Beispiel #1
def GetMetadata(media, movie, error_log, source, AniDBid, TVDBid, AniDBMovieSets, mappingList):
  ''' Download metadata to dict_AniDB, ANNid, MALid
  Log.Info("=== AniDB.GetMetadata() ===".ljust(157, '='))
  ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL       = ''
  ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL       = ''                                                                # AniDB picture directory
  ANIDB_PIC_THUMB_URL      = '{}.jpg-thumb.jpg' 
  AniDB_dict, ANNid, MALid = {}, "", ""
  original                 = AniDBid
  language_posters         = [language.strip() for language in Prefs['PosterLanguagePriority'].split(',')]
  priority_posters         = [provider.strip() for provider in Prefs['posters'               ].split(',')]
  ### Build the list of anidbids for files present ####
  if source.startswith("tvdb") or source.startswith("anidb") and not movie and max(map(int, media.seasons.keys()))>1:  #multi anidbid required only for tvdb numbering
    full_array  = [ anidbid for season in Dict(mappingList, 'TVDB') or [] for anidbid in Dict(mappingList, 'TVDB', season) if season and 'e' not in season and anidbid.isdigit() ]
    AniDB_array = { AniDBid: [] } if Dict(mappingList, 'defaulttvdbseason')=='1' or Dict(mappingList, 'TVDB', 'sa') else {}
    for season in sorted(media.seasons, key=common.natural_sort_key) if not movie else []:  # For each season, media, then use metadata['season'][season]...
      for episode in sorted(media.seasons[season].episodes, key=common.natural_sort_key):
        new_season, new_episode, anidbid = AnimeLists.anidb_ep(mappingList, season, episode)
        numbering                        = 's{}e{}'.format(season, episode)
        if anidbid and not (new_season=='0' and new_episode=='0'):  SaveDict([numbering], AniDB_array, anidbid)
      else:  continue
  elif source.startswith('anidb') and AniDBid != "":  full_array, AniDB_array = [AniDBid], {AniDBid:[]}
  else:                                               full_array, AniDB_array = [], {}
  Log.Info("AniDBid: {}, AniDBids list: {}, source: {}".format(AniDBid, full_array, source))
  for anidbid in AniDB_array:
    Log.Info('[+] {:>5}: {}'.format(anidbid, AniDB_array[anidbid]))
  Log.Info('language_posters: {}'.format(language_posters))
  ### Load anidb xmls in tvdb numbering format if needed ###
  for AniDBid in full_array:
    Log.Info(("--- %s ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
    Log.Info('AniDBid: {}, url: {}'.format(AniDBid, ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL+AniDBid))
    Log.Info(("--- %s.series ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
    xml = common.LoadFile(filename=AniDBid+".xml", relativeDirectory=os.path.join("AniDB", "xml"), url=ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL+AniDBid)  # AniDB title database loaded once every 2 weeks

    if not xml or isinstance(xml, str):
      if not xml:               SaveDict(True, AniDB_dict, 'Banned')
      if isinstance(xml, str):  Log.Error('Invalid str returned: "{}"'.format(xml))

      title, original_title, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle(AniDBTitlesDB.xpath('/animetitles/anime[@aid="{}"]/title'.format(AniDBid)))
      if AniDBid==original or len(full_array)==1:
        Log.Info("[ ] title: {}"         .format(SaveDict(title,          AniDB_dict, 'title'         )))
        Log.Info("[ ] original_title: {}".format(SaveDict(original_title, AniDB_dict, 'original_title')))
        Log.Info("[ ] language_rank: {}" .format(SaveDict(language_rank,  AniDB_dict, 'language_rank' )))

    elif xml:
      title, original_title, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle(xml.xpath('/anime/titles/title'))
      if AniDBid==original or len(full_array)==1: #Dict(mappingList, 'poster_id_array', TVDBid, AniDBid)[0]in ('1', 'a'):  ### for each main anime AniDBid ###
        Log.Info("[ ] title: {}"         .format(SaveDict(title,          AniDB_dict, 'title'         )))
        Log.Info("[ ] original_title: {}".format(SaveDict(original_title, AniDB_dict, 'original_title')))
        Log.Info("[ ] language_rank: {}" .format(SaveDict(language_rank,  AniDB_dict, 'language_rank' )))
        if SaveDict( GetXml(xml, 'startdate'  ), AniDB_dict, 'originally_available_at'):  Log.Info("[ ] originally_available_at: '{}'".format(AniDB_dict['originally_available_at']))
        if SaveDict(summary_sanitizer(GetXml(xml, 'description')), AniDB_dict, 'summary') and not movie and Dict(mappingList, 'defaulttvdbseason').isdigit() and mappingList['defaulttvdbseason'] in media.seasons:
          SaveDict(AniDB_dict['summary'], AniDB_dict, 'seasons', mappingList['defaulttvdbseason'], 'summary') 
        Log.Info("[ ] rating: '{}'".format(SaveDict( GetXml(xml, 'ratings/temporary'), AniDB_dict, 'rating')))
        ### Posters
        if GetXml(xml, 'picture'):
          rank = 1
          if 'en'     in language_posters:  rank = (rank//30)*30*language_posters.index('en')+rank%30
          if 'AniDB'  in priority_posters:  rank = rank+ 6*priority_posters.index('AniDB')
          AniDB_dict['posters'] = {ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + GetXml(xml, 'picture'): ( os.path.join('AniDB', 'poster', GetXml(xml, 'picture')), rank, ANIDB_PIC_THUMB_URL.format(GetXml(xml, 'picture').split('.')[0]))}
        ### genre ###
        RESTRICTED_GENRE     = {"18 restricted": 'X', "pornography": 'X', "tv censoring": 'TV-MA', "borderline p**n": 'TV-MA'}
        for tag in xml.xpath('tags/tag'):
          if GetXml(tag, 'name') and tag.get('weight', '').isdigit() and int(tag.get('weight', '') or '200') >= int(Prefs['MinimumWeight'] or '200'):
            SaveDict( [string.capwords(GetXml(tag, 'name'), '-')], AniDB_dict, 'genres')
            if GetXml(tag, 'name').lower() in RESTRICTED_GENRE:  AniDB_dict['content_rating'] = RESTRICTED_GENRE[ GetXml(tag, 'name').lower() ]
        if Dict(AniDB_dict, 'genres'): AniDB_dict['genres'].sort()
        SaveDict( "Continuing" if GetXml(xml, 'Anime/enddate')=="1970-01-01" else "Ended", AniDB_dict, 'status')
        Log.Info("[ ] genres ({}/{} above {} weight): {}".format(len(Dict(AniDB_dict, 'genres')), len(xml.xpath('tags/tag')), int(Prefs['MinimumWeight'] or 200), Dict(AniDB_dict, 'genres')))
        for element in AniDBMovieSets.xpath("/anime-set-list/set/anime"):
          if element.get('anidbid') == AniDBid or element.get('anidbid') in full_array:
            node              = element.getparent()
            title, main, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle(node.xpath('titles')[0])
            if title not in Dict(AniDB_dict, 'collections', default=[]):
              Log.Info("[ ] title: {}, main: {}, language_rank: {}".format(title, main, language_rank))
              SaveDict([title], AniDB_dict, 'collections')
              Log.Info("[ ] collection: AniDBid '%s' is part of movie collection: '%s', related_anime_list: %s" % (AniDBid, title, str(full_array)))
        if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'collections'):  Log.Info("[ ] collection: AniDBid '%s' is not part of any collection, related_anime_list: %s" % (AniDBid, str(full_array))) 
        #roles  ### NEW, NOT IN Plex FrameWork Documentation 2.1.1 ###
        Log.Info(("--- %s.actors ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
        for role in xml.xpath('characters/character[(@type="secondary cast in") or (@type="main character in")]'):
            if GetXml(role, 'seiyuu') and GetXml(role, 'name'):  
              role_dict = {'role': role.find('name').text, 'name': role.find('seiyuu').text, 'photo': ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + role.find('seiyuu').get('picture')}
              SaveDict([role_dict], AniDB_dict, 'roles')
              Log.Info('[ ] role: {:<20}, name: {:<20}, photo: {}'.format(role_dict['role'], role_dict['name'], role_dict['photo']))
          except Exception as e:  Log.Info("Seyiuu error: {}".format(e))
      if  movie:
        Log.Info("[ ] year: '{}'".format(SaveDict(GetXml(xml, 'startdate')[0:4], AniDB_dict, 'year')))
        Log.Info(("--- %s.summary info ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
      ### Series ###
        ### not listed for serie but is for eps
        roles    = { "Animation Work":"studio", "Direction":"directors", "Series Composition":"producers", "Original Work":"writers", "Script":"writers", "Screenplay":"writers" }
        ep_roles = {}
        for creator in xml.xpath('creators/name'):
          for role in roles: 
            if not role in creator.get('type'):  continue
            if roles[role]=="studio":  SaveDict(creator.text, AniDB_dict, 'studio')
            else:                      SaveDict([creator.text], ep_roles, roles[role])
        Log.Info("[ ] roles (creators tag): " +str(ep_roles))
        if SaveDict(GetXml(xml, 'type')=='Movie', AniDB_dict, 'movie'):  Log.Info("'movie': '{}'".format(AniDB_dict['movie']))
        ### Translate into season/episode mapping
        numEpisodes, totalDuration, mapped_eps, ending_table, op_nb = 0, 0, [], {}, 0 
        specials = {'S': [0, 'Special'], 'C': [100, 'Opening/Ending'], 'T': [200, 'Trailer'], 'P': [300, 'Parody'], 'O': [400, 'Other']}
        movie_ep_groups = {}
        missing={'0': [], '1':[]}
        ### Episodes (and specials) not always in right order ###
        Log.Info(("--- %s.episodes ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
        ending_offset = 99
        for ep_obj in sorted(xml.xpath('episodes/episode'), key=lambda x: [int(x.xpath('epno')[0].get('type')), int(x.xpath('epno')[0].text if x.xpath('epno')[0].text.isdigit() else x.xpath('epno')[0].text[1:])]):
          ### Title, Season, Episode number, Specials
          title, main, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle (ep_obj.xpath('title'), [language.strip() for language in Prefs['EpisodeLanguagePriority'].split(',')])
          epNum     = ep_obj.xpath('epno')[0]
          epNumType = epNum.get('type')
          season    = "1" if epNumType == "1" else "0"
          if   epNumType=="3" and ep_obj.xpath('title')[0].text.startswith('Ending') and int(epNum.text[1:])-1<ending_offset:  ending_offset = int(epNum.text[1:])-1
          if   epNumType=="3" and int(epNum.text[1:])>ending_offset:  episode = str(int(epNum.text[1:])+150-ending_offset)  #shifted to 150 for 1st ending.  
          elif epNumType=="1":                                        episode = epNum.text
          else:                                                       episode = str( specials[ epNum.text[0] ][0] + int(epNum.text[1:]))
          numbering = "s{}e{:>3}".format(season, episode)
          #If tvdb numbering used, save anidb episode meta using tvdb numbering
          if source.startswith("tvdb") or source.startswith("anidb") and not movie and max(map(int, media.seasons.keys()))>1:
            season, episode = AnimeLists.tvdb_ep(mappingList, season, episode, AniDBid) ###Broken for tvdbseason='a'

