def create_app(config_mode="dev"): # create and configure the app app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) if config_mode == "dev": app.config.from_object(app_config.get("dev")) elif config_mode == "prod": app.config.from_object(app_config.get("prod")) else: raise Exception("Please Provide dev/prod config") # ensure the instance folder exists try: os.makedirs(app.instance_path) except OSError: pass with app.app_context(): from applications.home.views import home app.register_blueprint(home) from applications.dash.default import create_dashboard create_dashboard(app) from applications.dash.stocktoday import create_stock_app create_stock_app(app) return app
async def get(self): code = self.get_argument('code') token_payload = { 'client_id': app_config.get('AUTH_ID'), 'client_secret': app_config.get('CLIENT_SECRET'), 'code': code, 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri': app_config.get("REDIRECT_URL") } _url = "https://{domain}/oauth/token".format( domain=app_config.get("DOMIAN")) print(dumps(token_payload)) response = await fetch(_url, method='POST', headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, payload=dumps(token_payload)) if response.code == 200: body = loads(response.body.decode('utf-8')) access_token = body['access_token'] user = AuthUser(app_config.get('DOMIAN'), access_token, body) user_info = await user.get_or_create() tok = encode(dict(id=user_info.uid, token=user_info.token), self.settings["jwt_secret"], algorithm='HS256') print(tok) self.set_secure_cookie('_T_GA', tok) self.redirect('/') else: self.redirect('/')
def create_app(env_config=None): """Instantiate and return flask app""" app = Flask(__name__) # configure app object app.config.from_object(app_config.get(env_config\ or os.getenv('FLASK_ENV'))) # handle unknown url errors @app.errorhandler(404) def url_unknown(e): return jsonify( create_message(MSG['url_unknown'], error=True) ), 404 # handle Internal Server Errors @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(e): return jsonify( create_message(MSG['internal_server_error'], error=True) ), 500 # handle unauthorized method errors @app.errorhandler(405) def method_not_allowed(e): return jsonify( create_message(MSG['unsupported_action'], error=True) ), 405 # register movies app app.register_blueprint(movies) return app
def _update_text(self): from markdown2 import Markdown from html import escape from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re if self.source is None: return if self.source_type == self.SOURCE_TYPE_MARKDOWN: class Converter(Markdown): def postprocess(self, text): return re.compile(r'^<h1>CUT:?\s*(.*)?</h1>', flags=re.M)\ .sub((lambda m: r'<cut title="%s"/>' % escape(, text) self._text = Converter(extras=['fenced-code-blocks']).convert( self.source) elif self.source_type == self.SOURCE_TYPE_PLAINTEXT: self._text = escape(self.source) else: self._text = self.source cut = BeautifulSoup(self._text, app_config.get('blog.html_parser')).find('cut') self.preview = cut and ''.join( reversed([str(e) for e in cut.previous_siblings])) self.read_more_label = cut and cut['title'] or None pass
def create_app(flask_env: FlaskEnv): """Create an app for the server to run.""" # create app and Flask-RESTful Api instance app = Flask(__name__) # set up config based on flask_env config = app_config.get(flask_env) app.config.from_object(config) # for development server testing without having to rebuild react if flask_env == FlaskEnv.DEVELOPMENT: from flask_cors import CORS CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "http://*****:*****@app.route("/") def serve_react(): """Serve the built react app.""" return send_file("index.html") @app.route("/robots.txt") def serve_robots(): return send_file("static/robots.txt") @app.route("/manifest.json") def serve_manifest(): return send_file("static/manifest.json") @app.route("/asset-manifest.txt") def serve_asset_manifest(): return send_file("static/asset-manifest.txt") @app.route("/favicon/<icon_file>") def serve_favicon(icon_file): return send_file(f"static/favicon/{icon_file}") # make sure react router urls route back to react, and not to the server @app.route("/", defaults={"input_path": ""}) @app.route("/<path:input_path>") def homepage(input_path): """Serve the built react app.""" return send_file("index.html") return app
def create_app(debug=False, config_name='production'): app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) # Loading config app.config.from_object(app_config.get(config_name)) app.config.from_pyfile('') if os.environ.get('FLASK_CONFIG_FILE', False): app.config.from_envvar('FLASK_CONFIG_FILE') print(app.config) return app
def note_feed(): from pyatom import AtomFeed site_url = '://'.join(request.urlparts[:2]) author = app_config.get('') db_session = Session() notes = db_session.query(Note).order_by(Note.created_at.desc()).limit(10).all() feed = AtomFeed(title=app_config.get('feed.title'), subtitle=app_config.get('feed.subtitle'), feed_url=site_url + app.get_url('note-feed'), url=site_url + app.get_url('note-list'), author=author) for note in notes: feed.add(title=note.title, content=strip_cut(note.text), content_type="html", author=author, url=site_url + app.get_url('note-details',, updated=note.created_at) response.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/atom+xml') return feed.to_string()
