Beispiel #1
 def initialize(self, d_idx, d_normal_tmp, d_normal):
     idx = declare('int')
     idx = 3 * d_idx
     d_normal_tmp[idx] = 0.0
     d_normal_tmp[idx + 1] = 0.0
     d_normal_tmp[idx + 2] = 0.0
     d_normal[idx] = 0.0
     d_normal[idx + 1] = 0.0
     d_normal[idx + 2] = 0.0
Beispiel #2
    def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, s_V, d_gradv, d_h, s_h, XIJ, DWIJ, VIJ):
        alp, bet, d = declare('int', 3)
        d = self.dim

        Vj = 1.0/s_V[s_idx]

        for alp in range(d):
            for bet in range(d):
                d_gradv[d_idx*d*d + d*bet + alp] += -Vj * VIJ[alp] * DWIJ[bet]
Beispiel #3
    def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_ai, d_gradai, d_cwij, d_bi, d_gradbi, s_ai,
             s_gradai, s_bi, s_gradbi, WIJ, DWIJ, XIJ, HIJ):
        alp, gam, d = declare('int', 3)
        res = declare('matrix(3)')
        dbxij = declare('matrix(3)')
        dbxji = declare('matrix(3)')
        d = self.dim
        ai = d_ai[d_idx]
        aj = s_ai[s_idx]
        eps = 1.0e-04 * HIJ
        bxij = 0.0
        bxji = 0.0
        for alp in range(d):
            bxij += d_bi[d * d_idx + alp] * XIJ[alp]
            bxji -= s_bi[d * s_idx + alp] * XIJ[alp]
        for gam in range(d):
            temp = 0.0
            temp1 = 0.0
            for alp in range(d):
                temp += d_gradbi[d * d * d_idx + d * gam + alp] * XIJ[alp]
                temp1 -= s_gradbi[d * d * s_idx + d * gam + alp] * XIJ[alp]
            dbxij[gam] = temp
            dbxji[gam] = temp1

        d_cwij[d_idx] = 1.0 / (ai * (1 + bxij))

        for gam in range(d):
            temp = ((ai * DWIJ[gam] + d_gradai[d * d_idx + gam] * WIJ) *
                    (1 + bxij))
            temp += ai * (dbxij[gam] + d_bi[d * d_idx + gam]) * WIJ
            temp += ((aj * DWIJ[gam] - s_gradai[d * s_idx + gam] * WIJ) *
                     (1 + bxji))
            temp -= aj * (dbxji[gam] + s_bi[d * s_idx + gam]) * WIJ
            res[gam] = 0.5 * temp

        res_mag = 0.0
        dwij_mag = 0.0
        for i in range(d):
            res_mag += abs(res[i])
            dwij_mag += abs(DWIJ[i])
        change = abs(res_mag - dwij_mag) / (dwij_mag + eps)
        if change < self.tol:
            for i in range(d):
                DWIJ[i] = res[i]
Beispiel #4
    def initialize(self, d_idx, d_uho, d_Buh, d_vho, d_Bvh, d_who, d_Bwh):
        i = declare('int')

        for i in range(3):
            d_uho[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
            d_Buh[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
            d_vho[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
            d_Bvh[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
            d_who[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
            d_Bwh[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
Beispiel #5
def identity(a=[0.0, 0.0], n=3):
    """Initialize an identity matrix.
    i, j = declare('int', 2)
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if i == j:
                a[n * i + j] = 1.0
                a[n * i + j] = 0.0
Beispiel #6
    def initialize(self, d_idx, d_ctr, d_diag, d_col_idx):
        # Make only the diagonals zero as the rest are not summed.
        d_diag[d_idx] = 0.0
        d_ctr[d_idx] = 0

