Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self): = config.get_host()
        self.port = config.get_port()
        self.username = config.get_username()
        self.password = config.get_password(, self.port, self.username)
        self.remember = True

        if all((, self.port, self.username, self.password)):
            if connect(, self.port, self.username, self.password):


        if is not None:

        if self.port is not None:

        if self.username is not None:

        if self.password is not None:

Beispiel #2
def create_connection():
    cluster = MongoClient('mongodb+srv://' + get_username() + ':' +
                          get_password() + '' +
                          get_db_name() + '?retryWrites=true&w=majority')
    db = cluster.CleanData
    col = db.tradeCandlesticks
    return col
Beispiel #3
def nav_login_page(driver):
    :param driver: selenium driver already setup and set to Sporcle website

    Procedure navagates home sporcle page and logs in using the login javascript
    frame. Should end on home page and logged in.
    #get login information from config class
    user_email = config.get_username()
    user_password = config.get_password()

    #HTML constants for element id/class names
    login_btn_id = "user-not-logged-in"
    username_c_name = "usernameInput"
    password_c_name = "passwordInput"
    submit_btn_c_name = "log-in-button"

    #click login button to open new frame to login

    #wait until login frame has loaded
    WebDriverWait(driver, 30).until(
        EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, username_c_name)))

    #enter login information and submit login
    submit = driver.find_element_by_class_name(submit_btn_c_name)

    #submits and loads new page
Beispiel #4
def get_sp_api():
    username = config.get_username()
    token = util.prompt_for_user_token(
    return spotipy.Spotify(auth=token)
Beispiel #5
def mega_upload_files(root, files, dest=None):
    mega = Mega()
    m = mega.login(config.get_username(), config.get_password())

    for filename in files:
        current = os.path.join(root, filename)
        print("Uploading: " + str(current))
        uploaded = m.upload(current)

        if dest != None:
            fileRef = m.find(filename)
            folder = m.find(dest)
            m.move(fileRef[0], folder)
Beispiel #6
from watson_developer_cloud import PersonalityInsightsV3
from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, request
import config

# Flask初期設定
app = Flask(__name__)

# Twitter API 初期設定
CK = config.get_consumer_key()
CS = config.get_consumer_secret()
AT = config.get_access_token()
AS = config.get_access_secret()
twitter = Twitter(auth=OAuth(AT, AS, CK, CS))

# Watson Personality Insights API 初期設定
UN = config.get_username()
PS = config.get_password()
personality_insights = PersonalityInsightsV3(version='2017-10-13',

# json一時ファイル格納場所
json_folder = join(dirname(abspath('__file__')), 'tmp/')
if not exists(json_folder):

# jsonファイル名を返す
def get_file_name(type, user_name):
    if type == 'tw':
        return 'tweets-' + user_name + '.json'
Beispiel #7
def mega_file_listing(where=None):
    mega = Mega()
    m = mega.login(config.get_username(), config.get_password())
    files = m.get_files()


    h: The ID of the node ;
    p: The ID of the parent node (directory) ;
    u: The owner of the node ;
    t: The type of the node:
        0: File
        1: Directory
        2: Special node: Root ("Cloud Drive")
        3: Special node: Inbox
        4: Special node: Trash Bin
    a: The attributes of the node. Currently only contains its name.
    k: The key of the node (used to encrypt its content and its attributes) ;
    s: The size of the node ;
    ts: The time of the last modification of the node.

