def start_btsync(request): """ Run BitTorrent Sync application """ global pid if is_btsync_active(): return HttpResponseRedirect('/') # If wrong structure of config file, return an error if 'btsync_conf_file' not in config: return HttpResponse('Klucz btsync_conf_file nie istnieje w pliku konfiguracyjnym') # If btsync-folder doesn't exist, create it btsync_conf = load_json(config['btsync_conf_file']) if not os.path.exists(btsync_conf['storage_path']): os.makedirs(btsync_conf['storage_path']) # If BTSync config file doesn't exist, create a new one if not path.isfile(config['btsync_conf_file']): create_empty_btsync_config_file() # Start BTSync process if platform.system() == 'Windows': pass # for the future elif platform.system() == 'Linux': pid = subprocess.Popen([config['btsync_exe_file'], '--config', config['btsync_conf_file']]) while not is_btsync_active(): pass # need this line to wait for BTSync to start if 'uid' not in config: config['uid'] = get_uid(config['btsync_server_address']) save_json(os.path.join(config['application_path'], 'config.json'), config) return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
def edit_comment(request): """ Edit existing comment. Returns nothing. Keys in request.body: comment - dict with new comment's data. Keys: comment - new content which will replace the old one timestamp - timestamp of the moment first version of comment was created uid - ID of comment's author fullthreadpath - full path of thread directory where the comment files are stored """ try: if not check_connection(): return HttpResponseServerError('Brak połączenia z Internetem.') edited_comment = json.loads(request.body)['comment'] comment_path = os.path.join(json.loads(request.body)['threadfullpath'], edited_comment['timestamp'] + file_name_separator + edited_comment['uid']) # get old comment and perform changes comment = load_json(comment_path) comment['history'].append({'timestamp': get_timestamp(), 'comment': edited_comment['comment']}) comment['comment'] = edited_comment['comment'] save_json(comment_path, comment) return JsonResponse({}, safe=False) except Exception: return HttpResponseServerError('Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas edycji komentarza.')
def do_diff_langfile(args): """Calculate a pack file given two lang files.""" from_json = common.load_json(args.fileorig) to_json = common.load_json(args.filetrans) if "filename" in args and args.filename is not None: file_path = args.filename.split('/') else: file_path = ["lang", "sc", os.path.basename(args.fileorig)] result = {} # This is arbitrary. "foobar" or "en_US" would also work. from_locale = args.from_locale iterator = common.walk_langfile_json({from_locale: from_json}, [], []) for langlabel, dict_path, _ in iterator: text = common.get_data_by_dict_path(to_json, dict_path) if text is None: continue trans = {"orig": langlabel[from_locale], "text": text} result[common.serialize_dict_path(file_path, dict_path)] = trans # we are already sorted by game order if args.sort_order == "alpha": result = common.sort_dict(result) if args.resultfile == '-': common.save_json_to_fd(sys.stdout, result) else: common.save_json(args.resultfile, result)
def delete_folder(request): """ Removing shared folder but not from file system - only from BitTorrent Sync and config.json. """ try: data = json.loads(request.body) js = json.loads( requests.get( "http://" + config["btsync_server_address"] + "/api", params={"method": "remove_folder", "secret": data["secret"]}, auth=("team", "sync"), ).text ) if js["error"] == 0: # popping identity from list of our identities in config file if data["secret"] in config["identities"]: config["identities"].pop(data["secret"]) # saving config file save_json(config["application_path"] + "/config.json", config) return HttpResponse("Usunięto folder.") return HttpResponseServerError("Wystąpił błąd podczas usuwania folderu.") except Exception: return HttpResponseServerError("Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas usuwania folderu.")
