): now = int(time.time()) waiting = - now if now < common.logger(f"Please wait {waiting} seconds " f"until {}, " f"during the time, do not close this program. \n") if waiting >= 300: time.sleep(waiting - 299) common.logger( f"5 minutes to {}, now login! \n") login() navigate_to() else: common.logger( f"Less than 5 minutes to {}, now login! \n" ) login() navigate_to() time.sleep(waiting - 5) while int(time.time()) <= - 1: time.sleep(0.1) else: common.logger("Now login! \n") login() navigate_to()
def define(variables, msgdict, alternate_definition_index=0, ud_results_per_page=7): if msgdict["message"] in variables.yamldata["words"]: sa_def = __sa_dictionary(str(msgdict["message"]), variables.yamldata) resp = '<@{}> The Sys Admin dictionary defines `{}` as \n>>>{}'.format( msgdict["caller"], msgdict["message"], sa_def) __send_message(, resp, msgdict["channel"], msgdict["thread_ts"], custom_icon("icon_tux")) elif msgdict["message"]: parsed_message = msgdict["message"].split('alt:', 1) if len(parsed_message) > 1: try: alternate_definition_index = abs(int(parsed_message[1])) except ValueError: pass payload = {'term': parsed_message[0].strip()} if alternate_definition_index >= ud_results_per_page: payload['page'] = (alternate_definition_index // ud_results_per_page) + 1 alternate_definition_index %= ud_results_per_page r = requests.get("", params=payload) try: soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "lxml") except ValueError: soup = "failure" logger("warn", "soup failure") definitions = soup.findAll("div", attrs={"class": "meaning"}) try: resp = '<@{}> Urban Dictionary defines `{}` as ```{}```'.format( msgdict["caller"], parsed_message[0].strip(), definitions[alternate_definition_index].text) except IndexError: resp = '<@{}> Urban Dictionary doesn\'t have `{}` definitions for `{}`...'.format( msgdict["caller"], alternate_definition_index + 1, parsed_message[0].strip()) __send_message(, resp, msgdict["channel"], msgdict["thread_ts"], custom_icon("icon_urban_dictionary")) else: __send_message(, "what exactly are you asking me to define?", msgdict["channel"], msgdict["thread_ts"], custom_icon("icon_urban_dictionary"))
def generate(ftxt, mode, argument=False): ''' 第二阶段数据源制作 :param ftxt: 数据源文件位置和label :param mode: 训练或测试 :param argument: :return: ''' data = getDataFromTxt(ftxt) trainData = defaultdict(lambda: dict(patches=[], landmarks=[])) for (imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt) in data: img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) assert (img is not None) logger("process %s" % imgPath) landmarkPs = randomShiftWithArgument(landmarkGt, 0.05) if not argument: landmarkPs = [landmarkPs[0]] for landmarkP in landmarkPs: for idx, name, padding in types: patch, patch_bbox = getPatch(img, bbox, landmarkP[idx], padding) patch = cv2.resize(patch, (15, 15)) patch = patch.reshape((1, 15, 15)) trainData[name]['patches'].append(patch) _ = patch_bbox.project(bbox.reproject(landmarkGt[idx])) trainData[name]['landmarks'].append(_) for idx, name, padding in types: logger('writing training data of %s' % name) patches = np.asarray(trainData[name]['patches']) landmarks = np.asarray(trainData[name]['landmarks']) patches = processImage(patches) shuffle_in_unison_scary(patches, landmarks) with h5py.File( '/python/face_key_point/data_hdf5/train/2_%s/%s.h5' % (name, mode), 'w') as h5: h5['data'] = patches.astype(np.float32) h5['landmark'] = landmarks.astype(np.float32) with open( '/python/face_key_point/data_hdf5/train/2_%s/%s.txt' % (name, mode), 'w') as fd: fd.write('/python/face_key_point/data_hdf5/train/2_%s/%s.h5' % (name, mode))
def __init__(self, serverName, serverPort, cfg_params, proxyPath=None): """ Open the communication with an Analysis Server by passing the server URL and the port """ self.ServerTwiki = ( "" ) self.asSession = C_AS_Session(serverName, serverPort) self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.userSubj = "" self.serverName = serverName credentialType = "Proxy" if in ["CAF", "LSF"]: credentialType = "Token" CliServerParams(self) self.crab_task_name = common.work_space.topDir().split("/")[-2] # nice task name "crab_0_..." configAPI = {"credential": credentialType, "logger": common.logger()} CredAPI = CredentialAPI(configAPI) try: self.userSubj = CredAPI.getSubject() except Exception, err: common.logger.debug("Getting Credential Subject: " + str(traceback.format_exc())) raise CrabException("Error Getting Credential Subject")
def configure(self,cfg_params): self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.deep_debug= self.cfg_params.get("USER.deep_debug",'0') server_check = self.cfg_params.get("CRAB.server_name",None) if self.deep_debug == '1' and server_check != None : msg = 'You are asking the deep_debug, but it cannot works using the server.\n' msg += '\t The functionality will not have effect.' self.schedulerName = self.cfg_params.get("CRAB.scheduler",'') # this should match with the bosslite requirements self.rb_param_file='' self.wrapper = cfg_params.get('CRAB.jobtype').upper()+'.sh' ## Add here the map for others Schedulers (LSF/CAF/CondorG) SchedMap = {'glite': schedulerGlite(), 'condor': 'SchedulerCondor',\ 'condor_g': 'SchedulerCondorG',\ 'glidein': 'SchedulerGlidein',\ 'remoteglidein': 'SchedulerRemoteglidein',\ 'lsf': 'SchedulerLsf',\ 'caf': 'SchedulerLsf',\ 'sge': 'SchedulerSge',\ 'arc': 'SchedulerARC',\ 'pbs': 'SchedulerPbs' } self.schedulerConfig = common.scheduler.realSchedParams(cfg_params) self.schedulerConfig['name'] = SchedMap[(self.schedulerName).lower()] self.schedulerConfig['timeout'] = self.setBliteTimeout() self.schedulerConfig['skipProxyCheck'] = True self.schedulerConfig['logger'] = common.logger() self.session = None return
