Beispiel #1
def get_link_geo(s2k_data, nodes_instances, s2k_to_rmk_nd, 
                 get_rmk_link_props, mmbr_no):
    """ Converts the s2k links connectivity to member geometry """
    raw_strct_link_geo = {}
    links_instances = {}        # {unique height : a Links instance}
    # Organize the local axes assignment for use later
    s2k_loc_axs = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_link_lcl_axs)
    get_loc_axs = {line[cfg.link_axs] : line[cfg.angle] for line in s2k_loc_axs}
    # Organize the link connectivity for use later
    s2k_link_conn = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_link_conn)
    # Converts the member geometry (links) from s2k to rmk format
    for line in s2k_link_conn:
        # Group the members in terms of their storey or as column
        nd_k = s2k_to_rmk_nd[line[cfg.joint_i]]
        nd_l = s2k_to_rmk_nd[line[cfg.joint_j]]
        prop_no = get_rmk_link_props[line[cfg.link_conn]]
        if line[cfg.link_conn] in get_loc_axs.keys():
            # Get the local axis 2 angle if local axis 2 is rotated
            angle = int(get_loc_axs[line[cfg.link_conn]])
            angle = 0
        for height, stry_nds_inst in nodes_instances.items():
            # Find which storey joints i and j belongs to
            stry_ndl_data = stry_nds_inst.stry_data
            if nd_k in stry_ndl_data.keys():
                if height not in links_instances.keys():
                    # Self update the StoreyBeams instances container
                    links_instances.update({height : Links(height)})
                    # Set the member data of this beam member
                if nd_l not in stry_ndl_data.keys():
                                   prop_no, angle, nd_k, stry_ndl_data[nd_k], nd_l, 
                                   prop_no, angle, nd_k, stry_ndl_data[nd_k], nd_l, 
    # Generate the rmk_link_geo and updates mmbr_no
    for stry_link_inst in links_instances.values():
        mmbr_no = stry_link_inst.refine_mmbr_data(mmbr_no)
    return raw_strct_link_geo, mmbr_no, links_instances
def convert(s2k_data):
    Converts the s2k joint coordinates to rmk nodal definitions. This is the 
    main function of this module which executes the other functions.
    nodes_instances = {}  # {unique height : a StoreyNodes instance}

    raw_strct_ndl_pnt = {}  # {s2k joint ID : storey rmk_ndl_pnt}
    stry_data = {}  # {rmk node no. : {x-coord, y-coord, z-coord}}

    # Organize the joint restraints for use later
    s2k_jnt_rstrt = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_joint_restraint)
    jnts_to_rstrt = {line[cfg.jnt_rstrt]: line for line in s2k_jnt_rstrt}

    # Organize the joint coordinates for use later
    s2k_jnt_coords = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_joint_coordinates)

    # {joint vertical position : corresponding s2k_jnt_coords line}
    rfd_jnt = {}

    for line in s2k_jnt_coords:
        # Group the joints in terms of their vertical position
        rfd_jnt = entry_cnstrt_sorter(rfd_jnt, line[cfg.z], line)

        # Obtain the unique heights of every joints
    unq_heights = list(rfd_jnt.keys())

    # Set the node no. and node coords
    for height in unq_heights:
        # Create an instance of StoreyNodes to service each unique height
        nodes_instances.update({height: StoreyNodes(height)})
        raw_strct_ndl_pnt, stry_data = nodes_instances[height].set_nd_coords(
            raw_strct_ndl_pnt, stry_data, rfd_jnt[height], jnts_to_rstrt,
            (2 * len(unq_heights) - 2))

    # Apply rigid diaphragm effect and body constraints
    raw_strct_ndl_pnt, weight_instances = constrainer(s2k_data,

    # Create a printable outputs in rmk format for raw_strct_ndl_pnt
    rmk_ndl_pnt_txt = txt_format(raw_strct_ndl_pnt)

    return rmk_ndl_pnt_txt, nodes_instances, weight_instances
def get_link_mmbr_props(s2k_data, raw_strct_mmbr_props):
    """ Converts the s2k 1-joint link sections to rmk member properties. """
    get_rmk_link_props = {}  # {s2k link_1 no. : rmk props no.}