            # Get season from absolute number OR convert episode number to absolute number
            if source in ('tvdb3', 'tvdb4') and season not in ('-1', '0'):
              if season=='a' or source=='tvdb4':  season = Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map', episode, default=(season, episode))[0]
              elif episode!='0':
                try:  episode = list(Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map', default={}).keys())[list(Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map', default={}).values()).index((season, episode))]
                except Exception as e:  Log.Error("Exception: {}".format(e))

            if season=='0' and episode=='0' or not season in media.seasons or not episode in media.seasons[season].episodes:   Log.Info('[ ] {} => s{:>1}e{:>3} epNumType: {}'.format(numbering, season, episode, epNumType));  continue
            ### Series poster as season poster
            if GetXml(xml, 'picture') and not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'posters', ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + GetXml(xml, 'picture')):
              rank = 1
              if 'en'     in language_posters:  rank = (rank//30)*30*language_posters.index('en')+rank%30
              if 'AniDB'  in priority_posters:  rank = rank+ 6*priority_posters.index('AniDB')
              SaveDict((os.path.join('AniDB', 'poster', GetXml(xml, 'picture')), rank, ANIDB_PIC_THUMB_URL.format(GetXml(xml, 'picture').split('.')[0])), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'posters', ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + GetXml(xml, 'picture'))

          ### In AniDB numbering, Movie episode group, create key and create key in dict with empty list if doesn't exist ###
          else:  #if source.startswith("anidb") and not movie and max(map(int, media.seasons.keys()))<=1:
            ### Movie episode group, create key and create key in dict with empty list if doesn't exist ###
            key = ''
            if epNumType=='1' and GetXml(xml, '/anime/episodecount')=='1' and GetXml(xml, '/anime/type') in ('Movie', 'OVA'):
              key = '1' if title in ('Complete Movie', 'OVA') else title[-1] if title.startswith('Part ') and title[-1].isdigit() else '' #'-1'
              if key:  SaveDict([], movie_ep_groups, key)
            #Episode missing from disk
            if not season in media.seasons or not episode in media.seasons[season].episodes:
              Log.Info('[ ] {} => s{:>1}e{:>3} air_date: {}'.format(numbering, season, episode, GetXml(ep_obj, 'airdate')))
              current_air_date = GetXml(ep_obj, 'airdate').replace('-','')
              current_air_date = int(current_air_date) if current_air_date.isdigit() and int(current_air_date) > 10000000 else 99999999
              if int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d")) > current_air_date+1:
                if   epNumType == '1' and key:  SaveDict([numbering], movie_ep_groups, key   )
                elif epNumType in ['1', '2']:   SaveDict([episode],   missing,         season)
          ### Episodes
          SaveDict(language_rank, AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'language_rank')
          SaveDict(title,         AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'title'        )
          Log.Info('[X] {} => s{:>1}e{:>3} air_date: {} language_rank: {}, title: "{}"'.format(numbering, season, episode, GetXml(ep_obj, 'airdate'), language_rank, title))
          if GetXml(ep_obj, 'length').isdigit():
            SaveDict(int(GetXml(ep_obj, 'length'))*1000*60, AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'duration')  # AniDB stores it in minutes, Plex save duration in millisecs
            if season == "1":  numEpisodes, totalDuration = numEpisodes+1, totalDuration + int(GetXml(ep_obj, 'length'))
          SaveDict(GetXml(ep_obj, 'rating' ), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'rating'                 )
          SaveDict(GetXml(ep_obj, 'airdate'), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'originally_available_at')
          if SaveDict(summary_sanitizer(GetXml(ep_obj, 'summary')), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'summary'):  Log.Info(" - [ ] summary: {}".format(Dict(AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'summary')))
          #for role in ep_roles: SaveDict(",".join(ep_roles[role]), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, role)
            #Log.Info("role: '%s', value: %s " % (role, str(ep_roles[role])))
        ### End of for ep_obj...
        Log.Info(("--- %s.summary info ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
        if SaveDict(int(totalDuration)/int(numEpisodes) if int(numEpisodes) else 0, AniDB_dict, 'duration'):
          Log.Info("Duration: {}, numEpisodes: {}, average duration: {}".format(str(totalDuration), str(numEpisodes), AniDB_dict['duration']))