        # Initialize col_idx to -1 so as to use it in cond while constructing
        # pressure coeff matrix.
        i = declare('int')
        for i in range(100):
            d_col_idx[d_idx*100 + i] = -1
Beispiel #7
def velocity(i, x, y, gamma, u, v, nv):
    tmp = declare('matrix(2)')
    xi = x[i]
    yi = y[i]
    u[i] = 0.0
    v[i] = 0.0
    for j in range(nv):
        point_vortex(xi, yi, x[j], y[j], gamma[j], tmp)
        u[i] += tmp[0]
        v[i] += tmp[1]
Beispiel #8
    def initialize(self, d_idx, d_uo, d_Bu, d_vo, d_Bv, d_wo, d_Bw):
        i = declare('int')

        for i in range(3):
            d_uo[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
            d_Bu[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
            d_vo[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
            d_Bv[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
            d_wo[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
            d_Bw[4 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
Beispiel #9
    def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_ai, d_gradai, d_cwij, d_bi, d_gradbi, s_ai,
             s_gradai, s_bi, s_gradbi, d_h, s_h, WIJ, DWIJ, XIJ, HIJ, RIJ, DWI,
             DWJ, WI, WJ, SPH_KERNEL):
        alp, gam, d = declare('int', 3)
        dbxij = declare('matrix(3)')
        dbxji = declare('matrix(3)')
        dwij, dwji = declare('matrix(3)', 2)
        SPH_KERNEL.gradient(XIJ, RIJ, d_h[d_idx], dwij)
        SPH_KERNEL.gradient(XIJ, RIJ, s_h[s_idx], dwji)
        wij = SPH_KERNEL.kernel(XIJ, RIJ, d_h[d_idx])
        wji = SPH_KERNEL.kernel(XIJ, RIJ, s_h[s_idx])
        d = self.dim
        ai = d_ai[d_idx]
        aj = s_ai[s_idx]
        bxij = 0.0
        bxji = 0.0
        for alp in range(d):
            bxij += d_bi[d * d_idx + alp] * XIJ[alp]
            bxji -= s_bi[d * s_idx + alp] * XIJ[alp]
        for gam in range(d):
            temp = 0.0
            temp1 = 0.0
            for alp in range(d):
                temp += d_gradbi[d * d * d_idx + d * gam + alp] * XIJ[alp]
                temp1 -= s_gradbi[d * d * s_idx + d * gam + alp] * XIJ[alp]
            dbxij[gam] = temp
            dbxji[gam] = temp1

        d_cwij[d_idx] = (ai * (1 + bxij))
        WI = (ai * (1 + bxij)) * WIJ
        WJ = (aj * (1 + bxji)) * WIJ

        for gam in range(d):
            temp = ((ai * dwij[gam] + d_gradai[d * d_idx + gam] * wij) *
                    (1 + bxij))
            temp += ai * (dbxij[gam] + d_bi[d * d_idx + gam]) * wij
            temp1 = ((-aj * dwji[gam] + s_gradai[d * s_idx + gam] * wji) *
                     (1 + bxji))
            temp1 += aj * (dbxji[gam] + s_bi[d * s_idx + gam]) * wji
            DWIJ[gam] = 0.5 * (temp - temp1)
            DWI[gam] = temp
            DWJ[gam] = temp1
Beispiel #10
    def loop(self, d_idx, d_h, s_h, s_x, s_y, s_z, d_x, d_y, d_z, s_rho, s_m,
             s_idx, XIJ, DWIJ, WIJ, s_p, d_Bp):
        Vj = s_m[s_idx] / s_rho[s_idx]
        pj = s_p[s_idx]
        i4 = declare('int')
        i4 = 4 * d_idx

        d_Bp[i4 + 0] += pj * WIJ * Vj
        d_Bp[i4 + 1] += pj * DWIJ[0] * Vj
        d_Bp[i4 + 2] += pj * DWIJ[1] * Vj
        d_Bp[i4 + 3] += pj * DWIJ[2] * Vj
Beispiel #11
    def stage2(self, d_idx, d_uhat, d_vhat, d_what, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_rho,
               d_arho, d_sigma, d_asigma, dt):
        d_rho[d_idx] += dt * d_arho[d_idx]

        i = declare('int')
        for i in range(9):
            d_sigma[d_idx * 9 + i] += dt * d_asigma[d_idx * 9 + i]

        d_x[d_idx] += dt * d_uhat[d_idx]
        d_y[d_idx] += dt * d_vhat[d_idx]
        d_z[d_idx] += dt * d_what[d_idx]
Beispiel #12
    def loop(self, d_p0, s_m, s_idx, d_rho, d_idx, d_auhat, d_avhat, d_awhat,
             XIJ, RIJ, SPH_KERNEL, HIJ):
        rhoi2 = d_rho[d_idx] * d_rho[d_idx]
        tmp = -d_p0[d_idx] * s_m[s_idx] / rhoi2

