Beispiel #1
def generate_batch(d, stage='train', add_paf=False):
    #print(os.path.join(cfg.img_path, d['imgpath']))
    img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(cfg.img_path, d['imgpath']),
                     cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)
    if img is None:
        print('cannot read ' + os.path.join(cfg.img_path, d['imgpath']))
        assert 0

    bbox = np.array(d['bbox']).astype(np.float32)

    x, y, w, h = bbox
    aspect_ratio = cfg.input_shape[1] / cfg.input_shape[0]
    center = np.array([x + w * 0.5, y + h * 0.5])
    if w > aspect_ratio * h:
        h = w / aspect_ratio
    elif w < aspect_ratio * h:
        w = h * aspect_ratio
    scale = np.array([w, h]) * 1.25
    rotation = 0

    if stage == 'train':

        joints = np.array(d['joints']).reshape(-1, cfg.num_kps, 3)
        estimated_joints = np.array(d['estimated_joints']).reshape(
            -1, cfg.num_kps, 3) if 'estimated_joints' in d else np.empty(
                [0, cfg.num_kps, 3])
        near_joints = np.array(d['near_joints']).reshape(
            -1, cfg.num_kps, 3) if 'near_joints' in d else np.empty(
                [0, cfg.num_kps, 3])
        total_joints = np.concatenate([joints, estimated_joints, near_joints],

        # data augmentation
        scale = scale * np.clip(np.random.randn() * cfg.scale_factor + 1,
                                1 - cfg.scale_factor, 1 + cfg.scale_factor)
        rotation = np.clip(np.random.randn()*cfg.rotation_factor, -cfg.rotation_factor*2, cfg.rotation_factor*2)\
                if random.random() <= 0.6 else 0
        if random.random() <= 0.5:
            img = img[:, ::-1, :]
            center[0] = img.shape[1] - 1 - center[0]
            total_joints[:, :, 0] = img.shape[1] - 1 - total_joints[:, :, 0]
            for (q, w) in cfg.kps_symmetry:
                total_joints_q, total_joints_w = total_joints[:, q, :].copy(
                ), total_joints[:, w, :].copy()
                             w, :], total_joints[:,
                                                 q, :] = total_joints_q, total_joints_w

        trans = get_affine_transform(center, scale, rotation,
                                     (cfg.input_shape[1], cfg.input_shape[0]))
        cropped_img = cv2.warpAffine(img,
                                     (cfg.input_shape[1], cfg.input_shape[0]),

        if cfg.voc_augment:
            cropped_img = cropped_img[:, :, ::-1]
            cropped_img = occlude_with_objects(cropped_img, occluder)
            cropped_img = cropped_img[:, :, ::-1]

        cropped_img = cfg.normalize_input(cropped_img)

        for i in range(len(total_joints)):
            for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
                if total_joints[i, j, 2] > 0:
                    total_joints[i, j, :2] = affine_transform(
                        total_joints[i, j, :2], trans)
                    total_joints[i, j, 2] *= (
                        (total_joints[i, j, 0] >= 0) &
                        (total_joints[i, j, 0] < cfg.input_shape[1]) &
                        (total_joints[i, j, 1] >= 0) &
                        (total_joints[i, j, 1] < cfg.input_shape[0]))
        joints = total_joints[0]
        estimated_joints = total_joints[
            1] if estimated_joints.shape[0] > 0 else total_joints[0]
        near_joints = total_joints[
            2:] if near_joints.shape[0] > 0 else total_joints[0]

        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox[0], bbox[
            1], bbox[0] + bbox[2], bbox[1] + bbox[3]
        pt1 = affine_transform(np.array([xmin, ymin]), trans)
        pt2 = affine_transform(np.array([xmax, ymin]), trans)
        pt3 = affine_transform(np.array([xmax, ymax]), trans)
        area = math.sqrt(pow(pt2[0] - pt1[0], 2) +
                         pow(pt2[1] - pt1[1], 2)) * math.sqrt(
                             pow(pt3[0] - pt2[0], 2) + pow(pt3[1] - pt2[1], 2))

        # input pose synthesize
        synth_joints = synthesize_pose(joints, estimated_joints, near_joints,
                                       d['overlap'] if 'overlap' in d else 0)

        target_coord = joints[:, :2]
        target_valid = joints[:, 2]
        input_pose_coord = synth_joints[:, :2]
        input_pose_valid = synth_joints[:, 2]

        # for debug
        vis = False
        if vis:
            filename = str(random.randrange(1, 500))
            tmpimg = cropped_img.astype(np.float32).copy()
            tmpimg = cfg.denormalize_input(tmpimg)
            tmpimg = tmpimg.astype(np.uint8).copy()
            tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
            tmpkps[:2, :] = target_coord.transpose(1, 0)
            tmpkps[2, :] = target_valid
            tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps)
            cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, filename + '_gt.jpg'), tmpimg)

            tmpimg = cropped_img.astype(np.float32).copy()
            tmpimg = cfg.denormalize_input(tmpimg)
            tmpimg = tmpimg.astype(np.uint8).copy()
            tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
            tmpkps[:2, :] = input_pose_coord.transpose(1, 0)
            tmpkps[2, :] = input_pose_valid
            tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps)
            cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, filename + '_input_pose.jpg'),

        if add_paf:
            paf, paf_valid = render_paf(target_coord, target_valid,
                                        cfg.kps_lines, cfg.input_shape,
            #print('sum check B', np.sum(paf[:,20,6]), 'paf shape', paf.shape)
            return [
                cropped_img, target_coord, input_pose_coord,
                (target_valid > 0), (input_pose_valid > 0), paf, paf_valid
            return [
                cropped_img, target_coord, input_pose_coord,
                (target_valid > 0), (input_pose_valid > 0)

        trans = get_affine_transform(center, scale, rotation,
                                     (cfg.input_shape[1], cfg.input_shape[0]))
        cropped_img = cv2.warpAffine(img,
                                     (cfg.input_shape[1], cfg.input_shape[0]),
        #cropped_img = cropped_img[:,:, ::-1]
        cropped_img = cfg.normalize_input(cropped_img)

        estimated_joints = np.array(d['estimated_joints']).reshape(
            cfg.num_kps, 3)
        for i in range(cfg.num_kps):
            if estimated_joints[i, 2] > 0:
                estimated_joints[i, :2] = affine_transform(
                    estimated_joints[i, :2], trans)
                estimated_joints[i, 2] *= (
                    (estimated_joints[i, 0] >= 0) &
                    (estimated_joints[i, 0] < cfg.input_shape[1]) &
                    (estimated_joints[i, 1] >= 0) &
                    (estimated_joints[i, 1] < cfg.input_shape[0]))

        input_pose_coord = estimated_joints[:, :2]
        input_pose_valid = np.array(
            [1 if i not in cfg.ignore_kps else 0 for i in range(cfg.num_kps)])
        input_pose_score = d['estimated_score']
        crop_info = np.asarray([
            center[0] - scale[0] * 0.5, center[1] - scale[1] * 0.5,
            center[0] + scale[0] * 0.5, center[1] + scale[1] * 0.5

        return [
            cropped_img, input_pose_coord, input_pose_valid, input_pose_score,
Beispiel #2
def test_net(tester, dets, det_range, gpu_id):

    dump_results = []

    start_time = time.time()

    img_start = det_range[0]
    img_id = 0
    img_id2 = 0
    pbar = tqdm(total=det_range[1] - img_start - 1, position=gpu_id)
    pbar.set_description("GPU %s" % str(gpu_id))
    while img_start < det_range[1]:
        img_end = img_start + 1
        im_info = dets[img_start]
        while img_end < det_range[1] and dets[img_end]['image_id'] == im_info[
            img_end += 1

        # all human detection results of a certain image
        cropped_data = dets[img_start:img_end]

        pbar.update(img_end - img_start)
        img_start = img_end

        kps_result = np.zeros((len(cropped_data), cfg.num_kps, 3))
        area_save = np.zeros(len(cropped_data))

