def get_entry_from_info(self, file_info):
        info_dict = {}
        uuid = file_info[0]
        file_name = Compression.get_filename_with_extension(

        # Special case in which the filename in the manifest is saved with the
        # uuid/file
        if "/" in file_name:
            index = file_name.index("/") + 1
            file_name = file_name[index:]

        info_dict[self.headers[1]] = file_name
        # add filename compressed if the file is compressed
        if Compression.is_file_compressed(file_info[1]):
            info_dict["name_compressed"] = file_info[1].strip()

        for i in range(2, len(self.headers)):
            info_dict[self.headers[i]] = file_info[i].strip()

        return uuid, info_dict