Beispiel #1
    def setUp(self):

        = [
                ('a', Cache.DONE),
                ('b', Cache.FAILED),
                ('c', Cache.NOT_STARTED),
                ('d', Cache.DONE),
                ('e', Cache.DONE),
                ('f', Cache.IN_PROGRESS),
                ('g', Cache.DONE),
                ('h', Cache.FAILED),
                ('i', Cache.DONE),
                ('ii', Cache.DONE),
                ('v_rangefinder_nonunif-plot_tensors_tex-0', Cache.DONE),
        for job_id, state in
            comp(dummy, job_id=job_id)
            cache = get_job_cache(job_id)
            cache.state = state
            set_job_cache(job_id, cache)

        self.all = set([job_id for job_id, state in])
        select = lambda S: set([id for id, state in if state == S])
        self.failed = select(Cache.FAILED)
        self.done = select(Cache.DONE)
        self.in_progress = select(Cache.IN_PROGRESS)
        self.not_started = select(Cache.NOT_STARTED)
Beispiel #2
def erase_job_if_files_updated(compmake_context, promise, filenames):
    """ Invalidates the job if the filename is newer """
    check_isinstance(promise, Promise)
    check_isinstance(filenames, (list, tuple))

    def friendly_age(ts):
        age = time.time() - ts
        return '%.3fs ago' % age

    filenames = list(filenames)
    for _ in filenames:
        if not os.path.exists(_):
            msg = 'File does not exist: %s' % _
            raise ValueError(msg)
    last_update = max(os.path.getmtime(_) for _ in filenames)
    db = compmake_context.get_compmake_db()
    job_id = promise.job_id
    cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db)
    if cache.state == cache.DONE:
        done_at = cache.timestamp
        if done_at < last_update:
            show_filenames = filenames if len(
                filenames) < 3 else '(too long to show)'
  'Cleaning job %r because files updated %s' %
                        (job_id, show_filenames))
  '  files last updated: %s' % friendly_age(last_update))
  '       job last done: %s' % friendly_age(done_at))

            mark_to_remake(job_id, db)
Beispiel #3
def list_jobs(job_list):
    for job_id in job_list:
        up, reason = up_to_date(job_id)
        s = job_id
        s += " " + (" " * (60 - len(s)))
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id)
        tag = Cache.state2desc[cache.state]
        #if not up:
        #    tag += ' (needs update)' 
        k = (cache.state, up)
        assert k in state2color, "I found strange state %s" % str(k)
        color_args = state2color[k]
        s += colored(tag, **color_args)
        if cache.state == Cache.DONE and cache.done_iterations > 1:
            s += ' %s iterations completed ' % cache.done_iterations 
        if cache.state == Cache.IN_PROGRESS:
            s += ' (%s/%s iterations in progress) ' % \
                (cache.iterations_in_progress, cache.iterations_goal)
        if up:
            when = duration_human(time() - cache.timestamp)
            s += " (%s ago)" % when
            if cache.state in [Cache.DONE, Cache.MORE_REQUESTED]:
                s += " (needs update: %s)" % reason 
        print s
Beispiel #4
def details_why_one(job_id, context, cq):
    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    if job_cache_exists(job_id, db):
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db)
        why = str(cache.exception)
        lines = why.split('\n')
        one = lines[0]
        if len(lines) > 1:
            one += ' ... +%d lines' % (len(lines)-1)
        print('%20s: %s' %(job_id, one))  
Beispiel #5
def display_stats(job_list):
    states_order = [Cache.NOT_STARTED, Cache.IN_PROGRESS,
              Cache.MORE_REQUESTED, Cache.FAILED,
    # initialize counters to 0
    states2count = dict(map(lambda x: (x, 0), states_order))

    function2state2count = {}
    total = 0
    for job_id in job_list:
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id)   
        states2count[cache.state] += 1
        total += 1
        function_id = get_job(job_id).command_desc
        # initialize record if not present
        if not function_id in function2state2count:
            function2state2count[function_id] = dict(map(lambda x: (x, 0), states_order) + 
                                                     [('all', 0)])
        # update
        function2state2count[function_id][cache.state] += 1
        function2state2count[function_id]['all'] += 1
        if total == 100: # XXX: use standard method
            info("Loading a large number of jobs...")
    print("Found %s jobs in total. Summary by state:" % total)
    for state in states_order:
        desc = "%30s" % Cache.state2desc[state]
        # colorize output
        desc = colored(desc, **state2color[state])