def main(): with closing(open(sys.argv[1], 'r')) as raw_html: soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, 'lxml') uwagi_hide_list = soup.find_all('tr', class_='uwagi_hide') for uwagi_hide in uwagi_hide_list: uwagi_hide.extract() group_tag = soup.find_all('b', string=re.compile("Grupy zajęciowe"))[0] group_tag_parent = group_tag.parent info_table = group_tag_parent.find_all('table', recursive=False)[-2] info_tr_list = info_table.find_all('tr', recursive=False)[3:-1] group_repo = load_json(sys.argv[2]) for line_1, line_2, line_3 in chunks(info_tr_list, 3): line_1_td_list = line_1.find_all('td', recursive=False) #print("Kod grupy: {}".format(line_1_td_list[0].text.strip())) group_code = line_1_td_list[0].text.strip() #print("Kod kursu: {}".format(line_1_td_list[1].text.strip())) course_code = line_1_td_list[1].text.strip() line_2_td_list = line_2.find_all('td', recursive=False) # print("Prowadzący: {}".format( # re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', line_2_td_list[0].text.strip()))) #profesor_name = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', line_2_td_list[0].text.strip()) line_3_table_td_list = line_3.find('table').find_all('td') time_list = [td.text for td in line_3_table_td_list] formatted_time_list = [] for time_element in time_list: hours = re.findall(re.compile(r'\d\d:\d\d'), time_element) dow_text = time_element.strip()[:2] dow_num = DOW_TEXT_NUM_DICT[dow_text] ftw_dict = { 'start': hours[0].replace(':', ''), 'end': hours[1].replace(':', ''), 'dow': dow_num } par_ind = time_element.strip()[3:5] if par_ind in ('TP', 'TN'): ftw_dict['par'] = 1 if par_ind == 'TN' else 2 formatted_time_list.append(ftw_dict) if 'courses' not in group_repo: group_repo['courses'] = {} if course_code not in group_repo['courses']: course_dict = {} group_repo['courses'][course_code] = course_dict else: course_dict = group_repo['courses'][course_code] course_dict[group_code] = formatted_time_list save_json(sys.argv[2], group_repo)
def do_make_mapfile(args): """Create a default mapfile with a one file to one file mapping.""" json = common.load_json(args.bigpack) result = {} prefix = args.prefix if prefix and not prefix.endswith('/'): prefix += '/' for file_dict_path_str in json.keys(): file_path, _ = common.unserialize_dict_path(file_dict_path_str) path = "/".join(file_path) result[path] = prefix + path common.save_json(args.mapfile, result)
def do_filter(args): """Filter a pack and write the result to another one""" sorter = get_sorter(args) walker = get_walker(args) walker.set_file_path_filter(args.filter_file_path) walker.set_dict_path_filter(args.filter_dict_path) walker.set_tags_filter(args.filter_tags) walker.set_orig_filter(args.filter_orig) pack = common.load_json(args.inputpack) new_pack = dict(walker.walk_pack(pack)) new_pack = sorter(new_pack) common.save_json(args.outputpack, new_pack)
def do_split(args): """Split a large packfile to multiple ones according to a mapfile""" sorter = get_sorter(args) big_pack = common.load_json(args.bigpack) map_file = common.load_json(args.mapfile) unused_map_files = set(map_file.keys()) results = {} missings = {} error = False for file_dict_path_str, trans in big_pack.items(): file_path, _ = common.unserialize_dict_path(file_dict_path_str) file_path_str = "/".join(file_path) to_file_str = map_file.get(file_path_str) if to_file_str is None: missings[file_path_str] = missings.get(file_path_str, 0) + 1 else: unused_map_files.discard(file_path_str) results.setdefault(to_file_str, {})[file_dict_path_str] = trans for missing_file, count in missings.items(): error = True print("missing pack reference for", missing_file, "(%d occurences)" % count) if error: print("Aborting...") sys.exit(1) for to_file_str, smaller_pack in results.items(): to_file = to_file_str.split('/')[args.strip:] if not to_file: print("strip parameter", args.strip, "is too large for path", to_file_str) print("Aborting...") sys.exit(1) actual_dir = os.path.join(args.outputpath, os.sep.join(to_file[:-1])) os.makedirs(actual_dir, exist_ok=True) smaller_pack = sorter(smaller_pack) common.save_json(os.path.join(actual_dir, to_file[-1]), smaller_pack) if unused_map_files: print(len(unused_map_files), "keys where not used in the map file, e.g.:", "\n".join(f for i, f in zip(range(10), unused_map_files)))