        # cluster human detection results with test_batch_size
        for batch_id in range(0, len(cropped_data), cfg.test_batch_size):
            start_id = batch_id
            end_id = min(len(cropped_data), batch_id + cfg.test_batch_size)

            imgs = []
            crop_infos = []
            for i in range(start_id, end_id):
                img, crop_info = generate_batch(cropped_data[i], stage='test')
            imgs = np.array(imgs)
            crop_infos = np.array(crop_infos)

            # forward
            heatmap = tester.predict_one([imgs])[0]

            if cfg.flip_test:
                flip_imgs = imgs[:, :, ::-1, :]
                flip_heatmap = tester.predict_one([flip_imgs])[0]

                flip_heatmap = flip_heatmap[:, :, ::-1, :]
                for (q, w) in cfg.kps_symmetry:
                    flip_heatmap_w, flip_heatmap_q = flip_heatmap[:, :, :, w].copy(
                    ), flip_heatmap[:, :, :, q].copy()
                    flip_heatmap[:, :, :,
                                 q], flip_heatmap[:, :, :,
                                                  w] = flip_heatmap_w, flip_heatmap_q
                flip_heatmap[:, :, 1:, :] = flip_heatmap.copy()[:, :, 0:-1, :]
                heatmap += flip_heatmap
                heatmap /= 2

            # for each human detection from clustered batch
            for image_id in range(start_id, end_id):

                for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
                    hm_j = heatmap[image_id - start_id, :, :, j]
                    idx = hm_j.argmax()
                    y, x = np.unravel_index(idx, hm_j.shape)

                    px = int(math.floor(x + 0.5))
                    py = int(math.floor(y + 0.5))
                    if 1 < px < cfg.output_shape[
                            1] - 1 and 1 < py < cfg.output_shape[0] - 1:
                        diff = np.array([
                            hm_j[py][px + 1] - hm_j[py][px - 1],
                            hm_j[py + 1][px] - hm_j[py - 1][px]
                        diff = np.sign(diff)
                        x += diff[0] * .25
                        y += diff[1] * .25
                    kps_result[image_id, j, :2] = (x * cfg.input_shape[1] /
                                                   y * cfg.input_shape[0] /
                    kps_result[image_id, j, 2] = hm_j.max() / 255

                vis = False
                crop_info = crop_infos[image_id - start_id, :]
                area = (crop_info[2] - crop_info[0]) * (crop_info[3] -
                if vis and np.any(kps_result[image_id, :,
                                             2]) > 0.9 and area > 96**2:
                    tmpimg = imgs[image_id - start_id].copy()
                    tmpimg = cfg.denormalize_input(tmpimg)
                    tmpimg = tmpimg.astype('uint8')
                    tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
                    tmpkps[:2, :] = kps_result[image_id, :, :2].transpose(1, 0)
                    tmpkps[2, :] = kps_result[image_id, :, 2]
                    _tmpimg = tmpimg.copy()
                    _tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(_tmpimg, tmpkps)
                                 str(img_id) + '_output.jpg'), _tmpimg)
                    img_id += 1

                # map back to original images
                for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
                    kps_result[image_id, j, 0] = kps_result[image_id, j, 0] / cfg.input_shape[1] * (\
                    crop_infos[image_id - start_id][2] - crop_infos[image_id - start_id][0]) + crop_infos[image_id - start_id][0]
                    kps_result[image_id, j, 1] = kps_result[image_id, j, 1] / cfg.input_shape[0] * (\
                    crop_infos[image_id - start_id][3] - crop_infos[image_id - start_id][1]) + crop_infos[image_id - start_id][1]

                area_save[image_id] = (crop_infos[image_id - start_id][2] -
                                       crop_infos[image_id - start_id][0]) * (
                                           crop_infos[image_id - start_id][3] -
                                           crop_infos[image_id - start_id][1])

        vis = False
        if vis and np.any(kps_result[:, :, 2] > 0.9):
            tmpimg = cv2.imread(
                os.path.join(cfg.img_path, cropped_data[0]['imgpath']))
            tmpimg = tmpimg.astype('uint8')
            for i in range(len(kps_result)):
                tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
                tmpkps[:2, :] = kps_result[i, :, :2].transpose(1, 0)
                tmpkps[2, :] = kps_result[i, :, 2]
                tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps)
            cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, str(img_id2) + '.jpg'), tmpimg)
            img_id2 += 1

        score_result = np.copy(kps_result[:, :, 2])
        kps_result[:, :, 2] = 1
        kps_result = kps_result.reshape(-1, cfg.num_kps * 3)

        # rescoring and oks nms
        if cfg.dataset == 'COCO':
            rescored_score = np.zeros((len(score_result)))
            for i in range(len(score_result)):
                score_mask = score_result[i] > cfg.score_thr
                if np.sum(score_mask) > 0:
                    rescored_score[i] = np.mean(
                        score_result[i][score_mask]) * cropped_data[i]['score']
            score_result = rescored_score
            keep = oks_nms(kps_result, score_result, area_save,
            if len(keep) > 0:
                kps_result = kps_result[keep, :]
                score_result = score_result[keep]
                area_save = area_save[keep]
        elif cfg.dataset == 'PoseTrack':
            keep = oks_nms(kps_result, np.mean(score_result, axis=1),
                           area_save, cfg.oks_nms_thr)
            if len(keep) > 0:
                kps_result = kps_result[keep, :]
                score_result = score_result[keep, :]
                area_save = area_save[keep]

        # save result
        for i in range(len(kps_result)):
            if cfg.dataset == 'COCO':
                result = dict(image_id=im_info['image_id'],
                              score=float(round(score_result[i], 4)),
            elif cfg.dataset == 'PoseTrack':
                result = dict(image_id=im_info['image_id'],
            elif cfg.dataset == 'MPII':
                result = dict(image_id=im_info['image_id'],


    return dump_results
Beispiel #3
def generate_batch(d, stage='train'):
    img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(cfg.img_path, d['imgpath']), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)
    if img is None:
        return None
        #print('cannot read ' + os.path.join(cfg.img_path, d['imgpath']))
        #assert 0

    bbox = np.array(d['bbox']).astype(np.float32)
    x, y, w, h = bbox
    aspect_ratio = cfg.input_shape[1]/cfg.input_shape[0]
    center = np.array([x + w * 0.5, y + h * 0.5])
    if w > aspect_ratio * h:
        h = w / aspect_ratio
    elif w < aspect_ratio * h:
        w = h * aspect_ratio
    scale = np.array([w,h]) * 1.25
    rotation = 0

    if stage == 'train':

        joints = np.array(d['joints']).reshape(cfg.num_kps, 3).astype(np.float32)
        # data augmentation
        scale = scale * np.clip(np.random.randn()*cfg.scale_factor + 1, 1-cfg.scale_factor, 1+cfg.scale_factor)
        rotation = np.clip(np.random.randn()*cfg.rotation_factor, -cfg.rotation_factor*2, cfg.rotation_factor*2)\
                if random.random() <= 0.6 else 0
        if random.random() <= 0.5:
            img = img[:, ::-1, :]
            center[0] = img.shape[1] - 1 - center[0]
            joints[:,0] = img.shape[1] - 1 - joints[:,0]
            for (q, w) in cfg.kps_symmetry:
                joints_q, joints_w = joints[q,:].copy(), joints[w,:].copy()
                joints[w,:], joints[q,:] = joints_q, joints_w

        trans = get_affine_transform(center, scale, rotation, (cfg.input_shape[1], cfg.input_shape[0]))
        cropped_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, trans, (cfg.input_shape[1], cfg.input_shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
        #cropped_img = cropped_img[:,:, ::-1]
        cropped_img = cfg.normalize_input(cropped_img)
        for i in range(cfg.num_kps):
            if joints[i,2] > 0:
                joints[i,:2] = affine_transform(joints[i,:2], trans)
                joints[i,2] *= ((joints[i,0] >= 0) & (joints[i,0] < cfg.input_shape[1]) & (joints[i,1] >= 0) & (joints[i,1] < cfg.input_shape[0]))
        target_coord = joints[:,:2]
        target_valid = joints[:,2]
        # for debug
        vis = True
        if vis:
            filename = str(random.randrange(1,500))
            tmpimg = cropped_img.astype(np.float32).copy()
            tmpimg = cfg.denormalize_input(tmpimg)
            tmpimg = tmpimg.astype(np.uint8).copy()
            tmpkps = np.zeros((3,cfg.num_kps))
            tmpkps[:2,:] = target_coord.transpose(1,0)
            tmpkps[2,:] = target_valid
            tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps)
            cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, filename + '_gt.jpg'), tmpimg)
        return [cropped_img,
                (target_valid > 0)]

        trans = get_affine_transform(center, scale, rotation, (cfg.input_shape[1], cfg.input_shape[0]))
        cropped_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, trans, (cfg.input_shape[1], cfg.input_shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
        #cropped_img = cropped_img[:,:, ::-1]
        cropped_img = cfg.normalize_input(cropped_img)

        crop_info = np.asarray([center[0]-scale[0]*0.5, center[1]-scale[1]*0.5, center[0]+scale[0]*0.5, center[1]+scale[1]*0.5])

        return [cropped_img, crop_info]
Beispiel #4
def test_net(tester, img):

    dump_results = []

    inference_time = time.time()

    kps_result = np.zeros((cfg.num_kps, 3))

    d = {"img": img, 'bbox': [0, 0, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]]}

        trans_img, crop_info = generate_batch(d, stage='test')
        print("Error Here")