        ### AniDB numbering Missing Episodes ###
        if source.startswith("anidb") and not movie and max(map(int, media.seasons.keys()))<=1:
          if movie_ep_groups:
            Log.Info("Movie/OVA Ep Groups: %s" % movie_ep_groups)  #movie_ep_groups: {'1': ['s1e1'], '3': ['s1e4', 's1e5', 's1e6'], '2': ['s1e3'], '-1': []}
            SaveDict([value for key in movie_ep_groups for value in movie_ep_groups[key] if 0 < len(movie_ep_groups[key]) < int(key)], missing, '1')
          for season in sorted(missing):
            missing_eps = sorted(missing[season], key=common.natural_sort_key)
            Log.Info('Season: {} Episodes: {} not on disk'.format(season, missing_eps))
            if missing_eps:  error_log['Missing Specials' if season=='0' else 'Missing Episodes'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | Missing Episodes: %s" % (common.WEB_LINK % (common.ANIDB_SERIE_URL + AniDBid, AniDBid), AniDB_dict['title'], str(missing_eps)))
      ### End of if not movie ###
      # Generate relations_map for anidb3/4(tvdb1/6) modes
      for relatedAnime in xml.xpath('/anime/relatedanime/anime'):
        if relatedAnime.get('id') not in Dict(mappingList, 'relations_map', AniDBid, relatedAnime.get('type'), default=[]): SaveDict([relatedAnime.get('id')], mappingList, 'relations_map', AniDBid, relatedAnime.get('type'))

      # External IDs
      ANNid = GetXml(xml, "/anime/resources/resource[@type='1']/externalentity/identifier")
      MALid = GetXml(xml, "/anime/resources/resource[@type='2']/externalentity/identifier")
      #ANFOid = GetXml(xml, "/anime/resources/resource[@type='3']/externalentity/identifier"), GetXml(xml, "/anime/resources/resource[@type='3']/externalentity/identifier")
      # Logs
      if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'summary'):  error_log['AniDB summaries missing'].append("AniDBid: %s" % (common.WEB_LINK % (common.ANIDB_SERIE_URL + AniDBid, AniDBid) + " | Title: '%s'" % Dict(AniDB_dict, 'title')))
      if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'posters'):  error_log['AniDB posters missing'  ].append("AniDBid: %s" % (common.WEB_LINK % (common.ANIDB_SERIE_URL + AniDBid, AniDBid) + " | Title: '%s'" % Dict(AniDB_dict, 'title')))
      #if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'studio' ):                                                                                          error_log['anime-list studio logos'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | AniDB has studio '%s' and anime-list has '%s' | "    % (common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_SERIE_URL % AniDBid, AniDBid), title,, mapping_studio) + common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_FEEDBACK % ("aid:" + + " " + title, String.StripTags( XML.StringFromElement(xml, encoding='utf8'))), "Submit bug report (need GIT account)"))
      #if       and 'studio' in AniDB_dict and AniDB_dict ['studio'] and AniDB_dict ['studio'] !=  error_log['anime-list studio logos'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | AniDB has studio '%s' and anime-list has '%s' | "    % (common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_SERIE_URL % AniDBid, AniDBid), title,, mapping_studio) + common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_FEEDBACK % ("aid:" + + " " + title, String.StripTags( XML.StringFromElement(xml, encoding='utf8'))), "Submit bug report (need GIT account)"))
      #if == "" and 'studio' in AniDB_dict and AniDB_dict ['studio'] == "":                                         error_log['anime-list studio logos'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | AniDB and anime-list are both missing the studio" % (common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_SERIE_URL % AniDBid, AniDBid), title) )
      Log.Info("ANNid: '%s', MALid: '%s', xml loaded: '%s'" % (ANNid, MALid, str(xml is not None)))
  Log.Info("--- return ---".ljust(157, '-'))
  Log.Info("relations_map: {}".format(DictString(Dict(mappingList, 'relations_map', default={}), 1)))
  Log.Info("AniDB_dict: {}".format(DictString(AniDB_dict, 4)))
  return AniDB_dict, ANNid, MALid
Beispiel #2
def GetMetadata(media, movie, error_log, source, AniDBid, TVDBid,
                AniDBMovieSets, mappingList):
    ''' Download metadata to dict_AniDB, ANNid, MALid
    Log.Info("=== AniDB.GetMetadata() ===".ljust(157, '='))
    AniDB_dict, ANNid, MALid = {}, "", ""
    original = AniDBid
    anidb_numbering = source == "anidb" and (
        movie or max(map(int, media.seasons.keys())) <= 1)
    language_posters = [
        for language in Prefs['PosterLanguagePriority'].split(',')
    priority_posters = [
        provider.strip() for provider in Prefs['posters'].split(',')

    ### Build the list of anidbids for files present ####
    if source.startswith("tvdb") or source.startswith(
            "anidb") and not movie and max(map(int, media.seasons.keys(
            ))) > 1:  #multi anidbid required only for tvdb numbering
        full_array = [
            anidbid for season in Dict(mappingList, 'TVDB') or []
            for anidbid in Dict(mappingList, 'TVDB', season)
            if season and 'e' not in season and anidbid.isdigit()
        AniDB_array = {
            AniDBid: []
        } if Dict(mappingList,
                  'defaulttvdbseason') == '1' and source != 'tvdb4' else {}
        for season in sorted(
                media.seasons, key=common.natural_sort_key
        ) if not movie else []:  # For each season, media, then use metadata['season'][season]...
            for episode in sorted(media.seasons[season].episodes,
                if int(episode) > 99:
                    continue  # AniDB non-normal special (op/ed/t/o) that is not mapable
                if source == 'tvdb3' and season != 0:
                    new_season, new_episode, anidbid = AnimeLists.anidb_ep(
                        mappingList, season,
                             default=(None, episode))
                        [1])  # Pull absolute number then try to map
                elif source == 'tvdb4' and season != 0:
                    new_season, new_episode = Dict(mappingList,
                                                   default=(season, episode))
                    anidbid = 'UNKN'  # Not TVDB mapping. Use custom ASS mapping to pull season/episode
                    new_season, new_episode, anidbid = AnimeLists.anidb_ep(
                        mappingList, season, episode)  # Try to map
                numbering = 's{}e{}'.format(season, episode) + (
                    '(s{}e{})'.format(new_season, new_episode)
                    if season != new_season and episode != new_episode else '')
                if anidbid and not (new_season == '0' and new_episode == '0'):
                    SaveDict([numbering], AniDB_array, anidbid)
    elif source.startswith('anidb') and AniDBid != "":
        full_array, AniDB_array = [AniDBid], {AniDBid: []}
        full_array, AniDB_array = [], {}

    active_array = full_array if Dict(
        mappingList, 'possible_anidb3'
    ) or source in ("tvdb4", "tvdb6") else AniDB_array.keys(
    )  # anidb3(tvdb)/anidb4(tvdb6) for full relation_map data | tvdb4 bc the above will not be able to know the AniDBid
        "Source: {}, AniDBid: {}, Full AniDBids list: {}, Active AniDBids list: {}"
        .format(source, AniDBid, full_array, active_array))
    for anidbid in sorted(AniDB_array, key=common.natural_sort_key):
        Log.Info('[+] {:>5}: {}'.format(anidbid, AniDB_array[anidbid]))
    Log.Info('language_posters: {}'.format(language_posters))

    ### Build list_abs_eps for tvdb 3/4/5 ###
    list_abs_eps, list_sp_eps = {}, []
    if source in ('tvdb3', 'tvdb4'):
        for s in media.seasons:
            for e in media.seasons[s].episodes:
                if s == '0': list_sp_eps.append(e)
                else: list_abs_eps[e] = s
        Log.Info('Present abs eps: {}'.format(list_abs_eps))

    ### Load anidb xmls in tvdb numbering format if needed ###
    for AniDBid in sorted(active_array, key=common.natural_sort_key):
        is_primary_entry = AniDBid == original or len(active_array) == 1