        num = states2count[state]
        if num > 0:
            print("%s: %5d" % (desc, num))
    print("Summary by function:")

    for function_id, function_stats in function2state2count.items():
        ndone = function_stats[Cache.DONE]
        nfailed = function_stats[Cache.FAILED]
        nrest = function_stats['all'] - ndone - nfailed
        failed_s = "%5d failed" % nfailed
        if nfailed > 0:
            failed_s = colored(failed_s, color='red')
        s = "%5d done, %s, %5d to do." % (ndone, failed_s, nrest)
        print(" %30s(): %s" % (function_id, s)) 
Beispiel #6
def jobs_defined(job_id, db):
        Gets the jobs defined by the given job.
        The job must be DONE.
    check_isinstance(job_id, six.string_types)
    with trace_bugs('jobs_defined(%r)' % job_id):
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db=db)
        if cache.state != Cache.DONE:
            msg = ('Cannot get jobs_defined for job not done ' +
                   '(status: %s)' % Cache.state2desc[cache.state])
            raise CompmakeBug(msg)
        return set(cache.jobs_defined)
Beispiel #7
def jobs_defined(job_id, db):
        Gets the jobs defined by the given job.
        The job must be DONE.
    check_isinstance(job_id, six.string_types)
    with trace_bugs('jobs_defined(%r)' % job_id):
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db=db)
        if cache.state != Cache.DONE:
            msg = ('Cannot get jobs_defined for job not done '
                   +'(status: %s)' % Cache.state2desc[cache.state])
            raise CompmakeBug(msg)
        return set(cache.jobs_defined)
Beispiel #8
def list_job_detail(job_id):
    #computation = get_computation(job_id)
    cache = get_job_cache(job_id)     
    parents = direct_parents(job_id)
    children = direct_children(job_id)
    up, reason = up_to_date(job_id)

    red = lambda x: colored(x, 'red')
    bold = lambda x:  colored(rjust(x + ' ', 15), attrs=['bold'])
        print bold('Job ID:') + '%s' % job_id 
        print bold('Status:') + '%s' % Cache.state2desc[cache.state]
        print bold('Uptodate:') + '%s (%s)' % (up, reason)
        print bold('Children:') + '%s' % ', '.join(children)
        print bold('Parents:') + '%s' % ', '.join(parents)
        if cache.state == Cache.DONE and cache.done_iterations > 1:
            print bold('Iterations:') + '%s' % cache.done_iterations 
            print bold('Wall Time:') + '%.4f s' % cache.walltime_used 
            print bold('CPU Time:') + '%.4f s' % cache.cputime_used
            print bold('Host:') + '%s' %

        if cache.state == Cache.IN_PROGRESS:
            print bold('Progress:') + '%s/%s' % \
                (cache.iterations_in_progress, cache.iterations_goal)

        if cache.state == Cache.FAILED:
            print red(cache.exception)
            print red(cache.backtrace)
        def display_with_prefix(buffer, prefix,
                                transform=lambda x:x, out=sys.stdout):
            for line in buffer.split('\n'):
                out.write('%s%s\n' % (prefix, transform(line)))
        if cache.captured_stdout:
            print "-----> captured stdout <-----"
            display_with_prefix(cache.captured_stdout, prefix='|',
                                transform=lambda x: colored(x, attrs=['dark']))
        if cache.captured_stderr:
            print "-----> captured stderr <-----"
            display_with_prefix(cache.captured_stdout, prefix='|',
                                transform=lambda x: colored(x, attrs=['dark']))
    except AttributeError:
Beispiel #9
def direct_uptodate_deps_inverse(job_id, db):
    """ Returns all jobs that have this as 
        a direct 'dependency'
        the jobs that are direct parents
        plus the jobs that were defined by it.
        Assumes that the job is DONE.
    from import direct_parents
    dep_inv = direct_parents(job_id, db)
    from import get_job_cache
    # Not sure if need to be here --- added when doing graph-animation for jobs in progress
    if get_job_cache(job_id, db).state == Cache.DONE: 
        dep_inv.update(jobs_defined(job_id, db))
    return dep_inv 
Beispiel #10
def direct_uptodate_deps_inverse(job_id, db):
    """ Returns all jobs that have this as
        a direct 'dependency'
        the jobs that are direct parents
        plus the jobs that were defined by it.