    # forward
    heatmap = tester.predict_one([[trans_img]])[0]

    for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
        hm_j = heatmap[0, :, :, j]
        idx = hm_j.argmax()
        y, x = np.unravel_index(idx, hm_j.shape)

        px = int(math.floor(x + 0.5))
        py = int(math.floor(y + 0.5))
        if 1 < px < cfg.output_shape[1] - 1 and 1 < py < cfg.output_shape[
                0] - 1:
            diff = np.array([
                hm_j[py][px + 1] - hm_j[py][px - 1],
                hm_j[py + 1][px] - hm_j[py - 1][px]
            diff = np.sign(diff)
            x += diff[0] * .25
            y += diff[1] * .25
        kps_result[j, :2] = (x * cfg.input_shape[1] / cfg.output_shape[1],
                             y * cfg.input_shape[0] / cfg.output_shape[0])
        kps_result[j, 2] = hm_j.max() / 255

# map back to original images
    for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
        kps_result[j, 0] = kps_result[j, 0] / cfg.input_shape[1] * (
            crop_info[2] - crop_info[0]) + crop_info[0]
        kps_result[j, 1] = kps_result[j, 1] / cfg.input_shape[0] * (
            crop_info[3] - crop_info[1]) + crop_info[1]

    tmpimg = img.astype('uint8')
    tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
    tmpkps[:2, :] = kps_result[:, :2].transpose(1, 0)
    tmpkps[2, :] = kps_result[:, 2]

    if np.any(kps_result[:, 2] > 0.9):

        #tmpkps = np.zeros((3,cfg.num_kps))
        #tmpkps[:2,:] = kps_result[:, :2].transpose(1,0)
        #tmpkps[2,:] = kps_result[:, 2]

        kps = {}
        kps["nose"] = {"x": tmpkps[0][0], "y": tmpkps[1][0], "w": tmpkps[2][0]}
        kps["eye_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][1],
            "y": tmpkps[1][1],
            "w": tmpkps[2][1]
        kps["eye_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][2],
            "y": tmpkps[1][2],
            "w": tmpkps[2][2]
        kps["ear_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][3],
            "y": tmpkps[1][3],
            "w": tmpkps[2][3]
        kps["ear_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][4],
            "y": tmpkps[1][4],
            "w": tmpkps[2][4]
        kps["shldr_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][5],
            "y": tmpkps[1][5],
            "w": tmpkps[2][5]
        kps["shldr_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][6],
            "y": tmpkps[1][6],
            "w": tmpkps[2][6]
        kps["elbw_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][7],
            "y": tmpkps[1][7],
            "w": tmpkps[2][7]
        kps["elbw_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][8],
            "y": tmpkps[1][8],
            "w": tmpkps[2][8]
        kps["wrst_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][9],
            "y": tmpkps[1][9],
            "w": tmpkps[2][9]
        kps["wrst_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][10],
            "y": tmpkps[1][10],
            "w": tmpkps[2][10]

        print("\nNose \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["nose"]["x"],
        print("L Eye \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["eye_l"]["x"],
        print("R Eye \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["eye_r"]["x"],
        print("L Ear \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["ear_l"]["x"],
        print("R Ear \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["ear_r"]["x"],
        print("L Shldr\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["shldr_l"]["x"],
        print("R Shldr\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["shldr_r"]["x"],
        print("L Elbw \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["elbw_l"]["x"],
        print("R Elbw \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["elbw_r"]["x"],
        print("L Wrist\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["wrst_l"]["x"],
        print("R Wrist\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["wrst_r"]["x"],

        nose_ratio = 99
        nose_shoulder_perp = 99
        eye_shldr_angle = 99
        arm_angle_left = 99
        arm_angle_right = 99
        ear_eye_left = 99
        ear_eye_right = 99

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["nose"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            shoulder_mid = mid(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                               kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])
            nose_elevation = cdist(kps["nose"]["x"], kps["nose"]["y"],
                                   shoulder_mid[0], shoulder_mid[1])
            eye_spacing = cdist(kps["eye_l"]["x"], kps["eye_l"]["y"],
                                kps["eye_r"]["x"], kps["eye_r"]["y"])

            kps["shoulder_mid"] = shoulder_mid
            kps["nose_elevation"] = nose_elevation
            kps["eye_spacing"] = eye_spacing

            nose_ratio = nose_elevation / eye_spacing
            kps["nose_ratio"] = nose_ratio

        print("\nNose Angle Ratio\t{:.1f}".format(nose_ratio))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["nose"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            shoulder_spacing = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                                     kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])
            shoulder_nose_left = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"],
                                       kps["shldr_l"]["y"], kps["nose"]["x"],
            shoulder_nose_right = cdist(kps["shldr_r"]["x"],
                                        kps["shldr_r"]["y"], kps["nose"]["x"],

            kps["shoulder_spacing"] = shoulder_spacing
            kps["shoulder_nose_left"] = shoulder_nose_left
            kps["shoulder_nose_right"] = shoulder_nose_right

            nose_shoulder_perp = tri_height(shoulder_nose_left,
                                            shoulder_nose_right) / eye_spacing
            kps["nose_shoulder_perp"] = nose_shoulder_perp

        print("Nose Perp Angle Ratio\t{:.1f}".format(nose_shoulder_perp))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            eye_slope = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_l"]["y"] - kps["eye_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["eye_l"]["x"] - kps["eye_r"]["x"])))
            shldr_slope = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["shldr_l"]["y"] - kps["shldr_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["shldr_l"]["x"] - kps["shldr_r"]["x"])))

            kps["eye_slope"] = eye_slope
            kps["shldr_slope"] = shldr_slope

            eye_shldr_angle = eye_slope - shldr_slope
            kps["eye_shldr_angle"] = eye_shldr_angle

        print("Eye Shldr Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(eye_shldr_angle))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["elbw_l"]["w"] > 0.4):

            arm_left = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                             kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"])
            diag_left = cdist(kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"],
                              kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])

            kps["arm_left"] = arm_left
            kps["diag_left"] = diag_left

            arm_angle_left = cos_angle(arm_left, shoulder_spacing, diag_left)

            kps["arm_angle_left"] = arm_angle_left

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["elbw_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            arm_right = cdist(kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"],
                              kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"])
            diag_right = cdist(kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"],
                               kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"])

            arm_angle_right = cos_angle(arm_right, shoulder_spacing,

            kps["arm_right"] = arm_right
            kps["diag_right"] = diag_right
            kps["arm_angle_right"] = arm_angle_right

        print("Left Arm Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(arm_angle_left))
        print("Right Arm Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(arm_angle_right))

        if (kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["ear_l"]["w"]):

            ear_eye_left = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_l"]["y"] - kps["ear_l"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["eye_l"]["x"] - kps["ear_l"]["x"])))

            kps["ear_eye_left"] = ear_eye_left

        if (kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["ear_r"]["w"]):

            ear_eye_right = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_r"]["y"] - kps["ear_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["ear_r"]["x"] - kps["eye_r"]["x"])))

            kps["ear_eye_right"] = ear_eye_right

        print("Left E-E Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(ear_eye_left))
        print("Right E-E Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(ear_eye_right))

        tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps)

        out = []
        for h in headers:
            keys = h.split("-")
            if len(keys) > 1:
                out.append(str(kps.get(keys[0], None).get(keys[1], None)))
                out.append(str(kps.get(keys[0], None)))

            str(inference_time - start_time) + '\t' + '\t'.join(out) + '\n')

    return tmpimg, tmpkps
Beispiel #5
def test_net(tester, input_pose, det_range, gpu_id):
    dump_results = []
    start_time = time.time()
    img_start = det_range[0]
    img_id = 0
    img_id2 = 0
    pbar = tqdm(total=det_range[1] - img_start - 1, position=gpu_id)
    pbar.set_description("GPU %s" % str(gpu_id))
    test_count = 0
    while img_start < det_range[1]:
        record_id = img_start
        img_end = img_start + 1
        im_info = input_pose[img_start]
        while img_end < det_range[1] and input_pose[img_end][
                'image_id'] == im_info['image_id']:
            img_end += 1

