def main(argv): # option flags offsetflag = 0 octgeo = 1 inputfile = '' outputfile = '' run = -1 colors = visual.bcolors() consts = commonTrig.tconsts() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:o:r:f", ["ifile=", "ofile=", "run="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print ' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -r <run> [-f]' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -r <run> [-f]' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"): outputfile = arg elif opt in ('-r', "--run"): run = int(arg) elif opt == '-f': offsetflag = 1 if (offsetflag): print "Adding offsets!" else: print "No offsets!" if (run == -1): print colors.FAIL + "No run number!" + colors.ENDC sys.exit(2) if (run < 3522): print colors.WARNING + "Using flipped offsets!" + colors.ENDC num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(inputfile)) datafile = open(inputfile, 'r') decodedfile = open(outputfile, 'w') eventnum = 0 n = 5 #starting pt of data lines = [] hits = [] strips = [] #raw strip number after offsets vmms = [] #vmm number after remapping chs = [] #channel number nevent = 0 for line in datafile: if str(line[0:4]) == 'TIME': timestamp = int(float(line[6:-1])) timestampsec = timestamp / pow(10, 9) timestampns = timestamp % pow(10, 9) continue if ((len(lines) == 0) and (line[0:2] != "A2")): print "\n" print colors.WARNING + "We can't find the header and we expect it!" + colors.ENDC print "\n" sys.exit() lines.append(line[:len(line) - 1]) if len(lines) == 9: # groups of 9 nevent = nevent + 1 if (nevent % (num_lines / (10 * 9)) == 0): visual.update_progress(float(nevent) / num_lines * 9.) decodedfile.write("Event " + str(nevent) + " Sec " + str(timestampsec) + " NS " + str(timestampns)) header = lines[0] #contains constants + BCID occ = list(format(int(header[2:4], 16), "08b")) bcid = header[4:] for i in range(4): hits.append(lines[i + 1]) iplane = 0 for hit in hits: for j in range(2): if (run > 3521): ivmm, ich = decode(offsetflag, octgeo, consts.OVERALLOFFSET, consts.OFFSETS, hit, iplane, j, consts.FLIPPEDBOARDS, occ) else: ivmm, ich = decode(offsetflag, octgeo, consts.OVERALLOFFSET, consts.OLDOFFSETS, hit, iplane, j, consts.FLIPPEDBOARDS, occ) vmms.append(ivmm) chs.append(ich) iplane = iplane + 1 decodedfile.write('\n' + str(header)\ + " BCID: " + str(int(bcid,16))) for ib in range(8): decodedfile.write('\n' + str(vmms[ib]) + ' ' + str(chs[ib])) decodedfile.write('\n') lines = [] hits = [] strips = [] vmms = [] chs = [] decodedfile.close() datafile.close() print "\n" print colors.ANNFAV + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " + colors.ENDC print colors.ANNFAV + "\tDone decoding, exiting! \t\t\t\t\t " + colors.ENDC print colors.ANNFAV + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " + colors.ENDC
def main(argv): colors = visual.bcolors() consts = commonTrig.tconsts() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--ifile", "-i", default="", help="input file") parser.add_argument("--ofile", "-o", default="", help="output file") args = parser.parse_args() num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(args.ifile)) datafile = open(args.ifile, 'r') decodedfile = open(args.ofile, 'w') lines = [] lastn = -1 skips = 0 skipped = 0 print "\n" print colors.DARK + "Decoding! " + "ψ ︿_____︿_ψ_ ☾\t " + colors.ENDC print "\n" nevent = 0 for line in datafile: if str(line[0:4]) == 'TIME': timestamp = int(float(line[6:-1])) timestampsec = timestamp / pow(10, 9) timestampns = timestamp % pow(10, 9) continue if ((len(lines) == 0) and (line[0:2] != "A2")): print "\n" print colors.WARNING + "We can't find the header and we expect it!" + colors.ENDC print "\n" sys.exit() lines.append(line[:len(line) - 1]) if len(lines) == 2: # groups of 2 nevent = nevent + 1 if (nevent % (num_lines / (10 * 3)) == 0): visual.update_progress(float(nevent) / num_lines * 3.) decodedfile.write("Event " + str(nevent) + " Sec " + str(timestampsec) + " NS " + str(timestampns)) header = lines[0] #contains constants + trigger number overflow = int(header[3]) ntrig = int(header[4:8], 16) if (ntrig - lastn - 1) != 0 and (ntrig - lastn - 1) != -65536 and lastn != -1: print "\nSkipped a trigger! On Event", ntrig print "Skipped", ntrig - lastn - 1 skips += 1 skipped += (ntrig - lastn - 1) lastn = ntrig timing = lines[1] bcid = int(timing[4:7], 16) phase = int(timing[7], 16) phasens = phase * (25 / 16.) # phase in ns decodedfile.write('\n' + "BCID: " + str(bcid) + " ph: " + str(phase)) decodedfile.write('\n' + "overflow: " + str(overflow)) decodedfile.write('\n' + "ntrig: " + str(ntrig) + "\n") lines = [] decodedfile.close() datafile.close() print "\n" print colors.DES + "Done decoding! " + "ψ ︿_____︿_ψ_ ☼\t " + colors.ENDC print "\n" print print "N(skips) = %i" % (skips) print "N(skipped) = %i" % (skipped) print
def main(argv): # option flags offsetflag = 0 octgeo = 1 fulldata = 0 #prints crap like roi, dtheta, etc stripflag = 0 slopeflag = 0 inputfile = '' outputfile = '' dumpfile = '' run = -1 colors = visual.bcolors() consts = commonTrig.tconsts() start_time = time.time() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, "hi:o:d:r:f", ["ifile=", "ofile=", "dfile=", "run=", 'st', 'sl']) except getopt.GetoptError: print ' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -d <dumpfile> -r <run> [-f] [--sl] [--st]' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -d <dumpfile> -r <run> [-f] [--sl] [--st]' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"): outputfile = arg elif opt in ("-d", "--dfile"): dumpfile = arg elif opt in ("-r", "--run"): run = int(arg) elif opt == '-f': offsetflag = 1 elif opt == "--sl": slopeflag = 1 elif opt == "--st": print print "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DECODE STRIPS? USUALLY WE DO SLOPES." print stripflag = 1 if not (slopeflag or stripflag): print "Please provide --st and/or --sl to decode strips and/or slopes, respectively." sys.exit(2) if (offsetflag): print "Adding offsets!" else: print colors.WARNING + "No offsets!" + colors.ENDC if (run == -1): print colors.FAIL + "No run number!" + colors.ENDC sys.exit(2) if (run < 3522): print colors.WARNING + "Using flipped offsets!" + colors.ENDC num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(inputfile)) datafile = open(inputfile, 'r') decodedfile = open(outputfile, 'w') # option to dump raw event if dumpfile: dfile = open(dumpfile, 'r').readlines() events_to_dump = [] for df in dfile: if not df: continue df = df.strip() events_to_dump.append(int(df)) events_to_dump = sorted(list(set(events_to_dump))) n = 5 #starting pt of data lines = [] hits = [] slopes = [] #raw strip number after offsets vmms = [] #vmm number chs = [] #channel number svmms = [] schs = [] print "\n" print colors.DARK + "Decoding! " + "ψ ︿_____︿_ψ_ ☾\t " + colors.ENDC print "\n" for iline, line in enumerate(datafile): if iline % 50000 == 0 and iline > 0: visual.pbftp(time.time() - start_time, iline, num_lines) if str(line[0:4]) == 'TIME': timestamp = int(float(line[6:-1])) timestampsec = timestamp / pow(10, 9) timestampns = timestamp % pow(10, 9) continue if ((len(lines) == 0) and (line[0:2] != "A3")): print "\n" print colors.WARNING + "We can't find the header and we expect it!" + colors.ENDC print "\n" sys.exit() lines.append(line[:len(line) - 1]) if len(lines) == 13: # groups of 13 global nevent nevent = nevent + 1 write_me = "Event " + str(nevent) + " Sec " + str( timestampsec) + " NS " + str(timestampns) decodedfile.write(write_me) if dumpfile and nevent in events_to_dump: print write_me print "\n".join(lines) header = lines[0] #contains constants + BCID occ = list(format(int(header[2:4], 16), "08b")) bcid = header[4:] for i in range(4): hits.append(lines[i + 1]) iplane = 0 if (stripflag): for hit in hits: for j in range(2): if (run > 3521): ivmm, ich = decode(offsetflag, octgeo, consts.OVERALLOFFSET, consts.OFFSETS, hit, iplane, j, consts.FLIPPEDBOARDS, occ) else: ivmm, ich = decode(offsetflag, octgeo, consts.OVERALLOFFSET, consts.OLDOFFSETS, hit, iplane, j, consts.FLIPPEDBOARDS, occ) vmms.append(ivmm) chs.append(ich) iplane = iplane + 1 if (slopeflag): for i in range(4, 8): slopes.append(lines[i + 1]) iplane = 0 for slope in slopes: for j in range(2): if (run > 3521): ivmm, ich = decode(offsetflag, octgeo, consts.OVERALLOFFSET, consts.OFFSETS, slope, iplane, j, consts.FLIPPEDBOARDS, occ, sl=True) else: ivmm, ich = decode(offsetflag, octgeo, consts.OVERALLOFFSET, consts.OLDOFFSETS, slope, iplane, j, consts.FLIPPEDBOARDS, occ, sl=True) svmms.append(ivmm) schs.append(ich) iplane = iplane + 1 # trigger calcs roi = lines[9][0:4] roi_dec = int(lines[9][0:4], 16) dtheta = lines[9][4:] dtheta_dec = int(lines[9][4:], 16) mx_roi = lines[10][0:4] mx_roi_dec = int(lines[10][0:4], 16) mx_local = lines[10][4:] mx_local_dec = int(mx_local, 16) # mx_local_dec = (mx_local_dec & 0x7FFF) - (mx_local_dec & 0x8000) if (mx_local_dec > 0x7fff): mx_local_dec -= 0x10000 mv_global = lines[11][0:4] mv_global_dec = int(lines[11][0:4], 16) mu_global = lines[11][4:] mu_global_dec = int(lines[11][4:], 16) mx_global = lines[12][0:4] mx_global_dec = int(lines[12][0:4], 16) counter = int(lines[12][4:], 16) decodedfile.write('\n' + str(header) + " BCID: " + str(int(bcid, 16))) for ib in range(8): decodedfile.write('\n') if (stripflag): if (vmms[ib] > 7 and chs[ib] != 0): decodedfile.write( str(vmms[ib] - 8) + ' ' + str(chs[ib]) + ' 1') else: decodedfile.write(str(vmms[ib]) + ' ' + str(chs[ib])) if slopeflag and stripflag: decodedfile.write(' ') if (slopeflag): if (svmms[ib] > 7 and schs[ib] != 0): decodedfile.write( str(svmms[ib] - 8) + ' ' + str(schs[ib]) + ' 1') else: decodedfile.write(str(svmms[ib]) + ' ' + str(schs[ib])) decodedfile.write('\n' + 'mx_local ' + str(mx_local) + ' ' + str(mx_local_dec / pow(2, 14.))) if (fulldata): decodedfile.write('\n' + 'roi ' + str(roi_dec)) decodedfile.write('\n' + 'dtheta ' + str(dtheta_dec / pow(2, 30))) decodedfile.write('\n' + 'mx_roi ' + str(mx_roi_dec / pow(2, 16))) decodedfile.write('\n' + 'mv_global ' + str(mv_global_dec / pow(2, 16))) decodedfile.write('\n' + 'mu_global ' + str(mu_global_dec / pow(2, 16))) decodedfile.write('\n' + 'mx_global ' + str(mx_global_dec / pow(2, 16))) decodedfile.write('\n' + 'cntr ' + str(counter)) decodedfile.write('\n') lines = [] hits = [] slopes = [] vmms = [] chs = [] svmms = [] schs = [] decodedfile.close() datafile.close() print "\n" print colors.DES + "Done decoding! " + "ψ ︿_____︿_ψ_ ☼\t " + colors.ENDC print "\n"
def main(argv): colors = visual.bcolors() consts = commonTrig.tconsts() args = options() num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(args.ifile)) datafile = open(args.ifile, 'r') decodedfile = open(args.ofile, 'w') # option to dump raw events if args.dfile: dfile = open(args.dfile, 'r').readlines() events_to_dump = [] for df in dfile: if not df: continue df = df.strip() events_to_dump.append(int(df)) events_to_dump = sorted(list(set(events_to_dump))) lines = [] # previous bcids (addc1,addc2) = (-1,-1) Aflag = True win = 30 # expected buffer length buflen = win-1 oldtime = -1 (nexcess, nshort, dropped) = (0,0,0) badgbt = [] gbtlen = [] times = [] print "\n" print colors.DARK + "Decoding! " + "ψ ︿_____︿_ψ_ ☾\t "+ colors.ENDC print "\n" print "Will not catch > 15+ bugs!" start_time = time.time() nevent = 0 (timestamp,timestampsec,timestampns) = (-1,-1,-1) for iline,line in enumerate(datafile): if str(line[0:4]) == 'TIME' : timestamp = int(float(line[6:-1])) timestampsec = timestamp/pow(10,9) timestampns = timestamp%pow(10,9) continue lines.append(line[:len(line)-1]) if iline % 50000 == 0 and iline > 0 and not args.dfile: visual.pbftp(time.time() - start_time, iline, num_lines) n = 5 # start pt of data if len(lines) == 4: # groups of 4 strobe = "".join(map(str,lines)) artdata = strobe[n+15:n+27] parity = strobe[n+13:n+15] hitmap = strobe[n+5:n+13] hitmap = "{0:032b}".format(int(hitmap,16)) error = strobe[n+3:n+5] bcid = strobe[n:n+3] artdata = "{0:048b}".format(int(artdata,16)) vmmdata = [] vmmlist = [] boardlist = [] buflen += 1 #print buflen, int(bcid, 16) for i in range(8): vmmdata.append(int(artdata[i*6:i*6+6],2)) for i in range(32): if (hitmap[i] is "1"): boardlist.append((31-i)/8) vmmlist.append((31-i)%8) excluded = [286202,306851,446152,532552,570143,757921,825138,1038996,1134297, 1155745,1169477,1170888,1177961] ####################################################################################################### # alternative implementation of logic for starting new event: # jumps in bcid and we expect it to jump # or it jumps a lot in bcid (>2) and we don't expect it to # or it doesn't jump but we expect it to and the timestamp changed, at least # or it was one of those stupid events where it doesn't jump but we are pretty sure it's a new trigger # if ((int(bcid,16)-addc1) != 1 and addc1-int(bcid,16) != 4095 and Aflag and buflen == win)\ # or (abs(int(bcid,16)-addc1) > 2 and abs(addc1-int(bcid,16)) < 4095 and Aflag)\ # or (((int(bcid,16)-addc1) == 1 or addc1-int(bcid,16) == 4095) and Aflag and timestamp != oldtime and buflen == win)\ # or (((int(bcid,16)-addc1) == 1 or addc1-int(bcid,16) == 4095) and Aflag and nevent in excluded and buflen == win): ####################################################################################################### # current implementation of logic for starting new event # we collect 15 packets # or it jumps a lot in bcid and we don't expect it to if (buflen == win) or (abs(int(bcid,16)-addc1) > 2 and abs(addc1-int(bcid,16)) < 4095 and Aflag): if (buflen < win): nshort += 1 badgbt.append(nevent) gbtlen.append(buflen) times.append(int(timestamp)) #print colors.WARNING + "Event " + str(nevent) + " has fewer than 15 GBT packets!" + colors.ENDC # starting new event nevent += 1 #print "Event", nevent Aflag = True buflen = 0 write_me = "Event " + str(nevent) +" Sec " + str(timestampsec) + " NS " + str(timestampns) + "\n" decodedfile.write(write_me) if args.dfile and nevent in events_to_dump: print write_me.rstrip("\n") if (Aflag): addc1 = int(bcid,16) Aflag = False else: addc2 = int(bcid,16) Aflag = True oldtime = timestamp if (buflen >= win): if (buflen == (win)): nexcess += 1 print "\n" print colors.WARNING + "Event " + str(nevent) + " has more than 15 GBT packets!" + colors.ENDC else: decodedfile.write("BCID: %4i Hits: %i\n" % (int(bcid,16),len(vmmlist))) for ibo in xrange(4): arts = [] for board,vmm,art in zip(boardlist[::-1][0:8],vmmlist[::-1][0:8],vmmdata[::-1]): if int(board) == ibo: arts.append([vmm,art]) write_me = "%s %s" % (ibo, " ".join(["%s,%s" % (vmm, art) for vmm,art in arts])) decodedfile.write(write_me+"\n") if args.dfile and nevent in events_to_dump: print "\n".join(lines) lines = [] decodedfile.close() datafile.close() print "\n" print colors.DES + "Done decoding! " + "ψ ︿_____︿_ψ_ ☼\t "+ colors.ENDC print "Found " + str(nshort)+ " bad GBT buffers, writing into gbterr.txt" print "\n" errfile = open("gbterr.txt", 'w') for x in zip(badgbt,gbtlen,times): errfile.write(str(x) + "\n") errfile.close()