Beispiel #1
    def ifit(self, instance, do_mapping=False):
        Just maintain a set of counts at the root and use these for prediction.

        The structure_map parameter determines whether or not to do structure
        mapping. This is disabled by default to get a really naive model.

        **This process modifies the tree's knoweldge.** For a non-modifying
        version see: :meth:`DummyTree.categorize`.

        :param instance: an instance to be categorized into the tree.
        :type instance: :ref:`Instance<instance-rep>`
        :param do_mapping: a flag for whether or not to do structure mapping.
        :type do_mapping: bool
        :return: the root node of the tree containing everything ever added to
        :rtype: Cobweb3Node
        if do_mapping:
            pipeline = Pipeline(SubComponentProcessor(), Flattener(),
                                StructureMapper(self.root, gensym=self.gensym))
            pipeline = Pipeline(SubComponentProcessor(), Flattener())
        temp_instance = pipeline.transform(instance)
        return self.root
Beispiel #2
    def _trestle_categorize(self, instance):
        The structure maps the instance, categorizes the matched instance, and
        returns the resulting concept.

        :param instance: an instance to be categorized into the tree.
        :type instance: {a1:v1, a2:v2, ...}
        :return: A concept describing the instance
        :rtype: concept
        preprocessing = Pipeline(NameStandardizer(self.gensym), Flattener(),
        temp_instance = preprocessing.transform(instance)
        return self._cobweb_categorize(temp_instance)
Beispiel #3
    def _trestle_categorize(self, instance):
        The structure maps the instance, categorizes the matched instance, and
        returns the resulting concept.

        :param instance: an instance to be categorized into the tree.
        :type instance: {a1:v1, a2:v2, ...}
        :return: A concept describing the instance
        :rtype: concept
        preprocessing = Pipeline(NameStandardizer(self.gensym),
                                 Flattener(), SubComponentProcessor(),
        temp_instance = preprocessing.transform(instance)
        return self._cobweb_categorize(temp_instance)
    def __init__(self, concept, pipeline=None):
        self.concept = concept        
        self.reverse_mapping = None

        if pipeline is None:
        	self.pipeline = Pipeline(Tuplizer(), NameStandardizer(),
                                 SubComponentProcessor(), Flattener())
        else :
        	self.pipeline = pipeline
Beispiel #5
    def trestle(self, instance):
        The core trestle algorithm used in fitting and categorization.

        This function is similar to :meth:`Cobweb.cobweb
        <concept_formation.cobweb.CobwebTree.cobweb>` The key difference
        between trestle and cobweb is that trestle performs structure mapping
        (see: :meth:`structure_map
        <concept_formation.structure_mapper.StructureMapper.transform>`) before
        proceeding through the normal cobweb algorithm.

        :param instance: an instance to be categorized into the tree.
        :type instance: :ref:`Instance<instance-rep>`
        :return: A concept describing the instance
        :rtype: CobwebNode
        preprocessing = Pipeline(NameStandardizer(self.gensym), Flattener(),
        temp_instance = preprocessing.transform(instance)
        return self.cobweb(temp_instance)
Beispiel #6
    def infer_missing(self,
                      choice_fn="most likely",
        Given a tree and an instance, returns a new instance with attribute
        values picked using the specified choice function (either "most likely"
        or "sampled").

        .. todo:: write some kind of test for this.

        :param instance: an instance to be completed.
        :type instance: :ref:`Instance<instance-rep>`
        :param choice_fn: a string specifying the choice function to use,
            either "most likely" or "sampled".
        :type choice_fn: a string
        :param allow_none: whether attributes not in the instance can be
            inferred to be missing. If False, then all attributes will be
            inferred with some value.
        :type allow_none: Boolean
        :return: A completed instance
        :rtype: instance
        preprocessing = Pipeline(NameStandardizer(self.gensym), Flattener(),

        temp_instance = preprocessing.transform(instance)
        concept = self._cobweb_categorize(temp_instance)

        for attr in concept.attrs('all'):
            if attr in temp_instance:
            val = concept.predict(attr, choice_fn, allow_none)
            if val is not None:
                temp_instance[attr] = val

        temp_instance = preprocessing.undo_transform(temp_instance)
        return temp_instance
Beispiel #7
    def trestle(self, instance):
        The core trestle algorithm used in fitting and categorization.

        This function is similar to :meth:`Cobweb.cobweb
        <concept_formation.cobweb.CobwebTree.cobweb>` The key difference
        between trestle and cobweb is that trestle performs structure mapping
        (see: :meth:`structure_map
        <concept_formation.structure_mapper.StructureMapper.transform>`) before
        proceeding through the normal cobweb algorithm.