        # all human detection results of a certain image
        cropped_data = input_pose[img_start:img_end]
        #pbar.set_description("GPU %s" % str(gpu_id))
        pbar.update(img_end - img_start)

        img_start = img_end

        kps_result = np.zeros((len(cropped_data), cfg.num_kps, 3))
        area_save = np.zeros(len(cropped_data))

        # cluster human detection results with test_batch_size
        for batch_id in range(0, len(cropped_data), cfg.test_batch_size):
            start_id = batch_id
            end_id = min(len(cropped_data), batch_id + cfg.test_batch_size)

            imgs = []
            input_pose_coords = []
            input_pose_valids = []
            input_pose_scores = []
            crop_infos = []

            for i in range(start_id, end_id):
                img, input_pose_coord, input_pose_valid, input_pose_score, crop_info = generate_batch(
                    cropped_data[i], stage='test')

            imgs = np.array(imgs)
            input_pose_coords = np.array(input_pose_coords)
            input_pose_valids = np.array(input_pose_valids)
            input_pose_scores = np.array(input_pose_scores)
            crop_infos = np.array(crop_infos)
            #if test_count < 2100:
            #    test_count += imgs.shape[0]
            #    continue
            #test_count += imgs.shape[0]

            # forward
            coord, heatmaps = tester.predict_one(
                [imgs, input_pose_coords, input_pose_valids])
            # np.savez('temp/imgs_{:d}_{:d}.npz'.format(record_id, batch_id), imgs=imgs, heatmaps=heatmaps, coord=coord)

            if cfg.flip_test:
                flip_imgs = imgs[:, :, ::-1, :]
                flip_input_pose_coords = input_pose_coords.copy()
                flip_input_pose_coords[:, :, 0] = cfg.input_shape[
                    1] - 1 - flip_input_pose_coords[:, :, 0]
                flip_input_pose_valids = input_pose_valids.copy()
                for (q, w) in cfg.kps_symmetry:
                    flip_input_pose_coords_w, flip_input_pose_coords_q = flip_input_pose_coords[:, w, :].copy(
                    ), flip_input_pose_coords[:, q, :].copy()
                                           q, :], flip_input_pose_coords[:,
                                                                         w, :] = flip_input_pose_coords_w, flip_input_pose_coords_q
                    flip_input_pose_valids_w, flip_input_pose_valids_q = flip_input_pose_valids[:, w].copy(
                    ), flip_input_pose_valids[:, q].copy()
                                           q], flip_input_pose_valids[:,
                                                                      w] = flip_input_pose_valids_w, flip_input_pose_valids_q

                flip_coord = tester.predict_one([
                    flip_imgs, flip_input_pose_coords, flip_input_pose_valids

                flip_coord[:, :,
                           0] = cfg.input_shape[1] - 1 - flip_coord[:, :, 0]
                for (q, w) in cfg.kps_symmetry:
                    flip_coord_w, flip_coord_q = flip_coord[:, w, :].copy(
                    ), flip_coord[:, q, :].copy()
                               q, :], flip_coord[:,
                                                 w, :] = flip_coord_w, flip_coord_q
                coord += flip_coord
                coord /= 2

            # for each human detection from clustered batch
            for image_id in range(start_id, end_id):

                kps_result[image_id, :, :2] = coord[image_id - start_id]
                kps_result[image_id, :,
                           2] = input_pose_scores[image_id - start_id]

                vis = True
                crop_info = crop_infos[image_id - start_id, :]
                area = (crop_info[2] - crop_info[0]) * (crop_info[3] -
                if vis and np.any(kps_result[image_id, :,
                                             2]) > 0.9 and area > 96**2:
                    tmpimg = imgs[image_id - start_id].copy()
                    tmpimg = cfg.denormalize_input(tmpimg)
                    tmpimg = tmpimg.astype('uint8')
                    tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
                    tmpkps[:2, :] = kps_result[image_id, :, :2].transpose(1, 0)
                    tmpkps[2, :] = kps_result[image_id, :, 2]

                    _tmpimg = tmpimg.copy()
                    _tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(_tmpimg,
                                 str(img_id) + '_output.jpg'), _tmpimg)
                    temp_heatmaps = heatmaps[image_id - start_id]

                    save_mergedHeatmaps(heatmaps[image_id - start_id],
                                                 str(img_id) + '_hm.jpg'),
                    img_id += 1

                # map back to original images
                for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
                    kps_result[image_id, j, 0] = kps_result[image_id, j, 0] / cfg.input_shape[1] * (\
                    crop_infos[image_id - start_id][2] - crop_infos[image_id - start_id][0]) + crop_infos[image_id - start_id][0]
                    kps_result[image_id, j, 1] = kps_result[image_id, j, 1] / cfg.input_shape[0] * (\
                    crop_infos[image_id - start_id][3] - crop_infos[image_id - start_id][1]) + crop_infos[image_id - start_id][1]

                area_save[image_id] = (crop_infos[image_id - start_id][2] -
                                       crop_infos[image_id - start_id][0]) * (
                                           crop_infos[image_id - start_id][3] -
                                           crop_infos[image_id - start_id][1])

        vis = False
        if vis and np.any(kps_result[:, :, 2] > 0.9):
            tmpimg = cv2.imread(
                os.path.join(cfg.img_path, cropped_data[0]['imgpath']))
            tmpimg = tmpimg.astype('uint8')
            for i in range(len(kps_result)):
                tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
                tmpkps[:2, :] = kps_result[i, :, :2].transpose(1, 0)
                tmpkps[2, :] = kps_result[i, :, 2]
                tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps)
            cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, str(img_id2) + '.jpg'), tmpimg)
            img_id2 += 1

        # oks nms
        if cfg.dataset in ['COCO', 'PoseTrack']:
            nms_kps = np.delete(kps_result, cfg.ignore_kps, 1)
            nms_score = np.mean(nms_kps[:, :, 2], axis=1)
            nms_kps[:, :, 2] = 1
            nms_kps = nms_kps.reshape(len(kps_result), -1)
            nms_sigmas = np.delete(cfg.kps_sigmas, cfg.ignore_kps)
            keep = oks_nms(nms_kps, nms_score, area_save, cfg.oks_nms_thr,
            if len(keep) > 0:
                kps_result = kps_result[keep, :, :]
                area_save = area_save[keep]

        score_result = np.copy(kps_result[:, :, 2])
        kps_result[:, :, 2] = 1
        kps_result = kps_result.reshape(-1, cfg.num_kps * 3)

        # save result
        for i in range(len(kps_result)):
            if cfg.dataset == 'COCO':
                result = dict(image_id=im_info['image_id'],
                              score=float(round(np.mean(score_result[i]), 4)),
            elif cfg.dataset == 'PoseTrack':
                result = dict(image_id=im_info['image_id'],
            elif cfg.dataset == 'MPII':
                result = dict(image_id=im_info['image_id'],


    return dump_results
Beispiel #6
def test_net(tester, img):

    vec = np.zeros(7)

    start_time = time.time()

    kps_result = np.zeros((cfg.num_kps, 3))

    d = {"img": img, 'bbox': [0, 0, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]]}

    trans_img, crop_info = generate_batch(d, stage='test')