        Log.Info(("--- %s ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
        Log.Info('AniDBid: {}, IsPrimary: {}, url: {}'.format(
            AniDBid, is_primary_entry, ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL + AniDBid))
        Log.Info(("--- %s.series ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))

        xml, cache = None, CACHE_1DAY * 6
        xml_cache = common.LoadFileCache(filename=AniDBid + ".xml",
                                             "AniDB", "xml"))[0]
        if xml_cache:  # Pull the enddate and adjust max cache age based on series enddate in relation to now
            ed = GetXml(
                'enddate') or"%Y-%m-%d")
            enddate = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                "{}-12-31".format(ed) if len(ed) == 4 else "{}-{}".format(
                    ([30, 31] if int(ed[-2:]) <= 7 else [31, 30]
                     )[int(ed[-2:]) %
                       2] if ed[-2:] != '02' else 28) if len(ed) == 7 else ed,
            days_old = ( - enddate).days
            if days_old > 1825:
                cache = CACHE_1DAY * 365  # enddate > 5 years ago => 1 year cache
            elif days_old > 30:
                cache = (
                    days_old * CACHE_1DAY * 365
                ) / 1825  # enddate > 30 days ago => (days_old/5yrs ended = x/1yrs cache)
        if AniDBBan:
            xml = xml_cache  # Ban has been hit in this process' life span (which is transient)
            xml = common.LoadFile(filename=AniDBid + ".xml",
                                      "AniDB", "xml"),
                                  url=ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL + AniDBid,
                                  throttle=['AniDB', CACHE_1HOUR, 100])
        if isinstance(xml, str) and 'banned' in xml:
            global AniDBBan
            AniDBBan = True  # Set ban hit on process level
        if AniDBBan:
            SaveDict(True, AniDB_dict, 'Banned')  # Set ban hit on series level

        if not xml or isinstance(xml, str):
            title, original_title, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle(
            if is_primary_entry:
                Log.Info("[ ] title: {}".format(
                    SaveDict(title, AniDB_dict, 'title')))
                Log.Info("[ ] original_title: {}".format(
                    SaveDict(original_title, AniDB_dict, 'original_title')))
                Log.Info("[ ] language_rank: {}".format(
                    SaveDict(language_rank, AniDB_dict, 'language_rank')))

        elif xml:
            title, original_title, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle(
            if is_primary_entry:  ### for each main anime AniDBid ###
                Log.Info("[ ] title: {}".format(
                    SaveDict(title, AniDB_dict, 'title')))
                Log.Info("[ ] original_title: {}".format(
                    SaveDict(original_title, AniDB_dict, 'original_title')))
                Log.Info("[ ] language_rank: {}".format(
                    SaveDict(language_rank, AniDB_dict, 'language_rank')))
                if SaveDict(GetXml(xml, 'startdate'), AniDB_dict,
                    Log.Info("[ ] originally_available_at: '{}'".format(
                if SaveDict(summary_sanitizer(GetXml(
                        xml, 'description')), AniDB_dict, 'summary'
                            ) and not movie and not anidb_numbering and Dict(
                                'defaulttvdbseason').isdigit() and mappingList[
                                    'defaulttvdbseason'] in media.seasons:
                    SaveDict(AniDB_dict['summary'], AniDB_dict, 'seasons',
                             mappingList['defaulttvdbseason'], 'summary')

                Log.Info("[ ] rating: '{}'".format(
                    SaveDict(GetXml(xml, 'ratings/permanent'), AniDB_dict,

                ### Posters
                if GetXml(xml, 'picture'):
                    rank = 1
                    if 'en' in language_posters:
                        rank = (rank // 30) * 30 * language_posters.index(
                            'en') + rank % 30
                    if 'AniDB' in priority_posters:
                        rank = rank + 6 * priority_posters.index('AniDB')
                    AniDB_dict['posters'] = {
                        ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + GetXml(xml, 'picture'):
                        (os.path.join('AniDB', 'poster',
                                      GetXml(xml, 'picture')), rank, None)
                    }  # ANIDB_PIC_THUMB_URL.format(name=GetXml(xml, 'picture').split('.')[0])

                ### genre ###
                RESTRICTED_GENRE = {
                    "18 restricted": 'X',
                    "pornography": 'X',
                    "tv censoring": 'TV-MA',
                    "borderline p**n": 'TV-MA'
                for tag in xml.xpath('tags/tag'):
                    if GetXml(tag, 'name') and tag.get(
                            'weight', '').isdigit() and int(
                                tag.get('weight', '') or '200') >= int(
                                    Prefs['MinimumWeight'] or '200'):
                        SaveDict([string.capwords(GetXml(tag, 'name'), '-')],
                                 AniDB_dict, 'genres')
                        if GetXml(tag, 'name').lower() in RESTRICTED_GENRE:
                            AniDB_dict['content_rating'] = RESTRICTED_GENRE[
                                GetXml(tag, 'name').lower()]
                if Dict(AniDB_dict, 'genres'): AniDB_dict['genres'].sort()
                    "Continuing" if GetXml(xml, 'Anime/enddate')
                    == "1970-01-01" else "Ended", AniDB_dict, 'status')
                Log.Info("[ ] genres ({}/{} above {} weight): {}".format(
                    len(Dict(AniDB_dict, 'genres')),
                    int(Prefs['MinimumWeight'] or 200),
                    Dict(AniDB_dict, 'genres')))
                for element in AniDBMovieSets.xpath(
                    if element.get('anidbid') == AniDBid or element.get(
                            'anidbid') in full_array:
                        node = element.getparent()
                        title, main, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle(
                        if title not in Dict(AniDB_dict,
                                "[ ] title: {}, main: {}, language_rank: {}".
                                format(title, main, language_rank))
                            SaveDict([title], AniDB_dict, 'collections')
                                "[ ] collection: AniDBid '%s' is part of movie collection: '%s', related_anime_list: %s"
                                % (AniDBid, title, str(full_array)))
                if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'collections'):
                        "[ ] collection: AniDBid '%s' is not part of any collection, related_anime_list: %s"
                        % (AniDBid, str(full_array)))

                #roles  ### NEW, NOT IN Plex FrameWork Documentation 2.1.1 ###
                Log.Info(("--- %s.actors ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
                for role in xml.xpath(
                        'characters/character[(@type="secondary cast in") or (@type="main character in")]'
                        if GetXml(role, 'seiyuu') and GetXml(role, 'name'):
                            role_dict = {
                                ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL +
                            SaveDict([role_dict], AniDB_dict, 'roles')
                                '[ ] role: {:<20}, name: {:<20}, photo: {}'.
                                format(role_dict['role'], role_dict['name'],
                    except Exception as e:
                        Log.Info("Seyiuu error: {}".format(e))

            ### Creators ###
            creator_tags = {
                "Animation Work": "studio",
                "Work": "studio",
                "Direction": "directors",
                "Series Composition": "producers",
                "Original Work": "writers",
                "Script": "writers",
                "Screenplay": "writers"
            studios = {}
            creators = {}
            for creator in xml.xpath('creators/name'):
                for tag in creator_tags:
                    if tag != creator.get('type'): continue
                    if creator_tags[tag] == "studio":
                        studios[tag] = creator.text
                        SaveDict([creator.text], creators, creator_tags[tag])
            if is_primary_entry:
                Log.Info("[ ] studio: {}".format(
                             "Animation Work",
                             default=Dict(studios, "Work")), AniDB_dict,

            Log.Info("[ ] movie: {}".format(
                SaveDict(GetXml(xml, 'type') == 'Movie', AniDB_dict, 'movie')))
            ### Movie ###
            if movie:
                Log.Info("[ ] year: '{}'".format(
                        GetXml(xml, 'startdate')[0:4], AniDB_dict, 'year')))

                if is_primary_entry:
                    for creator in creators:
                        Log.Info("[ ] {}: {}".format(
                            SaveDict(creators[creator], AniDB_dict, creator)))

                Log.Info(("--- %s.summary info ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))

            ### Series ###
                ### Translate into season/episode mapping
                numEpisodes, totalDuration, mapped_eps, ending_table, op_nb = 0, 0, [], {}, 0
                specials = {
                    'S': [0, 'Special'],
                    'C': [100, 'Opening/Ending'],
                    'T': [200, 'Trailer'],
                    'P': [300, 'Parody'],
                    'O': [400, 'Other']
                movie_ep_groups = {}
                ending_offset = 99
                missing = {'0': [], '1': []}

                ### Episodes (and specials) not always in right order ###
                Log.Info(("--- %s.episodes ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
                Log.Info("[ ] ep creators (creators tag): " + str(creators))
                for ep_obj in sorted(
                        key=lambda x: [
                                if x.xpath('epno')[0].text.isdigit() else x.