def create_app(env): app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(app_config.get(env)) from import api_bp app.register_blueprint(api_bp, url_prefix='/harvest') from harvestapi.model import db db.init_app(app) return app
def note_feed(): from pyatom import AtomFeed site_url = '://'.join(request.urlparts[:2]) author = app_config.get('') db_session = Session() notes = db_session.query(Note).order_by( Note.created_at.desc()).limit(10).all() feed = AtomFeed(title=app_config.get('feed.title'), subtitle=app_config.get('feed.subtitle'), feed_url=site_url + app.get_url('note-feed'), url=site_url + app.get_url('note-list'), author=author) for note in [n for n in notes if not n.is_draft]: feed.add(title=note.title, content=strip_cut(note.text), content_type="html", author=author, url=site_url + app.get_url('note-details',, updated=note.created_at) response.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/atom+xml') return feed.to_string()
def login(): username = post_get('username') password = post_get('password').encode('utf-8') if (username and password) is not None: hashed = app_config.get('app.auth.%s' % username).encode('utf-8') if bcrypt.hashpw(password, hashed) == hashed: s = get_session() s['authenticated'] = True s['username'] = username bottle.redirect('/') else: return template('login.html')
def _init_test_db(): import alembic.config import sqlalchemy from config import app_config # cleanup db engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(app_config.get("db", "url"), echo=False) results = engine.execute("SHOW TABLES") for result in results: table = result[0] engine.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table}") # migrate to head argv = [ "upgrade", "head", ] alembic.config.main(argv=argv)
def _update_text(self): from markdown2 import Markdown from html import escape from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re if self.source is None: return if self.source_type == self.SOURCE_TYPE_MARKDOWN: class Converter(Markdown): def postprocess(self, text): return re.compile(r'^<h1>CUT:?\s*(.*)?</h1>', flags=re.M)\ .sub((lambda m: r'<cut title="%s"/>' % escape(, text) self._text = Converter(extras=['fenced-code-blocks']).convert(self.source) elif self.source_type == self.SOURCE_TYPE_PLAINTEXT: self._text = escape(self.source) else: self._text = self.source cut = BeautifulSoup(self._text, app_config.get('blog.html_parser')).find('cut') self.preview = cut and ''.join(reversed([str(e) for e in cut.previous_siblings])) self.read_more_label = cut and cut['title'] or None pass
def create_app(config_name): app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) app.config.from_object(app_config.get(config_name)) app.config.from_pyfile('') Bootstrap(app) db.init_app(app) login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_message = "You must be logged in to access this page." login_manager.login_view = "auth.login" migrate = Migrate(app, db) from app import models from .admin import admin as admin_blueprint app.register_blueprint(admin_blueprint, url_prefix='/admin') from .auth import auth as auth_blueprint app.register_blueprint(auth_blueprint) from .home import home as home_blueprint app.register_blueprint(home_blueprint) @app.errorhandler(403) def forbidden(error): return render_template('errors/403.html', title='Forbidden'), 403 @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return render_template('errors/404.html', title='Page Not Found'), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(error): return render_template('errors/500.html', title='Server Error'), 500 return app
#!/usr/bin/env python import webapp2 from config import app_config from handlers.Error import error_handlers from routes import route_list app = webapp2.WSGIApplication( routes=route_list, config=app_config, debug=app_config.get("debug", False), ) app.error_handlers.update(error_handlers)
def session(): url = app_config.get("db", "url") engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url, echo=False) Session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine) return Session()
import os import json import jinja2 import webapp2 import datetime as dt from models import Admin from lib import encrypt from config import app_config as cfg SUBMISSION_TIMEOUT = cfg.get('submission_timeout', 30) template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../templates') jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir), autoescape = True) class BaseHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def write(self, *a, **kw): self.response.write(*a, **kw) def render_str(self, template, **params): t = jinja_env.get_template(template) return t.render(params, admin=self.admin) def render(self, template, **kw): if not template.endswith('.html'): template = template + '.html' self.response.write(self.render_str(template, **kw))
import json from base import BaseHandler from models import Admin from lib import qr, ziplib from config import app_config as cfg from models import Location, Comfort from google.appengine.api import memcache from google.appengine.ext import db MC_LOCATIONS_KEY = cfg.get('MC_LOCATIONS_KEY', '') HOSTNAME = cfg.get('hostname', 'localhost') def get_locations(): locations = memcache.get(MC_LOCATIONS_KEY) if not locations: locations = list(Location.all()) memcache.set(MC_LOCATIONS_KEY, locations) return locations def login_required(f): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.admin: self.redirect('/login') else: f(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