        Assumes that the job is DONE.
    from import direct_parents
    dep_inv = direct_parents(job_id, db)
    from import get_job_cache
    # Not sure if need to be here --- added when doing graph-animation for jobs in progress
    if get_job_cache(job_id, db).state == Cache.DONE:
        dep_inv.update(jobs_defined(job_id, db))
    return dep_inv
Beispiel #11
def direct_uptodate_deps_inverse_closure(job_id, db):
        Closure of direct_uptodate_deps_inverse:
        all jobs that depend on this.
    from import parents
    # all parents
    dep_inv = parents(job_id, db)
    # plus their definition closure
    from import definition_closure
    closure = definition_closure(dep_inv, db)
    # this is not true in general
    # assert not closure & dep_inv
    # plus the ones that were defined by it
    from import get_job_cache
    if get_job_cache(job_id, db).state == Cache.DONE:
        dep_inv.update(jobs_defined(job_id, db))
    return dep_inv 
Beispiel #12
def go(path):
    db = StorageFilesystem(path, compress=True)
    args = ['failed']
    cq = CacheQueryDB(db)
    context = Context(db)
    if not list(db.keys()):
        msg = 'Compmake DB is empty'
        job_list = parse_job_list(args, context=context, cq=cq)
        s = ""
        if job_list:
            job_list = job_list[:2]
            s += 'Running on host: %s' % hostname
            s += "\nJob failed in path %s" % path
            for job_id in job_list:
                if job_cache_exists(job_id, db):
                    cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db)
                    status = Cache.state2desc[cache.state]

                    s += "\nFailure of job %s" % job_id

                    if cache.state in [Cache.FAILED, Cache.BLOCKED]:
                        why = str(cache.exception).strip()
                        why = 'No why for job done.'
                    s += '\n' + "```\n" + why + "\n```"
                    s += '\n\n'
                    logger.warning('no cache for %s' % job_id)

            s += '\n@censi'
            s += '\n@jacopo'
            s += '\n@paull'
            s += '\n@walter'
            s += '\n@daniele'
  , s, link_names=1)

            s = 'Everything is fine'
            #, s)
  'No jobs found')
Beispiel #13
def direct_uptodate_deps_inverse_closure(job_id, db):
        Closure of direct_uptodate_deps_inverse:
        all jobs that depend on this.
    from import parents
    # all parents
    dep_inv = parents(job_id, db)
    # plus their definition closure
    from import definition_closure
    closure = definition_closure(dep_inv, db)
    # this is not true in general
    # assert not closure & dep_inv
    # plus the ones that were defined by it
    from import get_job_cache
    if get_job_cache(job_id, db).state == Cache.DONE:
        dep_inv.update(jobs_defined(job_id, db))
    return dep_inv
Beispiel #14
def details_why_one(job_id, context, cq):  # @UnusedVariable
    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    lines = []
    if job_cache_exists(job_id, db):
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db)
        status = Cache.state2desc[cache.state]
        if cache.state in [Cache.FAILED, Cache.BLOCKED]:                
            why = cache.exception
            why = why.strip()
            lines = why.split('\n')
            one = lines[0]
            if len(lines) > 1:
                one += ' [+%d lines] ' % (len(lines)-1)
            details = (job_id, status, one)
            return details
    return None
Beispiel #15
def junit_test_case_from_compmake(db, job_id):
    cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db=db)
    if cache.state == Cache.DONE:  # and cache.done_iterations > 1:
        #elapsed_sec = cache.walltime_used
        elapsed_sec = cache.cputime_used
        elapsed_sec = None