def get_thread_comments(request): """ Returns all comments in specified thread and statistics data. Keys in request.body: fullthreadpath - full directory path to folder with comment files sortinguid - if not '': sort all the comments not with timestamp, but user['readby'] timestamp """ result = [] try: data = json.loads(request.body) full_thread_path = data['fullthreadpath'] # get comment files and mark them as read by user for commentfile in os.listdir(full_thread_path): if commentfile == 'meta': continue comment = load_json(os.path.join(full_thread_path, commentfile)) # marking as read if config['uid'] not in comment['readby']: comment['readby'][config['uid']] = get_timestamp() save_json(os.path.join(full_thread_path, commentfile), comment) # needed for UI purposes comment['editing'] = False comment['historing'] = False result.append(comment) # if sortinguid not null, modify 'timestamp' to sort properly if data['sortinguid']: for res in result: if data['sortinguid'] not in res['readby']: result.remove(res) else: res['timestamp'] = res['readby'][data['sortinguid']] # need to sort, because os.listdir doesn't return sorted list of files :( result = sorted(result, key=lambda comm: comm['timestamp']) return JsonResponse({'comments': result, 'stats': get_stats(result)}, safe=False) except Exception: return HttpResponseServerError('Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas pobierania komentarzy.')
def write_json(self, path): """Write a migration plan as json to a file""" unchanged = [] delete = [] migrate = {} for from_str, to_str in if to_str is None: unchanged.append(from_str) else: migrate[from_str] = to_str for _, _, file_dict_path_str, _ in self.src.iterate(): delete.append(file_dict_path_str) unchanged.sort() delete.sort() migrate = common.sort_dict(migrate) json = {"migrate": migrate, "delete": delete, "unchanged": unchanged} common.save_json(path, json)
def __output_images(self): tmp_path = self.output_folder + "/tmp" path = self.output_folder + "/images" common.prepare_clean_dir(tmp_path) common.prepare_clean_dir(path) for segment in self.json_data["segments"]: for record in segment["records"]: for i, image in enumerate(record["images"]): try: file_name = "%s_%s" % (record["record_id"], i) source_file_name_only = tmp_path + "/" + file_name original_extension = image["src"].split('/')[-1].split( '.')[-1].split("?")[0] source_file_name = source_file_name_only + "." + original_extension target_file_name = path + "/" + file_name + "." + setting.OUTPUT_IMAGE_TYPE r = requests.get(image["src"], stream=True, headers={'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) if r.status_code == 200: with open(source_file_name, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) else: continue [R, G, B] = [int(a) for a in image["bg_color"].split(",")] im ='RGBA') bg ="RGB", im.size, (R, G, B)) bg.paste(im, im) im = bg image["path"] = target_file_name except Exception: pass common.save_json(self.output_folder + "/result.json", self.json_data, encoding=setting.OUTPUT_JSON_ENCODING) shutil.rmtree(tmp_path)
def do_merge(args): """Merge multiple pack files into one big pack file.""" sorter = get_sorter(args) big_result = {} error = False for usable_path, _ in common.walk_files(args.inputpath): for file_dict_path_str, value in common.load_json(usable_path).items(): if big_result.setdefault(file_dict_path_str, value) != value: print("Multiple different value found for", file_dict_path_str) error = True if error: if args.allow_mismatch: print("Continuing anyway...") else: print("Aborting...") sys.exit(1) big_result = sorter(big_result) common.save_json(args.bigpack, big_result)
def do_migrate(args): """Migrate one or more pack file according to a migration file.""" sorter = get_sorter(args) sparse_reader = get_sparse_reader(args) plan = common.load_json(args.migration_plan) plan = types.SimpleNamespace(to_delete=set(plan["delete"]), unchanged=set(plan["unchanged"]), migrate=plan["migrate"]) iterator = common.transform_file_or_dir(args.inputpath, args.outputpath) for input_file, output_file, _ in iterator: try: src_pack = common.load_json(input_file) except OSError as error: print("Cannot read", input_file, ":", str(error)) continue except ValueError as error: print("File", input_file, "contains invalid JSON:", str(error)) continue dst_pack = migrate_pack(args, plan, sparse_reader, src_pack) common.save_json(output_file, sorter(dst_pack))