        dwijhat = declare('matrix(3)')
        SPH_KERNEL.gradient(XIJ, RIJ, self.hij_fac * HIJ, dwijhat)

        d_auhat[d_idx] += tmp * dwijhat[0]
        d_avhat[d_idx] += tmp * dwijhat[1]
        d_awhat[d_idx] += tmp * dwijhat[2]
Beispiel #13
 def initialize(self, d_rho, d_rho0, d_rhs, d_diag, d_idx, d_coeff, d_ctr,
                d_col_idx, d_row_idx):
     i = declare('int')
     if d_rho[d_idx]/d_rho0[d_idx] < 0.98:
         d_rhs[d_idx] = 0.0
         d_diag[d_idx] = 1.0
         d_ctr[d_idx] = 1
         for i in range(100):
             d_coeff[d_idx*100 + i] = 0.0
             d_col_idx[d_idx*100 + i] = -1
             d_row_idx[d_idx*100 + i] = d_idx
Beispiel #14
    def loop(self, d_idx, d_h, s_h, s_x, s_y, s_z, d_x, d_y, d_z, s_rho, s_m,
             WIJ, DWIJ, s_temp_prop, d_p_sph, s_idx):
        i4 = declare('int')
        Vj = s_m[s_idx] / s_rho[s_idx]
        pj = s_temp_prop[s_idx]
        i4 = 4 * d_idx

        d_p_sph[i4 + 0] += pj * WIJ * Vj
        d_p_sph[i4 + 1] += pj * DWIJ[0] * Vj
        d_p_sph[i4 + 2] += pj * DWIJ[1] * Vj
        d_p_sph[i4 + 3] += pj * DWIJ[2] * Vj
Beispiel #15
 def loop_all(self, d_idx, d_rho, d_x, d_y, d_z, s_m, s_rhotmp, s_x, s_y,
              s_z, d_h, s_h, SPH_KERNEL, NBRS, N_NBRS):
     i, s_idx = declare('int', 2)
     xij = declare('matrix(3)')
     tmp_w = 0.0
     x = d_x[d_idx]
     y = d_y[d_idx]
     z = d_z[d_idx]
     d_rho[d_idx] = 0.0
     for i in range(N_NBRS):
         s_idx = NBRS[i]
         xij[0] = x - s_x[s_idx]
         xij[1] = y - s_y[s_idx]
         xij[2] = z - s_z[s_idx]
         rij = sqrt(xij[0] * xij[0] + xij[1] * xij[1] + xij[2] * xij[2])
         hij = (d_h[d_idx] + s_h[s_idx]) * 0.5
         wij = SPH_KERNEL.kernel(xij, rij, hij)
         tmp_w += wij * s_m[s_idx] / s_rhotmp[s_idx]
         d_rho[d_idx] += wij * s_m[s_idx]
     d_rho[d_idx] /= tmp_w
Beispiel #16
    def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_rho, s_rho, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_uhat, d_vhat,
             d_what, s_u, s_v, s_w, s_uhat, s_vhat, s_what, d_au, d_av, d_aw,
             s_m, DWIJ):
        rhoi = d_rho[d_idx]
        rhoj = s_rho[s_idx]

        i, j = declare('int', 2)
        ui, uj, uidif, ujdif, res = declare('matrix(3)', 5)
        Aij = declare('matrix(9)')

        for i in range(3):
            res[i] = 0.0
            for j in range(3):
                Aij[3 * i + j] = 0.0

        ui[0] = d_u[d_idx]
        ui[1] = d_v[d_idx]
        ui[2] = d_w[d_idx]

        uj[0] = s_u[s_idx]
        uj[1] = s_v[s_idx]
        uj[2] = s_w[s_idx]

        uidif[0] = d_uhat[d_idx] - d_u[d_idx]
        uidif[1] = d_vhat[d_idx] - d_v[d_idx]
        uidif[2] = d_what[d_idx] - d_w[d_idx]

        ujdif[0] = s_uhat[s_idx] - s_u[s_idx]
        ujdif[1] = s_vhat[s_idx] - s_v[s_idx]
        ujdif[2] = s_what[s_idx] - s_w[s_idx]