def __init__(self, serverName, serverPort, cfg_params, proxyPath=None): """ Open the communication with an Analysis Server by passing the server URL and the port """ self.ServerTwiki = '' self.asSession = C_AS_Session(serverName, serverPort) self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.userSubj = '' self.serverName = serverName credentialType = 'Proxy' if in ['CAF','LSF']: credentialType = 'Token' CliServerParams(self) self.crab_task_name = common.work_space.topDir().split('/')[-2] # nice task name "crab_0_..." configAPI = {'credential' : credentialType, \ 'logger' : common.logger() } CredAPI = CredentialAPI( configAPI ) try: self.userSubj = CredAPI.getSubject() except Exception, err: common.logger.debug("Getting Credential Subject: " +str(traceback.format_exc())) raise CrabException("Error Getting Credential Subject")
def ce_list(self): ceParser = CEBlackWhiteListParser(self.EDG_ce_white_list, self.EDG_ce_black_list, common.logger()) wl = ','.join(ceParser.whiteList()) or None bl = ','.join(ceParser.blackList()) or None return '', wl, bl
def __init__(self, endpoint, cachepath='', cacheduration = 0.5, timeout = 20, \ type = "txt/csv", logger = None ): ## if not already defined set default CachePath to $HOME/.cms_crab if cachepath =='': import os if os.getenv('CMS_CRAB_CACHE_DIR'): cachepath ='%s/.cms_crab'%os.getenv('CMS_CRAB_CACHE_DIR') elif os.getenv('HOME'): cachepath='%s/.cms_crab'%os.getenv('HOME') else: cachepath = '/tmp/crab_cache_' + pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] if not os.path.isdir(cachepath): try: os.mkdir(cachepath) except:'Warning cannot create %s. Using current directory'%cachepath) cachepath=os.getcwd() if not logger: logger = common.logger() self.wmcorecache = {} self.wmcorecache['logger'] = logger self.wmcorecache['cachepath'] = cachepath ## cache area self.wmcorecache['cacheduration'] = 0.5 ## half an hour self.wmcorecache['timeout'] = 20 ## seconds self.wmcorecache['endpoint'] = endpoint
def __init__(self, port, allowed_lost, window_size, loss_rate, corrupt_rate, log_file): self.my_tunnel = common.magic_tunnel(loss_rate, corrupt_rate) self.my_logger = common.logger(log_file) self.my_wildcat_receiver = wildcat_receiver.wildcat_receiver(allowed_lost, window_size, self.my_tunnel, self.my_logger) self.my_wildcat_receiver.start() self.my_tunnel.my_recv = self.my_wildcat_receiver.receive self.udp_receiver = start_receiver.UDP_receiver(port, self.my_tunnel) self.udp_receiver.start()
def generate(ftxt, mode, argument=False): """ Generate Training Data for LEVEL-3 mode = train or test """ data = getDataFromTxt(ftxt) trainData = defaultdict(lambda: dict(patches=[], landmarks=[])) for (imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt) in data: img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert (img is not None) logger("process %s" % imgPath) landmarkPs = randomShiftWithArgument(landmarkGt, 0.01) if not argument: landmarkPs = [landmarkPs[0]] for landmarkP in landmarkPs: for idx, name, padding in types: patch, patch_bbox = getPatch(img, bbox, landmarkP[idx], padding) patch = cv2.resize(patch, (15, 15)) patch = patch.reshape((1, 15, 15)) trainData[name]['patches'].append(patch) _ = patch_bbox.project(bbox.reproject(landmarkGt[idx])) trainData[name]['landmarks'].append(_) for idx, name, padding in types: logger('writing training data of %s' % name) patches = np.asarray(trainData[name]['patches']) landmarks = np.asarray(trainData[name]['landmarks']) patches = processImage(patches) shuffle_in_unison_scary(patches, landmarks) with h5py.File( '/home/tyd/下载/deep_landmark/mydataset/mytrain/3_%s/%s.h5' % (name, mode), 'w') as h5: h5['data'] = patches.astype(np.float32) h5['landmark'] = landmarks.astype(np.float32) with open( '/home/tyd/下载/deep_landmark/mydataset/mytrain/3_%s/%s.txt' % (name, mode), 'w') as fd: fd.write( '/home/tyd/下载/deep_landmark/mydataset/mytrain/3_%s/%s.h5' % (name, mode))
def E(): data = getDataFromTxt(TXT) error = np.zeros((len(data), 3)) for i in range(len(data)): imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt = data[i] landmarkGt = landmarkGt[2:, :] img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert(img is not None) logger("process %s" % imgPath) landmarkP = NM(img, bbox) # real landmark landmarkP = bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkP) landmarkGt = bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkGt) error[i] = evaluateError(landmarkGt, landmarkP, bbox) return error
def E(): data = getDataFromTxt(TXT) error = np.zeros((len(data), 3)) for i in range(len(data)): imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt = data[i] landmarkGt = landmarkGt[2:, :] img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert (img is not None) logger("process %s" % imgPath) landmarkP = NM(img, bbox) # real landmark landmarkP = bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkP) landmarkGt = bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkGt) error[i] = evaluateError(landmarkGt, landmarkP, bbox) return error
