def __init__(self): iv = interrupt_vector.InterruptVector() btns = buttons.Buttons(iv, conf.config().get('buttons', {})) weather_devices = weather_stations.WeatherStations(conf.config().get( 'weather_stations', [])) self.target_loop_time = conf.config().get("main_loop", {}).get("interval", 32) self.minimum_loop_time = conf.config().get("main_loop", {}).get("minimum", 1) self.thinkers = [ iv, # buttons, switches, et al. btns, weather_devices ] routes = [('GET', '/weather_stations', 0, weather_devices.list), ('GET', '/weather_stations/(.+)', 1,] self.poller = select.poll() if not hasattr(self.poller, 'ipoll'): import uselect self.poller = uselect.poll() self.server = htserver.HttpServer(self.poller, routes, conf.config().get('http_server', {}))
def start_postgres(): from conf import config pg = config()["pg"] db_string = f"postgres://{pg['user']}:{pg['password']}@{pg['host']}:{pg['port']}/{pg['database']}" db = create_engine(db_string) result_set = db.execute("SELECT * from exchanges") for r in result_set: print(r)
def send_exception_message(ex): capture = uio.StringIO() sys.print_exception(ex, capture) ex_message = address = conf.config()["panic_handler"]["address"] port = conf.config()["panic_handler"]["port"] path = conf.config()["panic_handler"]["path"] addr_info = usocket.getaddrinfo(address, port) print("Sending Panic Info to:", addr_info) s = usocket.socket() s.connect(addr_info[0][-1]) s = s.makefile("rwb", 0) s.write( bytes( "POST {} HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: {}\r\n\r\n{}".format( path, len(ex_message), ex_message), "utf-8")) s.close()
def __init__(self, iface): # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value("locale/userLocale")[0:2] localePath = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'configurazione_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(localePath): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(localePath) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference (dirPlugins,plugDir) = os.path.split(self.plugin_dir) self.cfg = config(dirPlugins) self.updateGlobalVariable() self.dlg = configurazioneDialog() self.dlg.terstBtn.clicked.connect(self.test_connetti_db) self.dlg.fileButton.clicked.connect(self.select_DTM_file)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # see for copyright, contacts and version information # # Hinweis: uebergebene Strings muessen im UTF-8-Encoding sein import xmlrpclib import random import conf global config config=conf.config() ########################################################### # Homematic ########################################################### class Homematic: licht_wz = False licht_az = False licht_sz = False def get_value(self, interface, addr, channel, value_key): ''' ''' if interface == 'wired': port = 2000 if interface == 'wireless':
from phue import Bridge import pyowm ## snom libs: import conf import commands from snom import SnomXML from http import ThreadingServer import rapi_system import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # pacman -S python2-pip # pip2 install simplejson global config config=conf.config() # global picture icons_url = config['icons_url'] # import json import urllib2 snomXML = SnomXML() # Hue-Helligkeit = 0-254: command = commands.Commands(config['brightness']) system = rapi_system.RaPi_System()
from threading import Thread import vlc import send_sms import g_drive import conf import camera_conf import notify #GoogleDrive Authentication g_drive.authentication() gauth = g_drive.get_gauth() drive = g_drive.get_drive() #Initialise file conf = conf.config() # filter warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") #Initialise camera info camera = camera_conf.init_camera() lastUploaded = camera_conf.get_lu() avg = camera_conf.get_avg() motionCounter = camera_conf.get_mc() # initialise sound file player = vlc.MediaPlayer("file:///home/pi/securiPi/soundFiles/Siren.mp3") def threaded_music():