        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                Aij[3 * i + j] = (ui[i] * uidif[j] / rhoi +
                                  uj[i] * ujdif[j] / rhoj)

        mat_vec_mult(Aij, DWIJ, 3, res)

        d_au[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * res[0]
        d_av[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * res[1]
        d_aw[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * res[2]
    def loop(self, d_idx, d_xn, d_yn, d_zn, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_disp):
        d_xn[d_idx] = self.xn
        d_yn[d_idx] = self.yn
        d_zn[d_idx] = self.zn

        xij = declare('matrix(3)')
        xij[0] = d_x[d_idx] - self.xo
        xij[1] = d_y[d_idx] - self.yo
        xij[2] = d_z[d_idx] - self.zo

        d_disp[d_idx] = abs(xij[0] * d_xn[d_idx] + xij[1] * d_yn[d_idx] +
                            xij[2] * d_yn[d_idx])
Beispiel #18
def llxf(rhol=0.0,
         result=[0.0, 0.0]):
    """Lax Friedrichs approximate Riemann solver for the Euler equations to
    determine the intermediate states.

    rhol, rhor: double: left and right density.
    pl, pr: double: left and right pressure.
    ul, ur: double: left and right speed.
    gamma: double: Ratio of specific heats.
    niter: int: Max number of iterations to try for iterative schemes.
    tol: double: Error tolerance for convergence.

    result: list: List of length 2. Result will contain computed pstar, ustar


    Returns 0 if the value is computed correctly else 1 if the iterations
    either did not converge or if there is an error.


    gamma1, csl, csr, cslr, el, El, er, Er, pstar = declare('double', 9)
    gamma1 = 1. / (gamma - 1.0)

    # Lagrangian sound speeds
    csl = sqrt(gamma * pl * rhol)
    csr = sqrt(gamma * pr * rhor)
    cslr = max(csr, csl)

    # Total energy on either side
    el = pl * gamma1 / rhol
    El = el + 0.5 * ul * ul

    er = pr * gamma1 / rhor
    Er = er + 0.5 * ur * ur

    # the intermediate states
    # cdef double ustar = 0.5 * ( ul + ur - 1./cslr * (pr - pl) )
    pstar = 0.5 * (pl + pr - cslr * (ur - ul))
    result[0] = pstar
    result[1] = 1. / pstar * (0.5 * ((pl * ul + pr * ur) - cslr * (Er - El)))
    return 0
def map_cid_to_idx(i, x, y, z, num_particles, cell_size, xmin, ymin, zmin,
                   pids, keys, cids, cid_to_idx):
    cid = cids[i]

    if i != 0 and cids[i] == cids[i - 1]:

    c = declare('matrix(3, "int")')

    pid = pids[i]

    find_cell_id(x[pid] - xmin, y[pid] - ymin, z[pid] - zmin, cell_size, c)

    nbr_boxes = declare('matrix(27, "ulong")')

    nbr_boxes_length = neighbor_boxes(c[0], c[1], c[2], nbr_boxes)

    for j in range(nbr_boxes_length):
        key = nbr_boxes[j]
        idx = find_idx(keys, num_particles, key)
        cid_to_idx[27 * cid + j] = idx
Beispiel #20
 def initialize(self, d_idx, d_tag, d_orig_idx, d_dijpj0, d_dijpj1,
                d_dijpj2, d_dii0, d_dii1, d_dii2, d_piter):
     idx = declare('int')
     if d_tag[d_idx] == 2:
         idx = d_orig_idx[d_idx]
         d_dijpj0[d_idx] = d_dijpj0[idx]
         d_dijpj1[d_idx] = d_dijpj1[idx]
         d_dijpj2[d_idx] = d_dijpj2[idx]
         d_dii0[d_idx] = d_dii0[idx]
         d_dii1[d_idx] = d_dii1[idx]
         d_dii2[d_idx] = d_dii2[idx]
         d_piter[d_idx] = d_piter[idx]
Beispiel #21
    def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_A, d_po, d_Bp):
        a_mat = declare('matrix(16)')
        aug_mat = declare('matrix(20)')
        b_p = declare('matrix(4)')
        res_p = declare('matrix(4)')
        i, n, i16, i4 = declare('int', 4)
        i16 = 16 * d_idx
        i4 = 4 * d_idx