# coding=utf-8 import webapp2 import logging import fix_path from routes import route_list from config import app_config app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(route_list, config = app_config, debug = app_config.get('debug', True))
author = app_config.get('') db_session = Session() notes = db_session.query(Note).order_by( Note.created_at.desc()).limit(10).all() feed = AtomFeed(title=app_config.get('feed.title'), subtitle=app_config.get('feed.subtitle'), feed_url=site_url + app.get_url('note-feed'), url=site_url + app.get_url('note-list'), author=author) for note in [n for n in notes if not n.is_draft]: feed.add(title=note.title, content=strip_cut(note.text), content_type="html", author=author, url=site_url + app.get_url('note-details',, updated=note.created_at) response.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/atom+xml') return feed.to_string() debug = app_config.get('app.debug', False) if __name__ == '__main__': run(middleware, host='localhost', port=app_config.get('app.port', 5040), server=app_config.get('app.server', 'wsgiref'), debug=debug, reloader=debug) else: application = middleware
def __init__(self): host = app_config.get("KAFKA_SOCCER_HOST") # port = Config.KAFKA_SOCCER_PORT self.set_host(host)
from sqlalchemy import create_engine from config import app_config from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Text, DateTime, Boolean from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from datetime import datetime from pytz import timezone tzlocal = timezone(app_config.get('app.timezone', 'UTC')) Base = declarative_base() engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % app_config.get('app.db.path', ':memory:'), echo=True, encoding='utf-8') Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) class Note(Base): __tablename__ = 'notes' SOURCE_TYPE_MARKDOWN = 1 SOURCE_TYPE_HTML = 2 SOURCE_TYPE_PLAINTEXT = 3 id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) source = Column(Text) _source_type = Column('source_type', Integer) _text = Column('text', Text)
from args import parser, get_config_module import hashlib import hmac import sys import requests import urllib parser.add_argument("path", metavar="P", type=str, help="Path to query metadata of") vals = parser.parse_args() config = get_config_module(vals.config) path = vals.path try: from config import app_config key = app_config["PUBLISHER_SECRET_KEY"] root = app_config.get("APPLICATION_ROOT", "") except ImportError, KeyError: print "Unable to retrieve secret key for metadata request" sys.exit(1) try: from config import host_config if "host" in host_config: host = host_config["host"] else: host = "" if "port" in host_config: port = host_config["port"] else: port = 8000
import vertx from config import app_config vertx.deploy_verticle('',app_config.get('socket.config'),1) vertx.deploy_verticle('',app_config.get('http.config'),1) vertx.deploy_verticle('',app_config.get('http.client.config'),1)
#!/usr/bin/env python # import webapp2 import logging import fix_path from routes import route_list from config import app_config log = logging.getLogger(__name__) app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(route_list, config = app_config, debug = app_config.get('debug', False))
def production(): env.hosts = [app_config.get('')] env.key_filename = app_config.get('deploy.production.key_file') conf['code_dir'] = app_config.get('deploy.production.target_dir')
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from string import capitalize from config import app_config as cfg from lib import errors, valid from base import BaseHandler, BaseComfortHandler from models import Comfort, Location, Admin from google.appengine.api import memcache MC_LOCATIONS_KEY = cfg.get('MC_LOCATIONS_KEY', '') MC_GRAPH_DATA_KEY = cfg.get('MC_GRAPH_DATA_KEY', '') MAX_RECORDS = cfg.get('data_api_max_records', 100) GRAPH_REFRESH = cfg.get('graph_refresh', 5) GREATER_THAN = 'g' LESS_THAN = 'l' FROM = 'from' TO = 'to' DELIMITER = '-' class LocationsAPI(BaseHandler): def get(self): """The API to get the list of locations from the database. The following parameters can be specified: building - (optional) the list of locations for the building floor - (optional) the list of locations for the building and floor Returns a list of locations in JSON format. An empty list will be returned if there are no results for the specified parameters.""" locations = memcache.get(MC_LOCATIONS_KEY) if not locations:
author = app_config.get('') db_session = Session() notes = db_session.query(Note).order_by(Note.created_at.desc()).limit(10).all() feed = AtomFeed(title=app_config.get('feed.title'), subtitle=app_config.get('feed.subtitle'), feed_url=site_url + app.get_url('note-feed'), url=site_url + app.get_url('note-list'), author=author) for note in notes: feed.add(title=note.title, content=strip_cut(note.text), content_type="html", author=author, url=site_url + app.get_url('note-details',, updated=note.created_at) response.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/atom+xml') return feed.to_string() debug = app_config.get('app.debug', False) if __name__ == '__main__': run(middleware, host='localhost', port=app_config.get('app.port', 5040), server=app_config.get('app.server', 'wsgiref'), debug=debug, reloader=debug ) else: application = middleware