def write_comment(request): """ Put text from form and create comment file inside thread. Keys in request.body: comment - text of comment fullthreadpath - full path of thread directory where the comment files are stored """ try: if not check_connection(): return HttpResponseServerError('Brak połączenia z Internetem.') data = json.loads(request.body) if len(data['comment']) == 0: return HttpResponseServerError('Treść komentarza nie może być pusta.') #obtaining timestamp timestamp = get_timestamp() # creating new comment new_comment = { 'uid': config['uid'], 'timestamp': timestamp, 'readby': { config['uid']: timestamp }, 'comment': data['comment'], 'history': [{'timestamp': timestamp, 'comment': data['comment']}] } # saving comment to new file with format of comment_file_name_pattern (see save_json(os.path.join(data['fullthreadpath'], new_comment['timestamp'] + file_name_separator + config['uid']), new_comment) return JsonResponse(new_comment, safe=False) except Exception: return HttpResponseServerError('Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas dodawania komentarza.')
# rel = 'AtLocation' output_data_file_name = os.path.join(root_dirs, 'csqa_data', 'conceptnet','9_rels', '{}_data.json'.format(task)) mkdir_if_notexist(output_data_file_name) # wnlemer = WordNetLemmatizer() datas = load_jsonl(data_file) print('loading conceptnet ...') conceptnet = load_rearranged_conceptnet(conceptnet_dir) print(f'conceptnet keys: {len(conceptnet)}') print('-----/n') cases = enrich(datas, conceptnet) print(len(cases)) save_json(cases, output_data_file_name) # dev_data # AtLocation 没有找到三元组的比例:4489/7326 # Causes 6615/7326 # CapableOf 4976/7326 # Antonym 6347/7326 # HasSubevent 6466/7326 # HasPrerequisite 6403/7326 # CausesDesire 6492/7326 # Desires 7104/7326 # PartOf 5770/7326 # HasProperty 5355/7326 # train_data # AtLocation 没有找到三元组的比例:36314/58446
def save_to_file(self, filename): json = {} for key in self.default_options.keys(): json[key] = getattr(self, key) common.save_json(filename, json)
def main(unused_argv): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2, compact=True) # Load training and eval data (train_x, train_y), (test_x, test_y) = common.load_original_mnist() print(train_x.shape, train_x.dtype, train_y.shape, train_y.dtype) print(test_x.shape, test_x.dtype, test_y.shape, test_y.dtype) def train_model(classifier, log_stats=True): start_time = time.time() # Train the model # profiler_hook = tf.train.ProfilerHook(save_steps=50, output_dir=MODEL_DIR + '/train') train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn( x={"x": train_x}, y=train_y, batch_size=TRAINING_BATCH_SIZE, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True) classifier.train( input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=TRAINING_STEPS, # hooks=[profiler_hook] ) duration = round(time.time() - start_time, 3) if log_stats: print("Training duration: " + common.duration_to_string(duration)) return duration def eval_model(classifier, log_stats=True): start_time = time.time() tensors_to_log = { # "probabilities": "softmax_tensor", "pred": "diff" } logging_hook = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(tensors=tensors_to_log, every_n_iter=1) eval_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn( x={"x": test_x}, y=test_y, batch_size=EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False) result = classifier.evaluate( input_fn=eval_input_fn, steps=EVAL_STEPS, # hooks=[logging_hook] ) duration = round(time.time() - start_time, 3) if log_stats: print("Training duration: " + common.duration_to_string(duration)) print("Eval result:", result) return result, duration model_stats_map = {} for conf_name, config in model_configs.items(): # if config["skip"]: # continue print("RUN CONFIG: %s" % conf_name) model_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, conf_name) # common.clean_dir(model_dir) mnist_classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn=model_fn, model_dir=model_dir, params=config) eval_results = [] total_train_duration = 0 total_eval_duration = 0 for _ in range(TRAINING_EPOCHS): # train_duration = train_model(mnist_classifier) # total_train_duration += train_duration eval_result, eval_duration = eval_model(mnist_classifier) eval_results.append(eval_result) total_eval_duration += eval_duration final_result = common.get_final_eval_result(eval_results) print("Eval results:") pp.pprint(eval_results) model_stats_map[conf_name] = { "model_details": model_details, "final_result": final_result, "total_train_duration": common.duration_to_string(total_train_duration), "total_eval_duration": common.duration_to_string(total_eval_duration), } common.save_pickle( model_stats_map[conf_name], os.path.join(model_details["model_dir"], "last_result.pkl")) common.save_json( model_stats_map[conf_name], os.path.join(model_details["model_dir"], "last_result.json")) print("Total training duration: " + common.duration_to_string(total_train_duration)) print("Total eval duration: " + common.duration_to_string(total_eval_duration)) print("Models results:") pp.pprint(model_stats_map)
for badword, count in itertools.islice(iterator, 30): print(badword, "(%d)" % count) # hack: save another pack with errors as note, with quality 'spell'. patch_me = common.load_json(settings["packfile"]) for file_dict_path_str, errors in grammar_checker.all_the_errors.items(): grammar_errors = [] for severity, error, text in errors: if error == "grammar error" or error == "spelling error": grammar_errors.append(text) if not grammar_errors: continue entry = patch_me[file_dict_path_str] end_note = entry.get("note", "") if entry.get("quality"): end_note = "%s: %s"%(entry["quality"], end_note) if end_note: grammar_errors.append(end_note) entry["quality"] = "spell" entry["note"] = "\n".join(grammar_errors) common.save_json(settings["packfile"]+".spellchecked", patch_me)
content = info = common.hexo_info(content) link = '/%04d/%02d/%02d/%s/' % ( info['date'].year, info['date'].month, info['date'].day, name, ) data = { 'site': config['site'], 'username': config['username'], 'repo': config['repo'], 'token': config['token'], 'title': info['title'], 'labels': ['gitment', link], 'body': '%s%s' % (config['site'], link) } if check.get(link) is None: r_check = api.check_exist(config['username'], config['repo'], data['labels']) if len(r_check) == 0: api.new_issue(**data) print('Create issue %s.' % data['title']) check[link] = True common.save_json(F_CHECK, check)
def add_folder(request): """ Adding new folder to file system and to BitTorrent Sync """ try: # receiving keys: path, secret, identity data = json.loads(request.body) # checking if user passed no identity if not data["identity"]: return HttpResponseServerError("Pole tożsamości jest puste.") # checking if user passed too long identity if len(data["identity"]) > 25: return HttpResponseServerError("Zbyt długa tożsamość.") # checking if dir exists if not os.path.isdir(data["path"]): return HttpResponseServerError("Wybrany folder nie istnieje.") # checking if dir i empty if os.listdir(data["path"]) != []: return HttpResponseServerError("Wybrany folder nie jest pusty.") # checking secret if len(data["secret"]) != 33 and len(data["secret"]) != 0: return HttpResponseServerError("Wpisany secret ma złą długość.") # getting secret if not data["secret"]: js = json.loads( requests.get( "http://" + config["btsync_server_address"] + "/api", params={"method": "get_secrets"}, auth=("team", "sync"), ).text ) if "read_write" not in js: return HttpResponseServerError("Wystąpił błąd podczas uzyskiwania secreta.") data["secret"] = js["read_write"] # adding folder js2 = json.loads( requests.get( "http://" + config["btsync_server_address"] + "/api", params={"method": "add_folder", "dir": data["path"], "secret": data["secret"]}, auth=("team", "sync"), ).text ) if js2["error"] != 0: return HttpResponseServerError("Wystąpił błąd podczas dodawania folderu.") # updating config config["identities"][data["secret"]] = data["identity"] save_json(config["application_path"] + "/config.json", config) # creating .Comments directory if not os.path.isdir(data["path"] + "/.Comments"): os.makedirs(data["path"] + "/.Comments") # creating .Users directory if not os.path.isdir(data["path"] + "/.Users"): os.makedirs(data["path"] + "/.Users") # adding usr to .Users directory save_json( data["path"] + "/.Users/" + config["uid"] + ".json", { "uid": config["uid"], "identity": data["identity"] # todo(future) another config goes here for example color of comments etc. }, ) return HttpResponse("Dodano folder.") except Exception: return HttpResponseServerError("Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas dodawania folderu.")
