Beispiel #1
def pagination_first(driver, expected_amount):
    """function selects the pagination first button"""
    common_page_objects.click_button_css(driver, ".first>a")
                                                expected_amount, 20)
Beispiel #2
def expand_latest_act(driver):
    """Click the expand button for the latest act so as to access the Edit and Delete buttons
    for conversations and actions."""
    common_page_objects.click_button_css(driver, "i.fa.fa-lg.fa-angle-down")
Beispiel #3
def add_new_vfl_record(driver):
    """Select the Add New VFL button"""
    common_page_objects.click_button_css(driver, "i.glyphicon.glyphicon-plus")
Beispiel #4
def clear_selected_vfl_workgroup(driver):
    """Select the X icon of the selected WorkGroup value in the WorkGroup field on the Details tab."""
def pagination_first(driver, expected_amount):
    """function selects the pagination first button"""
    common_page_objects.click_button_css(driver, ".first>a")
    function_module.wait_for_text_to_be_present(driver, "//*[@id='dtVFL_info']", expected_amount, 20)
def add_new_vfl_record(driver):
    """Select the Add New VFL button"""
    common_page_objects.click_button_css(driver, "i.glyphicon.glyphicon-plus")
def expand_latest_act(driver):
    """Click the expand button for the latest act so as to access the Edit and Delete buttons
    for conversations and actions."""
    common_page_objects.click_button_css(driver, "i.fa.fa-lg.fa-angle-down")
def clear_selected_vfl_workgroup(driver):
    """Select the X icon of the selected WorkGroup value in the WorkGroup field on the Details tab."""
    common_page_objects.click_button_css(driver, ".select2-search-choice-close")