    # forward
    heatmap = tester.predict_one([[trans_img]])[0]

    for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
        hm_j = heatmap[0, :, :, j]
        idx = hm_j.argmax()
        y, x = np.unravel_index(idx, hm_j.shape)

        px = int(math.floor(x + 0.5))
        py = int(math.floor(y + 0.5))
        if 1 < px < cfg.output_shape[1] - 1 and 1 < py < cfg.output_shape[
                0] - 1:
            diff = np.array([
                hm_j[py][px + 1] - hm_j[py][px - 1],
                hm_j[py + 1][px] - hm_j[py - 1][px]
            diff = np.sign(diff)
            x += diff[0] * .25
            y += diff[1] * .25
        kps_result[j, :2] = (x * cfg.input_shape[1] / cfg.output_shape[1],
                             y * cfg.input_shape[0] / cfg.output_shape[0])
        kps_result[j, 2] = hm_j.max() / 255

# map back to original images
    for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
        kps_result[j, 0] = kps_result[j, 0] / cfg.input_shape[1] * (
            crop_info[2] - crop_info[0]) + crop_info[0]
        kps_result[j, 1] = kps_result[j, 1] / cfg.input_shape[0] * (
            crop_info[3] - crop_info[1]) + crop_info[1]

    if np.any(kps_result[:, 2] > 0.9):
        tmpimg = img
        tmpimg = tmpimg.astype('uint8')

        tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
        tmpkps[:2, :] = kps_result[:, :2].transpose(1, 0)
        tmpkps[2, :] = kps_result[:, 2]

        kps = {}
        kps["nose"] = {"x": tmpkps[0][0], "y": tmpkps[1][0], "w": tmpkps[2][0]}
        kps["eye_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][1],
            "y": tmpkps[1][1],
            "w": tmpkps[2][1]
        kps["eye_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][2],
            "y": tmpkps[1][2],
            "w": tmpkps[2][2]
        kps["ear_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][3],
            "y": tmpkps[1][3],
            "w": tmpkps[2][3]
        kps["ear_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][4],
            "y": tmpkps[1][4],
            "w": tmpkps[2][4]
        kps["shldr_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][5],
            "y": tmpkps[1][5],
            "w": tmpkps[2][5]
        kps["shldr_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][6],
            "y": tmpkps[1][6],
            "w": tmpkps[2][6]
        kps["elbw_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][7],
            "y": tmpkps[1][7],
            "w": tmpkps[2][7]
        kps["elbw_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][8],
            "y": tmpkps[1][8],
            "w": tmpkps[2][8]
        kps["wrst_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][9],
            "y": tmpkps[1][9],
            "w": tmpkps[2][9]
        kps["wrst_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][10],
            "y": tmpkps[1][10],
            "w": tmpkps[2][10]

        print("\nNose \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["nose"]["x"],
        print("L Eye \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["eye_l"]["x"],
        print("R Eye \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["eye_r"]["x"],
        print("L Ear \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["ear_l"]["x"],
        print("R Ear \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["ear_r"]["x"],
        print("L Shldr\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["shldr_l"]["x"],
        print("R Shldr\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["shldr_r"]["x"],
        print("L Elbw \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["elbw_l"]["x"],
        print("R Elbw \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["elbw_r"]["x"],
        print("L Wrist\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["wrst_l"]["x"],
        print("R Wrist\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["wrst_r"]["x"],

        nose_ratio = 99
        nose_shoulder_perp = 99
        eye_shldr_angle = 99
        arm_angle_left = 99
        arm_angle_right = 99
        ear_eye_left = 99
        ear_eye_right = 99

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["nose"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            shoulder_mid = mid(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                               kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])
            nose_elevation = cdist(kps["nose"]["x"], kps["nose"]["y"],
                                   shoulder_mid[0], shoulder_mid[1])
            eye_spacing = cdist(kps["eye_l"]["x"], kps["eye_l"]["y"],
                                kps["eye_r"]["x"], kps["eye_r"]["y"])

            nose_ratio = nose_elevation / eye_spacing

        print("\nNose Angle Ratio\t{:.1f}".format(nose_ratio))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["nose"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            shoulder_spacing = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                                     kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])
            shoulder_nose_left = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"],
                                       kps["shldr_l"]["y"], kps["nose"]["x"],
            shoulder_nose_right = cdist(kps["shldr_r"]["x"],
                                        kps["shldr_r"]["y"], kps["nose"]["x"],

            nose_shoulder_perp = tri_height(shoulder_nose_left,
                                            shoulder_nose_right) / eye_spacing

        print("Nose Perp Angle Ratio\t{:.1f}".format(nose_shoulder_perp))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            eye_slope = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_l"]["y"] - kps["eye_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["eye_l"]["x"] - kps["eye_r"]["x"])))
            shldr_slope = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["shldr_l"]["y"] - kps["shldr_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["shldr_l"]["x"] - kps["shldr_r"]["x"])))

            eye_shldr_angle = eye_slope - shldr_slope

        print("Eye Shldr Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(eye_shldr_angle))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["elbw_l"]["w"] > 0.4):

            arm_left = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                             kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"])
            diag_left = cdist(kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"],
                              kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])

            arm_angle_left = cos_angle(arm_left, shoulder_spacing, diag_left)

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["elbw_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            arm_right = cdist(kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"],
                              kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"])
            diag_right = cdist(kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"],
                               kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"])

            arm_angle_right = cos_angle(arm_right, shoulder_spacing,

        print("Left Arm Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(arm_angle_left))
        print("Right Arm Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(arm_angle_right))

        if (kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["ear_l"]["w"]):

            ear_eye_left = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_l"]["y"] - kps["ear_l"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["eye_l"]["x"] - kps["ear_l"]["x"])))

        if (kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["ear_r"]["w"]):

            ear_eye_right = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_r"]["y"] - kps["ear_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["ear_r"]["x"] - kps["eye_r"]["x"])))

        print("Left E-E Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(ear_eye_left))
        print("Right E-E Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(ear_eye_right))

        vec = np.array([
            nose_ratio, nose_shoulder_perp, eye_shldr_angle, arm_angle_left,
            arm_angle_right, ear_eye_left, ear_eye_right


        tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps)
        #cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, str(img_id2) + '.jpg'), tmpimg)
        cv2.imshow('vis', tmpimg)

    return vec
Beispiel #7
def test_net(tester, dets, det_range, gpu_id):

    dump_results = []

    start_time = time.time()

    img_start = det_range[0]
    img_id = 0
    img_id2 = 0
    pbar = tqdm(total=det_range[1] - img_start - 1, position=gpu_id)
    pbar.set_description("GPU %s" % str(gpu_id))
    while img_start < det_range[1]:
        img_end = img_start + 1
        im_info = dets[img_start]
        while img_end < det_range[1] and dets[img_end]['image_id'] == im_info[
            img_end += 1

        # all human detection results of a certain image
        cropped_data = dets[img_start:img_end]

        pbar.update(img_end - img_start)
        img_start = img_end

        kps_result = np.zeros((len(cropped_data), cfg.num_kps, 3))
        area_save = np.zeros(len(cropped_data))

        # cluster human detection results with test_batch_size
        for batch_id in range(0, len(cropped_data), cfg.test_batch_size):
            start_id = batch_id
            end_id = min(len(cropped_data), batch_id + cfg.test_batch_size)

            imgs = []
            crop_infos = []
            for i in range(start_id, end_id):
                img, crop_info = generate_batch(cropped_data[i], stage='test')
            imgs = np.array(imgs)
            crop_infos = np.array(crop_infos)

            # forward
            heatmap = tester.predict_one([imgs])[0]

            if cfg.flip_test:
                flip_imgs = imgs[:, :, ::-1, :]
                flip_heatmap = tester.predict_one([flip_imgs])[0]

                flip_heatmap = flip_heatmap[:, :, ::-1, :]
                for (q, w) in cfg.kps_symmetry:
                    flip_heatmap_w, flip_heatmap_q = flip_heatmap[:, :, :, w].copy(
                    ), flip_heatmap[:, :, :, q].copy()
                    flip_heatmap[:, :, :,
                                 q], flip_heatmap[:, :, :,
                                                  w] = flip_heatmap_w, flip_heatmap_q
                flip_heatmap[:, :, 1:, :] = flip_heatmap.copy()[:, :, 0:-1, :]
                heatmap += flip_heatmap
                heatmap /= 2

            # for each human detection from clustered batch
            for image_id in range(start_id, end_id):

                for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
                    hm_j = heatmap[image_id - start_id, :, :, j]
                    idx = hm_j.argmax()
                    y, x = np.unravel_index(idx, hm_j.shape)

                    px = int(math.floor(x + 0.5))
                    py = int(math.floor(y + 0.5))
                    if 1 < px < cfg.output_shape[
                            1] - 1 and 1 < py < cfg.output_shape[0] - 1:
                        diff = np.array([
                            hm_j[py][px + 1] - hm_j[py][px - 1],
                            hm_j[py + 1][px] - hm_j[py - 1][px]
                        diff = np.sign(diff)
                        x += diff[0] * .25
                        y += diff[1] * .25
                    kps_result[image_id, j, :2] = (x * cfg.input_shape[1] /
                                                   y * cfg.input_shape[0] /
                    kps_result[image_id, j, 2] = hm_j.max() / 255

                vis = False
                crop_info = crop_infos[image_id - start_id, :]
                area = (crop_info[2] - crop_info[0]) * (crop_info[3] -
                if vis and np.any(kps_result[image_id, :,
                                             2]) > 0.9 and area > 96**2:
                    tmpimg = imgs[image_id - start_id].copy()
                    tmpimg = cfg.denormalize_input(tmpimg)
                    tmpimg = tmpimg.astype('uint8')
                    tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
                    tmpkps[:2, :] = kps_result[image_id, :, :2].transpose(1, 0)
                    tmpkps[2, :] = kps_result[image_id, :, 2]
                    _tmpimg = tmpimg.copy()
                    _tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(_tmpimg, tmpkps)
                                 str(img_id) + '_output.jpg'), _tmpimg)
                    img_id += 1

                # map back to original images
                for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
                    kps_result[image_id, j, 0] = kps_result[image_id, j, 0] / cfg.input_shape[1] * (\
                    crop_infos[image_id - start_id][2] - crop_infos[image_id - start_id][0]) + crop_infos[image_id - start_id][0]
                    kps_result[image_id, j, 1] = kps_result[image_id, j, 1] / cfg.input_shape[0] * (\
                    crop_infos[image_id - start_id][3] - crop_infos[image_id - start_id][1]) + crop_infos[image_id - start_id][1]

                area_save[image_id] = (crop_infos[image_id - start_id][2] -
                                       crop_infos[image_id - start_id][0]) * (
                                           crop_infos[image_id - start_id][3] -
                                           crop_infos[image_id - start_id][1])

        vis = True
        if vis and np.any(kps_result[:, :, 2] > 0.9):
            tmpimg = dets[0]['img']
            #tmpimg = cv2.imread(os.path.join(cfg.img_path, cropped_data[0]['imgpath']))
            tmpimg = tmpimg.astype('uint8')
            for i in range(len(kps_result)):
                tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
                tmpkps[:2, :] = kps_result[i, :, :2].transpose(1, 0)
                tmpkps[2, :] = kps_result[i, :, 2]

                kps = {}
                kps["nose"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][0],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][0],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][0]
                kps["eye_l"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][1],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][1],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][1]
                kps["eye_r"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][2],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][2],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][2]
                kps["ear_l"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][3],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][3],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][3]
                kps["ear_r"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][4],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][4],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][4]
                kps["shldr_l"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][5],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][5],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][5]
                kps["shldr_r"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][6],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][6],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][6]
                kps["elbw_l"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][7],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][7],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][7]
                kps["elbw_r"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][8],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][8],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][8]
                kps["wrst_l"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][9],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][9],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][9]
                kps["wrst_r"] = {
                    "x": tmpkps[0][10],
                    "y": tmpkps[1][10],
                    "w": tmpkps[2][10]

                print("\nNose \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["nose"]["x"], kps["nose"]["y"], kps["nose"]["w"]))
                print("L Eye \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["eye_l"]["x"], kps["eye_l"]["y"], kps["eye_l"]["w"]))
                print("R Eye \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["eye_r"]["x"], kps["eye_r"]["y"], kps["eye_r"]["w"]))
                print("L Ear \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["ear_l"]["x"], kps["ear_l"]["y"], kps["ear_l"]["w"]))
                print("R Ear \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["ear_r"]["x"], kps["ear_r"]["y"], kps["ear_r"]["w"]))
                print("L Shldr\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                print("R Shldr\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"],
                print("L Elbw \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"],
                print("R Elbw \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"],
                print("L Wrist\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["wrst_l"]["x"], kps["wrst_l"]["y"],
                print("R Wrist\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
                    kps["wrst_r"]["x"], kps["wrst_r"]["y"],

                nose_ratio = 99
                nose_shoulder_perp = 99
                eye_shldr_angle = 99
                arm_angle_left = 99
                arm_angle_right = 99
                ear_eye_left = 99
                ear_eye_right = 99

                if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                        and kps["nose"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                        and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

                    shoulder_mid = mid(kps["shldr_l"]["x"],
                    nose_elevation = cdist(kps["nose"]["x"], kps["nose"]["y"],
                                           shoulder_mid[0], shoulder_mid[1])
                    eye_spacing = cdist(kps["eye_l"]["x"], kps["eye_l"]["y"],
                                        kps["eye_r"]["x"], kps["eye_r"]["y"])

                    nose_ratio = nose_elevation / eye_spacing

                print("\nNose Angle Ratio\t{:.1f}".format(nose_ratio))

                if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                        and kps["nose"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                        and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

                    shoulder_spacing = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"],
                    shoulder_nose_left = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"],
                    shoulder_nose_right = cdist(kps["shldr_r"]["x"],

                    nose_shoulder_perp = tri_height(
                        shoulder_nose_left, shoulder_spacing,
                        shoulder_nose_right) / eye_spacing

                    "Nose Perp Angle Ratio\t{:.1f}".format(nose_shoulder_perp))

                if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                        and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                        and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

                    eye_slope = math.degrees(
                        math.atan((kps["eye_l"]["y"] - kps["eye_r"]["y"]) /
                                  (kps["eye_l"]["x"] - kps["eye_r"]["x"])))
                    shldr_slope = math.degrees(
                        math.atan((kps["shldr_l"]["y"] - kps["shldr_r"]["y"]) /
                                  (kps["shldr_l"]["x"] - kps["shldr_r"]["x"])))

                    eye_shldr_angle = eye_slope - shldr_slope

                print("Eye Shldr Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(eye_shldr_angle))

                if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                        and kps["elbw_l"]["w"] > 0.4):

                    arm_left = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                                     kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"])
                    diag_left = cdist(kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"],
                                      kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])

                    arm_angle_left = cos_angle(arm_left, shoulder_spacing,

                if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                        and kps["elbw_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

                    arm_right = cdist(kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"],
                                      kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"])
                    diag_right = cdist(kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"],

                    arm_angle_right = cos_angle(arm_right, shoulder_spacing,

                print("Left Arm Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(arm_angle_left))
                print("Right Arm Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(arm_angle_right))

                if (kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["ear_l"]["w"]):

                    ear_eye_left = math.degrees(
                        math.atan((kps["eye_l"]["y"] - kps["ear_l"]["y"]) /
                                  (kps["eye_l"]["x"] - kps["ear_l"]["x"])))

                if (kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["ear_r"]["w"]):

                    ear_eye_right = math.degrees(
                        math.atan((kps["eye_r"]["y"] - kps["ear_r"]["y"]) /
                                  (kps["ear_r"]["x"] - kps["eye_r"]["x"])))

                print("Left E-E Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(ear_eye_left))
                print("Right E-E Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(ear_eye_right))

                tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps)
            #cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, str(img_id2) + '.jpg'), tmpimg)
            cv2.imshow('vis', tmpimg)
            img_id2 += 1

    return dump_results
Beispiel #8
def test_net(tester, img):