def BuildJobList(self, type=0): # total jobs nj_list = [] self.complete_List = common._db.nJobs('list') if type == 1: self.nj_list = [] if self.chosenJobsList: self.nj_list = self.chosenJobsList return # build job list from WMCore.SiteScreening.BlackWhiteListParser import SEBlackWhiteListParser self.blackWhiteListParser = SEBlackWhiteListParser( self.seWhiteList, self.seBlackList, common.logger()) common.logger.debug('nsjobs ' + str(self.nsjobs)) # get the first not already submitted common.logger.debug('Total jobs ' + str(len(self.complete_List))) jobSetForSubmission = 0 jobSkippedInSubmission = [] tmp_jList = self.complete_List if self.chosenJobsList != None: tmp_jList = self.chosenJobsList for job in common._db.getTask(tmp_jList).jobs: cleanedBlackWhiteList = self.blackWhiteListParser.cleanForBlackWhiteList( job['dlsDestination']) if (cleanedBlackWhiteList != '') or (self.datasetPath == None): #if ( job.runningJob['status'] in ['C','RC'] and job.runningJob['statusScheduler'] in ['Created',None]): if (job.runningJob['state'] in ['Created']): jobSetForSubmission += 1 nj_list.append(job['id']) else: continue else: jobSkippedInSubmission.append(job['id']) if self.nsjobs > 0 and self.nsjobs == jobSetForSubmission: break pass if self.nsjobs > jobSetForSubmission:'asking to submit '+str(self.nsjobs)+' jobs, but only '+\ str(jobSetForSubmission)+' left: submitting those') if len(jobSkippedInSubmission) > 0: mess = "" for jobs in jobSkippedInSubmission: mess += str(jobs) + "," "Jobs: " + str(mess) + "\n\tskipped because no sites are hosting this data\n") self.submissionError() pass # submit N from last submitted job common.logger.debug('nj_list ' + str(nj_list)) self.nj_list = nj_list if self.limitJobs and len(self.nj_list) > 500: ###### FEDE FOR BUG 85243 ############## msg = "The CRAB client will not submit task with more than 500 jobs.\n" msg += " Use the server mode or submit your jobs in smaller groups" raise CrabException(msg) ######################################## return
def __init__(self, name, server_creator, *server_creator_args): if server_creator is None: raise Exception("%s creator is None" % name) self._log = common.logger(name) self._name = name self._server_creator = server_creator self._server_creator_args = server_creator_args self._pid = None self._released_event = multiprocessing.Event()
def generate(txt, mode, N): """ generate Training Data for LEVEL-2: patches around landmarks mode: train or validate """ assert (mode == 'train') #从txt文件中获取数据 data = getDataFromTxt(txt, True, True) #return [(image_path,landmarks,bbox)] #用defaultdict存储数据 trainData = defaultdict(lambda: dict(landmarks=[], patches=[], label=[])) logger( "generate 25 positive samples and 500 negative samples for per landmark" ) #产生正负训练样本 trainData = generateSamples(trainData, data) print 'All data:' + str(len(trainData)) #print trainData['L1'] #arr = [] for idx, name in types: #19个点 logger('writing training data of %s' % name) patches = np.asarray(trainData[name]['patches']) landmarks = np.asarray(trainData[name]['landmarks']) label = np.asarray(trainData[name]['label']) #arr1 = landmarks.reshape(1,-1) #arr.append(arr1) patches = processImage(patches) shuffle_in_unison_scary(patches, landmarks, label) #将训练数据保存为hdf5格式 with h5py.File('train/2_%s/%s.h5' % (name, mode), 'w') as h5: h5['data'] = patches.astype(np.float32) h5['landmark'] = landmarks.astype(np.float32) h5['label'] = label.astype(np.uint8) with open('train/2_%s/%s.txt' % (name, mode), 'w') as fd: fd.write('train/2_%s/%s.h5' % (name, mode)) #暂时只产生一个点的数据 if idx == 1: break
def set_driver(): # Set driver common.logger("Setting up browser driver...") chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chrome_options.headless = True # chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') chrome_options.add_argument( 'blink-settings=imagesEnabled==false') # Not loading images chrome_options.add_argument( '--log-level=3') # Disable logs issued by Chrome chrome_options.add_argument(f"user-agent={data.headers['User-Agent']}") driver = None if 'Windows' in platform.system(): driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='venv\chromedriver.exe', options=chrome_options) data.driver = driver common.logger("Driver is set! \n")
def generateSamples(testData,data,landmarks): for (imgPath,bbox) in data: img = cv2.imread(imgPath,cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert(img is not None) logger('process %s' % imgPath) height,width = img.shape[:2] #downsampled by 3: 3X3 Patch #size = (int(width/3),int(height/3)) size = (width,height)#不进行下采样 img = cv2.resize(img,size,interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) testData = getData(testData,landmarks,img)#test此时为一个字典,存储样本点和对应的图像块 print ('After getting raw data,there are %d datas') % len(testData) for idx,landmark in enumerate(landmarks): # 产生样本点 samples landmark_samples = randomShiftWithArgument(landmark,0,100,150) testData = getData(testData,landmark_samples,img) return testData
def __send_snippet(sc, text, channel, thread_ts="", initial_comment='', title='-'): # Required slackclient, channel, thread_ts # thread_ts if this is a thread response logger('info', initial_comment) try: res = sc.api_call('files.upload', channels=channel, content=text, initial_comment=initial_comment, title=title, thread_ts=thread_ts) logger('info', res) if res['ok'] != "True": logger("warn", "Error: __send_snippet API Error: %s" % res['error']) # KeyError is not going through logger, debug it except KeyError as e: logger("ignore", str(e) + " error in __send_snippet.") except Exception as e: logger("warn", "Unknown error in __send_snippet: " + str(e))
def __init__(self, cfg_params, nj_list): self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.nj_list = nj_list from WMCore.SiteScreening.BlackWhiteListParser import SEBlackWhiteListParser seWhiteList = cfg_params.get('GRID.se_white_list',[]) seBlackList = cfg_params.get('GRID.se_black_list',[]) self.blackWhiteListParser = SEBlackWhiteListParser(seWhiteList, seBlackList, common.logger()) self.datasetpath=self.cfg_params['CMSSW.datasetpath'] if string.lower(self.datasetpath)=='none': self.datasetpath = None return