def __output(self): segids = [] rid = 0 segs = dict() for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks): # texts texts, images, links, cssselectors = [], [], [], [] for node in block: # extract text from node for text in node.stripped_strings: texts.append(text) # extract text from node -- end # extract images in css background background_image_urls = self.__get_css_background_image_urls( node) for url in background_image_urls: dict_img = dict() dict_img["alt"] = "" dict_img["src"] = urljoin(self.url, url) r, g, b = self.__get_css_background_color(node) dict_img["bg_color"] = "%d,%d,%d" % (r, g, b) images.append(dict_img) # extract images in css background -- end # extract images in <img> element for img in node.find_all("img"): dict_img = dict() if "src" in img.attrs: dict_img["src"] = urljoin(self.url, img["src"]) if "alt" in img.attrs: dict_img["alt"] = img["alt"] images.append(dict_img) r, g, b = self.__get_css_background_color(img) dict_img["bg_color"] = "%d,%d,%d" % (r, g, b) # extract images in <img> element # extract hyperlink from node for link in node.find_all("a"): if "href" in link.attrs: links.append({"href": urljoin(self.url, link["href"])}) # extract hyperlink from node -- end cssselectors.append(self.__get_css_selector(node)) if len(texts) == 0 and len(images) == 0: continue lid = block[0]["lid"] if lid not in segids: segids.append(lid) sid = str(segids.index(lid)) if sid not in segs: segs[sid] = { "segment_id": int(sid), "css_selector": self.__get_css_selector(block[0].parent), "records": [] } segs[sid]["records"].append({ "record_id": rid, "texts": texts, "images": images, "css_selector": cssselectors, "links": links }) rid += 1 self.json_data = dict() self.json_data["segments"] = [value for key, value in segs.items()] self.json_data["url"] = self.url self.json_data["title"] = self.browser.title common.save_json(self.output_folder + "/result.json", self.json_data, encoding=setting.OUTPUT_JSON_ENCODING)
def __output(self): segids = [] rid = 0 segs = dict() for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks): # texts texts, images, links, cssselectors, location, size = [], [], [], [], [], [] for node in block: # extract text from node for text in node.stripped_strings: texts.append(text) # extract text from node -- end # extract images in css background background_image_urls = self.__get_css_background_image_urls( node) for url in background_image_urls: dict_img = dict() dict_img["alt"] = "" dict_img["src"] = urljoin(self.url, url) r, g, b = self.__get_css_background_color(node) dict_img["bg_color"] = "%d,%d,%d" % (r, g, b) images.append(dict_img) # extract images in css background -- end # extract images in <img> element for img in node.find_all("img"): dict_img = dict() if "src" in img.attrs: dict_img["src"] = urljoin(self.url, img["src"]) if "alt" in img.attrs: dict_img["alt"] = img["alt"] images.append(dict_img) r, g, b = self.__get_css_background_color(img) dict_img["bg_color"] = "%d,%d,%d" % (r, g, b) # extract images in <img> element # extract hyperlink from node for link in node.find_all("a"): if "href" in link.attrs: links.append({"href": urljoin(self.url, link["href"])}) # extract hyperlink from node -- end cssselectors.append(self.__get_css_selector(node)) location.append( self.__get_location_by_css(self.__get_css_selector(node))) size.append(self.__get_size(self.__get_css_selector(node))) # if self.which_end == "wap": # if (self.__get_css_selector(node) == # "html > body:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(5) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > a > p" # or # self.__get_css_selector(node) == # "html > body:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(5) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > a > p:nth-child(2)"): # for text in node.stripped_strings: # print(text) # if (self.__get_css_selector(node) == # "html > body:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(5) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > a:nth-child(5)" # or # self.