def __init__(): components.register( 'kolabd', execute, description=description(), after=['ldap','imap'] )
def __init__(): components.register( 'freebusy', execute, description=description(), after=['ldap'] )
def place(self, roomid, thingid): room = data.rooms.get(roomid) thing = data.datatypes.get(thingid) inst = instance(thingid) register(inst) room['contents'].append(inst['uuid']) inst['located'] = room['id'] return inst
def __init__(self): load(os.sep.join(['./edit'])) for k in data.datatypes: e = data.datatypes[k] if e.get("room"): if not e.get("base"): register(instance(e.get("id"))) for k in data.rooms: act("init", data.rooms[k]) self.report_data()
def contents(d): #we need a new list, as d is a reference res = [] for e in d: if e.get("id"): c_e = components.construct(e) new = components.instance(e.get("id")) #we merge the conent entry onto the instance merged = dict(new.items() + c_e.items()) components.register(merged) res.append(merged.get("uuid")) return res
# tell browser to expect HTML print("Content-Type: text/html\n") # get any data sent with the GET or POST request # this may be required by multiple components sent_data = cgi.FieldStorage() # -------- START OF FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS ----------->>> # ---------- HANDLE REGISTRATION FORM SUBMISSIONS ---------- # check if login form was submitted if 'btn_register' in sent_data: # it was, so call the login function result = components.register(db, sent_data) msg = result['msg'] else: # message displayed in register form will be empty msg = "" #render html document containing form print(utils.render_html(config['HTML'] + 'register.html', data=[msg])) # ---------- HANDLE REGISTRATION FORM SUBMISSIONS ERRORS ----------- # check if registered already if 'btn_register' in sent_data: # student is already registered? result = components.register(db, sent_data['registered'].value=True) msg = "Student is already registered."
def make_str(self, width, log2width): widthp1 = width + 1 string = '''\ /**************************************************************************** Shifter unit Opcode Table: sign_ext dir 0 0 | ShiftLeft 0 1 | ShiftRightLogic 1 1 | ShiftRightArith ****************************************************************************/ module vlane_barrelshifter_{WIDTH}_{LOG2WIDTH}(clk, resetn, opB, sa, op, result); //parameter {WIDTH}=32; //parameter {LOG2WIDTH}=5; //Shifts the first 2 bits in one cycle, the rest in the next cycle //parameter ({LOG2WIDTH}-2)={LOG2WIDTH}-2; input clk; input resetn; input [{WIDTH}-1:0] opB; input [{LOG2WIDTH}-1:0] sa; // Shift Amount input [2-1:0] op; output [{WIDTH}-1:0] result; wire sign_ext; wire shift_direction; assign sign_ext=op[1]; assign shift_direction=op[0]; wire dum,dum_,dum2; wire [{WIDTH}-1:0] partial_result_,partial_result; `ifndef USE_INHOUSE_LOGIC `define USE_INHOUSE_LOGIC `endif `ifdef USE_INHOUSE_LOGIC wire [{WIDTHP1}-1:0] local_shifter_inst1_result; assign {CBS}dum,partial_result{CBE} = local_shifter_inst1_result; wire [2-1:0] local_shifter_inst1_distance; assign local_shifter_inst1_distance = sa&(32'hffffffff<<((({LOG2WIDTH}-2)>0) ? ({LOG2WIDTH}-2) : 0)); wire [{WIDTHP1}-1:0] local_shifter_inst1_data; assign local_shifter_inst1_data = {CBS}sign_ext&opB[{WIDTH}-1],opB{CBE}; local_shifter_{WIDTHP1}_2_ARITHMATIC local_shifter_inst1( .data(local_shifter_inst1_data), .distance(local_shifter_inst1_distance), .direction(shift_direction), .result(local_shifter_inst1_result) ); //defparam // local_shifter_inst1.LPM_WIDTH = {WIDTH}+1, // local_shifter_inst1.LPM_WIDTHDIST = {LOG2WIDTH}, // local_shifter_inst1.LPM_SHIFTTYPE="ARITHMETIC"; `else lpm_clshift shifter_inst1( .data({CBS}sign_ext&opB[{WIDTH}-1],opB{CBE}), .distance(sa&(32'hffffffff<<((({LOG2WIDTH}-2)>0) ? ({LOG2WIDTH}-2) : 0))), .direction(shift_direction), .result(dum,partial_result)); defparam shifter_inst1.lpm_width = {WIDTH}+1, shifter_inst1.lpm_widthdist = {LOG2WIDTH}, shifter_inst1.lpm_shifttype="ARITHMETIC"; `endif wire [{WIDTHP1}-1:0] partial_reg_q; assign partial_reg_q = {CBS}dum_,partial_result_{CBE}; register_{WIDTHP1} partial_reg ({CBS}dum,partial_result{CBE},clk,resetn,1'b1,partial_reg_q); wire [5-1:0] sa_2; wire shift_direction_2; register_5 secondstage (sa, clk,resetn,1'b1,sa_2); register_1 secondstagedir (shift_direction, clk,resetn,1'b1,shift_direction_2); `ifdef USE_INHOUSE_LOGIC wire [{WIDTHP1}-1:0] local_shifter_inst2_result; assign {CBS}dum2,result{CBE} = local_shifter_inst2_result; wire [2-1:0] local_shifter_inst2_distance; assign local_shifter_inst2_distance = sa_2[({LOG2WIDTH}-2)-1:0]; wire [{WIDTHP1}-1:0] local_shifter_inst2_data; assign local_shifter_inst2_data = {CBS}dum_,partial_result_{CBE}; local_shifter_{WIDTHP1}_2_ARITHMATIC local_shifter_inst2( .data(local_shifter_inst2_data), .distance(local_shifter_inst2_distance), .direction(shift_direction_2), .result(local_shifter_inst2_result) ); // defparam // local_shifter_inst2.LPM_WIDTH = {WIDTH}+1, // local_shifter_inst2.LPM_WIDTHDIST = (({LOG2WIDTH}-2)>0) ? ({LOG2WIDTH}-2) : 1, // local_shifter_inst2.LPM_SHIFTTYPE ="ARITHMETIC"; `else lpm_clshift_{WIDTHP1}_2_ARITHMATIC shifter_inst2( .data({CBS}dum_,partial_result_{CBE}), .distance(sa_2[((({LOG2WIDTH}-2)>0) ? ({LOG2WIDTH}-2)-1 : 0):0]), .direction(shift_direction_2), .result({CBS}dum2,resulti{CBE})); defparam shifter_inst2.lpm_width = {WIDTH}+1, shifter_inst2.lpm_widthdist = (({LOG2WIDTH}-2)>0) ? ({LOG2WIDTH}-2) : 1, shifter_inst2.lpm_shifttype="ARITHMETIC"; `endif endmodule ''' fp = open("verilog/local_shifter.v", 'a') uut = local_shifter(fp) uut.write(widthp1, 2, "ARITHMATIC") fp.close() fp = open("verilog/components.v", 'a') uut = register(fp) uut.write(widthp1) fp.write("\n") fp.close() fp = open("verilog/components.v", 'a') uut = register(fp) uut.write(5) fp.write("\n") fp.close() fp = open("verilog/components.v", 'a') uut = register(fp) uut.write(1) fp.write("\n") fp.close() # # fp = open("verilog/pipe.v",'a') # uut = pipe(fp) # uut.write(widthp1) # uut.write(5) # uut.write(1) return string.format(WIDTH=width, LOG2WIDTH=log2width, WIDTHP1=widthp1, CBS="{", CBE="}")
import logging from telegram.ext import Updater import config from components import register logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) updater = Updater(token=config.bot_token) register(updater.dispatcher) updater.start_polling(config.polling_interval) updater.idle()
d_loadresult[31:16]={{16{{load_sign_ext&d_loadresult[15]}}}}; end default: d_loadresult=d_readdatain; endcase end endmodule''' return string.format(WIDTH=width) def write(self, width): self.fp.write(self.make_str(width)) if __name__ == '__main__': fp = open(parser.parse(), "w") uut = data_mem(fp) uut.write(32, 32, 4, 16, 16384) fp.close() fp = open(parser.parse(), "a") fp.write("\r\r") store = store_data_translator(fp) store.write(32) fp.write("\r\r") load = load_data_translator(fp) load.write(32) fp.write("\r\r") reg = register(fp) reg.write(2) fp.close()
def __init__(): components.register('kolabd', execute, description=description(), after=['ldap', 'imap'])
def __init__(): components.register('php', execute, description=description())
def __init__(): components.register('roundcube', execute, description=description(), after=['mysql','ldap'])
I_SIZE=i_size) def write(self, exception_address, i_datawidth, i_addresswidth, i_size): self.fp.write( self.make_str(exception_address, i_datawidth, i_addresswidth, i_size)) if __name__ == '__main__': fp = open(parser.parse(), "w") uut = ifetch(fp) uut.write(67108896, 32, 14, 16384) fp.close() fp = open(parser.parse(), "a") fp.write("\r\r") reg1 = register(fp) reg1.write(32) fp.write("\r\r") reg2 = register(fp) reg2.write(2) fp.write("\r\r") br_detect = branch_detector(fp) br_detect.write() fp.write("\r\r") pipereg = pipereg(fp) pipereg.write(1) fp.write("\r\r") br_pred = branchpredict(fp) br_pred.write(32, 4096, 12, 1) fp.write("\r\r") ram = dpram(fp)
def __init__(): components.register('manticore', execute, description=description(), after=['ldap', 'roundcube'])
def __init__(): components.register('mta', execute, description=description(), after=['ldap'])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # import modules from Python standard library import cgi import cgitb cgitb.enable() # import custom modules from config import config import utils import components # connect to database db = utils.db_connect(config) # tell the browser we are outputting HTML print("Content-Type: text/html\n") # get the form data form = cgi.FieldStorage() # check that register form was submitted if 'btn_register' in form: result = components.register(db, form) msg = result['msg'] else: msg = "" # output the form as HTML print(utils.render_html(config['HTML'] + 'register.html', data=[msg]))
def __init__(): components.register('syncroton', execute, description=description(), after=['mysql','ldap','roundcube'])
def recursive_register(e): cont = e.get("contents") if cont: e["contents"] = map(recursive_register, cont) register(e) return e.get("uuid")