    stderr = flatten_ascii(cache.captured_stderr)
    stdout = flatten_ascii(cache.captured_stdout)

    tc = TestCase(name=job_id,

    if cache.state == Cache.FAILED:
        message = cache.exception
        output = cache.exception + "\n" + cache.backtrace
        tc.add_failure_info(flatten_ascii(message), flatten_ascii(output))

    return tc
def junit_test_case_from_compmake(db, job_id):
    from junit_xml import TestCase
    cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db=db)
    if cache.state == Cache.DONE:  # and cache.done_iterations > 1:
        # elapsed_sec = cache.walltime_used
        elapsed_sec = cache.cputime_used
        elapsed_sec = None

    check_isinstance(cache.captured_stderr, (type(None), six.text_type))
    check_isinstance(cache.captured_stdout, (type(None), six.text_type))
    check_isinstance(cache.exception, (type(None), six.text_type))
    stderr = remove_escapes(cache.captured_stderr)
    stdout = remove_escapes(cache.captured_stdout)

    tc = TestCase(name=job_id, classname=None, elapsed_sec=elapsed_sec,
                  stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)

    if cache.state == Cache.FAILED:
        message = cache.exception
        output = cache.exception + "\n" + cache.backtrace
        tc.add_failure_info(message, output)

    return tc
Beispiel #17
    def get_job_cache(self, job_id):
        from .storage import get_job_cache

        return get_job_cache(job_id, db=self.db)
Beispiel #18
def mvac_job(args):
    args = tuple job_id, context,  queue_name, show_events
    Returns a dictionary with fields "user_object", "new_jobs", 'delete_jobs'.
    "user_object" is set to None because we do not want to 
    load in our thread if not necessary. Sometimes it is necessary
    because it might contain a Promise. 
    job_id, context, event_queue_name, show_output, volumes, cwd = args  # @UnusedVariable
    check_isinstance(job_id, str)
    check_isinstance(event_queue_name, str)
    # Disable multyvac logging
    db = context.get_compmake_db()
    job = get_job(job_id=job_id, db=db)

    if job.needs_context:
        msg = 'Cannot use multyvac for dynamic job.'
        raise CompmakeException(msg)

    time_start = time.time()

    multyvac_job = mvac_instance(db, job_id, volumes, cwd)
    errors = [multyvac_job.status_error, multyvac_job.status_killed]
    if multyvac_job.status in errors:
        e = 'Multyvac error (status: %r)' % multyvac_job.status 
        bt = str(multyvac_job.stderr)

        cache = Cache(Cache.FAILED)
        cache.exception = e
        cache.backtrace = bt
        cache.timestamp = time.time()
        cache.captured_stderr = str(multyvac_job.stderr)
        cache.captured_stdout = str(multyvac_job.stdout)
        set_job_cache(job_id, cache, db=db)

        raise JobFailed(job_id=job_id, reason=str(e), bt=bt)
    user_object = multyvac_job.result

    user_object_deps = collect_dependencies(user_object)
    set_job_userobject(job_id, user_object, db=db)
    cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db=db)
    cache.captured_stderr = str(multyvac_job.stderr)
    cache.captured_stdout = str(multyvac_job.stdout)

    cache.state = Cache.DONE
    cache.timestamp = time.time()
    walltime = cache.timestamp - time_start
    cache.walltime_used = walltime
    cache.cputime_used = multyvac_job.cputime_system = 'multyvac'
    cache.jobs_defined = set()
    set_job_cache(job_id, cache, db=db)
    result_dict = dict(user_object=user_object,
                new_jobs=[], deleted_jobs=[])
    return result_dict
Beispiel #19
def report_results_pairs_jobs(context, func, objspec1_name, objspec2_name, jobs):
    """ This version gets the jobs ID """
    reason2symbol = {}

    def get_string_result(res):
        if res is None:
            s = 'ok'
        elif isinstance(res, Skipped):
            s = 'skipped'
            reason = res.get_reason()
            if not reason in reason2symbol:
                reason2symbol[reason] = len(reason2symbol) + 1
            s += '(%s)' % reason2symbol[reason]

        elif isinstance(res, PartiallySkipped):
            parts = res.get_skipped_parts()
            s = 'no ' + ','.join(parts)
            print('how to interpret %s? ' % describe_value(res))
            s = '?'
        return s

    r = Report()
    if not jobs:
        r.text('warning', 'no test objects defined')
        return r

    rows = sorted(set([a for a, _ in jobs]))
    cols = sorted(set([b for _, b in jobs]))
    data = [[None for a in range(len(cols))] for b in range(len(rows))]
    # a nice bug: data = [[None * len(cols)] * len(rows)