    # Init output structures
    vec = np.zeros(7)
    kps = {}
    data = {}

    start_time = time.time()

    kps_result = np.zeros((cfg.num_kps, 3))

    d = {"img": img, 'bbox': [0, 0, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]]}

    trans_img, crop_info = generate_batch(d, stage='test')

    # Pose detection model forward step.
    heatmap = tester.predict_one([[trans_img]])[0]

    for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
        hm_j = heatmap[0, :, :, j]
        idx = hm_j.argmax()
        y, x = np.unravel_index(idx, hm_j.shape)

        px = int(math.floor(x + 0.5))
        py = int(math.floor(y + 0.5))
        if 1 < px < cfg.output_shape[1] - 1 and 1 < py < cfg.output_shape[
                0] - 1:
            diff = np.array([
                hm_j[py][px + 1] - hm_j[py][px - 1],
                hm_j[py + 1][px] - hm_j[py - 1][px]
            diff = np.sign(diff)
            x += diff[0] * .25
            y += diff[1] * .25
        kps_result[j, :2] = (x * cfg.input_shape[1] / cfg.output_shape[1],
                             y * cfg.input_shape[0] / cfg.output_shape[0])
        kps_result[j, 2] = hm_j.max() / 255

# Map keypoints back to original images.
    for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
        kps_result[j, 0] = kps_result[j, 0] / cfg.input_shape[1] * \
            (crop_info[2] - crop_info[0]) + crop_info[0]
        kps_result[j, 1] = kps_result[j, 1] / cfg.input_shape[0] * \
            (crop_info[3] - crop_info[1]) + crop_info[1]

    # Something was detected.
    if np.any(kps_result[:, 2] > 0.9):
        tmpimg = img
        tmpimg = tmpimg.astype('uint8')

        tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
        tmpkps[:2, :] = kps_result[:, :2].transpose(1, 0)
        tmpkps[2, :] = kps_result[:, 2]

        # Store the keypoints.
        kps["nose"] = {"x": tmpkps[0][0], "y": tmpkps[1][0], "w": tmpkps[2][0]}
        kps["eye_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][1],
            "y": tmpkps[1][1],
            "w": tmpkps[2][1]
        kps["eye_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][2],
            "y": tmpkps[1][2],
            "w": tmpkps[2][2]
        kps["ear_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][3],
            "y": tmpkps[1][3],
            "w": tmpkps[2][3]
        kps["ear_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][4],
            "y": tmpkps[1][4],
            "w": tmpkps[2][4]
        kps["shldr_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][5],
            "y": tmpkps[1][5],
            "w": tmpkps[2][5]
        kps["shldr_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][6],
            "y": tmpkps[1][6],
            "w": tmpkps[2][6]
        kps["elbw_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][7],
            "y": tmpkps[1][7],
            "w": tmpkps[2][7]
        kps["elbw_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][8],
            "y": tmpkps[1][8],
            "w": tmpkps[2][8]
        kps["wrst_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][9],
            "y": tmpkps[1][9],
            "w": tmpkps[2][9]
        kps["wrst_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][10],
            "y": tmpkps[1][10],
            "w": tmpkps[2][10]

        # print("\nNose \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["nose"]["x"], kps["nose"]["y"], kps["nose"]["w"]))
        # print("L Eye \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["eye_l"]["x"], kps["eye_l"]["y"], kps["eye_l"]["w"]))
        # print("R Eye \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["eye_r"]["x"], kps["eye_r"]["y"], kps["eye_r"]["w"]))
        # print("L Ear \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["ear_l"]["x"], kps["ear_l"]["y"], kps["ear_l"]["w"]))
        # print("R Ear \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["ear_r"]["x"], kps["ear_r"]["y"], kps["ear_r"]["w"]))
        # print("L Shldr\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"], kps["shldr_l"]["w"]))
        # print("R Shldr\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"], kps["shldr_r"]["w"]))
        # print("L Elbw \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"], kps["elbw_l"]["w"]))
        # print("R Elbw \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"], kps["elbw_r"]["w"]))
        # print("L Wrist\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["wrst_l"]["x"], kps["wrst_l"]["y"], kps["wrst_l"]["w"]))
        # print("R Wrist\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(
        #     kps["wrst_r"]["x"], kps["wrst_r"]["y"], kps["wrst_r"]["w"]))

        # Feature defaults
        nose_ratio = 99
        nose_shoulder_perp = 99
        eye_shldr_angle = 99
        arm_angle_left = 99
        arm_angle_right = 99
        ear_eye_left = 99
        ear_eye_right = 99

        shoulder_spacing = 0

        # Compute features

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["nose"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            shoulder_mid = mid(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                               kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])
            nose_elevation = cdist(kps["nose"]["x"], kps["nose"]["y"],
                                   shoulder_mid[0], shoulder_mid[1])
            eye_spacing = cdist(kps["eye_l"]["x"], kps["eye_l"]["y"],
                                kps["eye_r"]["x"], kps["eye_r"]["y"])

            nose_ratio = nose_elevation / eye_spacing

        #print("\nNose Angle Ratio\t{:.1f}".format(nose_ratio))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["nose"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            shoulder_spacing = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                                     kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])
            shoulder_nose_left = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"],
                                       kps["shldr_l"]["y"], kps["nose"]["x"],
            shoulder_nose_right = cdist(kps["shldr_r"]["x"],
                                        kps["shldr_r"]["y"], kps["nose"]["x"],

            nose_shoulder_perp = tri_height(shoulder_nose_left,
                                            shoulder_nose_right) / eye_spacing

        #print("Nose Perp Angle Ratio\t{:.1f}".format(nose_shoulder_perp))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            eye_slope = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_l"]["y"] - kps["eye_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["eye_l"]["x"] - kps["eye_r"]["x"])))
            shldr_slope = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["shldr_l"]["y"] - kps["shldr_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["shldr_l"]["x"] - kps["shldr_r"]["x"])))

            eye_shldr_angle = eye_slope - shldr_slope

        #print("Eye Shldr Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(eye_shldr_angle))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["elbw_l"]["w"] > 0.4):

            arm_left = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                             kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"])
            diag_left = cdist(kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"],
                              kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])

            arm_angle_left = cos_angle(arm_left, shoulder_spacing, diag_left)

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["elbw_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            arm_right = cdist(kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"],
                              kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"])
            diag_right = cdist(kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"],
                               kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"])

            arm_angle_right = cos_angle(arm_right, shoulder_spacing,

        # print("Left Arm Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(arm_angle_left))
        # print("Right Arm Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(arm_angle_right))

        if (kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["ear_l"]["w"]):

            ear_eye_left = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_l"]["y"] - kps["ear_l"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["eye_l"]["x"] - kps["ear_l"]["x"])))

        if (kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["ear_r"]["w"]):

            ear_eye_right = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_r"]["y"] - kps["ear_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["ear_r"]["x"] - kps["eye_r"]["x"])))
        # print("Left E-E Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(ear_eye_left))
        # print("Right E-E Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(ear_eye_right))

        # Generate keypoint visualisation
        tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps)

        # Write jpg for local web interface
        cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, 'live_tmp.jpg'), tmpimg)
        os.replace(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, 'live_tmp.jpg'),
                   osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, 'live.jpg'))

        # Return the posture features
        data = {
            'nose_ratio': nose_ratio,
            'nose_shoulder_perp': nose_shoulder_perp,
            'eye_shldr_angle': eye_shldr_angle,
            'arm_angle_left': arm_angle_left,
            'arm_angle_right': arm_angle_right,
            'ear_eye_left': ear_eye_left,
            'ear_eye_right': ear_eye_right

        vec = np.array([
            nose_ratio, nose_shoulder_perp, eye_shldr_angle, arm_angle_left,
            arm_angle_right, ear_eye_left, ear_eye_right
        nans = np.isnan(vec)
        vec[nans] = 99

    return data, kps, vec
Beispiel #9
def test_net(tester, img):

    dump_results = []

    start_time = time.time()

    kps_result = np.zeros((cfg.num_kps, 3))

    d = {"img": img, 'bbox': [0, 0, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]]}

    trans_img, crop_info = generate_batch(d, stage='test')