    # Example of how the output of Mega looks like using
    files = {
    u'fU8iHSqb': {u'a': {u'n': u'20130504-timelapse.mpg'}, u'h': u'fU8iHSqb', u'k': (89707223, 161142552, 573402337L, 1470622432L), u'ts': 1370116008, 'iv': (415650236, 706183423, 0, 0), u'p': u'OVV1jSKJ', u's': 2351010, 'meta_mac': (2158143175L, 4255881983L), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (496927595, 596465639, 2727332390L, 2852941855L, 415650236, 706183423, 2158143175L, 4255881983L)}, 
    u'Kc91ADhR': {u'a': {u'n': u'Fraggle'}, u'h': u'Kc91ADhR', u'k': (502465564, 1834626310, 1381829007, 76144220), u'ts': 1369248504, u'p': u'uBUzRayb', u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 1, 'key': (502465564, 1834626310, 1381829007, 76144220)}, 
    u'DB8QBbDY': {u'a': {'n': 'Rubbish Bin'}, u'h': u'DB8QBbDY', u'k': u'', u'ts': 1361396027, u'p': u'', u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 4}, 
    u'GYky1L7I': {u'a': {u'n': u'nop'}, u'h': u'GYky1L7I', u'k': (1062046627, 1804392549, 144264946, 7166313), u'ts': 1369248720, u'p': u'uBUzRayb', u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 1, 'key': (1062046627, 1804392549, 144264946, 7166313)}, 
    u'uA0WwDDC': {u'a': {u'n': u'FR1X09.avi'}, u'h': u'uA0WwDDC', u'k': (1419330019, 761322817, 2094550110L, 230172585L), u'ts': 1370113885, 'iv': (769934036, 1468969908, 0, 0), u'p': u'Kc91ADhR', u's': 266778624, 'meta_mac': (2710469947L, 2279034223L), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (2038235959, 2062446325, 3713413477L, 2322557638L, 769934036, 1468969908, 2710469947L, 2279034223L)}, 
    u'LZ0wkRiL': {u'a': {u'n': u'FR1X04.avi'}, u'h': u'LZ0wkRiL', u'k': (673266462, 1332906007, 1031887772L, 2010887260L), u'ts': 1369254134, 'iv': (1641340076, 154211803, 0, 0), u'p': u'Kc91ADhR', u's': 279056384, 'meta_mac': (4128886324L, 3650644366L), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (1240852402, 1178836428, 3415774632L, 2923683282L, 1641340076, 154211803, 4128886324L, 3650644366L)}, 
    u'uBUzRayb': {u'a': {'n': 'Cloud Drive'}, u'h': u'uBUzRayb', u'k': u'', u'ts': 1361396027, u'p': u'', u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 2}, 
    u'XQkWzCzD': {u'a': {u'n': u'FR1X03.avi'}, u'h': u'XQkWzCzD', u'k': (1822030122, 1461683990, 104100297, 171436116L), u'ts': 1369251984, 'iv': (739456022, 1878020475, 0, 0), u'p': u'Kc91ADhR', u's': 281018368, 'meta_mac': (172116505, 3745444068L), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (1082838332, 955242093, 209075152, 3574143152L, 739456022, 1878020475, 172116505, 3745444068L)}, 
    u'6ZtkhaQD': {u'a': {u'n': u'20130505-timelapse.mpg'}, u'h': u'6ZtkhaQD', u'k': (1828039708, 1316190495, 1207177820L, 407323452), u'ts': 1370116209, 'iv': (967685081, 75438788, 0, 0), u'p': u'OVV1jSKJ', u's': 9489254, 'meta_mac': (4200315324L, 1578827400), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (1431838661, 1242325979, 3182406624L, 1180548532, 967685081, 75438788, 4200315324L, 1578827400)}, 
    u'bMdEhZ5Q': {u'a': {'n': 'Inbox'}, u'h': u'bMdEhZ5Q', u'k': u'', u'ts': 1361396027, u'p': u'', u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 3}, 
    u'jVlyVIqb': {u'a': {u'n': u'FR1X05.avi'}, u'h': u'jVlyVIqb', u'k': (112256182, 218491874, 982809646, 1581866576), u'ts': 1369255313, 'iv': (1723776206, 1447320173, 0, 0), u'p': u'Kc91ADhR', u's': 281335808, 'meta_mac': (889945617, 2012844929), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (1611552888, 1531031951, 262079039, 699452881, 1723776206, 1447320173, 889945617, 2012844929)}, 
    u'nEtiSDbb': {u'a': {u'n': u'FR1X07.avi'}, u'h': u'nEtiSDbb', u'k': (225167755, 1671501548, 591928764, 63089283), u'ts': 1370111321, 'iv': (1300145638, 2013187368, 0, 0), u'p': u'Kc91ADhR', u's': 281380864, 'meta_mac': (979318925, 1617691340), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (1075145837, 341826500, 420947249, 1672390735, 1300145638, 2013187368, 979318925, 1617691340)}, 