def __init__(self, cfg_params, nj_list): self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.nj_list = nj_list from WMCore.SiteScreening.BlackWhiteListParser import SEBlackWhiteListParser seWhiteList = cfg_params.get('GRID.se_white_list', []) seBlackList = cfg_params.get('GRID.se_black_list', []) self.blackWhiteListParser = SEBlackWhiteListParser( seWhiteList, seBlackList, common.logger()) self.datasetpath = self.cfg_params['CMSSW.datasetpath'] if string.lower(self.datasetpath) == 'none': self.datasetpath = None return
def E(level=1): if level == 1: from common import level1 as P elif level == 2: from common import level2 as P data = getDataFromTxt(TXT) error = np.zeros((len(data), 19)) for i in range(len(data)): imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt = data[i] img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert (img is not None) logger("process %s" % imgPath) landmarkP = P(img, bbox) #real landmark landmarkP = bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkP) landmarkGt = bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkGt) error[i] = evaluateError(landmarkGt, landmarkP, bbox) return error
def __send_ephemeral(sc, text, channel, caller): try: res = sc.api_call('chat.postEphemeral', as_user="******", channel=channel, user=caller, text=text) if res['ok'] != "True": logger("warn", "Error: __send_ephemeral API Error: %s" % res['error']) logger('info', res) except KeyError as e: logger("ignore", str(e) + " error in __send_ephemeral.") except Exception as e: logger("warn", "Unknown error in __send_ephemeral: " + str(e))
def main(): pointfiledir = os.path.join(dirname, 'AnnotationByMD/400_senior/') imgdir = os.path.join(dirname, 'TrainData') logger("generate active shape model!!") shapes = PointsReader.read_directory(pointfiledir) asm = ActiveShapeModel(shapes) logger("draw model fitter on the given images!") for i in range(1, 2): s = str(i).zfill(3) + '.bmp' # load the image img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(imgdir, s), cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) model = ModelFitter(asm, img) ShapeViewer.draw_model_fitter(model) for j in range(100): model.do_iteration(0) ShapeViewer.draw_model_fitter(model)
def generate(ftxt, mode, argument=False): """ Generate Training Data for LEVEL-3 mode = train or test """ data = getDataFromTxt(ftxt) trainData = defaultdict(lambda: dict(patches=[], landmarks=[])) for (imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt) in data: img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert(img is not None) logger("process %s" % imgPath) landmarkPs = randomShiftWithArgument(landmarkGt, 0.01) if not argument: landmarkPs = [landmarkPs[0]] for landmarkP in landmarkPs: for idx, name, padding in types: patch, patch_bbox = getPatch(img, bbox, landmarkP[idx], padding) patch = cv2.resize(patch, (15, 15)) patch = patch.reshape((1, 15, 15)) trainData[name]['patches'].append(patch) _ = patch_bbox.project(bbox.reproject(landmarkGt[idx])) trainData[name]['landmarks'].append(_) for idx, name, padding in types: logger('writing training data of %s'%name) patches = np.asarray(trainData[name]['patches']) landmarks = np.asarray(trainData[name]['landmarks']) patches = processImage(patches) shuffle_in_unison_scary(patches, landmarks) with h5py.File('train/3_%s/%s.h5'%(name, mode), 'w') as h5: h5['data'] = patches.astype(np.float32) h5['landmark'] = landmarks.astype(np.float32) with open('train/3_%s/%s.txt'%(name, mode), 'w') as fd: fd.write('train/3_%s/%s.h5'%(name, mode))
def ce_list(self): """ Returns string with requirement CE related """ ceParser = CEBlackWhiteListParser(self.EDG_ce_white_list, self.EDG_ce_black_list, common.logger()) req = '' ce_white_list = [] ce_black_list = [] if self.EDG_ce_white_list: ce_white_list = ceParser.whiteList() tmpCe = [] concString = '&&' for ce in ce_white_list: tmpCe.append('RegExp("' + string.strip(ce) + '", other.GlueCEUniqueId)') if len(tmpCe) == 1: req += " && (" + concString.join(tmpCe) + ") " elif len(tmpCe) > 1: firstCE = 0 for reqTemp in tmpCe: if firstCE == 0: req += " && ( (" + reqTemp + ") " firstCE = 1 elif firstCE > 0: req += " || (" + reqTemp + ") " if firstCE > 0: req += ") " if self.EDG_ce_black_list: ce_black_list = ceParser.blackList() tmpCe = [] concString = '&&' for ce in ce_black_list: tmpCe.append('(!RegExp("' + string.strip(ce) + '", other.GlueCEUniqueId))') if len(tmpCe): req += " && (" + concString.join(tmpCe) + ") " # requirement added to skip gliteCE # not more needed # req += '&& (!RegExp("blah", other.GlueCEUniqueId))' retWL = ','.join(ce_white_list) retBL = ','.join(ce_black_list) if not retWL: retWL = None if not retBL: retBL = None return req, retWL, retBL
def __impersonator(sc, text, channel, userpic, username, thread_ts=""): try: res = sc.api_call('chat.postMessage', username=username, icon_url=userpic, as_user='******', channel=channel, text=text, thread_ts=thread_ts) if res['ok'] != "True": logger("warn", "Error: __impersonator API Error: %s" % res['error']) logger('info', res) except KeyError as e: logger("ignore", str(e) + " error in __impersonator") except Exception as e: logger("warn", "Unknown error in __impersonator: " + str(e))
def ce_list(self): """ Returns string with requirement CE related """ ceParser = CEBlackWhiteListParser(self.EDG_ce_white_list, self.EDG_ce_black_list, common.logger()) req = '' ce_white_list = [] ce_black_list = [] if self.EDG_ce_white_list: ce_white_list = ceParser.whiteList() tmpCe=[] concString = '&&' for ce in ce_white_list: tmpCe.append('RegExp("' + string.strip(ce) + '", other.GlueCEUniqueId)') if len(tmpCe) == 1: req += " && (" + concString.join(tmpCe) + ") " elif len(tmpCe) > 1: firstCE = 0 for reqTemp in tmpCe: if firstCE == 0: req += " && ( (" + reqTemp + ") " firstCE = 1 elif firstCE > 0: req += " || (" + reqTemp + ") " if firstCE > 0: req += ") " if self.EDG_ce_black_list: ce_black_list = ceParser.blackList() tmpCe=[] concString = '&&' for ce in ce_black_list: tmpCe.append('(!RegExp("' + string.strip(ce) + '", other.GlueCEUniqueId))') if len(tmpCe): req += " && (" + concString.join(tmpCe) + ") " # requirement added to skip gliteCE # not more needed # req += '&& (!RegExp("blah", other.GlueCEUniqueId))' retWL = ','.join(ce_white_list) retBL = ','.join(ce_black_list) if not retWL: retWL = None if not retBL: retBL = None return req, retWL, retBL