                    ### Title, Season, Episode number, Specials
                    title, main, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle(
                        ep_obj.xpath('title'), [
                            language.strip() for language in
                    if not anidb_numbering and title == 'Complete Movie':
                        title = ""  # For mapping use meanningful titles
                    epNum = ep_obj.xpath('epno')[0]
                    epNumType = epNum.get('type')
                    season = "1" if epNumType == "1" else "0"
                    if epNumType == "3" and ep_obj.xpath(
                            'title')[0].text.startswith('Ending') and int(
                                epNum.text[1:]) - 1 < ending_offset:
                        ending_offset = int(epNum.text[1:]) - 1
                    if epNumType == "3" and int(
                            epNum.text[1:]) > ending_offset:
                        episode = str(
                            int(epNum.text[1:]) + 150 -
                            ending_offset)  #shifted to 150 for 1st ending.
                    elif epNumType == "1":
                        episode = epNum.text
                        episode = str(specials[epNum.text[0]][0] +
                    numbering = "s{}e{:>3}".format(season, episode)

                    #If tvdb numbering used, save anidb episode meta using tvdb numbering
                    if source.startswith("tvdb") or source.startswith(
                            "anidb") and not movie and max(
                                map(int, media.seasons.keys())) > 1:
                        season, episode = AnimeLists.tvdb_ep(
                            mappingList, season, episode, AniDBid)

                        # Get episode number to absolute number
                        if source in ('tvdb3',
                                      'tvdb4') and season not in ['-1', '0']:
                            if source == 'tvdb4' or season == '1':
                                ms, usl = (
                                    season, True) if source == 'tvdb3' else (
                                        Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map',
                                        Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map',
                                if ms and usl:
                                    season = Dict(mappingList,
                                                  default=(ms if usl else
                                                           str(int(ms) + 1),
                                    episode = list(
                                             ).index((season, episode))]

                        if not(season =='0' and episode in list_sp_eps) and \
                           not(source in ('tvdb3', 'tvdb4') and episode in list_abs_eps) and \
                           not(season in media.seasons and episode in media.seasons[season].episodes):
                                '[ ] {} => s{:>1}e{:>3} epNumType: {}'.format(
                                    numbering, season, episode, epNumType))

                        ### Series poster as season poster
                        if GetXml(xml, 'picture') and not Dict(
                                AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'posters',
                                ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + GetXml(xml, 'picture')):
                            rank = 1
                            if 'en' in language_posters:
                                rank = (rank //
                                        30) * 30 * language_posters.index(
                                            'en') + rank % 30
                            if 'AniDB' in priority_posters:
                                rank = rank + 6 * priority_posters.index(
                                (os.path.join('AniDB', 'poster',
                                                     'picture')), rank, None),
                                AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'posters',
                                ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + GetXml(xml, 'picture'))

                    ### In AniDB numbering, Movie episode group, create key and create key in dict with empty list if doesn't exist ###
                    else:  #if source.startswith("anidb") and not movie and max(map(int, media.seasons.keys()))<=1:

                        ### Movie episode group, create key and create key in dict with empty list if doesn't exist ###
                        key = ''
                        if epNumType == '1' and GetXml(
                                xml, '/anime/episodecount') == '1' and GetXml(
                                    xml, '/anime/type') in ('Movie', 'OVA'):
                            key = '1' if title in (
                                'Complete Movie', 'OVA'
                            ) else title[-1] if title.startswith(
                                'Part ') and title[-1].isdigit() else ''  #'-1'
                            if key: SaveDict([], movie_ep_groups, key)

                        #Episode missing from disk
                        if not season in media.seasons or not episode in media.seasons[
                                '[ ] {} => s{:>1}e{:>3} air_date: {}'.format(
                                    numbering, season, episode,
                                    GetXml(ep_obj, 'airdate')))
                            current_air_date = GetXml(ep_obj,
                                                          '-', '')
                            current_air_date = int(
                            ) if current_air_date.isdigit() and int(
                                current_air_date) > 10000000 else 99999999
                            if int(time.strftime(
                                    "%Y%m%d")) > current_air_date + 1:
                                if epNumType == '1' and key:
                                    SaveDict([numbering], movie_ep_groups, key)
                                elif epNumType in ['1', '2']:
                                    SaveDict([episode], missing, season)

                    ### Episodes
                    SaveDict(language_rank, AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season,
                             'episodes', episode, 'language_rank')
                    SaveDict(title, AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes',
                             episode, 'title')
                        '[X] {} => s{:>1}e{:>3} air_date: {} language_rank: {}, title: "{}"'
                        .format(numbering, season, episode,
                                GetXml(ep_obj, 'airdate'), language_rank,

                    if GetXml(ep_obj, 'length').isdigit():
                            int(GetXml(ep_obj, 'length')) * 1000 * 60,
                            AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode,
                        )  # AniDB stores it in minutes, Plex save duration in millisecs
                        if season == "1":
                            numEpisodes, totalDuration = numEpisodes + 1, totalDuration + int(
                                GetXml(ep_obj, 'length'))

                    SaveDict(GetXml(ep_obj, 'rating'), AniDB_dict, 'seasons',
                             season, 'episodes', episode, 'rating')
                                    'airdate'), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season,
                             'episodes', episode, 'originally_available_at')
                    ep_summary = SaveDict(
                                                 'summary')), AniDB_dict,
                        'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'summary')
                    Log.Info(' - [ ] summary: {}'.format(
                         ).replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r") +
                        '..' if len(ep_summary) > 200 else ep_summary))
                    for creator in creators:
                        SaveDict(",".join(creators[creator]), AniDB_dict,
                                 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode,

                ### End of for ep_obj...
                Log.Info(("--- %s.summary info ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
                if SaveDict((int(totalDuration) / int(numEpisodes)) * 60 *
                            1000 if int(numEpisodes) else 0, AniDB_dict,
                        "Duration: {}, numEpisodes: {}, average duration: {}".
                        format(str(totalDuration), str(numEpisodes),

                ### AniDB numbering Missing Episodes ###
                if source.startswith("anidb") and not movie and max(
                        map(int, media.seasons.keys())) <= 1:
                    if movie_ep_groups:
                            "Movie/OVA Ep Groups: %s" % movie_ep_groups
                        )  #movie_ep_groups: {'1': ['s1e1'], '3': ['s1e4', 's1e5', 's1e6'], '2': ['s1e3'], '-1': []}
                            value for key in movie_ep_groups
                            for value in movie_ep_groups[key]
                            if 0 < len(movie_ep_groups[key]) < int(key)
                        ], missing, '1')
                    for season in sorted(missing):
                        missing_eps = sorted(missing[season],
                        Log.Info('Season: {} Episodes: {} not on disk'.format(
                            season, missing_eps))
                        if missing_eps:
                                'Missing Specials' if season ==
                                '0' else 'Missing Episodes'].append(
                                    "AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | Missing Episodes: %s"
                                    % (common.WEB_LINK %
                                       (common.ANIDB_SERIE_URL + AniDBid,
                                        AniDBid), AniDB_dict['title'],

            ### End of if not movie ###

            # Generate relations_map for anidb3/4(tvdb1/6) modes
            for relatedAnime in xml.xpath('/anime/relatedanime/anime'):
                if relatedAnime.get('id') not in Dict(mappingList,
                             mappingList, 'relations_map', AniDBid,

            # External IDs
            ANNid = GetXml(
            MALid = GetXml(
            #ANFOid = GetXml(xml, "/anime/resources/resource[@type='3']/externalentity/identifier"), GetXml(xml, "/anime/resources/resource[@type='3']/externalentity/identifier")