__get_css_selector(node) == # "html > body:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > a:nth-child(5)"): # # for parent in node.parents: # # print(self.__get_location_by_css(self.__get_css_selector(parent))) # # aaa = self.__get_location_by_css(self.__get_css_selector(node)) # # bbb = self.__get_size(self.__get_css_selector(node)) # # self.browser.find_element_by_css_selector(self.__get_css_selector(node)).screenshot(self.output_folder + "/hhh.png") # for text in node.stripped_strings: # print(text) # if self.which_end == "web": # if (self.__get_css_selector(node) == # "html > body:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(6) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(6) > div > div:nth-child(2)" # or # self.__get_css_selector(node) == # "html > body:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(8) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(7) > div > div:nth-child(2)"): # for text in node.stripped_strings: # print(text) if len(texts) == 0 and len(images) == 0: continue lid = block[0]["lid"] if lid not in segids: segids.append(lid) sid = str(segids.index(lid)) if sid not in segs: segs[sid] = { "segment_id": int(sid), "css_selector": self.__get_css_selector(block[0].parent), "records": [] } segs[sid]["records"].append({ "record_id": rid, "texts": texts, "images": images, "css_selector": cssselectors, "links": links, "location": location, "size": size }) rid += 1 self.json_data = dict() self.json_data["segments"] = [value for key, value in segs.items()] self.json_data["url"] = self.url self.json_data["title"] = self.browser.title # region = (int(aaa['x']), int(aaa['y']), int(aaa['x'] + bbb['width']), int(aaa['y'] + bbb['height'])) # i = + "/screenshot.png") # i.crop(region).save(self.output_folder + "/hhh.png") common.save_json(self.output_folder + "/result.json", self.json_data, encoding=setting.OUTPUT_JSON_ENCODING)
def write_new_thread(request): """ Prepare file system (create directory etc.) for comment files and create the first one. Keys in request.body: insidepath - relative path inside shared folder folderpath - path of shared folder topic - text of thread's topic fileabout - if thread is a discussion about some shared file, this indicates which file it is (only name of the file, not full path) comment - text of first comment """ try: if not check_connection(): return HttpResponseServerError('Brak połączenia z Internetem.') # getting and preparing data timestamp = get_timestamp() data = json.loads(request.body) # generating full path of a thread directory full_thread_path = os.path.join(data['folderpath'], '.Comments', data['insidepath'][1:], timestamp + file_name_separator + config['uid']) if os.path.isdir(full_thread_path): return HttpResponseServerError('Podany wątek już istnieje.') # thread dict sent to GUI response = { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'name': data['topic'], 'type': 'thread', 'numberofcomments': 1, 'unreadcomment': False, 'lastcomment': timestamp, 'fullpath': full_thread_path, 'insidepath': full_thread_path.replace(data['folderpath'] + '/.Comments', ''), } # data stored in file system as 'meta' file meta = { 'uid': config['uid'], 'timestamp': timestamp, 'topic': data['topic'], 'fileabout': '' if data['fileabout'] == "<brak>" else os.path.join(data['insidepath'], data['fileabout']) } # data stored in comment file comment = { 'uid': config['uid'], 'timestamp': timestamp, 'comment': data['comment'], 'readby': { config['uid']: timestamp }, 'history': [{ 'timestamp': timestamp, 'comment': data['comment'] }] } # creating thread's directory and writing data to files os.makedirs(full_thread_path) save_json(os.path.join(full_thread_path, 'meta'), meta) save_json(os.path.join(full_thread_path, timestamp + file_name_separator + config['uid']), comment) return JsonResponse(response, safe=False) except Exception: return HttpResponseServerError('Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas dodawania nowego wątku.')