import os from app import create_app from flask.ext.script import Manager from flask.ext.script import Shell from flask.ext.script import Server from config import app_config config_object=app_config.get(os.environ.get('FLASK_CONIFG','default')) app=create_app(config_object) manager=Manager(app) def make_shell(): return dict(app=app) manager.add_command('shell',Shell(make_context=make_shell)) manager.add_command('runserver',Server( use_reloader=True, host='localhost', port=5000 )) if __name__=='__main__':
def __load_app_log_config(self): self.log_config = app_config.get("logging") self.CONF_LOG_LEVEL = self.log_config.get("log_level", None) or 'INFO' self.LOGGING_MAX_BYTES = 10 * 1024 * 1024
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from string import capitalize from config import app_config as cfg from lib import errors, valid from base import BaseHandler, BaseComfortHandler from models import Comfort, Location, Admin from google.appengine.api import memcache MC_LOCATIONS_KEY = cfg.get('MC_LOCATIONS_KEY', '') MC_GRAPH_DATA_KEY = cfg.get('MC_GRAPH_DATA_KEY', '') MAX_RECORDS = cfg.get('data_api_max_records', 100) GRAPH_REFRESH = cfg.get('graph_refresh', 5) GREATER_THAN = 'g' LESS_THAN = 'l' FROM = 'from' TO = 'to' DELIMITER = '-' class LocationsAPI(BaseHandler): def put(self): """Add a location to the database""" building = self.request.get('building') floor = self.request.get('floor') location = Location.create() # todo AM db.put(location) memcache.delete(MC_LOCATIONS_KEY) def get(self):
from config import app_config from routes import route_list from services.db_helper import DBHelper import webapp2 db_helper = DBHelper() app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(route_list, config=app_config, debug=app_config.get("debug", False))
import json from base import BaseHandler from models import Admin from lib import qr, ziplib from config import app_config as cfg from models import Location, Comfort from google.appengine.api import memcache from google.appengine.ext import db MC_LOCATIONS_KEY = cfg.get('MC_LOCATIONS_KEY', '') HOSTNAME = cfg.get('hostname', 'localhost') def get_locations(): locations = memcache.get(MC_LOCATIONS_KEY) if not locations: locations = list(Location.all()) memcache.set(MC_LOCATIONS_KEY, locations) return locations def login_required(f): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.admin: self.redirect('/login') else: f(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper class AdminHandler(BaseHandler): def get_admin(self):
def init_kafka(self): res = self.set_host(app_config.get("KAFKA_SOCCER_HOST")) if res is not None:"初始化kafka成功") else:"初始化kafka失败")
from sqlalchemy import create_engine from config import app_config from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Text, DateTime from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from datetime import datetime from pytz import timezone tzlocal = timezone(app_config.get('app.timezone', 'UTC')) Base = declarative_base() engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % app_config.get('app.db.path', ':memory:'), echo=True, encoding='utf-8') Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) class Note(Base): __tablename__ = 'notes' SOURCE_TYPE_MARKDOWN = 1 SOURCE_TYPE_HTML = 2 SOURCE_TYPE_PLAINTEXT = 3 id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) source = Column(Text) _source_type = Column('source_type', Integer) _text = Column('text', Text) preview = Column(Text) read_more_label = Column(String(255)) created_at = Column(DateTime)
# other values from the config, defined by the needs of, # can be acquired: # my_important_option = config.get_main_option("my_important_option") # ... etc. # Overwrite the alembic.ini sqlalchemy.url x_db_url = context.get_x_argument(as_dictionary=True).get('x_db_url') if x_db_url: # > alembic -x x_db_url=DB_URL upgrade head config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', x_db_url) else: import os import sys sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from config import app_config config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', app_config.get('db', 'url')) def run_migrations_offline(): """Run migrations in 'offline' mode. This configures the context with just a URL and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable here as well. By skipping the Engine creation we don't even need a DBAPI to be available. Calls to context.execute() here emit the given string to the script output. """ url = config.get_main_option("sqlalchemy.url")
#!/usr/bin/env python # import webapp2 import logging #adjust library path before any other module gets imported... import fix_path from routes import route_list from config import app_config log = logging.getLogger(__name__) app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(route_list, config = app_config, debug = app_config.get('debug', False))
from pymongo import MongoClient from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os import sys from config import app_config from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() app_configuration = app_config.get(os.getenv("FLASK_ENV")) def connect_mongo(tenant): client = MongoClient(app_configuration.MONGO_URI) db = client[f'{app_configuration.DB_NAME}_{tenant.lower()}'] return db