Beispiel #1
    def load_scenario(scen_def: str, parent=None):
        :param scen_def: The file containing a single scenario definition, or a scenario definition `dict` .
        :return 'Scenario': A single ``Scenario`` object.

        defaults = {
            "search_paths": [],
            "ref_dir": os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())

        if parent is None:
            parent = {}


        if isinstance(scen_def, str):
            scen_def = os.path.abspath(scen_def)
            scen_def = read_yaml(scen_def)

        if not isinstance(scen_def, dict):
            raise TypeError(
                "'scen_def' must be either a str to a file containing a scenario definition or a scenario definition dict."

        return Scenario(scen_def, parent=defaults)
Beispiel #2
    def load_scenarios(scen_def: str, parent=None):
        """Load one or more scenarios from a file.

        :param scen_def: The file containing one or more scenario definitions.
        :return "Union['Scenario',List['Scenario']]": Either a single ``Scenario`` , or a `list` of ``Scenario`` s.

        defaults = {"search_paths": []}

        if parent is None:
            parent = {}


        if isinstance(scen_def, str):
            scen_def = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(scen_def))
            scen_def = read_yaml(scen_def)

        msg = "defaults: %s" % (defaults)

        if isinstance(scen_def, dict):
            # single scenario in file
            return [Scenario.load_scenario(scen_def, parent=defaults)]
        elif isinstance(scen_def, list):
            # List of scenarios
            return [
                Scenario.load_scenario(scd, parent=defaults)
                for scd in scen_def
Beispiel #3
    def test_export_to_xlsx(self):

        cero = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"A": [1], "B": [2], "C": [3], "D": [4], "E": [5], "F": [6], }, orient='index',
        cero.columns = pd.DatetimeIndex(data=pd.to_datetime([2018], format="%Y"))

        proc = FromCERO._Procedure(read_yaml(cfg.d_td + "test_procedure_export_xlsx.yaml"))

        df1 = pd.read_excel("xlsx_export.xlsx", index_col=0)
        test_list = [1, 2, 3]
        df1_vals = [x[0] for x in df1.values.tolist()]
        self.assertTrue(all([np.isclose(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(test_list, df1_vals)]))
        test_list = ["A", "B", "C"]
        self.assertTrue(all([x == y for (x, y) in zip(test_list, df1.index.tolist())]))

Beispiel #4
Created on May 29 14:57:38 2018

.. sectionauthor:: Lyle Collins <*****@*****.**>
.. codeauthor:: Lyle Collins <*****@*****.**>

import shutil
import sys
import os

from concero.format_convert_tools import read_yaml

copy_dict = read_yaml(sys.argv[1])

for k, v in copy_dict.items():

    k = os.path.abspath(k)

    if isinstance(type(v), str):
        v = [v]

    for p in v:
        p = os.path.abspath(p)
            shutil.copy(k, p)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            shutil.copy(k, p)
Beispiel #5
    def load_config(conf, parent=None):
        Loads configuration of FromCERO. If conf is a `str`, this is interpreted as a file (in YAML format) containing a configuration dictionary (relative to the current working directory). Otherwise conf must be a dictionary.

        :param 'Union[str,dict]' conf:
        :return dict:

        _conf = {"operations": [],
                 "file": "output.csv",
                 "sets": {},
                 "map": {},
                 "ref_dir": None, # Type: str
                 "procedures": [],
                 "libfuncs": []}  # Defaults

        if parent is None:
            parent = {}


        if isinstance(conf, str):
            if _conf["ref_dir"] is None:
                _conf["ref_dir"] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(conf))
            conf = read_yaml(conf) # Load configuration file

            if conf is None: # Loading an empty file
                raise TypeError("Attempted to load an empty file.")


        if _conf.get("ref_dir") is None:
            _conf["ref_dir"] = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())

        _conf["file"] = FromCERO.get_relpath(_conf["ref_dir"], _conf["file"])

        system_libfuncs = concero.conf.find_file("")
        if system_libfuncs not in _conf.get("libfuncs", []):

        # Load sets
        for k in _conf.get("sets", {}).keys():

            # If provided as a string, assume to be a file relative to ref_dir
            if isinstance(_conf["sets"][k], str):
                _conf["sets"][k] = os.path.join(_conf["ref_dir"], _conf["sets"][k])
                _conf["sets"][k] = read_yaml(_conf["sets"][k])

            _conf["sets"][k] = FromCERO._load_set(_conf["sets"][k])

        file_ext = os.path.splitext(_conf["file"])[1][1:]
        if file_ext in [".", ""]:
            raise TypeError("'file' must be specified with an extension.")

        for idx, procedure in enumerate(_conf["procedures"]):

            if isinstance(procedure, str) and str.lower(os.path.splitext(procedure)[1][1:]) in ["yaml", "yml"]:
                # If given a YAML filename, interpret as link to YAML dict
                _conf["procedures"][idx] = FromCERO.get_relpath(_conf["ref_dir"], procedure)
                _conf["procedures"][idx] = read_yaml(_conf["procedures"][idx])

            parent = _conf.copy()
            parent.pop("procedures")  # Avoid recursive inheritance loop
            parent.pop("file")  # Procedure should not output to file unless a file is specified

            if not _conf["procedures"][idx].get("name"):
                _conf["procedures"][idx]["name"] = "Unnamed_proc_%d" % idx

            _conf["procedures"][idx] = FromCERO._Procedure.from_obj(_conf["procedures"][idx], parent=parent)

        return _conf
Beispiel #6
        def load_config(proc_dict: dict, parent: 'FromCERO' = None):

            # Add default options here
            defaults = {"name": "Unnamed_proc",
                        "operations": [],
                        "inputs": [],
                        "ref_dir": None,
                        "sets": {},
                        "map": {},
                        "libfuncs": [],

            if parent is None:
                parent = {}


            if defaults.get("ref_dir") is None:
                defaults["ref_dir"] = os.getcwd()
            defaults["ref_dir"] = os.path.abspath(defaults["ref_dir"])

            if defaults.get("file"):
                defaults["file"] = os.path.join(defaults["ref_dir"], os.path.relpath(defaults["file"]))

            if issubclass(type(defaults.get("libfuncs")), str):
                defaults["libfuncs"] = [defaults["libfuncs"]]

            lf_files = []
            for lf in defaults["libfuncs"]:
                if issubclass(type(lf), str) and lf in proc_dict.get("libfuncs", []):
                    lf = os.path.join(defaults["ref_dir"], lf)
                elif issubclass(type(lf), str):
                elif issubclass(type(lf), ModuleType):
                    lf = lf.__file__
                    raise TypeError("'libfuncs' must be provided as a list of strings and/or modules (not %s)." % type(lf))


            # Ensure system libfuncs is on search path...
            system_libfuncs = concero.conf.find_file("")
            if system_libfuncs not in lf_files:

            # Load all libfuncs modules
            mods = []
            for idx, (lf, mod) in enumerate(zip(lf_files, defaults["libfuncs"])):
                if issubclass(type(mod), str):
                    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(os.path.basename(lf), lf)
                    mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
            defaults["libfuncs"] = mods

            # Load sets
            for k in defaults["sets"]:
                if isinstance(defaults["sets"][k], str):
                    defaults["sets"][k] = os.path.join(defaults["ref_dir"], defaults["sets"][k])
                    defaults["sets"][k] = read_yaml(defaults["sets"][k])

                defaults["sets"][k] = FromCERO._load_set(defaults["sets"][k])

            if isinstance(defaults["inputs"], str):
                defaults["inputs"] = [defaults["inputs"]]

            # Determine identifiers for all inputs
            defaults["inputs"] = _Identifier.get_all_idents(defaults["inputs"], sets=defaults["sets"])

            if "lstrip" in defaults:
                defaults["inputs"] = [_Identifier.lstrip_identifier(defaults["lstrip"], inp) for inp in defaults["inputs"]]

            if "outputs" in defaults:
                if isinstance(defaults["outputs"], str):
                    defaults["outputs"] = [defaults["outputs"]]

                if issubclass(type(defaults["outputs"]), list):
                    defaults["outputs"] = _Identifier.get_all_idents(defaults["outputs"], sets=defaults["sets"])
                elif defaults["outputs"] == True:
                elif defaults["outputs"] == False:
                    defaults["outputs"] = None
                elif defaults["outputs"] is None:
                    raise ValueError("'outputs' must be provided as a list, True or None.")

            return defaults