    u'XA0CmS5R': {u'a': {u'n': u'FR1X06.avi'}, u'h': u'XA0CmS5R', u'k': (1811000465, 757679140, 1277418342L, 1150075587L), u'ts': 1370110241, 'iv': (1120378468, 1265751793, 0, 0), u'p': u'Kc91ADhR', u's': 281528320, 'meta_mac': (3583748394L, 3453581643L), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (691417845, 1717080789, 2579001932L, 2304097160L, 1120378468, 1265751793, 3583748394L, 3453581643L)}, 
    u'nNV3wb6L': {u'a': {u'n': u'FR1X08.avi'}, u'h': u'nNV3wb6L', u'k': (857321979, 113754691, 550525577L, 2005802334), u'ts': 1370112438, 'iv': (2091818972, 474711454, 0, 0), u'p': u'Kc91ADhR', u's': 280852480, 'meta_mac': (3944887044L, 997593366), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (1337404967, 445401053, 3421661581L, 1291324488, 2091818972, 474711454, 3944887044L, 997593366)}, 
    u'bRlQGKaa': {u'a': {u'n': u'FR1X02.avi'}, u'h': u'bRlQGKaa', u'k': (1834413953, 323343779, 1972206936L, 926199209), u'ts': 1369250867, 'iv': (1923007029, 226044668, 0, 0), u'p': u'Kc91ADhR', u's': 278165504, 'meta_mac': (3813458802L, 2051077149), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (533212596, 507314015, 2529279530L, 1299470772, 1923007029, 226044668, 3813458802L, 2051077149)}, 
    u'OIcyBYBI': {u'a': {u'n': u'20130506-timelapse.mpg'}, u'h': u'OIcyBYBI', u'k': (1803067817, 1556254904, 1135565474L, 1855076844), u'ts': 1370116238, 'iv': (7431726, 229302727, 0, 0), u'p': u'OVV1jSKJ', u's': 8058367, 'meta_mac': (2271367677L, 1318499050), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (1795803015, 1365799295, 3301772127L, 537168646, 7431726, 229302727, 2271367677L, 1318499050)}, 
    u'3FlxEKjb': {u'a': {u'n': u'FR1X01.avi'}, u'h': u'3FlxEKjb', u'k': (1928705133, 1361926709, 871495869L, 2008746031), u'ts': 1369249819, 'iv': (1906187233, 153356539, 0, 0), u'p': u'Kc91ADhR', u's': 283379712, 'meta_mac': (2759251385L, 2095529633), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (57388940, 1477006030, 2542218500L, 190592654, 1906187233, 153356539, 2759251385L, 2095529633)}, 
    u'OVV1jSKJ': {u'a': {u'n': u'timelapse'}, u'h': u'OVV1jSKJ', u'k': (1075652685, 899584718, 471199899, 32827924), u'ts': 1370115910, u'p': u'uBUzRayb', u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 1, 'key': (1075652685, 899584718, 471199899, 32827924)}, 
    u'CBEHyJQC': {u'a': {u'n': u'FR1X10.avi'}, u'h': u'CBEHyJQC', u'k': (1095843221, 846021889, 1205770022L, 1642369272), u'ts': 1370115188, 'iv': (1137674974, 26639331, 0, 0), u'p': u'Kc91ADhR', u's': 266668032, 'meta_mac': (2177042245L, 418704470), u'u': u'BVs8yisX5G4', u't': 0, 'key': (43956043, 872103650, 3323826275L, 2031123630, 1137674974, 26639331, 2177042245L, 418704470)}

    listing = []

    directoryDict = {}
    # Get directories
    for index in files:
        currentFile = files[index]
            filename = currentFile['a']['n']
            directory = currentFile['t']
            current = currentFile['h']
            if directory != int(1): # Save only directories
                #print("SAVING " + str(filename) + " in dict " + str(current))
                directoryDict[current] = filename

    for index in files:
        currentFile = files[index]

        parent = currentFile['p']
        current = currentFile['h']
        filename = currentFile['a']['n']

        #print("PARENT ID: " + str(parent))
        #print("CURRENT ID: " + str(current))

            if where == None:
                listing.append(str(directoryDict[parent]) + "/" + str(filename))
                if directoryDict[parent] == where:

    return listing