from . import home import os import subprocess from wtforms import Form, StringField, SelectField import sqlite3 from sqlite3 import Error from flask_wtf import FlaskForm from wtforms import StringField, PasswordField, BooleanField, SubmitField from wtforms.validators import DataRequired import sys sys.path.append("..") from merrors import merrors import conf configs = conf.config() name = configs.get("name") print(name) Merrors = merrors() Merrors.error("Test") #Form stuff class NewSurveyFormQuestions(FlaskForm): question = StringField('Question', validators=[DataRequired()]) #answer = StringField('Answers', validators=[DataRequired()]) category = SelectField( 'Category', choices=[('s_text', 'Short text'), ('radio', 'Radio choices'), ('m_text', 'Multiple choice'),
def __init__(self): builder = gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file("") self.window = builder.get_object("pencere") self.window.connect("delete-event", self.ayarver) vbox = builder.get_object("vbox2") iconview_ = iconview.iconview() vbox.pack_start(iconview_, True, True, 3) hbox = gtk.HBox() kal = self.rlb(gtk.STOCK_REMOVE, "Delete ", iconview_.remove, "Delete") ekle = self.rlb(gtk.STOCK_ADD, "Add ", iconview_.ekle, "Add") far = self.rlb(gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, "Save As", iconview_.far, "Save As") save_ = self.rlb(gtk.STOCK_SAVE, "Save", iconview_.save_, "Save") ac = self.rlb(gtk.STOCK_OPEN, "Open",, "Open") hbox.pack_start(ac, False, True, 3) hbox.pack_start(far, False, True, 3) hbox.pack_start(save_, False, True, 3) hbox.pack_start(iconview_.label, True, True, 3) hbox.pack_start(kal, False, False, 3) hbox.pack_start(ekle, False, False, 3) vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 3) self.sanval = builder.get_object("hscale1") self.dakval = builder.get_object("hscale2") self.satval = builder.get_object("hscale3") self.saniye = builder.get_object("checkbutton2") self.saniye.connect("toggled", self.che, "saniye", self.sanval) self.sanval.set_sensitive(False) self.dakika = builder.get_object("checkbutton3") self.dakika.connect("toggled", self.che, "dakika", self.dakval) self.dakval.set_sensitive(False) self.saat = builder.get_object("checkbutton4") self.saat.connect("toggled", self.che, "saat", self.satval) self.satval.set_sensitive(False) self.basla = builder.get_object("checkbutton1") self.basla.connect("toggled", self.che, "basla", False) self.ras = builder.get_object("checkbutton5") self.ras.connect("toggled", self.che, "rastgele", False) hbox = builder.get_object("hbox1") vbox = builder.get_object("vbox1") buton = gtk.Button("Yardım") buton.connect("clicked", self.pes) hbbox = gtk.HButtonBox() hbbox.add(buton) buton = gtk.Button(" Kapat") buton.connect("clicked", self.ayarver, False) hbbox.add(buton) vbox.pack_start(hbbox, False, False, 0) import conf self.ayar = conf.config("tercihler.cfg") self.ayaral() self.window.show_all()
def __init__(self, NirGis): self.iface = NirGis.iface self.NG = NirGis self.nomeDelModulo = u"Configurazione" self.versione = "4.0" self.sperimentale = False self.lstMenu = [["Configurazione NirGis",, ""], ["Cambia legende/stili", self.ridefinisciStile, ""], ["Aiuto", self.apri_wiki, ""], ["NirGis", self.mostraversione, ""]] self.url = "" self.dlg = configurazioneDialog() dizOpz = {} lProv = [ "", "Belluno", "Padova", "Rovigo", "Treviso", "Venezia", "Vicenza", "Verona" ] self.codProv = ["0", "25", "28", "29", "26", "27", "24", "23"] self.dizProv = dict(zip(range(8), zip(self.codProv, lProv))) self.dlg.CB_PROVINCIA.insertItems(0, lProv) self.dlg.btnCambiaPassword.clicked.connect(self.cambiaPassword) self.dbModified = False # per controllare se la connessione deve essere reimpostata