Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, server = None, repoName = None, url = None):
        Initialize an InsufficientPermission exception object.  This exception
        is raised when privileged methods are called without the correct
        authorization token.

        @param server: Name of the host where access is denied.
        @type server: string

        @param repoName: Name of the repository where access is denied.
        @type repoName: string

        @param url: URL of the call where access is denied.
        @type url: string
        self.server = self.repoName = self.url = None
        serverMsg = repoMsg = urlMsg = ""
        if server:
            self.server = server
            serverMsg = ("server %s" % server)
        if repoName:
            self.repoName = repoName
            repoMsg = ("repository %s" % repoName)
        if url:
            self.url = url
            urlMsg = ("via %s" % (url,))
        if server or repoName or url:
            msg = "Insufficient permission to access %s %s %s" %(
                repoMsg, serverMsg, urlMsg)
            msg = "Insufficient permission"
        ConaryError.__init__(self, msg)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, server=None, repoName=None, url=None):
        Initialize an InsufficientPermission exception object.  This exception
        is raised when privileged methods are called without the correct
        authorization token.

        @param server: Name of the host where access is denied.
        @type server: string

        @param repoName: Name of the repository where access is denied.
        @type repoName: string

        @param url: URL of the call where access is denied.
        @type url: string
        self.server = self.repoName = self.url = None
        serverMsg = repoMsg = urlMsg = ""
        if server:
            self.server = server
            serverMsg = ("server %s" % server)
        if repoName:
            self.repoName = repoName
            repoMsg = ("repository %s" % repoName)
        if url:
            self.url = url
            urlMsg = ("via %s" % (url, ))
        if server or repoName or url:
            msg = "Insufficient permission to access %s %s %s" % (
                repoMsg, serverMsg, urlMsg)
            msg = "Insufficient permission"
        ConaryError.__init__(self, msg)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, right = None, wrong = None):
        if issubclass(right.__class__, list):
            right = list(right)

        self.right = right
        self.wrong = wrong
        if right and wrong:
            detail = ''
            if isinstance(right, list):
                # turn multiple server names into something more readable
                if len(right) > 1:
                    right = ', '.join('"%s"' %x for x in right)
                    right = 'one of ' + right
                    right = '"%s"' %right[0]
                right = '"%s"' %right
            msg = ('Repository name mismatch.  The correct repository name '
                   'is %s, but it was accessed as "%s".  Check for '
                   'incorrect repositoryMap configuration entries.'
                   % (right, wrong))
            msg = ('Repository name mismatch.  Check for incorrect '
                   'repositoryMap entries.')
        ConaryError.__init__(self, msg)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, right=None, wrong=None):
        if issubclass(right.__class__, list):
            right = list(right)

        self.right = right
        self.wrong = wrong
        if right and wrong:
            detail = ''
            if isinstance(right, list):
                # turn multiple server names into something more readable
                if len(right) > 1:
                    right = ', '.join('"%s"' % x for x in right)
                    right = 'one of ' + right
                    right = '"%s"' % right[0]
                right = '"%s"' % right
            msg = ('Repository name mismatch.  The correct repository name '
                   'is %s, but it was accessed as "%s".  Check for '
                   'incorrect repositoryMap configuration entries.' %
                   (right, wrong))
            msg = ('Repository name mismatch.  Check for incorrect '
                   'repositoryMap entries.')
        ConaryError.__init__(self, msg)