def make_test(value):

    result = value % (2**130 - 5)

    h_in = split32(value, 5)
    h_out = split32(result, 5)

    print ""
    print "void test_%d() {" %
    print "    uint32_t h[5] = {" + ", ".join(h_in) + "};"
    print "    const uint32_t expected_h[5] = {" + ", ".join(h_out) + "};"
    print ""
    print "    poly1305_reduce(h);"
    print "    assert(memcmp(h, expected_h, sizeof(h)) == 0);"
    print "}"
    print ""
def make_test(value):

    result = value % (2**130 - 5)

    h_in = split32(value, 5)
    h_out = split32(result, 5)

    print ""
    print "void test_%d() {" %
    print "    uint32_t h[5] = {" + ", ".join(h_in) + "};"
    print "    const uint32_t expected_h[5] = {" + ", ".join(h_out) + "};"
    print ""
    print "    poly1305_reduce(h);"
    print "    assert(memcmp(h, expected_h, sizeof(h)) == 0);"
    print "}"
    print ""
Beispiel #3
def make_test(term, secret):

    assert term < 2**(32*5)
    assert len(secret) == 16
    # Several bits in the secret must be cleared
    clamped = bytearray(secret)
    for idx in 3, 7, 11, 15:
        clamped[idx] &= 15
    for idx in 4, 8, 12:
        clamped[idx] &= 252
    # Turn the secret into an integer r
    r = 0
    for x in clamped[::-1]:
        r = (r * 256) + x

    # Work out what the results (2 or 3) should be
    p = 2**130 - 5
    result = (term * r) % p
    all_results = []
    while result < 2**131:
        all_results.append(split32(result, 5))
        result += p
    n_results = len(all_results)

    # Split the term into 32-bit words
    h_split = split32(term, 5)

    print ""
    print "void test_%d() {" %
    print "    uint8_t secret[16] = {" + ",".join([str(ord(x)) for x in secret]) + "};"
    print "    uint32_t r[4], rr[4];"
    print "    uint32_t h[5] = {" + ",".join(h_split) + "};"
    print "    int match;";
    for x in range(n_results):
        y = ",".join(all_results[x])
        print "    uint32_t expected_h_%d[5] = { %s };" % (x+1, y)
    print ""
    print "    poly1305_load_r(r, rr, secret);"
    print "    poly1305_multiply(h, r, rr);"
    print "    match = !0;"
    for x in range(n_results):
        print "    match = match && memcmp(h, expected_h_%d, sizeof(h));" % (x+1)
    print "    assert(match == 0);"
    print "}"
    print ""
def make_test(term1, term2):

    assert term1 < 2**(32*5)
    assert term2 < 2**(32*5)

    t1_split = split32(term1, 5)
    t2_split = split32(term2, 5)
    res_split = split32(term1 + term2, 5)

    print ""
    print "void test_%d() {" %
    print "    uint32_t h[5] = {" + ",".join(t1_split) + "};"
    print "    uint32_t m[5] = {" + ",".join(t2_split) + "};"
    print "    uint32_t w[5] = {" + ",".join(res_split) + "};"

    print "    poly1305_accumulate(h, m);"
    print "    assert(0 == memcmp(h, w, sizeof(h)));"
    print "}"
    print ""
Beispiel #5
def make_test(term1, term2):

    assert term1 < 2**(32 * 5)
    assert term2 < 2**(32 * 5)

    t1_split = split32(term1, 5)
    t2_split = split32(term2, 5)
    res_split = split32(term1 + term2, 5)

    print("void test_%d() {" % next(counter))
    print("    uint32_t h[5] = {" + ",".join(t1_split) + "};")
    print("    uint32_t m[5] = {" + ",".join(t2_split) + "};")
    print("    uint32_t w[5] = {" + ",".join(res_split) + "};")

    print("    poly1305_accumulate(h, m);")
    print("    assert(0 == memcmp(h, w, sizeof(h)));")