Beispiel #1
def pilgrim_spc(xcc,symbols,bhessian,mname,eargs):
    # expand extra-args
    if   len(eargs) == 1:
        spc_template = eargs[0]
        folder, clean = None, False
    elif len(eargs) == 2:
        spc_template, folder = eargs
        clean = False
    elif len(eargs) == 3:
        spc_template, folder, clean = eargs
    # no template??
    if spc_template is None: raise Exc.NoTemplateGiven(Exception)
    # create folder
    if folder is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
    # Calculate gradient&hessian or just gradient
    if bhessian: inkey3 = "! EnGrad Freq "
    else       : inkey3 = "! EnGrad      "
    # names of files
    wname, ifile, ofile, engrad, hess, gbw, err = ITF.iofiles(mname,folder)
    # Input
    string_ifile = ""
    for line in spc_template.split("\n"):
        if key1 in line:
           line = ""
           for idx,symbol in enumerate(symbols):
               x,y,z  =,idx)
               linedata = (symbol,x*pc.ANGSTROM,y*pc.ANGSTROM,z*pc.ANGSTROM)
               line += "%2s   %+11.6f  %+11.6f  %+11.6f\n"%linedata
        if key2 in line:
           pos  = line.find(key2)
           line = line[0:pos] + wname + line[pos+len(key2):]
        if key3 in line:
           pos  = line.find(key3)
           line = line[0:pos] + inkey3 + line[pos+len(key3):]
        # Add \n to line
        if not line.endswith("\n"): line += "\n"
        string_ifile += line
    # Send calculation
    status = ITF.execute(ifile,ofile,err)
  # # Sleep 0.5 seconds, so Orca can write the files
  # time.sleep(0.5)
    # Check output
    exception = Exc.CalcFails(Exception)
    exception._var = ofile
    if not ITF.normal_termination(ofile): raise exception
    # Read data
    xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses, clevel = ff.read_orca(ofile)
    # Remove files
    if clean:
       files = os.listdir(folder)
       files = [fff for fff in files if     fff.startswith(name)   ]
       files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".inp")   ]
       files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".out")   ]
       files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".engrad")]
       files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".hess")  ]
       for fff in files: os.remove(folder+fff)
    return xcc, atonums, ch, mtp,  E, gcc, Fcc, masses
Beispiel #2
def highlevel_sp(ctc, itc, keyHL, gtsfile, software, dtesHL, dhighlvl):
    # is calculation needed?
    if keyHL in dhighlvl.keys(): return None
    # folder for calculation and file name
    TMP = PN.TMPHLi % keyHL
    mname = "%s.%s" % (keyHL, "sp")
    # Function for calculation and template
    spc_fnc = get_spc_fnc(software)
    tes = dtesHL.get(software, {}).get(ctc, None)
    if tes is None: raise Exc.NoTemplateGiven(Exception)
    # extra-arguments for spc_fnc
    clean = False  # do not delete files
    bhess = False  # do not calculate hessian (no needed actually)
    eargs = (tes, TMP, clean)
    # Read gts file (Molecule instance)
    molecule = Molecule()
    # HL-calculation
    out_spc = spc_fnc(molecule._xcc, molecule._symbols, bhess, mname, eargs)
    return out_spc[4]
Beispiel #3
def pilgrim_spc(xcc, symbols, bhessian, mname, eargs):
    # initialize
    folder = None
    clean = False
    oniomH = []
    oniomM = []
    oniomL = []
    frozen = ([], [])
    # expand extra-args
    if len(eargs) == 1:
        spc_template = eargs[0]
    elif len(eargs) == 2:
        spc_template, folder = eargs
    elif len(eargs) == 3:
        spc_template, folder, clean = eargs
    elif len(eargs) == 5:
        spc_template, folder, clean, frozen, oniom_layers = eargs
        oniomH, oniomM, oniomL = oniom_layers
    # no template??
    if spc_template is None: raise Exc.NoTemplateGiven(Exception)
    # create folder
    if folder is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
    # Calculate gradient&hessian or just gradient
    if bhessian: inkey3 = "freq=noraman "
    else: inkey3 = "force        "
    # names of files
    wname, ifile, ofile, chk, fchk, err = ITF.iofiles(mname, folder)
    # Input
    string_ifile = ""
    for line in spc_template.split("\n"):
        if key1 in line:
            line = ""
            for idx, symbol in enumerate(symbols):
                x, y, z =, idx)
                if idx in oniomH: layer = " H"
                elif idx in oniomM: layer = " M"
                elif idx in oniomL: layer = " L"
                else: layer = "  "
                linedata = (symbol, x * pc.ANGSTROM, y * pc.ANGSTROM,
                            z * pc.ANGSTROM, layer)
                line += "%2s  %+11.6f  %+11.6f  %+11.6f %s\n" % linedata
            # add frozen atoms
            frozen_symbols, frozen_xcc = frozen
            for idx, symbol in enumerate(frozen_symbols):
                x, y, z =, idx)
                # oniom layer?
                at = len(symbols) + idx
                if at in oniomH: layer = " H"
                elif at in oniomM: layer = " M"
                elif at in oniomL: layer = " L"
                else: layer = "  "
                linedata = (symbol, x * pc.ANGSTROM, y * pc.ANGSTROM,
                            z * pc.ANGSTROM, layer)
                line += "%2s  -1 %+11.6f  %+11.6f  %+11.6f %s\n" % linedata
        if key2 in line:
            pos = line.find(key2)
            line = line[0:pos] + wname + line[pos + len(key2):]
        if key3 in line:
            pos = line.find(key3)
            line = line[0:pos] + inkey3 + line[pos + len(key3):]
        # Add \n to line
        if not line.endswith("\n"): line += "\n"
        string_ifile += line
    ff.write_file(ifile, string_ifile)
    # Send calculation
    status = ITF.execute(ifile, ofile, err)
    # Check output
    exception = Exc.CalcFails(Exception)
    exception._var = ofile
    if not ITF.normal_termination(ofile): raise exception
    # (a) chk exists!
    if os.path.exists(chk):
        # Generate fchk
        status = ITF.genfchk(chk, fchk, err)
        # Read data
        xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses, clevel = ff.read_fchk(fchk)
    # (b) chk does not exist!
        xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses, clevel = ITF.read_gauout(
    # Remove files
    if clean:
        files = os.listdir(folder)
        files = [fff for fff in files if fff.startswith(name)]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".gjf")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".log")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".out")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".chk")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".fchk")]
        for fff in files:
            os.remove(folder + fff)
    return xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses
Beispiel #4
def pilgrim_spc(xcc, symbols, bhessian, mname, eargs):
    # expand extra-args
    if len(eargs) == 1:
        spc_template = eargs[0]
        folder, clean = None, False
    elif len(eargs) == 2:
        spc_template, folder = eargs
        clean = False
    elif len(eargs) == 3:
        spc_template, folder, clean = eargs
    elif len(eargs) == 5:
        spc_template, folder, clean, frozen, oniom_layers = eargs
    # no template??
    if spc_template is None: raise Exc.NoTemplateGiven(Exception)

