Beispiel #1
class RequireJSPrecompiler(FilterBase):

    def __init__(self, content, attrs=None, filter_type=None, charset=None, filename=None):
        self.content = content
        self.attrs = attrs
        self.filter_type = filter_type
        self.filename = filename
        self.charset = charset

        # The RequireJS compiler for building optimized JS
        self.requireJSCompiler = RequireJSCompiler()

        # Use Django-Compressor's builtin Compressor tools to get the file
        # paths and contents of needed files
        self.compressor = JsCompressor()

    def input(self, **kwargs):
        if getattr(django_settings, 'COMPRESS_ENABLED', False):
            # Only use the build file to create RequireJS-optimizer content when
            # compress is enabled
            build_filepath = self.get_filepath(self.attrs.get('data-build'))

            global_config = getattr(settings, 'COMPRESSOR_REQUIREJS_GLOBAL_CONFIG', None)
            config_path = self.compressor.get_filename(global_config)

            paths = self.get_paths_from_required_libs()

            return self.requireJSCompiler.requirejs(
                build_filepath, config_path=config_path, paths=paths,
            # Just return the content of the main file, with no RequireJS
            # optimization (i.e., just use async-loading for all modules)
            main_file_full_path = self.compressor.get_filename(kwargs['basename'])
            return self.compressor.get_filecontent(main_file_full_path, self.charset)

    def get_paths_from_required_libs(self):
        paths = []
        if hasattr(settings, 'COMPRESSOR_REQUIREJS_REQUIRED_LIBS'):
            for arg in settings.COMPRESSOR_REQUIREJS_REQUIRED_LIBS.keys():
                path = self.get_filepath(settings.COMPRESSOR_REQUIREJS_REQUIRED_LIBS[arg])
                if path.endswith('.js'):
                    path = path[:-3]
                paths.append('paths.%s=%s' % (arg, path))
        return paths

    def get_filepath(self, static_path):
        Get the absolute file-path of the the file given its
        STATIC_URL-inclusive path.

        Returns the file path on the file system.
        basename = self.compressor.get_basename(static_path)
        return self.compressor.get_filename(basename)