def configure(self,cfg_params): self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.deep_debug= self.cfg_params.get("USER.deep_debug",'0') server_check = self.cfg_params.get("CRAB.server_name",None) if self.deep_debug == '1' and server_check != None : msg = 'You are asking the deep_debug, but it cannot works using the server.\n' msg += '\t The functionality will not have effect.' self.schedulerName = self.cfg_params.get("CRAB.scheduler",'') # this should match with the bosslite requirements self.rb_param_file='' self.wrapper = cfg_params.get('CRAB.jobtype').upper()+'.sh' ## Add here the map for others Schedulers (LSF/CAF/CondorG) SchedMap = {'glite': schedulerGlite(), 'condor': 'SchedulerCondor',\ 'rcondor': 'SchedulerRcondor',\ 'condor_g': 'SchedulerCondorG',\ 'glidein': 'SchedulerGlidein',\ 'lsf': 'SchedulerLsf',\ 'caf': 'SchedulerLsf',\ 'sge': 'SchedulerSge',\ 'arc': 'SchedulerARC',\ 'pbs': 'SchedulerPbs',\ 'pbsv2': 'SchedulerPbsv2',\ 'pbsv2withsrm':'SchedulerPbsv2withsrm',\ 'pbsv2withlstore':'SchedulerPbsv2withlstore',\ } self.schedulerConfig = common.scheduler.realSchedParams(cfg_params) self.schedulerConfig['name'] = SchedMap[(self.schedulerName).lower()] self.schedulerConfig['timeout'] = self.setBliteTimeout() self.schedulerConfig['skipProxyCheck'] = True self.schedulerConfig['logger'] = common.logger() self.session = None return
def checkProxy(self, minTime=10): """ Function to check the Globus proxy. """ if (self.proxyValid): return ### Just return if asked to do so if (self.dontCheckProxy==1): self.proxyValid=1 return CredAPI_config = { 'credential':'Proxy',\ 'myProxySvr': self.proxyServer, \ 'logger': common.logger() \ } from ProdCommon.Credential.CredentialAPI import CredentialAPI CredAPI = CredentialAPI(CredAPI_config) if not CredAPI.checkCredential(Time=int(minTime)) or \ not CredAPI.checkAttribute(, role=self.role): try: CredAPI.ManualRenewCredential(, role=self.role) except Exception, ex: raise CrabException(str(ex))
def configure(self, cfg_params): self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.deep_debug = self.cfg_params.get("USER.deep_debug", "0") server_check = self.cfg_params.get("CRAB.server_name", None) if self.deep_debug == "1" and server_check != None: msg = "You are asking the deep_debug, but it cannot works using the server.\n" msg += "\t The functionality will not have effect." self.schedulerName = self.cfg_params.get( "CRAB.scheduler", "" ) # this should match with the bosslite requirements self.rb_param_file = "" self.wrapper = cfg_params.get("CRAB.jobtype").upper() + ".sh" ## Add here the map for others Schedulers (LSF/CAF/CondorG) SchedMap = { "glite": schedulerGlite(), "condor": "SchedulerCondor", "condor_g": "SchedulerCondorG", "glidein": "SchedulerGlidein", "remoteglidein": "SchedulerRemoteglidein", "lsf": "SchedulerLsf", "caf": "SchedulerLsf", "sge": "SchedulerSge", "arc": "SchedulerARC", "pbs": "SchedulerPbs", } self.schedulerConfig = common.scheduler.realSchedParams(cfg_params) self.schedulerConfig["name"] = SchedMap[(self.schedulerName).lower()] self.schedulerConfig["timeout"] = self.setBliteTimeout() self.schedulerConfig["skipProxyCheck"] = True self.schedulerConfig["logger"] = common.logger() self.session = None return
def configure(self, cfgParams): """ Configure the scheduler with the config settings from the user """ # FIXME: Get rid of try/except and use get() instead if not os.environ.has_key('EDG_WL_LOCATION'): # This is an ugly hack needed for SchedulerGrid.configure() to # work! os.environ['EDG_WL_LOCATION'] = '' if not os.environ.has_key('X509_USER_PROXY'): # Set X509_USER_PROXY to the default location. We'll do this # because in functions called by Scheduler.checkProxy() # voms-proxy-info will be called with '-file $X509_USER_PROXY', # so if X509_USER_PROXY isn't set, it won't work. os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] = '/tmp/x509up_u' + str(os.getuid()) SchedulerGrid.configure(self, cfgParams) if cfgParams.get('CRAB.server_name',None) or cfgParams.get('CRAB.use_server',None): pass else: self.checkCondorSetup() # init BlackWhiteListParser ceWhiteList = cfgParams.get('GRID.ce_white_list',[]) ceBlackList = cfgParams.get('GRID.ce_black_list',[]) self.ceBlackWhiteListParser = \ CEBlackWhiteListParser(ceWhiteList, ceBlackList, common.logger()) try: self.GLOBUS_RSL = cfgParams['CONDORG.globus_rsl'] except KeyError: self.GLOBUS_RSL = '' # Provide an override for the batchsystem that condor_g specifies # as a grid resource. This is to handle the case where the site # supports several batchsystem but bdii only allows a site # to public one. try: self.batchsystem = cfgParams['CONDORG.batchsystem'] msg = self.msgPre + 'batchsystem overide specified in your crab.cfg' common.logger.debug(msg) except KeyError: self.batchsystem = '' self.datasetPath = '' try: tmp = cfgParams['CMSSW.datasetpath'] if tmp.lower() == 'none': self.datasetPath = None self.selectNoInput = 1 else: self.datasetPath = tmp self.selectNoInput = 0 except KeyError: msg = "Error: datasetpath not defined " raise CrabException(msg) return
