Beispiel #1
    def run_fuse(self):
        Run fusion.

        assert os.path.exists(self.options.depth_dir)

        files = self.read_directory(self.options.depth_dir)
        timer = common.Timer()
        Rs = self.get_views()

        for filepath in files:

            # As rendering might be slower, we wait for rendering to finish.
            # This allows to run rendering and fusing in parallel (more or less).

            depths = common.read_hdf5(filepath)

            tsdf = self.fusion(depths, Rs)
            tsdf = tsdf[0]

            vertices, triangles = libmcubes.marching_cubes(-tsdf, 0)
            vertices /= self.options.resolution
            vertices -= 0.5

            tsdf_file = os.path.join(self.options.tsdf_dir, '0.hf5')
            off_file = os.path.join(self.options.out_dir,

            common.write_hdf5(tsdf_file, tsdf)
            libmcubes.export_off(vertices, triangles, off_file)
            print('[Data] wrote %s (%f seconds)' % (off_file, timer.elapsed()))
    def run_render(self, filepath):
        Run rendering.
        timer = common.Timer()
        Rs = self.get_views()

        mesh = common.Mesh.from_off(filepath)
        depths = self.render(mesh, Rs)

        depth_file = self.get_outpath(filepath)
        common.write_hdf5(depth_file, np.array(depths))
        print('[Data] wrote %s (%f seconds)' % (depth_file, timer.elapsed()))
Beispiel #3
    def run_render(self):
        Run rendering.

        assert os.path.exists(self.options.in_dir)

        files = self.read_directory(self.options.in_dir)
        timer = common.WallTimer()
        Rs = self.get_views()

        for filepath in files:
            mesh = common.Mesh.from_off(filepath)
            depths = self.render(mesh, Rs)

            depth_file = os.path.join(self.options.depth_dir, os.path.basename(filepath) + '.h5')
            common.write_hdf5(depth_file, np.array(depths))
            print('[Data] wrote %s (%f seconds)' % (depth_file, timer.elapsed()))
    def create_dataset(self, training=True):

        # Root of the data
        data_dir = if training else self.testing

        # Subdirectories for images, ground truth and masks
        imgs_dir = join(data_dir, 'images')
        ground_truth_dir = join(data_dir, '1st_manual')
        mask_dir = join(data_dir, 'mask')

        # Initialise empty data arrays
        imgs_arr = np.empty((self.n_imgs, self.height, self.width, self.channels))
        ground_truth_arr = np.empty((self.n_imgs, self.height, self.width))
        masks_arr = np.empty((self.n_imgs, self.height, self.width))

        # Loop through all files in images directory
        for i, file_ in enumerate(sorted(listdir(imgs_dir))):

            print "Loading '{}'".format(file_)

            # Add the image to an ndarray
            img =, file_))
            imgs_arr[i] = np.asarray(img)

            # Find the ground truth
            gt_file = file_[0:6] + "_manual1.gif"
            g_truth =, gt_file))
            ground_truth_arr[i] = np.asarray(g_truth).astype(np.uint8) * 255

            # Find the mask
            ext = "_test_mask.gif"
            mask_file = file_[0:6] + ext
            b_mask =, mask_file))
            masks_arr[i] = np.asarray(b_mask).astype(np.uint8) * 255

        # Value assertions
        print "imgs max: {}".format(np.max(imgs_arr))
        print "imgs min: {}".format(np.min(imgs_arr))

        assert(np.max(ground_truth_arr) == 255 and np.max(masks_arr) == 255)
        assert(np.min(ground_truth_arr) == 0 and np.min(masks_arr) == 0)
        print "Ground truth and border masks are correctly within pixel value range 0 - 255 (black - white)"

        # Reshaping
        imgs_arr = np.transpose(imgs_arr,(0,3,1,2))
        assert(imgs_arr.shape == (self.n_imgs, self.channels, self.height, self.width))

        ground_truth_arr = np.reshape(ground_truth_arr,(self.n_imgs, 1, self.height, self.width))
        assert(ground_truth_arr.shape == (self.n_imgs, 1, self.height, self.width))

        masks_arr = np.reshape(masks_arr, (self.n_imgs, 1, self.height, self.width))
        assert(masks_arr.shape == (self.n_imgs, 1, self.height, self.width))

        # Write the data to disk
        type_ = 'train' if training else 'test'

        print "Saving dataset to '{}'".format(self.out_dir)
        write_hdf5(imgs_arr, join(self.out_dir, "200image_dataset_imgs_{}.hdf5".format(type_)))
        write_hdf5(ground_truth_arr, join(self.out_dir, "200image_dataset_groundTruth_{}.hdf5".format(type_)))
        write_hdf5(masks_arr, join(self.out_dir, "200image_dataset_borderMasks_{}.hdf5".format(type_)))

        return imgs_arr, ground_truth_arr, masks_arr
        # May also switch axes if necessary.
        mesh.switch_axes(0, 2)

        scaled_off_path = os.path.join(options.scale_dir,
        Run rendering.
        mesh = common.Mesh.from_off(scaled_off_path)
        depths = fusion_tools.render(mesh, Rs)

        depth_file_path = os.path.join(options.depth_dir,
                                       os.path.basename(filepath) + '.h5')
        common.write_hdf5(depth_file_path, np.array(depths))
        print('----- [Depth] wrote %s (%f seconds)' %
              (depth_file_path, timer.elapsed()))
        Performs TSDF fusion.
        As rendering might be slower, we wait for rendering to finish.
        This allows to run rendering and fusing in parallel (more or less).
        depths = common.read_hdf5(depth_file_path)

        tsdf = fusion_tools.fusion(depths, Rs)
        tsdf = tsdf[0]

        vertices, triangles = libmcubes.marching_cubes(-tsdf, 0)
        vertices /= options.resolution