self.isMultiQmlRun = False # per ridefinizione stile qml # Definizione del dizionario delle opzioni ######################################################### # Per inserire una nuova opzione aggiungere una casella di testo QLineEdit o # una CheckBox nella Finestra di dialogo self.dlg e poi aggiungere una # riga nel dizionario dizOpz qui sotto. # Il dizionario deve avere come chiave il nome dell'opzione e # il contenuto è una lista di 4 valori: # 0: valore di default della opzione # 1: Stinga di informazione di default della opzione # 2: Tipo di opzione "TEXT" se si usa una QLineEdit, "BOOL" se è una QCheckBox e COMBO se è un QComboBox # 3: l'oggetto di riferimento nella finestra di dialogo ######################################################### dizOpz["PROVINCIA_DEFAULT"] = ["", "", "COMBO", self.dlg.CB_PROVINCIA] dizOpz["DB_ADDR"] = ["", "", "TEXT", self.dlg.DB_ADDR] dizOpz["DB_NAME"] = ["", "", "TEXT", self.dlg.DB_NAME] dizOpz["DB_USERNAME"] = ["", "", "TEXT", self.dlg.DB_USERNAME] dizOpz["DB_PASSWORD"] = ["", "", "TEXT", self.dlg.DB_PASSWORD] dizOpz["DB_SCHEMA"] = ["", "", "TEXT", self.dlg.DB_SCHEMA] dizOpz["SAVE_PRG_BEFORE_DB_CONN"] = [ True, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.SAVE_PRG_BEFORE_DB_CONN ] dizOpz["CS_INDIRIZZO"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_INDIRIZZO] dizOpz["CS_RESPIMP"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_RESPIMP] dizOpz["CS_NOTE1"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_NOTE1] dizOpz["CS_RESP"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_RESP] dizOpz["CS_ID_PADRE"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_ID_PADRE] dizOpz["CS_NOTE2"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_NOTE2] dizOpz["CS_CREAZIONE"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_CREAZIONE] dizOpz["CS_DATAMODIFY"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_DATAMODIFY] dizOpz["CS_PARERE"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_PARERE] dizOpz["CS_COMUNICAZ"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_COMUNICAZ] dizOpz["CS_DISMISSION"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_DISMISSION] dizOpz["CS_COMUNE"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_COMUNE] dizOpz["CS_PONTE"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_PONTE] dizOpz["CS_POST"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_POST] dizOpz["CS_DISMESSI"] = [False, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.CS_DISMESSI] dizOpz["PASSO_MAX_CAMPO_ED"] = [ "0.5", "", "TEXT", self.dlg.lePassoMaxEd ] dizOpz["STILE_EDIFICI_MAX_CAMPO"] = [ True, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.cbLegMaxCampo ] dizOpz["STILE_EDIFICI_SEZ_ORIZZ"] = [ True, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.cbLegSezEd ] dizOpz["UP_GRONDA"] = ["0.0", "", "TEXT", self.dlg.leUpGronda] dizOpz["ALFA24"] = [True, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.ALFA24] dizOpz["SAVE_ALL_XML"] = [True, "", "BOOL", self.dlg.SAVE_ALL_XML] dizOpz["FILE_DTM"] = ["", "", "TEXT", self.dlg.FILE_DTM] dizOpz["CARTELLA_FILE_STILE"] = [ "", "", "TEXT", self.dlg.CARTELLA_FILE_STILE ] dizOpz["MAX_IMPIANTI_ANT"] = [ "100", "Massimo numero di siti dove verranno scaricate anche le antenne", "TEXT", self.dlg.leMaxImpiantiAnt ] dizOpz["CAMPOCRITICO"] = [ "6.0", "Valore di campo utilizzato per calcolare l'altezza critica degli edifici", "TEXT", self.dlg.leCampoCritico ] dizOpz["UPGRONDACRITICO"] = [ "2.0", "Incremento sulla gronda degli edifici per calcolare l'altezza critica", "TEXT", self.dlg.leUpGrondaCritico ] # Fine definizione definizioni delle opzioni self.cfg = config(dizOpz) # Declare instance attributes self.dlg.terstBtn.clicked.connect(self.test_connetti_db) self.dlg.fileButton.clicked.connect(self.select_DTM_file) self.dlg.stileButton.clicked.connect(self.select_Cartella_Stile) self.LastPassoEd = self.dlg.lePassoMaxEd.text() self.LastUpGronda = self.dlg.leUpGronda.text() self.LastMaxImpiantiAnt = self.dlg.leMaxImpiantiAnt.text() self.LastCampoCritico = self.dlg.leCampoCritico.text() self.LastUpGrondaCritico = self.dlg.leUpGrondaCritico.text() self.dlg.leMaxImpiantiAnt.textChanged.connect(self.aggiornaMaxImpianti) self.dlg.lePassoMaxEd.textChanged.connect(self.aggiornaPassoEd) self.dlg.leUpGronda.textChanged.connect(self.aggiornaUpGronda) self.dlg.leCampoCritico.textChanged.connect(self.aggiornaCampoCritico) self.dlg.leUpGrondaCritico.textChanged.connect( self.aggiornaUpGrondaCritico) self.cambioLayEdificiCalc = False self.dlg.cb_edifici.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.cambioLayEdifici ) # cambia la selezione del layer edifici dal menu a tendina self.dlg.cbStatEdifici.stateChanged.connect( self.aggiornaStatEdifici ) # cambia il check sulle statistiche degli edifici self.dlg.DB_ADDR.textChanged.connect(self.dbModificato) self.dlg.DB_SCHEMA.textChanged.connect(self.dbModificato) self.dlg.DB_NAME.textChanged.connect(self.dbModificato) self.dlg.DB_USERNAME.textChanged.connect(self.dbModificato) self.dlg.DB_PASSWORD.textChanged.connect(self.dbModificato)
# | '_ \ / __| '_ ` _ \| | | / __| |/ __| # # | | | | (__| | | | | | |_| \__ \ | (__ # # |_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/_|\___| # # # ########################################### import curses import glob import os import os.path import pathlib import sys import time from modules import MPVPlayer from conf import config Config = config() Player = MPVPlayer(Config.MPV_Path, None) def formatter( width, state, path ): # this system won't work because the formatter is just formatting the text - has no concept of the screen item = str(path) if state == 1: # album item = item.split("/")[1] if len(item) >= width: item = item[:width - 4] item = (item + "...") elif state == 2: # song item = item.split("/")[2] item = item.removesuffix(".mp3")
import packer from pathlib import Path import sys sys.path.append("..") from merrors import merrors import conf from flask import app Merrors = merrors() Merrors.error("Test") # Configs config = conf.config() home_path = str(Path.home()) + "/.keyos/config.json") ########################################################################## # Themes, for information on creating a theme please refer to the guides. # # # # # ########################################################################## glob_themes = [] current_theme = None
import configparser from ssh import ssh from db import database from conf import config from runner import runner config_file = configparser.ConfigParser()'example.conf') db = database(config_file) config = config(db, config_file) config.loadConfig() rn = runner(db)
import conf import helpers # Configuration parameters pulled from bbc_radio6_url = conf.config('bbc_show_url') start_date = conf.config('start_date') end_date = conf.config('end_date') def main(): """ Workflow function to print a list of all playlists within a date range. In development, need to change output to otuput to MongoDB. """ print("Retreiving BBC playlists for dates between {} and {}".format( start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) # Get daily schedule URLs within date range radio6_schedule_list = helpers.bbc_daily_schedule_urls( bbc_radio6_url, helpers.get_date_list(start_date, end_date)) # Get all show URLS all_program_urls = [] for url in radio6_schedule_list: all_program_urls += helpers.bbc_program_urls(url) # Get all track playlists from program URLs track_lists = []
def configure_cpu(): cpu_config = conf.config().get('cpu', {}) if 'freq' in cpu_config: freq = int(cpu_config['freq']) print("Setting machine to freq: {}".format(freq)) machine.freq(freq)