    # forward
    heatmap = tester.predict_one([[trans_img]])[0]

    for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
        hm_j = heatmap[0, :, :, j]
        idx = hm_j.argmax()
        y, x = np.unravel_index(idx, hm_j.shape)

        px = int(math.floor(x + 0.5))
        py = int(math.floor(y + 0.5))
        if 1 < px < cfg.output_shape[1] - 1 and 1 < py < cfg.output_shape[
                0] - 1:
            diff = np.array([
                hm_j[py][px + 1] - hm_j[py][px - 1],
                hm_j[py + 1][px] - hm_j[py - 1][px]
            diff = np.sign(diff)
            x += diff[0] * .25
            y += diff[1] * .25
        kps_result[j, :2] = (x * cfg.input_shape[1] / cfg.output_shape[1],
                             y * cfg.input_shape[0] / cfg.output_shape[0])
        kps_result[j, 2] = hm_j.max() / 255

# map back to original images
    for j in range(cfg.num_kps):
        kps_result[j, 0] = kps_result[j, 0] / cfg.input_shape[1] * (
            crop_info[2] - crop_info[0]) + crop_info[0]
        kps_result[j, 1] = kps_result[j, 1] / cfg.input_shape[0] * (
            crop_info[3] - crop_info[1]) + crop_info[1]

    if np.any(kps_result[:, 2] > 0.9):
        tmpimg = img
        tmpimg = tmpimg.astype('uint8')

        tmpkps = np.zeros((3, cfg.num_kps))
        tmpkps[:2, :] = kps_result[:, :2].transpose(1, 0)
        tmpkps[2, :] = kps_result[:, 2]

        kps = {}
        kps["nose"] = {"x": tmpkps[0][0], "y": tmpkps[1][0], "w": tmpkps[2][0]}
        kps["eye_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][1],
            "y": tmpkps[1][1],
            "w": tmpkps[2][1]
        kps["eye_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][2],
            "y": tmpkps[1][2],
            "w": tmpkps[2][2]
        kps["ear_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][3],
            "y": tmpkps[1][3],
            "w": tmpkps[2][3]
        kps["ear_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][4],
            "y": tmpkps[1][4],
            "w": tmpkps[2][4]
        kps["shldr_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][5],
            "y": tmpkps[1][5],
            "w": tmpkps[2][5]
        kps["shldr_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][6],
            "y": tmpkps[1][6],
            "w": tmpkps[2][6]
        kps["elbw_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][7],
            "y": tmpkps[1][7],
            "w": tmpkps[2][7]
        kps["elbw_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][8],
            "y": tmpkps[1][8],
            "w": tmpkps[2][8]
        kps["wrst_l"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][9],
            "y": tmpkps[1][9],
            "w": tmpkps[2][9]
        kps["wrst_r"] = {
            "x": tmpkps[0][10],
            "y": tmpkps[1][10],
            "w": tmpkps[2][10]

        print("\nNose \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["nose"]["x"],
        print("L Eye \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["eye_l"]["x"],
        print("R Eye \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["eye_r"]["x"],
        print("L Ear \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["ear_l"]["x"],
        print("R Ear \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["ear_r"]["x"],
        print("L Shldr\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["shldr_l"]["x"],
        print("R Shldr\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["shldr_r"]["x"],
        print("L Elbw \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["elbw_l"]["x"],
        print("R Elbw \t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["elbw_r"]["x"],
        print("L Wrist\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["wrst_l"]["x"],
        print("R Wrist\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}".format(kps["wrst_r"]["x"],

        nose_ratio = 99
        nose_shoulder_perp = 99
        eye_shldr_angle = 99
        arm_angle_left = 99
        arm_angle_right = 99
        ear_eye_left = 99
        ear_eye_right = 99

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["nose"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            shoulder_mid = mid(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                               kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])
            nose_elevation = cdist(kps["nose"]["x"], kps["nose"]["y"],
                                   shoulder_mid[0], shoulder_mid[1])
            eye_spacing = cdist(kps["eye_l"]["x"], kps["eye_l"]["y"],
                                kps["eye_r"]["x"], kps["eye_r"]["y"])

            nose_ratio = nose_elevation / eye_spacing

        print("\nNose Angle Ratio\t{:.1f}".format(nose_ratio))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["nose"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            shoulder_spacing = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                                     kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])
            shoulder_nose_left = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"],
                                       kps["shldr_l"]["y"], kps["nose"]["x"],
            shoulder_nose_right = cdist(kps["shldr_r"]["x"],
                                        kps["shldr_r"]["y"], kps["nose"]["x"],

            nose_shoulder_perp = tri_height(shoulder_nose_left,
                                            shoulder_nose_right) / eye_spacing

        print("Nose Perp Angle Ratio\t{:.1f}".format(nose_shoulder_perp))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            eye_slope = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_l"]["y"] - kps["eye_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["eye_l"]["x"] - kps["eye_r"]["x"])))
            shldr_slope = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["shldr_l"]["y"] - kps["shldr_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["shldr_l"]["x"] - kps["shldr_r"]["x"])))

            eye_shldr_angle = eye_slope - shldr_slope

        print("Eye Shldr Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(eye_shldr_angle))

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["elbw_l"]["w"] > 0.4):

            arm_left = cdist(kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"],
                             kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"])
            diag_left = cdist(kps["elbw_l"]["x"], kps["elbw_l"]["y"],
                              kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"])

            arm_angle_left = cos_angle(arm_left, shoulder_spacing, diag_left)

        if (kps["shldr_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["shldr_r"]["w"] > 0.4
                and kps["elbw_r"]["w"] > 0.4):

            arm_right = cdist(kps["shldr_r"]["x"], kps["shldr_r"]["y"],
                              kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"])
            diag_right = cdist(kps["elbw_r"]["x"], kps["elbw_r"]["y"],
                               kps["shldr_l"]["x"], kps["shldr_l"]["y"])

            arm_angle_right = cos_angle(arm_right, shoulder_spacing,

        print("Left Arm Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(arm_angle_left))
        print("Right Arm Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(arm_angle_right))

        if (kps["eye_l"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["ear_l"]["w"]):

            ear_eye_left = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_l"]["y"] - kps["ear_l"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["eye_l"]["x"] - kps["ear_l"]["x"])))

        if (kps["eye_r"]["w"] > 0.4 and kps["ear_r"]["w"]):

            ear_eye_right = math.degrees(
                math.atan((kps["eye_r"]["y"] - kps["ear_r"]["y"]) /
                          (kps["ear_r"]["x"] - kps["eye_r"]["x"])))

        print("Left E-E Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(ear_eye_left))
        print("Right E-E Angle\t\t{:.1f}".format(ear_eye_right))

        tmpimg = cfg.vis_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps)
        #cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, str(img_id2) + '.jpg'), tmpimg)
        #cv2.imshow('vis', tmpimg)

        #        plt.ion()

        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        im1 = ax.imshow(tmpimg[:, :, [2, 1, 0]])
        ani = FuncAnimation(plt.gcf(), update, interval=10)
        #time.sleep(0.2) #steph
        #plt.close() #steph

#        print("(G)ood or (B)ad posture?")
#        key = ""
#        while(key != 'G' and key != 'B'):
#            print(">", end = '')
#            key = readchar.readkey().upper()
#            print(key)
#        keyword = ""
#        if(key == 'G'):
#            keyword = "good"
#        else:
#            keyword = "bad"
#        seconds = int(time.time())
#        cv2.imwrite(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, keyword + "_" + str(seconds) + '.jpg'), tmpimg)
#        df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(kps)
#        df.to_csv(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, keyword + "_" + str(seconds) + '_kp.csv'))
#        df = pd.DataFrame({'nose_ratio': nose_ratio,
#            'nose_shoulder_perp': nose_shoulder_perp,
#            'eye_shldr_angle': eye_shldr_angle,
#            'arm_angle_left': arm_angle_left,
#            'arm_angle_right': arm_angle_right,
#            'ear_eye_left': ear_eye_left,
#            'ear_eye_right': ear_eye_right}, index = [0])
#        df.to_csv(osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, keyword + "_" + str(seconds) + '_feat.csv'))

#        print("Stored!")

    return dump_results