    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    comb = itertools.product(enumerate(rows), enumerate(cols))
    for ((i, id_object1), (j, id_object2)) in comb:
        job_id = jobs[(id_object1, id_object2)]
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db)

        if cache.state == Cache.DONE:
            res = get_job_userobject(job_id, db)
            s = get_string_result(res)
        elif cache.state == Cache.FAILED:
            s = 'FAIL'
        elif cache.state == Cache.BLOCKED:
            s = 'blocked'
#         elif cache.state == Cache.IN_PROGRESS:
#             s = '(in progress)'
        elif cache.state == Cache.NOT_STARTED:
            s = ' '
            s = '?'

        data[i][j] = s

    r.table('summary', rows=rows, data=data, cols=cols)

    expl = ""
    for reason, symbol in list(reason2symbol.items()):
        expl += '(%s): %s\n' % (symbol, reason)
    r.text('notes', expl)

    return r
Beispiel #20
def report_results_pairs_jobs(context, func, objspec1_name, objspec2_name,
    """ This version gets the jobs ID """
    reason2symbol = {}

    def get_string_result(res):
        if res is None:
            s = 'ok'
        elif isinstance(res, Skipped):
            s = 'skipped'
            reason = res.get_reason()
            if not reason in reason2symbol:
                reason2symbol[reason] = len(reason2symbol) + 1
            s += '(%s)' % reason2symbol[reason]

        elif isinstance(res, PartiallySkipped):
            parts = res.get_skipped_parts()
            s = 'no ' + ','.join(parts)
            print('how to interpret %s? ' % describe_value(res))
            s = '?'
        return s

    r = Report()
    if not jobs:
        r.text('warning', 'no test objects defined')
        return r

    rows = sorted(set([a for a, _ in jobs]))
    cols = sorted(set([b for _, b in jobs]))
    data = [[None for a in range(len(cols))] for b in range(len(rows))]
    # a nice bug: data = [[None * len(cols)] * len(rows)

    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    comb = itertools.product(enumerate(rows), enumerate(cols))
    for ((i, id_object1), (j, id_object2)) in comb:
        job_id = jobs[(id_object1, id_object2)]
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db)

        if cache.state == Cache.DONE:
            res = get_job_userobject(job_id, db)
            s = get_string_result(res)
        elif cache.state == Cache.FAILED:
            s = 'FAIL'
        elif cache.state == Cache.BLOCKED:
            s = 'blocked'
#         elif cache.state == Cache.IN_PROGRESS:
#             s = '(in progress)'
        elif cache.state == Cache.NOT_STARTED:
            s = ' '

        data[i][j] = s

    r.table('summary', rows=rows, data=data, cols=cols)

    expl = ""
    for reason, symbol in reason2symbol.items():
        expl += '(%s): %s\n' % (symbol, reason)
    r.text('notes', expl)

    return r
Beispiel #21
 def get_job_cache(self, job_id):
     from import get_job_cache
     return get_job_cache(job_id)
Beispiel #22
def mvac_job(args):
    args = tuple job_id, context,  queue_name, show_events
    Returns a dictionary with fields "user_object", "new_jobs", 'delete_jobs'.
    "user_object" is set to None because we do not want to 
    load in our thread if not necessary. Sometimes it is necessary
    because it might contain a Promise. 
    job_id, context, event_queue_name, show_output, volumes, cwd = args  # @UnusedVariable
    check_isinstance(job_id, str)
    check_isinstance(event_queue_name, str)
    # Disable multyvac logging
    db = context.get_compmake_db()
    job = get_job(job_id=job_id, db=db)