from StringIO import StringIO from lib import transmissionrpc import sys, base64, os torrent_files = sys.argv[1:] client = get_client() download_dir = client.session.download_dir def upload_file(file_path): output = StringIO() base64.encode(file(file_path,"rb"), output) result = client.add(output.getvalue()) logger.log(TorrentAddedEvent(file_path)) remove_files = True for file_path in torrent_files: logger(UploadingTorrentEvent(file_path)) try: upload_file(file_path) if remove_files: os.remove(file_path) except transmissionrpc.TransmissionError, e: if '"duplicate torrent"' in e.message: if remove_files: os.remove(file_path) logger.log(DuplicatedTorrent(file_path)) else: logger.log(Error("Error uploading file", e)) except Exception, e: logger.log(Error("Error uploading file", e))
bname = profile.bestname() if not bname.isnumeric(): confirmed_names.append(bname) confirmed_names = list(set(confirmed_names)) wf = open(namesfile,'w') for name in confirmed_names: wf.write('{}\n'.format(n)) wf.close()'Wrote {} names to {}'.format(len(confirmed_names), namesfile)) #Set up to download search results. logger('Initialising expansion DB.') exp_db = prefix+'expand-db.csv' exprawdir = prefix+'expand-raw' expprofdir = prefix+'expand-profiles' expstore = common.profilestore.ProfileStore(exp_df, logger) searchers = [] if fbconn: searchers.append(, expstore, logger)) if gpconn: searchers.append(, expstore, logger)) if twconn: searchers.append(, expstore, logger)) if liconn: searchers.append(, logger))
transmission_home_dir = client.session.download_dir if not transmission_home_dir.endswith("/"): transmission_home_dir += "/" count = 0 for torrent in finished_torrents_with_new_files: files = [f["name"] for f in client.get_files([].values() if f["completed"] == f["size"]] f = file("files_to_download.txt","ab") for name in files: full_remote_path = transmission_home_dir+name local_dir = name.rsplit("/",1)[0] f.write('!mkdir -p "%s"\n' % local_dir) f.write('get -c "%s" -o "%s"\n' % (full_remote_path, name)) f.close() f = file("already_downloaded.txt","a") f.write("\n") f.close() logger(MarkToDownload( count += 1 if count == 0: logger(NoNewTorrents()) f = file("files_to_download.txt","ab") f.write('!rm files_to_download.txt\n') f.close()
''' Example of Usage ''' import common from ccrawler import CCrawler, Request from selector import HtmlSelector import logging logger = common.logger(name=__name__, filename='ccrawler.log', level=logging.DEBUG) class DummySpider: start_urls = [''] #start_urls = ['', ''] #start_urls = ['', '', ''] workers = 100 timeout = 8 def parse(self, response): hxs = HtmlSelector(response) ''' Usage re ''' ''' itemlist ='<td class=\'td10\'> .*?<\/td>') for item in itemlist: title ='<a[^>]*[^>]*>(.*)[^<]*<\/a>') print title '''
from common import level1, level2, level3 TXT = 'dataset/test/lfpw_test_249_bbox.txt' if __name__ == '__main__': assert(len(sys.argv) == 2) level = int(sys.argv[1]) if level == 0: P = partial(level1, FOnly=True) elif level == 1: P = level1 elif level == 2: P = level2 else: P = level3 OUTPUT = 'dataset/test/out_{0}'.format(level) createDir(OUTPUT) data = getDataFromTxt(TXT, with_landmark=False) for imgPath, bbox in data: img = cv2.imread(imgPath) assert(img is not None) imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) logger("process %s" % imgPath) landmark = P(imgGray, bbox) landmark = bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmark) drawLandmark(img, bbox, landmark) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(OUTPUT, os.path.basename(imgPath)), img)
myproxyserver = myproxyserver.strip() if myproxyserver is None: raise CrabException("myproxy_server.conf retrieved but empty") except Exception, e:"Problem setting myproxy server endpoint: using") common.logger.debug(e) myproxyserver = '' configAPI = {'credential' : self.credentialType, \ 'myProxySvr' : myproxyserver,\ 'serverDN' : self.server_dn,\ 'shareDir' : common.work_space.shareDir() ,\ 'userName' : getUserName(),\ 'serverName' : self.server_name, \ 'proxyPath' : self.proxy_path, \ 'logger' : common.logger() \ } try: CredAPI = CredentialAPI( configAPI ) except Exception, err : common.logger.debug("Configuring Credential API: " +str(traceback.format_exc())) raise CrabException("ERROR: Unable to configure Credential Client API %s\n"%str(err)) if self.credentialType == 'Proxy': # Proxy delegation through MyProxy, 4 days lifetime minimum if not CredAPI.checkMyProxy(Time=4, checkRetrieverRenewer=True) :"Please renew MyProxy delegated proxy:\n") try: CredAPI.credObj.serverDN = self.server_dn
def __init__( self, cfg_params, args ): self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.args=args self.lumisPerJob = -1 self.totalNLumis = 0 self.theNumberOfJobs = 0 self.limitNJobs = False self.limitTotalLumis = False self.limitJobLumis = False #self.maxEvents # init BlackWhiteListParser self.seWhiteList = cfg_params.get('GRID.se_white_list',[]) if type(self.seWhiteList) == type("string"): self.seWhiteList = self.seWhiteList.split(',') seBlackList = cfg_params.get('GRID.se_black_list',[]) if type(seBlackList) == type("string"): seBlackList = seBlackList.split(',') if == 'REMOTEGLIDEIN' : # use central black list removeBList = cfg_params.get("GRID.remove_default_blacklist", 0 ) blackAnaOps = None if int(removeBList) == 0: blacklist = Downloader("") result = blacklist.config("site_black_list.conf").strip().split(',') if result != None: blackAnaOps = result common.logger.debug("Enforced black list: %s "%blackAnaOps) else:"WARNING: Skipping default black list!") if int(removeBList) == 0 and blackAnaOps: seBlackList += blackAnaOps self.blackWhiteListParser = SEBlackWhiteListParser(self.seWhiteList, seBlackList, common.logger()) if seBlackList != []:"SE black list applied to data location: %s" %\ seBlackList) if self.seWhiteList != []:"SE white list applied to data location: %s" %\ self.seWhiteList) # apply BW list blockSites=args['blockSites'] common.logger.debug("List of blocks and used locations (SE):") for block,dlsDest in blockSites.iteritems(): noBsites=self.blackWhiteListParser.checkBlackList(dlsDest) sites=self.blackWhiteListParser.checkWhiteList(noBsites) if sites : blockSites[block]=sites common.logger.debug("%s : %s" % (block,sites)) args['blockSites']=blockSites ## check if has been asked for a non default file to store/read analyzed fileBlocks defaultName = common.work_space.shareDir()+'AnalyzedBlocks.txt' self.fileBlocks_FileName = os.path.abspath(self.cfg_params.get('CMSSW.fileblocks_file',defaultName))