        :param instance: an instance to be categorized into the tree.
        :type instance: :ref:`Instance<instance-rep>`
        :return: A concept describing the instance
        :rtype: CobwebNode
        preprocessing = Pipeline(NameStandardizer(self.gensym),
                                 Flattener(), SubComponentProcessor(),
        temp_instance = preprocessing.transform(instance)
        return self.cobweb(temp_instance)
class StructureMapper(Preprocessor):
    Flatten the instance, perform structure mapping to the concept, rename
    the instance based on this structure mapping, and return the renamed

    :param concept: A concept to structure map the instance to
    :type concept: TrestleNode
    :param instance: An instance to map to the concept
    :type instance: :ref:`raw instance <raw-instance>`
    :return: A fully mapped and flattend copy of the instance
    :rtype: :ref:`mapped instance <fully-mapped>`
    def __init__(self, concept, pipeline=None):
        self.concept = concept        
        self.reverse_mapping = None

        if pipeline is None:
        	self.pipeline = Pipeline(Tuplizer(), NameStandardizer(),
                                 SubComponentProcessor(), Flattener())
        else :
        	self.pipeline = pipeline

    def get_mapping(self):
        return {self.reverse_mapping[o]: o for o in self.reverse_mapping}
    def transform(self, instance):
        instance = self.pipeline.transform(instance)
        mapping = flat_match(self.concept, instance)
        self.reverse_mapping = {mapping[o]: o for o in mapping}
        return rename_flat(instance, mapping)

    def undo_transform(self, instance):
        if self.reverse_mapping is None:
            raise Exception("Must transform before undoing transform")
        instance = rename_flat(instance, self.reverse_mapping)
        return self.pipeline.undo_transform(instance)
Beispiel #9
    def infer_missing(self, instance, choice_fn="most likely",
        Given a tree and an instance, returns a new instance with attribute
        values picked using the specified choice function (either "most likely"
        or "sampled").

        .. todo:: write some kind of test for this.

        :param instance: an instance to be completed.
        :type instance: :ref:`Instance<instance-rep>`
        :param choice_fn: a string specifying the choice function to use,
            either "most likely" or "sampled".
        :type choice_fn: a string
        :param allow_none: whether attributes not in the instance can be
            inferred to be missing. If False, then all attributes will be
            inferred with some value.
        :type allow_none: Boolean
        :return: A completed instance
        :rtype: instance
        preprocessing = Pipeline(NameStandardizer(self.gensym),
                                 Flattener(), SubComponentProcessor(),

        temp_instance = preprocessing.transform(instance)
        concept = self._cobweb_categorize(temp_instance)

        for attr in concept.attrs('all'):
            if attr in temp_instance:
            val = concept.predict(attr, choice_fn, allow_none)
            if val is not None:
                temp_instance[attr] = val

        temp_instance = preprocessing.undo_transform(temp_instance)
        return temp_instance
Beispiel #10
    #    setup += "from __main__ import random_instance\n"
    #    setup += "from __main__ import test\n"
    #    setup += "c = random_concept(1, %i)\n" % i
    #    setup += "i = random_instance(%i)\n" % i
    #    for j in range(10):
    #        print("%i\t%0.3f" % (i, timeit.timeit("test(c,i)", setup=setup,
    #                                         number=10)))

    num_c_inst = 1
    num_objs = 20

    concept = random_concept(num_instances=num_c_inst, num_objects=num_objs)
    instance = random_instance(num_objects=num_objs)

    pl = Pipeline(Tuplizer(), SubComponentProcessor(), Flattener())

    #i = sm.transform(pl.transform(subconcept.av_counts))

    pipeline = Pipeline(Tuplizer(), NameStandardizer(concept.tree.gensym),
                        SubComponentProcessor(), Flattener())
    #ns = NameStandardizer(concept.tree.gensym)


    #instance = ns.transform(subconcept.av_counts)
    instance = pipeline.transform(random_instance(num_objects=num_objs))

    inames = frozenset(get_component_names(instance))
    #        print("%i\t%0.3f" % (i, timeit.timeit("test(c,i)", setup=setup,
    #                                         number=10)))

    num_c_inst = 1
    num_objs = 20

    concept = random_concept(num_instances=num_c_inst, num_objects=num_objs)
    instance = random_instance(num_objects=num_objs)

    pl = Pipeline(Tuplizer(), SubComponentProcessor(), Flattener())

    # i = sm.transform(pl.transform(subconcept.av_counts))
    # print(i)

    pipeline = Pipeline(Tuplizer(), NameStandardizer(concept.tree.gensym),
                        SubComponentProcessor(), Flattener())
    # ns = NameStandardizer(concept.tree.gensym)

    # pprint(subconcept.av_counts)

    # instance = ns.transform(subconcept.av_counts)
    instance = pipeline.transform(random_instance(num_objects=num_objs))

    inames = frozenset(get_component_names(instance))
    cnames = frozenset(get_component_names(concept.av_counts, True))