    if job.needs_context:
        msg = 'Cannot use multyvac for dynamic job.'
        raise CompmakeException(msg)

    time_start = time.time()

    multyvac_job = mvac_instance(db, job_id, volumes, cwd)
    errors = [multyvac_job.status_error, multyvac_job.status_killed]
    if multyvac_job.status in errors:
        e = 'Multyvac error (status: %r)' % multyvac_job.status 
        bt = str(multyvac_job.stderr)

        cache = Cache(Cache.FAILED)
        cache.exception = e
        cache.backtrace = bt
        cache.timestamp = time.time()
        cache.captured_stderr = str(multyvac_job.stderr)
        cache.captured_stdout = str(multyvac_job.stdout)
        set_job_cache(job_id, cache, db=db)

        raise JobFailed(job_id=job_id, reason=str(e), bt=bt)
    user_object = multyvac_job.result

    user_object_deps = collect_dependencies(user_object)
    set_job_userobject(job_id, user_object, db=db)
    cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db=db)
    cache.captured_stderr = str(multyvac_job.stderr)
    cache.captured_stdout = str(multyvac_job.stdout)

    cache.state = Cache.DONE
    cache.timestamp = time.time()
    walltime = cache.timestamp - time_start
    cache.walltime_used = walltime
    cache.cputime_used = multyvac_job.cputime_system = 'multyvac'
    cache.jobs_defined = set()
    set_job_cache(job_id, cache, db=db)
    result_dict = dict(user_object=user_object,
                new_jobs=[], deleted_jobs=[])
    return result_dict
Beispiel #23
def list_jobs_with_state(state):
    ''' Returns a list of jobs in the given state. '''
    for job_id in all_jobs(): 
        if get_job_cache(job_id).state == state:
            yield job_id
Beispiel #24
def graph(job_list, filename='compmake', compact=0,
          filter='dot', format='png'):
    '''Creates a graph of the given targets and dependencies 
        graph filename=filename compact=0,1 format=png,...
            filename:  name of generated filename in the dot format
            compact=0: whether to include the job names in the nodes  
            filter=[dot,circo,twopi,...]  which algorithm to use to arrange
                       the nodes. This depends on the topology of your 
                       computation. The default is 'dot' 
                       (hierarchy top-bottom). 
            format=[png,...]  The output file format.
    if not job_list:
        job_list = top_targets()
    job_list = tree(job_list)
        import gvgen #@UnresolvedImport
        gvgen_url = '' 
        raise UserError('To use the "graph" command' + 
                        ' you have to install the "gvgen" package from %s' % 
    graph = gvgen.GvGen() 

    state2color = {
        Cache.NOT_STARTED: 'grey',
        Cache.IN_PROGRESS: 'yellow',
        Cache.MORE_REQUESTED: 'blue',
        Cache.FAILED: 'red',
        Cache.DONE: 'green'

    job2node = {}
    for job_id in job_list:
        if int(compact):
            job2node[job_id] = graph.newItem("")
            job2node[job_id] = graph.newItem(job_id)
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id)
        graph.styleAppend(job_id, "style", "filled")
        graph.styleAppend(job_id, "fillcolor", state2color[cache.state])
        graph.styleApply(job_id, job2node[job_id])
    for job_id in job_list:
        #c = get_computation(job_id)
        #children_id = [x.job_id for x in c.depends]
        for child in direct_children(job_id):
            graph.newLink(job2node[job_id], job2node[child])
    # TODO: add check?
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:    
    output = filename + '.' + format
    cmd_line = '%s %s -T%s -o%s' % (filter, filename, format, output)    
        raise UserError("Could not run dot (cmdline='%s')\
Make sure graphviz is installed" % cmd_line) # XXX maybe not UserError

    info("Written output on files %s, %s." % (filename, output))
Beispiel #25
def list_todo_jobs():
    ''' Returns a list of jobs that haven't been DONE. '''
    for job_id in all_jobs(): 
        if get_job_cache(job_id).state != Cache.DONE:
            yield job_id
Beispiel #26
    def get_job_cache(self, job_id):
        from .storage import get_job_cache

        return get_job_cache(job_id, db=self.db)