    # lines for GRADIENT (if any)
    gradient_lines = None
    if key4a in spc_template and key4b in spc_template:
        gradient_lines = spc_template.split(key4a)[1].split(key4b)[0]
        spc_template = spc_template.replace(gradient_lines,
                                            "").replace(key4b, "")
        gradient_lines = gradient_lines.strip()

    # lines for HESSIAN (if any)
    hessian_lines = None
    if key5a in spc_template and key5b in spc_template:
        hessian_lines = spc_template.split(key5a)[1].split(key5b)[0]
        spc_template = spc_template.replace(hessian_lines,
                                            "").replace(key5b, "")
        hessian_lines = hessian_lines.strip()

    # create folder
    if folder is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
    # names of files
    wname, ifile, ofile, engrad, hess, gbw, err = ITF.iofiles(mname, folder)
    # Input
    string_ifile = ""
    for line in spc_template.split("\n"):
        if key1 in line:
            line = ""
            for idx, symbol in enumerate(symbols):
                x, y, z =, idx)
                linedata = (symbol, x * pc.ANGSTROM, y * pc.ANGSTROM,
                            z * pc.ANGSTROM)
                line += "%2s   %+11.6f  %+11.6f  %+11.6f\n" % linedata
        if key2 in line:
            pos = line.find(key2)
            line = line[0:pos] + wname + line[pos + len(key2):]

        # Gradient & Hessian computation #
        # (a) via key3
        if key3 in line:
            if bhessian: inkey3 = "! EnGrad Freq "
            else: inkey3 = "! EnGrad      "
            pos = line.find(key3)
            line = line[0:pos] + inkey3 + line[pos + len(key3):]
        # (b) via key4 & key5
        if key4a in line:
            line = line.replace(key4a, gradient_lines)
        if key5a in line:
            if bhessian: line = line.replace(key5a, hessian_lines)
            else: continue

        # Add \n to line
        if not line.endswith("\n"): line += "\n"
        string_ifile += line

    with open(ifile, 'w') as asdf:
    # Send calculation
    status = ITF.execute(ifile, ofile, err)
    # # Sleep 0.5 seconds, so Orca can write the files
    # time.sleep(0.5)
    # Check output
    exception = Exc.CalcFails(Exception)
    exception._var = ofile
    if not ITF.normal_termination(ofile): raise exception
    # Read data
    xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses, clevel = ITF.read_orca(ofile)
    # Remove files
    if clean:
        files = os.listdir(folder)
        files = [fff for fff in files if fff.startswith(name)]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".inp")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".out")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".engrad")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".hess")]
        for fff in files:
            os.remove(folder + fff)
    return xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses