Beispiel #1
    def testDelWord(self):
        """ Test deleting a word """
        # This parent I've chosen has only one child
        db = self.getDB()
        num_trees, matched_words = cf.searchDB(db, "varch")
        test_parent = matched_words[0][1]
        num_trees, matched_words = cf.searchDB(db, "ferkel")
        test_word = matched_words[0][1]

        #        # Test deleting a word that's not in the tree?
        #        word_dets = {'lang': 'English', 'text': ['banana', 'pineapple'],
        #                'morpheme': 'bannana', 'def': 'A fruity thing'}
        #        orphan_word = cf.createWord(word_dets)
        #        self.assertRaises(cf.EtymExceptWord, cf.deleteWord, orphan_word)

        # Test deleting a word
        self.assertEqual(cf.loadWordChildren(test_parent), [])
        num_trees, matched_words = cf.searchDB(db, "ferkel")
        self.assertEqual(num_trees, 0)

        # Reload the db, delete the parent and ensure the child moves up
        db = self.getDB()
        num_trees, matched_words = cf.searchDB(db, "varch")
        test_parent = matched_words[0][1]
        num_trees, matched_words = cf.searchDB(db, "ferkel")
        test_word = matched_words[0][1]
        test_grandparent = cf.loadWordParents(test_parent)
        self.assertEqual(cf.loadWordParents(test_word), test_grandparent)
Beispiel #2
    def testChangeChildren(self):
        """ Tests modifying the children of a word """
        chosen_word = self.getWord("far")
        real_children = cf.loadWordChildren(chosen_word)
        word_dets = {"lang": "English", "text": ["banana", "pineapple"], "morpheme": "bannana", "def": "A fruity thing"}
        test_child = cf.createWord(word_dets)

        # Test output with good input
        # (chosen_word only has one child)
        new_children = list(real_children)
        cf.editWordChildren(chosen_word, new_children)
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(chosen_word), 2)

        # This removes children from chosen_word
        cf.editWordChildren(chosen_word, None)
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(chosen_word), 0)
        self.assertEqual(cf.loadWordParents(real_children[0]), None)
        self.assertEqual(cf.loadWordParents(test_child), None)

        # Let's add a child back on
        cf.editWordChildren(chosen_word, test_child)
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(chosen_word), 1)
        self.assertEqual(cf.loadWordParents(test_child), chosen_word)
Beispiel #3
    def testCreateWord(self):
        """ Test creating a new word """
        # Try some bad inputs
        word_dets = None
        self.assertRaises(cf.EtymExceptWord, cf.createWord, word_dets)
        word_dets = {}
        self.assertRaises(cf.EtymExceptWord, cf.createWord, word_dets)
        word_dets = {"lang": "English"}
        self.assertRaises(cf.EtymExceptWord, cf.createWord, word_dets)
        word_dets = {"lang": "English", "text": "banana", "morpheme": "bannana", "def": "A fruity thing"}
        self.assertRaises(cf.EtymExceptWord, cf.createWord, word_dets)

        # Now a good input, test the output
        word_dets = {
            "lang": "English",
            "text": ["banana", "pineapple"],
            "morpheme": "bannana",
            "def": "A fruity thing",
            "tag": "word",
        new_word = cf.createWord(word_dets)
        new_word_details = cf.loadWordDetails(new_word)
        self.assertEqual(word_dets, new_word_details)

        # Try creating a word with a specified parent/children
        child_dets = {"lang": "Spanglish", "text": ["strawberry"], "morpheme": "strawberry", "def": "A fruity thing"}
        parent_dets = {"lang": "Fromesian", "text": ["raspberry"], "morpheme": "raspberry", "def": "A fruity thing"}
        word_dets = {"lang": "English", "text": ["banana"], "morpheme": "banana", "def": "A fruity thing"}
        new_child = cf.createWord(child_dets)
        new_parent = cf.createWord(parent_dets)
        new_word = cf.createWord(word_dets, word_parent=new_parent, word_children=new_child)
        self.assertEqual(cf.loadWordChildren(new_word)[0], new_child)
        self.assertEqual(cf.loadWordParents(new_word), new_parent)
Beispiel #4
    def testMoveWord(self):
        """ Test moving a word to a different location in the tree """
        db = self.getDB()
        # Here we move ross to be a child of hross
        # First get references to the words
        num_trees, matched_words = cf.searchDB(db, "ross")
        test_source = matched_words[0][1]
        test_source_parent = cf.loadWordParents(test_source)
        num_trees, matched_words = cf.searchDB(db, "hross")
        test_dest_parent = matched_words[0][1]
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(test_dest_parent), 0)
        # Perform the move
        cf.moveWord(test_source, test_dest_parent)
        # Make sure it really happened
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(test_dest_parent), 1)
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(test_source_parent), 0)
        self.assertEqual(cf.loadWordParents(test_source), test_dest_parent)

        # Let's test for some bad inputs
        self.assertRaises(cf.EtymExceptWord, cf.moveWord, None, None)
        self.assertRaises(cf.EtymExceptWord, cf.moveWord, test_source, None)
        self.assertRaises(cf.EtymExceptWord, cf.moveWord, None, test_source)

        # Another test, this time make sure the children are maintained
        # We move fearh (which has a child and a grandchild) to be a child
        # of porcus (which has two children and a few further descendants)
        db = self.getDB()
        # First get references to the words
        num_trees, matched_words = cf.searchDB(db, "fearh")
        test_source = matched_words[0][1]
        test_source_parent = cf.loadWordParents(test_source)
        num_trees, matched_words = cf.searchDB(db, "porcus")
        test_dest_parent = matched_words[0][1]
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(test_dest_parent), 2)
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(test_source), 1)
        # Perform the move
        cf.moveWord(test_source, test_dest_parent)
        # Make sure it really happened
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(test_dest_parent), 3)
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(test_source_parent), 2)
        self.assertEqual(cf.loadWordParents(test_source), test_dest_parent)
        self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(test_source), 1)
        num_trees, matched_words = cf.searchDB(db, "far")
        test_dest_child = matched_words[0][1]
        self.assertEqual(cf.loadWordParents(test_dest_child), test_source)
Beispiel #5
 def TreeItemAddSib(self, event):
     """ Add a sibling to the selected tree item """
     # Create a word with some default values
     #wordDets = cf.loadWordDetails(self.current_node)
     word_dets = {'text': ['NEW WORD'], 'morpheme': 'NEW WORD', 'lang':
                  'UNKNOWN', 'def': 'Change me!'}
     new_word = cf.createWord(word_dets,
     # Refresh the tree, select new word
     self.DisplayTree(self.search_root, self.search_words, select=new_word)
Beispiel #6
 def testChangeParent(self):
     """ Tests modifying the parent of a word """
     # This word has a parent, 'equinus'
     chosen_word = self.getWord("equine")
     # Make sure it can read the parent
     test_parent = cf.loadWordParents(chosen_word)
     parent_details = cf.loadWordDetails(test_parent)
     self.assertEqual(parent_details["text"], ["equinus"])
     self.assertEqual(parent_details["lang"], "Latin")
     # Add a new word and set its parent
     word_dets = {"lang": "English", "text": ["banana", "pineapple"], "morpheme": "bannana", "def": "A fruity thing"}
     new_word = cf.createWord(word_dets)
     cf.editWordParent(new_word, test_parent)
     self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(test_parent), 2)
     self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(chosen_word), 0)
     cf.editWordParent(new_word, chosen_word)
     self.assertEqual(cf.countWordChildren(chosen_word), 1)
     # Add a new word and it to be parent to a word
     new_word = cf.createWord(word_dets)
     cf.editWordParent(chosen_word, new_word)
     self.assertEqual(new_word, cf.loadWordParents(chosen_word))
Beispiel #7
 def testReadWordParents(self):
     """ Test reading the parents of a word """
     # The root shouldn't have any parents
     # TODO: Re-enable this once I can search for roots
     #        chosen_word = self.getWord('khursa')
     #        word_parents = cf.loadWordParents(chosen_word)
     #        self.assertEqual(word_parents, None)
     #        self.assertRaises(cf.EtymExceptWord, cf.loadWordDetails, word_parents[0])
     # This word should have one parent
     chosen_word = self.getWord("horse")
     word_parents = cf.loadWordParents(chosen_word)
     wordDets = cf.loadWordDetails(word_parents)
     self.assertEqual(wordDets["text"][0], "hors")
     self.assertEqual(wordDets["lang"], "Old English")
     self.assertEqual(wordDets["def"], "A man-eating beast")