def wp_read(req_path, show_full_path, auto_toc, highlight, pages_path, show_quick_links, show_source_button): full_path = req_path_to_full_path(req_path) if conf.button_mode_path: buf = commons.text_path2btns_path("/%s" % req_path) button_path = commons.md2html(buf) else: button_path = None if os.path.isfile(full_path): work_full_path = os.path.dirname(full_path) static_file_prefix = os.path.join("/static/pages", os.path.dirname(req_path)) content = content = commons.strip_bom(content) HOME_PAGE = "home" if req_path == HOME_PAGE: button_path = None else: show_quick_links = False elif os.path.isdir(full_path): work_full_path = full_path static_file_prefix = os.path.join("/static/pages", req_path) buf1 = get_dot_idx_content_by_full_path(full_path) or "" buf2 = get_page_file_list_by_req_path(req_path) if buf2: buf2 = sequence_to_unorder_list(buf2.split("\n"), show_full_path = show_full_path) else: buf2 = "" content = buf1 + "\n" + "----" + "\n" + buf2 else: if req_path == "home" and (not os.path.exists(full_path)): return web.seeother("~all") else: return web.seeother("/%s?action=edit" % req_path) content = zw_macro2md(text = content, show_full_path = show_full_path, pages_path = pages_path) content = commons.md2html(text = content, work_full_path = work_full_path, static_file_prefix = static_file_prefix) static_files = get_the_same_folders_cssjs_files(req_path) if not static_files: static_files = get_global_static_files(auto_toc = auto_toc, highlight = highlight) + "\n" return tpl_render.canvas(conf = conf, req_path = req_path, button_path = button_path, content = content, static_files = static_files, show_quick_links = show_quick_links, show_source_button = show_source_button)
def wp_get_all_pages(show_full_path, limit, offset): buf = get_all_pages_list_from_cache() all_lines = buf.split() total_lines = len(all_lines) title = "All Pages List (%d/%d)" % (offset, total_lines / limit) start = offset * limit end = start + limit lines = all_lines[start : end] buf = sequence_to_unorder_list(lines, show_full_path = show_full_path) content = commons.md2html(text = buf, work_full_path = conf.pages_path) paginator = commons.Paginator() = total_lines paginator.current_offset = offset paginator.limit = limit paginator.url = "/~all" return tpl_render.canvas(conf = conf, button_path = title, content = content, static_files = g_global_static_files, paginator = paginator)
def wp_edit(req_path): full_path = req_path_to_full_path(req_path) if conf.button_mode_path: buf = commons.text_path2button_path("/%s" % req_path) title = commons.md2html(buf) else: title = req_path create_new = False if os.path.isfile(full_path): content = elif os.path.isdir(full_path): content = get_dot_idx_content_by_full_path(full_path) elif not os.path.exists(full_path): create_new = True content = "" else: raise Exception("invalid path '%s'" % req_path) static_files = get_global_static_files(auto_toc = False, highlight = False, reader_mode = False) return tpl_render.editor(req_path, title, content, create_new = create_new, static_files = static_files)
def POST(self, req_path): assert req_path in g_special_paths inputs = web.input() if req_path == "~search": keywords = inputs.get("k") keywords = web.utils.safestr(keywords) if keywords: arg = web.cookies().get("zw_show_full_path") or conf.show_full_path show_full_path = int(arg) content = search_by_filename_and_file_content(keywords, show_full_path = show_full_path) else: content = None if content: content = commons.md2html(content) else: content = "matched not found" return = keywords, content = content, static_files = g_global_static_files) elif req_path == "~settings": show_full_path = inputs.get("show_full_path") auto_toc = inputs.get("auto_toc") highlight = inputs.get("highlight") if show_full_path == "on": show_full_path = 1 else: show_full_path = 0 web.setcookie(name = "zw_show_full_path", value = show_full_path, expires = 31536000) if auto_toc == "on": auto_toc = 1 else: auto_toc = 0 web.setcookie(name = "zw_auto_toc", value = auto_toc, expires = 31536000) if highlight == "on": highlight = 1 else: highlight = 0 web.setcookie(name = "zw_highlight", value = highlight, expires = 31536000) latest_req_path = web.cookies().get("zw_latest_req_path") if latest_req_path and (latest_req_path not in g_redirect_paths) and latest_req_path != "/": web.setcookie(name = "zw_latest_req_path", value = "", expires = -1) latest_req_path = "/" + latest_req_path else: latest_req_path = "/" web.seeother(latest_req_path) else: raise web.NotFound()
def wp_stat(): stat_tpl = """# Stat || _ || _ || | Wiki pages | %d | | Folder | %d | """ page_count =" cd %s ; find . -type f -name '*.md' | wc -l " % conf.pages_path) or 0 folder_count =" cd %s ; find . -type d | wc -l " % conf.pages_path) or 0 text = stat_tpl % (int(page_count), int(folder_count)) content = commons.md2html(text) return tpl_render.canvas(conf, button_path = None, content = content, req_path = None, static_files = g_global_static_files, show_quick_links = False)