            # Logs
            if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'summary'):
                error_log['AniDB summaries missing'].append(
                    "AniDBid: %s" %
                    (common.WEB_LINK %
                     (common.ANIDB_SERIE_URL + AniDBid, AniDBid) +
                     " | Title: '%s'" % Dict(AniDB_dict, 'title')))
            if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'posters'):
                error_log['AniDB posters missing'].append(
                    "AniDBid: %s" %
                    (common.WEB_LINK %
                     (common.ANIDB_SERIE_URL + AniDBid, AniDBid) +
                     " | Title: '%s'" % Dict(AniDB_dict, 'title')))
            #if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'studio' ):                                                                                          error_log['anime-list studio logos'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | AniDB has studio '%s' and anime-list has '%s' | "    % (common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_SERIE_URL % AniDBid, AniDBid), title,, mapping_studio) + common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_FEEDBACK % ("aid:" + + " " + title, String.StripTags( XML.StringFromElement(xml, encoding='utf8'))), "Submit bug report (need GIT account)"))
            #if       and 'studio' in AniDB_dict and AniDB_dict ['studio'] and AniDB_dict ['studio'] !=  error_log['anime-list studio logos'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | AniDB has studio '%s' and anime-list has '%s' | "    % (common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_SERIE_URL % AniDBid, AniDBid), title,, mapping_studio) + common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_FEEDBACK % ("aid:" + + " " + title, String.StripTags( XML.StringFromElement(xml, encoding='utf8'))), "Submit bug report (need GIT account)"))
            #if == "" and 'studio' in AniDB_dict and AniDB_dict ['studio'] == "":                                         error_log['anime-list studio logos'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | AniDB and anime-list are both missing the studio" % (common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_SERIE_URL % AniDBid, AniDBid), title) )

            Log.Info("ANNid: '%s', MALid: '%s', xml loaded: '%s'" %
                     (ANNid, MALid, str(xml is not None)))

    Log.Info("--- return ---".ljust(157, '-'))
    Log.Info("relations_map: {}".format(
        DictString(Dict(mappingList, 'relations_map', default={}), 1)))
    Log.Info("AniDB_dict: {}".format(DictString(AniDB_dict, 4)))
    return AniDB_dict, ANNid, MALid
Beispiel #3
def GetMetadata(media, movie, error_log, source, AniDBid, TVDBid, AniDBMovieSets, mappingList):
  ''' Download metadata to dict_AniDB, ANNid, MALid
  Log.Info("=== AniDB.GetMetadata() ===".ljust(157, '='))
  ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL       = ''
  ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL       = ''                                                                # AniDB picture directory
  ANIDB_PIC_THUMB_URL      = '{}.jpg-thumb.jpg' 
  AniDB_dict, ANNid, MALid = {}, "", ""
  original                 = AniDBid
  language_posters         = [language.strip() for language in Prefs['PosterLanguagePriority'].split(',')]
  priority_posters         = [provider.strip() for provider in Prefs['posters'               ].split(',')]
  ### Build the list of anidbids for files present ####
  if source.startswith("tvdb") or source.startswith("anidb") and not movie and max(map(int, media.seasons.keys()))>1:  #multi anidbid required only for tvdb numbering
    full_array  = [ anidbid for season in Dict(mappingList, 'TVDB') or [] for anidbid in Dict(mappingList, 'TVDB', season) if season and 'e' not in season and anidbid.isdigit() ]
    AniDB_array = { AniDBid: [] } if Dict(mappingList, 'defaulttvdbseason')=='1' and source!='tvdb4' else {}
    for season in sorted(media.seasons, key=common.natural_sort_key) if not movie else []:  # For each season, media, then use metadata['season'][season]...
      for episode in sorted(media.seasons[season].episodes, key=common.natural_sort_key):
        if int(episode)>99:  continue  # AniDB non-normal special (op/ed/t/o) that is not mapable
        if   source=='tvdb3' and season!=0:  new_season, new_episode, anidbid = AnimeLists.anidb_ep(mappingList, season, Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map', episode, default=(None, episode))[1])  # Pull absolute number then try to map
        elif source=='tvdb4' and season!=0:  new_season, new_episode          = Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map', episode, default=(season, episode)); anidbid = 'UNKN'                             # Not TVDB mapping. Use custom ASS mapping to pull season/episode
        else:                                new_season, new_episode, anidbid = AnimeLists.anidb_ep(mappingList, season, episode)                                                                   # Try to map
        numbering = 's{}e{}'.format(season, episode) + ('(s{}e{})'.format(new_season, new_episode) if season!=new_season and episode!=new_episode else '')
        if anidbid and not (new_season=='0' and new_episode=='0'):  SaveDict([numbering], AniDB_array, anidbid)
      else:  continue
  elif source.startswith('anidb') and AniDBid != "":  full_array, AniDB_array = [AniDBid], {AniDBid:[]}
  else:                                               full_array, AniDB_array = [], {}
  active_array = full_array if source in ("tvdb", "tvdb4", "tvdb6") else AniDB_array.keys()  # anidb3(tvdb)/anidb4(tvdb6) for full relation_map data | tvdb4 bc the above will not be able to know the AniDBid
  Log.Info("Source: {}, AniDBid: {}, Full AniDBids list: {}, Active AniDBids list: {}".format(source, AniDBid, full_array, active_array))
  for anidbid in sorted(AniDB_array, key=common.natural_sort_key):
    Log.Info('[+] {:>5}: {}'.format(anidbid, AniDB_array[anidbid]))
  Log.Info('language_posters: {}'.format(language_posters))
  ### Build list_abs_eps for tvdb 3/4/5 ###
  list_abs_eps, list_sp_eps={}, []
  if source in ('tvdb3', 'tvdb4'):
    for s in media.seasons:
      for e in media.seasons[s].episodes:
          if s=='0':  list_sp_eps.append(e)
          else:       list_abs_eps[e]=s 
    Log.Info('Present abs eps: {}'.format(list_abs_eps))

  ### Load anidb xmls in tvdb numbering format if needed ###
  for AniDBid in sorted(active_array, key=common.natural_sort_key):
    is_primary_entry = AniDBid==original or len(active_array)==1

    Log.Info(("--- %s ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
    Log.Info('AniDBid: {}, IsPrimary: {}, url: {}'.format(AniDBid, is_primary_entry, ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL+AniDBid))
    Log.Info(("--- %s.series ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
    xml = common.LoadFile(filename=AniDBid+".xml", relativeDirectory=os.path.join("AniDB", "xml"), url=ANIDB_HTTP_API_URL+AniDBid)  # AniDB title database loaded once every 2 weeks

    if not xml or isinstance(xml, str):
      if not xml:               SaveDict(True, AniDB_dict, 'Banned')
      if isinstance(xml, str):  Log.Error('Invalid str returned: "{}"'.format(xml))

      title, original_title, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle(AniDBTitlesDB.xpath('/animetitles/anime[@aid="{}"]/title'.format(AniDBid)))
      if is_primary_entry:
        Log.Info("[ ] title: {}"         .format(SaveDict(title,          AniDB_dict, 'title'         )))
        Log.Info("[ ] original_title: {}".format(SaveDict(original_title, AniDB_dict, 'original_title')))
        Log.Info("[ ] language_rank: {}" .format(SaveDict(language_rank,  AniDB_dict, 'language_rank' )))

