def test_trailing_garbage(self):
     config = get_config({'abc'})
     tokens = lex(config, 'text<abc /><')
     with self.assertRaises(
             msg="1:12-13: Unable to parse token <"):
         html_parser.parse_html(tokens, config=config)
 def test_mismatched_tags(self):
     config = get_config({'abc', 'xyz'})
     tokens = lex(config, '<abc>inner</xyz>')
     msg = (
         "'':1:2-16: Tag mismatch: " +
         "abc (0:1-4) and xyz (0:12-15). " +
         "Did you forget to close your <abc> tag?")
     with self.assertRaises(html_parser.TagMismatchError, msg=msg):
         html_parser.parse_html(tokens, config=config)
 def test_disallowed_tags_2(self):
     config = get_config({'abc', 'xyz'})
     tokens = lex(config, 'text <foo />')
     msg = "'':1:7-10: Unknown tag: foo"
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(html_parser.UnknownTagError, msg):
         html_parser.parse_html(tokens, config=config)