        for i in range(16):
            a_mat[i] = d_A[i16 + i]
        for i in range(20):
            aug_mat[i] = 0.0
        for i in range(4):
            b_p[i] = d_Bp[i4 + i]
            res_p[i] = 0.0

        n = self.dim + 1
        augmented_matrix(a_mat, b_p, n, 1, 4, aug_mat)
        gj_solve(aug_mat, n, 1, res_p)
        for i in range(4):
            d_po[i4 + i] = res_p[i]
Beispiel #22
 def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_normal_tmp, d_h):
     idx = declare('int')
     idx = 3 * d_idx
     mag = sqrt(d_normal_tmp[idx]**2 + d_normal_tmp[idx + 1]**2 +
                d_normal_tmp[idx + 2]**2)
     if mag > 0.25 / d_h[d_idx]:
         d_normal_tmp[idx] /= mag
         d_normal_tmp[idx + 1] /= mag
         d_normal_tmp[idx + 2] /= mag
         d_normal_tmp[idx] = 0.0
         d_normal_tmp[idx + 1] = 0.0
         d_normal_tmp[idx + 2] = 0.0
Beispiel #23
 def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_normal, d_h):
     idx = declare('int')
     idx = 3 * d_idx
     mag = sqrt(d_normal[idx]**2 + d_normal[idx + 1]**2 +
                d_normal[idx + 2]**2)
     if mag > 1e-3:
         d_normal[idx] /= mag
         d_normal[idx + 1] /= mag
         d_normal[idx + 2] /= mag
         d_normal[idx] = 0.0
         d_normal[idx + 1] = 0.0
         d_normal[idx + 2] = 0.0
Beispiel #24
def velocity(x, y, gamma, u, v, xc, yc, gc, nv):
    i, gid, nb = declare('int', 3)
    j, ti, nt, jb = declare('int', 4)
    ti = LID_0
    nt = LDIM_0
    gid = GID_0
    i = gid * nt + ti
    idx = declare('int')
    tmp = declare('matrix(2)')
    uj, vj = declare('double', 2)
    nb = GDIM_0

    if i < nv:
        xi = x[i]
        yi = y[i]
    uj = 0.0
    vj = 0.0
    for jb in range(nb):
        idx = jb * nt + ti
        if idx < nv:
            xc[ti] = x[idx]
            yc[ti] = y[idx]
            gc[ti] = gamma[idx]
            gc[ti] = 0.0

        if i < nv:
            for j in range(nt):
                point_vortex(xi, yi, xc[j], yc[j], gc[j], tmp)
                uj += tmp[0]
                vj += tmp[1]


    if i < nv:
        u[i] = uj
        v[i] = vj
Beispiel #25
    def initialize(self, d_idx, d_uag, d_pag, d_uta, d_pta):
        i6, i, N = declare('int', 3)
        N = 6
        i6 = N * d_idx

        d_uta[d_idx] = 0.0
        d_pta[d_idx] = 0.0

        for i in range(N):
            d_uta[d_idx] += d_uag[i6+i]
            d_pta[d_idx] += d_pag[i6+i]

        d_uta[d_idx] /= N
        d_pta[d_idx] /= N
Beispiel #26
    def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_moment, d_prop, d_p_sph):

        a_mat = declare('matrix(16)')
        aug_mat = declare('matrix(20)')
        b = declare('matrix(4)')
        res = declare('matrix(4)')

        i, n, i16, i4 = declare('int', 4)
        i16 = 16 * d_idx
        i4 = 4 * d_idx
        for i in range(16):
            a_mat[i] = d_moment[i16 + i]
        for i in range(20):
            aug_mat[i] = 0.0
        for i in range(4):
            b[i] = d_p_sph[4 * d_idx + i]
            res[i] = 0.0