    elif xml:
      title, original_title, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle(xml.xpath('/anime/titles/title'))
      if is_primary_entry:  ### for each main anime AniDBid ###
        Log.Info("[ ] title: {}"         .format(SaveDict(title,          AniDB_dict, 'title'         )))
        Log.Info("[ ] original_title: {}".format(SaveDict(original_title, AniDB_dict, 'original_title')))
        Log.Info("[ ] language_rank: {}" .format(SaveDict(language_rank,  AniDB_dict, 'language_rank' )))
        if SaveDict( GetXml(xml, 'startdate'  ), AniDB_dict, 'originally_available_at'):  Log.Info("[ ] originally_available_at: '{}'".format(AniDB_dict['originally_available_at']))
        if SaveDict(summary_sanitizer(GetXml(xml, 'description')), AniDB_dict, 'summary') and not movie and Dict(mappingList, 'defaulttvdbseason').isdigit() and mappingList['defaulttvdbseason'] in media.seasons:
          SaveDict(AniDB_dict['summary'], AniDB_dict, 'seasons', mappingList['defaulttvdbseason'], 'summary') 
        Log.Info("[ ] rating: '{}'".format(SaveDict( GetXml(xml, 'ratings/permanent'), AniDB_dict, 'rating')))
        ### Posters
        if GetXml(xml, 'picture'):
          rank = 1
          if 'en'     in language_posters:  rank = (rank//30)*30*language_posters.index('en')+rank%30
          if 'AniDB'  in priority_posters:  rank = rank+ 6*priority_posters.index('AniDB')
          AniDB_dict['posters'] = {ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + GetXml(xml, 'picture'): ( os.path.join('AniDB', 'poster', GetXml(xml, 'picture')), rank, ANIDB_PIC_THUMB_URL.format(GetXml(xml, 'picture').split('.')[0]))}
        ### genre ###
        RESTRICTED_GENRE     = {"18 restricted": 'X', "pornography": 'X', "tv censoring": 'TV-MA', "borderline p**n": 'TV-MA'}
        for tag in xml.xpath('tags/tag'):
          if GetXml(tag, 'name') and tag.get('weight', '').isdigit() and int(tag.get('weight', '') or '200') >= int(Prefs['MinimumWeight'] or '200'):
            SaveDict( [string.capwords(GetXml(tag, 'name'), '-')], AniDB_dict, 'genres')
            if GetXml(tag, 'name').lower() in RESTRICTED_GENRE:  AniDB_dict['content_rating'] = RESTRICTED_GENRE[ GetXml(tag, 'name').lower() ]
        if Dict(AniDB_dict, 'genres'): AniDB_dict['genres'].sort()
        SaveDict( "Continuing" if GetXml(xml, 'Anime/enddate')=="1970-01-01" else "Ended", AniDB_dict, 'status')
        Log.Info("[ ] genres ({}/{} above {} weight): {}".format(len(Dict(AniDB_dict, 'genres')), len(xml.xpath('tags/tag')), int(Prefs['MinimumWeight'] or 200), Dict(AniDB_dict, 'genres')))
        for element in AniDBMovieSets.xpath("/anime-set-list/set/anime"):
          if element.get('anidbid') == AniDBid or element.get('anidbid') in full_array:
            node              = element.getparent()
            title, main, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle(node.xpath('titles')[0])
            if title not in Dict(AniDB_dict, 'collections', default=[]):
              Log.Info("[ ] title: {}, main: {}, language_rank: {}".format(title, main, language_rank))
              SaveDict([title], AniDB_dict, 'collections')
              Log.Info("[ ] collection: AniDBid '%s' is part of movie collection: '%s', related_anime_list: %s" % (AniDBid, title, str(full_array)))
        if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'collections'):  Log.Info("[ ] collection: AniDBid '%s' is not part of any collection, related_anime_list: %s" % (AniDBid, str(full_array))) 
        #roles  ### NEW, NOT IN Plex FrameWork Documentation 2.1.1 ###
        Log.Info(("--- %s.actors ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
        for role in xml.xpath('characters/character[(@type="secondary cast in") or (@type="main character in")]'):
            if GetXml(role, 'seiyuu') and GetXml(role, 'name'):  
              role_dict = {'role': role.find('name').text, 'name': role.find('seiyuu').text, 'photo': ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + role.find('seiyuu').get('picture')}
              SaveDict([role_dict], AniDB_dict, 'roles')
              Log.Info('[ ] role: {:<20}, name: {:<20}, photo: {}'.format(role_dict['role'], role_dict['name'], role_dict['photo']))
          except Exception as e:  Log.Info("Seyiuu error: {}".format(e))
      ### Creators ###
      creator_tags = { "Animation Work":"studio", "Work":"studio", "Direction":"directors", "Series Composition":"producers", "Original Work":"writers", "Script":"writers", "Screenplay":"writers" }
      studios      = {}
      creators     = {}
      for creator in xml.xpath('creators/name'):
        for tag in creator_tags:
          if tag != creator.get('type'):  continue
          if creator_tags[tag]=="studio":  studios[tag] = creator.text
          else:                            SaveDict([creator.text], creators, creator_tags[tag])
      if is_primary_entry:
        Log.Info("[ ] studio: {}".format(SaveDict(Dict(studios, "Animation Work", default=Dict(studios, "Work")), AniDB_dict, 'studio')))

      Log.Info("[ ] movie: {}".format(SaveDict(GetXml(xml, 'type')=='Movie', AniDB_dict, 'movie')))
      ### Movie ###
      if  movie:
        Log.Info("[ ] year: '{}'".format(SaveDict(GetXml(xml, 'startdate')[0:4], AniDB_dict, 'year')))

        if is_primary_entry:
          for creator in creators:  Log.Info("[ ] {}: {}".format(creator, SaveDict(creators[creator], AniDB_dict, creator)))

        Log.Info(("--- %s.summary info ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
      ### Series ###
        ### Translate into season/episode mapping
        numEpisodes, totalDuration, mapped_eps, ending_table, op_nb = 0, 0, [], {}, 0 
        specials        = {'S': [0, 'Special'], 'C': [100, 'Opening/Ending'], 'T': [200, 'Trailer'], 'P': [300, 'Parody'], 'O': [400, 'Other']}
        movie_ep_groups = {}
        ending_offset   = 99
        missing         = {'0': [], '1':[]}
        ### Episodes (and specials) not always in right order ###
        Log.Info(("--- %s.episodes ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
        Log.Info("[ ] ep creators (creators tag): " +str(creators))
        for ep_obj in sorted(xml.xpath('episodes/episode'), key=lambda x: [int(x.xpath('epno')[0].get('type')), int(x.xpath('epno')[0].text if x.xpath('epno')[0].text.isdigit() else x.xpath('epno')[0].text[1:])]):
          ### Title, Season, Episode number, Specials
          title, main, language_rank = GetAniDBTitle (ep_obj.xpath('title'), [language.strip() for language in Prefs['EpisodeLanguagePriority'].split(',')])
          epNum     = ep_obj.xpath('epno')[0]
          epNumType = epNum.get('type')
          season    = "1" if epNumType == "1" else "0"
          if   epNumType=="3" and ep_obj.xpath('title')[0].text.startswith('Ending') and int(epNum.text[1:])-1<ending_offset:  ending_offset = int(epNum.text[1:])-1
          if   epNumType=="3" and int(epNum.text[1:])>ending_offset:  episode = str(int(epNum.text[1:])+150-ending_offset)  #shifted to 150 for 1st ending.  
          elif epNumType=="1":                                        episode = epNum.text
          else:                                                       episode = str( specials[ epNum.text[0] ][0] + int(epNum.text[1:]))
          numbering = "s{}e{:>3}".format(season, episode)
          #If tvdb numbering used, save anidb episode meta using tvdb numbering
          if source.startswith("tvdb") or source.startswith("anidb") and not movie and max(map(int, media.seasons.keys()))>1:
            season, episode = AnimeLists.tvdb_ep(mappingList, season, episode, AniDBid)
            # Get episode number to absolute number
            if source in ('tvdb3', 'tvdb4') and season not in ['-1', '0']:
              if source=='tvdb4' or season=='1':
                ms, usl = (season, True) if source=='tvdb3' else (Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map', 'max_season'), Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map', 'unknown_series_length'))
                season  = Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map', episode, default=(ms if usl else str(int(ms)+1), None))[0]
                try:     episode = list(Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map', default={}).keys())[list(Dict(mappingList, 'absolute_map', default={}).values()).index((season, episode))]
                except:  pass
            if not(season =='0' and episode in list_sp_eps) and \
               not(source in ('tvdb3', 'tvdb4') and episode in list_abs_eps) and \
               not(season in media.seasons and episode in media.seasons[season].episodes):
              Log.Info('[ ] {} => s{:>1}e{:>3} epNumType: {}'.format(numbering, season, episode, epNumType))
            ### Series poster as season poster
            if GetXml(xml, 'picture') and not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'posters', ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + GetXml(xml, 'picture')):
              rank = 1
              if 'en'     in language_posters:  rank = (rank//30)*30*language_posters.index('en')+rank%30
              if 'AniDB'  in priority_posters:  rank = rank+ 6*priority_posters.index('AniDB')
              SaveDict((os.path.join('AniDB', 'poster', GetXml(xml, 'picture')), rank, ANIDB_PIC_THUMB_URL.format(GetXml(xml, 'picture').split('.')[0])), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'posters', ANIDB_PIC_BASE_URL + GetXml(xml, 'picture'))