def BuildJobList(self,type=0): # total jobs nj_list = [] self.complete_List = common._db.nJobs('list') if type==1: self.nj_list =[] if self.chosenJobsList: self.nj_list = self.chosenJobsList return # build job list from WMCore.SiteScreening.BlackWhiteListParser import SEBlackWhiteListParser self.blackWhiteListParser = SEBlackWhiteListParser(self.seWhiteList, self.seBlackList, common.logger()) common.logger.debug('nsjobs '+str(self.nsjobs)) # get the first not already submitted common.logger.debug('Total jobs '+str(len(self.complete_List))) jobSetForSubmission = 0 jobSkippedInSubmission = [] tmp_jList = self.complete_List if self.chosenJobsList != None: tmp_jList = self.chosenJobsList for job in common._db.getTask(tmp_jList).jobs: cleanedBlackWhiteList = self.blackWhiteListParser.cleanForBlackWhiteList(job['dlsDestination']) if (cleanedBlackWhiteList != '') or (self.datasetPath == None): #if ( job.runningJob['status'] in ['C','RC'] and job.runningJob['statusScheduler'] in ['Created',None]): if ( job.runningJob['state'] in ['Created']): jobSetForSubmission +=1 nj_list.append(job['id']) else: continue else : jobSkippedInSubmission.append( job['id'] ) if self.nsjobs >0 and self.nsjobs == jobSetForSubmission: break pass if self.nsjobs>jobSetForSubmission:'asking to submit '+str(self.nsjobs)+' jobs, but only '+\ str(jobSetForSubmission)+' left: submitting those') if len(jobSkippedInSubmission) > 0 : mess ="" for jobs in jobSkippedInSubmission: mess += str(jobs) + ",""Jobs: " +str(mess) + "\n\tskipped because no sites are hosting this data\n") self.submissionError() pass # submit N from last submitted job common.logger.debug('nj_list '+str(nj_list)) self.nj_list = nj_list if self.limitJobs and len(self.nj_list) > 500: ###### FEDE FOR BUG 85243 ############## msg = "The CRAB client will not submit task with more than 500 jobs.\n" msg += " Use the server mode or submit your jobs in smaller groups" raise CrabException(msg) ######################################## return
def generate_hdf5(ftxt, output, fname, argument=False): data = getDataFromTxt(ftxt) F_imgs = [] F_landmarks = [] EN_imgs = [] EN_landmarks = [] NM_imgs = [] NM_landmarks = [] for (imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt) in data: img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert(img is not None) logger("process %s" % imgPath) # F f_bbox = bbox.subBBox(-0.05, 1.05, -0.05, 1.05) f_face = img[,f_bbox.left:f_bbox.right+1] ## data argument if argument and np.random.rand() > -1: ### flip face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(f_face, landmarkGt) face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (39, 39)) F_imgs.append(face_flipped.reshape((1, 39, 39))) F_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped.reshape(10)) ### rotation if np.random.rand() > 0.5: face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated = rotate(img, f_bbox, \ bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkGt), 5) landmark_rotated = bbox.projectLandmark(landmark_rotated) face_rotated_by_alpha = cv2.resize(face_rotated_by_alpha, (39, 39)) F_imgs.append(face_rotated_by_alpha.reshape((1, 39, 39))) F_landmarks.append(landmark_rotated.reshape(10)) ### flip with rotation face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated) face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (39, 39)) F_imgs.append(face_flipped.reshape((1, 39, 39))) F_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped.reshape(10)) ### rotation if np.random.rand() > 0.5: face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated = rotate(img, f_bbox, \ bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkGt), -5) landmark_rotated = bbox.projectLandmark(landmark_rotated) face_rotated_by_alpha = cv2.resize(face_rotated_by_alpha, (39, 39)) F_imgs.append(face_rotated_by_alpha.reshape((1, 39, 39))) F_landmarks.append(landmark_rotated.reshape(10)) ### flip with rotation face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated) face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (39, 39)) F_imgs.append(face_flipped.reshape((1, 39, 39))) F_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped.reshape(10)) f_face = cv2.resize(f_face, (39, 39)) en_face = f_face[:31, :] nm_face = f_face[8:, :] f_face = f_face.reshape((1, 39, 39)) f_landmark = landmarkGt.reshape((10)) F_imgs.append(f_face) F_landmarks.append(f_landmark) # EN # en_bbox = bbox.subBBox(-0.05, 1.05, -0.04, 0.84) # en_face = img[,en_bbox.left:en_bbox.right+1] ## data argument if argument and np.random.rand() > 0.5: ### flip face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(en_face, landmarkGt) face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39)) landmark_flipped = landmark_flipped[:3, :].reshape((6)) EN_imgs.append(face_flipped) EN_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped) en_face = cv2.resize(en_face, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39)) en_landmark = landmarkGt[:3, :].reshape((6)) EN_imgs.append(en_face) EN_landmarks.append(en_landmark) # NM # nm_bbox = bbox.subBBox(-0.05, 1.05, 0.18, 1.05) # nm_face = img[,nm_bbox.left:nm_bbox.right+1] ## data argument if argument and np.random.rand() > 0.5: ### flip face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(nm_face, landmarkGt) face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39)) landmark_flipped = landmark_flipped[2:, :].reshape((6)) NM_imgs.append(face_flipped) NM_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped) nm_face = cv2.resize(nm_face, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39)) nm_landmark = landmarkGt[2:, :].reshape((6)) NM_imgs.append(nm_face) NM_landmarks.append(nm_landmark) #imgs, landmarks = process_images(ftxt, output) F_imgs, F_landmarks = np.asarray(F_imgs), np.asarray(F_landmarks) EN_imgs, EN_landmarks = np.asarray(EN_imgs), np.asarray(EN_landmarks) NM_imgs, NM_landmarks = np.asarray(NM_imgs),np.asarray(NM_landmarks) F_imgs = processImage(F_imgs) shuffle_in_unison_scary(F_imgs, F_landmarks) EN_imgs = processImage(EN_imgs) shuffle_in_unison_scary(EN_imgs, EN_landmarks) NM_imgs = processImage(NM_imgs) shuffle_in_unison_scary(NM_imgs, NM_landmarks) # full face base = join(OUTPUT, '1_F') createDir(base) output = join(base, fname) logger("generate %s" % output) with h5py.File(output, 'w') as h5: h5['data'] = F_imgs.astype(np.float32) h5['landmark'] = F_landmarks.astype(np.float32) # eye and nose base = join(OUTPUT, '1_EN') createDir(base) output = join(base, fname) logger("generate %s" % output) with h5py.File(output, 'w') as h5: h5['data'] = EN_imgs.astype(np.float32) h5['landmark'] = EN_landmarks.astype(np.float32) # nose and mouth base = join(OUTPUT, '1_NM') createDir(base) output = join(base, fname) logger("generate %s" % output) with h5py.File(output, 'w') as h5: h5['data'] = NM_imgs.astype(np.float32) h5['landmark'] = NM_landmarks.astype(np.float32)
def __init__( self, cfg_params, args ): self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.args=args self.lumisPerJob = -1 self.totalNLumis = 0 self.theNumberOfJobs = 0 self.limitNJobs = False self.limitTotalLumis = False self.limitJobLumis = False #self.maxEvents # init BlackWhiteListParser self.seWhiteList = cfg_params.get('GRID.se_white_list',[]) seBlackList = cfg_params.get('GRID.se_black_list',[]) self.blackWhiteListParser = SEBlackWhiteListParser(self.seWhiteList, seBlackList, common.logger()) ## check if has been asked for a non default file to store/read analyzed fileBlocks defaultName = common.work_space.shareDir()+'AnalyzedBlocks.txt' self.fileBlocks_FileName = os.path.abspath(self.cfg_params.get('CMSSW.fileblocks_file',defaultName)) self.global_data_service = int( self.cfg_params.get('CMSSW.global_data_service', 0) ) self.global_data_rewrite = int( self.cfg_params.get('CMSSW.global_data_rewrite', 1) )
def configure(self, cfg_params): self._boss.configure(cfg_params) self.CRAB_useServer = cfg_params.get('CRAB.use_server',0) self.CRAB_serverName = cfg_params.get('CRAB.server_name',None) seWhiteList = cfg_params.get('GRID.se_white_list',[]) seBlackList = cfg_params.get('GRID.se_black_list',[]) self.dontCheckMyProxy=int(cfg_params.get("GRID.dont_check_myproxy",0)) self.EDG_requirements = cfg_params.get('GRID.requirements',None) self.EDG_addJdlParam = cfg_params.get('GRID.additional_jdl_parameters',None) if (self.EDG_addJdlParam): self.EDG_addJdlParam = string.split(self.EDG_addJdlParam,';') self.pset = cfg_params.get('CMSSW.pset',None) self.blackWhiteListParser = SEBlackWhiteListParser(seWhiteList, seBlackList, common.logger()) self.return_data = int(cfg_params.get('USER.return_data',0)) self.copy_data = int(cfg_params.get('USER.copy_data',0)) self.publish_data = cfg_params.get("USER.publish_data",0) self.local_stage = int(cfg_params.get('USER.local_stage_out',0)) self.check_RemoteDir = int(cfg_params.get('USER.check_user_remote_dir',1)) if int(self.copy_data) == 1: self.SE = cfg_params.get('USER.storage_element',None) if not self.SE: msg = "Error. The [USER] section does not have 'storage_element'" raise CrabException(msg) if ( int(self.return_data) == 0 and int(self.copy_data) == 0 ): msg = 'Error: return_data = 0 and copy_data = 0 ==> your exe output will be lost\n' msg = msg + 'Please modify return_data and copy_data value in your crab.cfg file\n' raise CrabException(msg) if ( int(self.return_data) == 1 and int(self.copy_data) == 1 ): msg = 'Error: return_data and copy_data cannot be set both to 1\n' msg = msg + 'Please modify return_data or copy_data value in your crab.cfg file\n' raise CrabException(msg) if ( int(self.copy_data) == 0 and int(self.local_stage) == 1 ): msg = 'Error: copy_data = 0 and local_stage_out = 1.\n' msg += 'To enable local stage out the copy_data value has to be = 1\n' msg = msg + 'Please modify copy_data value in your crab.cfg file\n' raise CrabException(msg) if ( int(self.copy_data) == 0 and int(self.publish_data) == 1 ): msg = 'Error: publish_data = 1 must be used with copy_data = 1\n' msg = msg + 'Please modify copy_data value in your crab.cfg file\n' raise CrabException(msg) if ( int(self.publish_data) == 1 and self._name == 'lsf'): msg = 'Error: data publication is not allowed with lsf scheduler, but only with grid scheduler or caf\n' raise CrabException(msg) self.debug_wrapper = int(cfg_params.get('USER.debug_wrapper',0)) self.debugWrap='' if self.debug_wrapper==1: self.debugWrap='--debug' self.loc_stage_out = '' if ( int(self.local_stage) == 1 ): self.debugWrap='--debug' self.loc_stage_out='--local_stage' # Time padding for minimal job duration. self.minimal_job_duration = 10 return