    # Organize the link section assignment for use later
    s2k_sec_ass = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_link_prop)

    for line in s2k_sec_ass:
        link_no = line[]
        prop_no = len(raw_strct_mmbr_props) + 1
        sec_id = line[cfg.prop_link].strip('"')

        rmk_line_1 = {
            'N': prop_no,
            'MYTYPE': 'SPRING',
            'LABEL': '"{}"'.format(sec_id)
        rmk_line_2 = {
            'ITYPE': 1,
            'IHYST': 0,
            'ILOS': 0,
            'IDAMG': 0,
            'INCOND': 0,
            'ITRUSS': 0,
            'SL': 0,
            'Y0': 0,
            'Z0': 0,
            'ISTOP': 0
        rmk_line_3 = {
            'K1': 0,
            'K2': 0,
            'K3': 0,
            'K4': 0,
            'K5': 0,
            'K6': 0,
            'WGT': 0,
            'RF': 0,
            'RT': 0

        if rmk_line_1['LABEL'] not in raw_strct_mmbr_props.keys():
                {rmk_line_1['LABEL']: [rmk_line_1, rmk_line_2, rmk_line_3]})
            prop_no = raw_strct_mmbr_props[rmk_line_1['LABEL']][0]['N']

        get_rmk_link_props.update({link_no: prop_no})

    return raw_strct_mmbr_props, get_rmk_link_props
    def get_partial_fixity(self):
        txt_form = '{0}\t\t\t\t\t{1}\t{2}\t\t\t\t\t{3}\t{4}'.format(
            self.frame_id, self.M2I, self.M3I, self.M2J, self.M3J)

        return txt_form

s2k_file_path = 'Apartment Building Model - 25d.s2k'

# Get the raw s2k file (s2k_raw) and its associated table of contents
with open(s2k_file_path, 'r') as s2k_file:
    s2k_data = get_s2k_data(s2k_file)

# Frame ID -> Length
s2k_frm_conn = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_frame_conn)
get_frm_len = {line[cfg.frame_conn]: line[cfg.length] for line in s2k_frm_conn}

# Section name -> I33
s2k_sec_def = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_frame_sec_def)
get_sec_I33 = {}
get_sec_I22 = {}
for line in s2k_sec_def:
    get_sec_I33.update({line[cfg.sec_name]: line[cfg.sec_Izz]})
    get_sec_I22.update({line[cfg.sec_name]: line[cfg.sec_Iyy]})

# Frame ID -> section name
s2k_sec_ass = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_frame_sec_ass)
get_sec_name = {
    line[cfg.frame_sec]: line[cfg.sect_name]
    for line in s2k_sec_ass
def get_frm_mmbr_props(s2k_data, raw_strct_mmbr_props):
    """ Converts the s2k frame sections to rmk member properties. """
    get_rmk_frm_props = {}  # {s2k frame no. : rmk props no.}

    # Organize the material mechanical properties
    s2k_mat_mech = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_mat_mech)
    get_mat_mech = {
        line[cfg.material]: {
            'E': line[cfg.E],
            'G': line[cfg.G]
        for line in s2k_mat_mech if {cfg.E, cfg.G}.issubset(line.keys())

    # Organize the frame section definition for use later
    s2k_sec_def = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_frame_sec_def)
    get_sec_def_data = {line[cfg.sec_name]: line for line in s2k_sec_def}

    # Organize the frame section assignment for use later
    s2k_sec_ass = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_frame_sec_ass)

    # Organize the frame release assignment for use later
    s2k_frm_rel = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_frame_release)
    get_frm_rel = {line[cfg.frame_rel]: line for line in s2k_frm_rel}

    # Organize the frame partial fixity assignment for use later
    s2k_part_fix = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_partial_fix)
    get_part_fix = {line[cfg.frame_rel]: line for line in s2k_part_fix}

    # Organize the frame offset assignment for use later
    s2k_frm_off = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_frame_offset)
    get_frm_off = {
        line[cfg.frame_off]: line
        for line in s2k_frm_off if {cfg.off_y, cfg.off_z}.issubset(line.keys())

    for line in s2k_sec_ass:
        frm_no = line[cfg.frame_sec]
        prop_no = len(raw_strct_mmbr_props) + 1
        sec_id = line[cfg.sect_name].strip('"')

        sec_def_data = get_sec_def_data[line[cfg.sect_name]]
        mat_id = sec_def_data[cfg.sec_material]

        rmk_line_1 = {
            'N': prop_no,
            'MYTYPE': 'FRAME',
            'LABEL': '"{}'.format(sec_id)
        rmk_line_2 = {
            'ITYPE': 1,
            'IPINZ': 0,
            'IPINY': 0,
            'ICOND': 0,
            'IHYST': 0,
            'ILOS': 0,
            'IDAMG': 0,
            'IGA': 0,
            'IDUCT': 0
        rmk_line_3 = {
            'E': get_mat_mech[mat_id]['E'],
            'G': get_mat_mech[mat_id]['G'],
            'A': sec_def_data[cfg.sec_area],
            'Jxx': sec_def_data[cfg.sec_Jxx],
            'Izz': sec_def_data[cfg.sec_Izz],
            'Iyy': sec_def_data[cfg.sec_Iyy],
            'Asz': sec_def_data[cfg.sec_Asz],
            'Asy': sec_def_data[cfg.sec_Asy],
            'Sy': 0,
            'Sz': 0,
            'WGT': 0
        rmk_line_4 = {
            'END1z': 0,
            'END2z': 0,
            'END1y': 0,
            'END2y': 0,
            'FJ1z': 0,
            'FJ2z': 0,
            'FJ1y': 0,
            'FJ2y': 0,
            'Y0': 0,
            'Z0': 0

        if frm_no in get_part_fix.keys():
            part_fix_line = get_part_fix[frm_no]
            rmk_line_4, add_sec_id = process_part_fix(part_fix_line,
            rmk_line_1['LABEL'] += add_sec_id
        elif frm_no in get_frm_rel.keys():
            frm_rel_line = get_frm_rel[frm_no]
            rmk_line_2, add_sec_id = process_frm_release(
                frm_rel_line, rmk_line_2)
            rmk_line_1['LABEL'] += add_sec_id

        if frm_no in get_frm_off.keys():
            frm_off_line = get_frm_off[frm_no]

            rmk_line_4, add_sec_id = process_frm_offset(
                frm_off_line, rmk_line_4)
            rmk_line_1['LABEL'] += add_sec_id

        rmk_line_1['LABEL'] += '"'

        if rmk_line_1['LABEL'] not in raw_strct_mmbr_props.keys():
                [rmk_line_1, rmk_line_2, rmk_line_3, rmk_line_4]
            prop_no = raw_strct_mmbr_props[rmk_line_1['LABEL']][0]['N']

        get_rmk_frm_props.update({frm_no: prop_no})

    return raw_strct_mmbr_props, get_rmk_frm_props
def constrainer(s2k_data, raw_strct_ndl_pnt, stry_data):
    """ This function produces the constraint data (body constraint and rigid 
    diaphragm constrain) for all the nodes in raw_strct_ndl_pnt. It then updates 
    the boundary_cnstrt code for all DoFs and master node no. of raw_strct_ndl_pnt. """
    # Organize the joint to be constrained and constraint definitions  for use later
    s2k_jnt_cnstrt = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_joint_constraint)
    s2k_cnstrt_def = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_constraint_definitions)

    # {constraint title : [[joints to constraint], {constraint data}]}
    rfd_body = {}
    # {constraint title : [joints to constraint]}
    rfd_diaph = {}

    for line in s2k_jnt_cnstrt:
        # Separate values for rfd_body and rfd_diaph from s2k_jnt_cnstrt
        if line[cfg.typ] == cfg.body:
            rfd_body = entry_cnstrt_sorter(rfd_body, line[cfg.cnstrt],
        elif line[cfg.typ] == cfg.diaph:
            rfd_diaph = entry_cnstrt_sorter(rfd_diaph, line[cfg.cnstrt],

    for line in s2k_cnstrt_def:
        # Append the constraint data from s2k_cnstrt_def to rfd_body
        except KeyError:

        # Get the centre of mass and assign it as the master node of the
        # diaphragm constraint
    weight_instances, raw_strct_ndl_pnt, get_com = lumped_weights.get_com(
        s2k_data, rfd_diaph, stry_data, raw_strct_ndl_pnt)

    # Apply the rigid diaphragm constraints and update the raw_strct_ndl_pnt
    for diaph_id, group in rfd_diaph.items():
        # Iterate through rfd_diaph.values()
        mstr_nd = get_com[diaph_id]

        for jnt_id in group:
            # Set rigid diaphragm
            raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N1'] = 2
            raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N3'] = 2
            raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N5'] = 2
            raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['KUP1'] = mstr_nd

    # Apply the body constraints and update the raw_strct_ndl_pnt
    for group in rfd_body.values():
        # Iterate through rfd_body.values()
        ordered_nodes = list(map(int, group[0:-1]))
        ordered_nodes = list(map(str, ordered_nodes))
        mstr_nd = ordered_nodes[
            0]  # Master node is the first entry_cnstrt (random)
        # of the rfd_body.values() list
        cnstrt_def = group[-1]

        for jnt_id in ordered_nodes[1:]:
            # Constraint the DoFs of a node based on the s2k definition
            master_1 = []
            if cnstrt_def[cfg.ux_cnstrt] == cfg.yes:
                raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N1'] = 3


            if cnstrt_def[cfg.uz_cnstrt] == cfg.yes:
                raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N2'] = 3


            if cnstrt_def[cfg.uy_cnstrt] == cfg.yes:
                raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N3'] = 3
                # NOTE: Ruaumoko swaps the y-axis and z-axis


            if cnstrt_def[cfg.rx_cnstrt] == cfg.yes:
                raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N4'] = 3


            if cnstrt_def[cfg.rz_cnstrt] == cfg.yes:
                raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N5'] = 3


            if cnstrt_def[cfg.ry_cnstrt] == cfg.yes:
                raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N6'] = 3
                # NOTE: Ruaumoko swaps the y-axis and z-axis


            if 2 not in master_1:
                # If all the DoFs are slaved to a node, then change the 3 to 2
                if raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N1'] == 3:
                    raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N1'] -= 1

                if raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N2'] == 3:
                    raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N2'] -= 1

                if raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N3'] == 3:
                    raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N3'] -= 1

                if raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N4'] == 3:
                    raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N4'] -= 1

                if raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N5'] == 3:
                    raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N5'] -= 1

                if raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N6'] == 3:
                    raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['N6'] -= 1

                raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['KUP1'] = (
                raw_strct_ndl_pnt[jnt_id]['KUP2'] = (

    return raw_strct_ndl_pnt, weight_instances
Beispiel #7
def get_beam_col_geo(s2k_data, nodes_instances, s2k_to_rmk_nd, 
                     get_rmk_frm_props, mmbr_no):
    """ Converts the s2k frames connectivity to beams and columns geometry """
    raw_strct_beam_col_geo = {}
    beams_instances = {}        # {unique height : a StoreyBeams instance}
    cols_instances = {}         # {unique coords : a Columns instance}
    # Organize the local axes assignment for use later
    s2k_loc_axs = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_frm_lcl_axs)
    get_loc_axs = {line[cfg.frame_axs] : line[cfg.angle] for line in s2k_loc_axs}
    # Organize the frame connectivity for use later
    s2k_frm_conn = data_retriever(s2k_data, cfg.title_frame_conn)
    # Converts the member geometry (beams and columns) from s2k to rmk format
    for line in s2k_frm_conn:
        # Group the members in terms of their storey or as column
        nd_k = s2k_to_rmk_nd[line[cfg.joint_i]]     # Joint i (origin)
        nd_l = s2k_to_rmk_nd[line[cfg.joint_j]]     # Joint j
        prop_no = get_rmk_frm_props[line[cfg.frame_conn]]
        if line[cfg.frame_conn] in get_loc_axs.keys():
            # Get the local axis 2 angle if local axis 2 is rotated
            angle = int(get_loc_axs[line[cfg.frame_conn]])
            angle = 0
        for height, stry_nds_inst in nodes_instances.items():
            # Find which storey joints i and j belongs to
            stry_ndl_data = stry_nds_inst.stry_data
            if nd_k in stry_ndl_data.keys() and nd_l in stry_ndl_data.keys():
                # Following lines deal with beam members
                if height not in beams_instances.keys():
                    # Self update the StoreyBeams instances container
                    beams_instances.update({height : StoreyBeams(height)})
                    # Set the member data of this beam member
                              prop_no, angle, nd_k, stry_ndl_data[nd_k], nd_l, 
            elif nd_k in stry_ndl_data.keys():
                # Following lines deal with column members
                    # Get horizontal coords of the column: (x,z)
                col_coords = (stry_ndl_data[nd_k]['X'], stry_ndl_data[nd_k]['Z'])
                if col_coords not in cols_instances.keys():
                    # Self update the Columns instance container
                    cols_instances.update({col_coords : Columns(col_coords)})
                    # Set the member data of this column member
                             prop_no, angle, nd_k, nd_l, height)
    # Generate the rmk_beam_geo and updates mmbr_no
    for stry_beam_inst in beams_instances.values():
        mmbr_no = stry_beam_inst.refine_mmbr_data(mmbr_no)
    # Generate the rmk_col_geo and updates mmbr_no
    for col_inst in cols_instances.values():
        mmbr_no = col_inst.refine_mmbr_data(mmbr_no)
    return raw_strct_beam_col_geo, mmbr_no, beams_instances, cols_instances