          ### In AniDB numbering, Movie episode group, create key and create key in dict with empty list if doesn't exist ###
          else:  #if source.startswith("anidb") and not movie and max(map(int, media.seasons.keys()))<=1:
            ### Movie episode group, create key and create key in dict with empty list if doesn't exist ###
            key = ''
            if epNumType=='1' and GetXml(xml, '/anime/episodecount')=='1' and GetXml(xml, '/anime/type') in ('Movie', 'OVA'):
              key = '1' if title in ('Complete Movie', 'OVA') else title[-1] if title.startswith('Part ') and title[-1].isdigit() else '' #'-1'
              if key:  SaveDict([], movie_ep_groups, key)
            #Episode missing from disk
            if not season in media.seasons or not episode in media.seasons[season].episodes:
              Log.Info('[ ] {} => s{:>1}e{:>3} air_date: {}'.format(numbering, season, episode, GetXml(ep_obj, 'airdate')))
              current_air_date = GetXml(ep_obj, 'airdate').replace('-','')
              current_air_date = int(current_air_date) if current_air_date.isdigit() and int(current_air_date) > 10000000 else 99999999
              if int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d")) > current_air_date+1:
                if   epNumType == '1' and key:  SaveDict([numbering], movie_ep_groups, key   )
                elif epNumType in ['1', '2']:   SaveDict([episode],   missing,         season)
          ### Episodes
          SaveDict(language_rank, AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'language_rank')
          SaveDict(title,         AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'title'        )
          Log.Info('[X] {} => s{:>1}e{:>3} air_date: {} language_rank: {}, title: "{}"'.format(numbering, season, episode, GetXml(ep_obj, 'airdate'), language_rank, title))
          if GetXml(ep_obj, 'length').isdigit():
            SaveDict(int(GetXml(ep_obj, 'length'))*1000*60, AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'duration')  # AniDB stores it in minutes, Plex save duration in millisecs
            if season == "1":  numEpisodes, totalDuration = numEpisodes+1, totalDuration + int(GetXml(ep_obj, 'length'))
          SaveDict(GetXml(ep_obj, 'rating' ), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'rating'                 )
          SaveDict(GetXml(ep_obj, 'airdate'), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'originally_available_at')
          ep_summary = SaveDict(summary_sanitizer(GetXml(ep_obj, 'summary')), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, 'summary')
          Log.Info(' - [ ] summary: {}'.format((ep_summary[:200]).replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r")+'..' if len(ep_summary)> 200 else ep_summary))
          for creator in creators:  SaveDict(",".join(creators[creator]), AniDB_dict, 'seasons', season, 'episodes', episode, creator)
        ### End of for ep_obj...
        Log.Info(("--- %s.summary info ---" % AniDBid).ljust(157, '-'))
        if SaveDict((int(totalDuration)/int(numEpisodes))*60*1000 if int(numEpisodes) else 0, AniDB_dict, 'duration'):
          Log.Info("Duration: {}, numEpisodes: {}, average duration: {}".format(str(totalDuration), str(numEpisodes), AniDB_dict['duration']))

        ### AniDB numbering Missing Episodes ###
        if source.startswith("anidb") and not movie and max(map(int, media.seasons.keys()))<=1:
          if movie_ep_groups:
            Log.Info("Movie/OVA Ep Groups: %s" % movie_ep_groups)  #movie_ep_groups: {'1': ['s1e1'], '3': ['s1e4', 's1e5', 's1e6'], '2': ['s1e3'], '-1': []}
            SaveDict([value for key in movie_ep_groups for value in movie_ep_groups[key] if 0 < len(movie_ep_groups[key]) < int(key)], missing, '1')
          for season in sorted(missing):
            missing_eps = sorted(missing[season], key=common.natural_sort_key)
            Log.Info('Season: {} Episodes: {} not on disk'.format(season, missing_eps))
            if missing_eps:  error_log['Missing Specials' if season=='0' else 'Missing Episodes'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | Missing Episodes: %s" % (common.WEB_LINK % (common.ANIDB_SERIE_URL + AniDBid, AniDBid), AniDB_dict['title'], str(missing_eps)))
      ### End of if not movie ###
      # Generate relations_map for anidb3/4(tvdb1/6) modes
      for relatedAnime in xml.xpath('/anime/relatedanime/anime'):
        if relatedAnime.get('id') not in Dict(mappingList, 'relations_map', AniDBid, relatedAnime.get('type'), default=[]): SaveDict([relatedAnime.get('id')], mappingList, 'relations_map', AniDBid, relatedAnime.get('type'))

      # External IDs
      ANNid = GetXml(xml, "/anime/resources/resource[@type='1']/externalentity/identifier")
      MALid = GetXml(xml, "/anime/resources/resource[@type='2']/externalentity/identifier")
      #ANFOid = GetXml(xml, "/anime/resources/resource[@type='3']/externalentity/identifier"), GetXml(xml, "/anime/resources/resource[@type='3']/externalentity/identifier")
      # Logs
      if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'summary'):  error_log['AniDB summaries missing'].append("AniDBid: %s" % (common.WEB_LINK % (common.ANIDB_SERIE_URL + AniDBid, AniDBid) + " | Title: '%s'" % Dict(AniDB_dict, 'title')))
      if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'posters'):  error_log['AniDB posters missing'  ].append("AniDBid: %s" % (common.WEB_LINK % (common.ANIDB_SERIE_URL + AniDBid, AniDBid) + " | Title: '%s'" % Dict(AniDB_dict, 'title')))
      #if not Dict(AniDB_dict, 'studio' ):                                                                                          error_log['anime-list studio logos'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | AniDB has studio '%s' and anime-list has '%s' | "    % (common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_SERIE_URL % AniDBid, AniDBid), title,, mapping_studio) + common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_FEEDBACK % ("aid:" + + " " + title, String.StripTags( XML.StringFromElement(xml, encoding='utf8'))), "Submit bug report (need GIT account)"))
      #if       and 'studio' in AniDB_dict and AniDB_dict ['studio'] and AniDB_dict ['studio'] !=  error_log['anime-list studio logos'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | AniDB has studio '%s' and anime-list has '%s' | "    % (common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_SERIE_URL % AniDBid, AniDBid), title,, mapping_studio) + common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_TVDB_MAPPING_FEEDBACK % ("aid:" + + " " + title, String.StripTags( XML.StringFromElement(xml, encoding='utf8'))), "Submit bug report (need GIT account)"))
      #if == "" and 'studio' in AniDB_dict and AniDB_dict ['studio'] == "":                                         error_log['anime-list studio logos'].append("AniDBid: %s | Title: '%s' | AniDB and anime-list are both missing the studio" % (common.WEB_LINK % (ANIDB_SERIE_URL % AniDBid, AniDBid), title) )
      Log.Info("ANNid: '%s', MALid: '%s', xml loaded: '%s'" % (ANNid, MALid, str(xml is not None)))
  Log.Info("--- return ---".ljust(157, '-'))
  Log.Info("relations_map: {}".format(DictString(Dict(mappingList, 'relations_map', default={}), 1)))
  Log.Info("AniDB_dict: {}".format(DictString(AniDB_dict, 4)))
  return AniDB_dict, ANNid, MALid