        n = self.dim + 1
        augmented_matrix(a_mat, b, n, 1, 4, aug_mat)
        gj_solve(aug_mat, n, 1, res)
        for i in range(4):
            d_prop[i4 + i] = res[i]
Beispiel #27
    def loop(self, d_idx, d_m_mat, d_dw_gamma, d_cwij, DWIJ, HIJ):
        i, j, n, nt = declare('int', 4)
        n = self.dim
        nt = n + 1
        temp = declare('matrix(12)')  # The augmented matrix
        res = declare('matrix(3)')
        dwij = declare('matrix(3)')
        eps = 1.0e-04 * HIJ
        for i in range(n):
            dwij[i] = (DWIJ[i] - d_dw_gamma[3 * d_idx + i]) / d_cwij[d_idx]
            for j in range(n):
                temp[nt * i + j] = d_m_mat[9 * d_idx + 3 * i + j]
            temp[nt * i + n] = dwij[i]
        gj_solve(temp, n, 1, res)

        res_mag = 0.0
        dwij_mag = 0.0
        for i in range(n):
            res_mag += abs(res[i])
            dwij_mag += abs(dwij[i])
        change = abs(res_mag - dwij_mag) / (dwij_mag + eps)
        if change < self.tol:
            for i in range(n):
                DWIJ[i] = res[i]
Beispiel #28
 def loop_all(self, d_idx, d_m_mat, s_m, s_rho, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_h, s_x,
              s_y, s_z, s_h, SPH_KERNEL, NBRS, N_NBRS):
     x = d_x[d_idx]
     y = d_y[d_idx]
     z = d_z[d_idx]
     h = d_h[d_idx]
     i, j, s_idx, n = declare('int', 4)
     xij = declare('matrix(3)')
     dwij = declare('matrix(3)')
     n = self.dim
     for k in range(N_NBRS):
         s_idx = NBRS[k]
         xij[0] = x - s_x[s_idx]
         xij[1] = y - s_y[s_idx]
         xij[2] = z - s_z[s_idx]
         hij = (h + s_h[s_idx]) * 0.5
         r = sqrt(xij[0] * xij[0] + xij[1] * xij[1] + xij[2] * xij[2])
         SPH_KERNEL.gradient(xij, r, hij, dwij)
         V = s_m[s_idx] / s_rho[s_idx]
         if r > 1.0e-12:
             for i in range(n):
                 for j in range(n):
                     xj = xij[j]
                     d_m_mat[9 * d_idx + 3 * i + j] -= V * dwij[i] * xj
Beispiel #29
def mat_vec_mult(a=[1.0, 0.0], b=[1.0, 0.0], n=3, result=[0.0, 0.0]):
    """Multiply a square matrix with a vector.


    a: list
    b: list
    n: int : number of rows/columns
    result: list
    i, j = declare('int', 2)
    for i in range(n):
        s = 0.0
        for j in range(n):
            s += a[n * i + j] * b[j]
        result[i] = s
Beispiel #30
    def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_A, d_uho, d_Buh, d_vho, d_Bvh, d_who, d_Bwh):
        a_mat = declare('matrix(16)')
        aug_mat = declare('matrix(20)')
        b_uh = declare('matrix(4)')
        res_uh = declare('matrix(4)')
        b_vh = declare('matrix(4)')
        res_vh = declare('matrix(4)')
        b_wh = declare('matrix(4)')
        res_wh = declare('matrix(4)')
        i, n, i16, i4 = declare('int', 4)
        i16 = 16 * d_idx
        i4 = 4 * d_idx

        for i in range(16):
            a_mat[i] = d_A[i16 + i]
        for i in range(20):
            aug_mat[i] = 0.0
        for i in range(4):
            b_uh[i] = d_Buh[i4 + i]
            res_uh[i] = 0.0
            b_vh[i] = d_Bvh[i4 + i]
            res_vh[i] = 0.0
            b_wh[i] = d_Bwh[i4 + i]
            res_wh[i] = 0.0

        n = self.dim + 1
        augmented_matrix(a_mat, b_uh, n, 1, 4, aug_mat)
        gj_solve(aug_mat, n, 1, res_uh)
        for i in range(4):
            d_uho[i4 + i] = res_uh[i]
        augmented_matrix(a_mat, b_vh, n, 1, 4, aug_mat)
        gj_solve(aug_mat, n, 1, res_vh)
        for i in range(4):
            d_vho[i4 + i] = res_vh[i]
        augmented_matrix(a_mat, b_wh, n, 1, 4, aug_mat)
        gj_solve(aug_mat, n, 1, res_wh)
        for i in range(4):
            d_who[i4 + i] = res_wh[i]