def process_location_wise_dataframe(folder_path_where_location_data_is_saved): for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path_where_location_data_is_saved): if file_name == '.DS_Store': continue else: location_name = file_name[:len(file_name) - 4] location_file_path = r'{}/{}'.format( folder_path_where_location_data_is_saved, file_name) location_df = pd.read_csv(location_file_path, index_col=0) location_df = location_df.sort_values(['day', 'timestamp_new'], ascending=[True, True]) for day in range(1, 51): print(day) location_time_list = list( location_df['timestamp'][location_df['day'] == day]) for time in config.timestamp_range: if time in location_time_list: continue else: row = { 'geohash6': location_name, 'day': day, 'timestamp': time, 'demand': 0, 'timestamp_new': config.timestamp(time) } location_df = location_df.append(row, ignore_index=True) print(location_df.shape) break
def merge_raw_feed_json_files_to_daily_feed_json(): timestamp_now = config.timestamp() timestamp_minus_24hrs = timestamp_now - 24 * 60 * 60 raw_feed_json_file_list = os.listdir(config.JSON_RAW_FEED_DIRECTORY_PATH) raw_feed_connectivity_check_list = [] raw_feed_modem_status_list = [] for file in raw_feed_json_file_list: file_timestamp = int(file[file.rfind("-") + 1:file.find(".")]) if file_timestamp < timestamp_minus_24hrs: if len(file) == 34: raw_feed_connectivity_check_list.append( config.JSON_RAW_FEED_DIRECTORY_PATH + "/" + file) elif len(file) == 28: raw_feed_modem_status_list.append( config.JSON_RAW_FEED_DIRECTORY_PATH + "/" + file) connectivity_check_daily_feed_filename = "connectivity-check-daily-feed-" + str( timestamp_minus_24hrs) + ".json" merge_files(raw_feed_connectivity_check_list, connectivity_check_daily_feed_filename, config.JSON_DAILY_FEED_DIRECTORY_PATH + "/pending") modem_status_daily_feed_filename = "modem_status-daily-feed-" + str( timestamp_minus_24hrs) + ".json" merge_files(raw_feed_modem_status_list, modem_status_daily_feed_filename, config.JSON_DAILY_FEED_DIRECTORY_PATH + "/pending")
def do_update(hdu_list, key, force): suffix = "_ONOFF" if not SILENT: print "Updating key:", key + suffix, "in", hdu_list.filename() if not force and key + suffix in hdu_list[skip].header: print key + suffix + " keyword found in filament header..." if "y" not in raw_input("Overwrite? ([no]/yes): "): return hdu_list, key if key in config.source_data: correlation_data = config.source_data[key] else: raise KeyError("No source_data for key: " + key + " in config.source_data") # print key, key+suffix, correlation_data.shape N = len(hdu_list) for i, hdu in enumerate(hdu_list[skip:]): rht.update_progress(float(i / N), message=key + suffix + ": " + str(i)) hdr = hdu.header if ( not force and (key + suffix + "_AVG" in hdr) and (key + suffix + "_MED" in hdr) and (key + suffix + "_TOT" in hdr) and (key + suffix in hdr) ): continue ONMASK, OFFMASK, LL, UR = config.Cloud.on_and_off_masks_from_HDU( hdu, transpose=True, shape=correlation_data.shape ) # mask_slice = np.s_[hdr['MIN_Y']:hdr['MAX_Y']+1, hdr['MIN_X']:hdr['MAX_X']+1] mask_slice = np.s_[LL[1] : UR[1] + 1, LL[0] : UR[0] + 1] inset = correlation_data[mask_slice] on_nonzero = np.nonzero(ONMASK) off_nonzero = np.nonzero(OFFMASK) on_avg = np.nanmean(inset[on_nonzero]) off_avg = np.nanmean(inset[off_nonzero]) on_med = scipy.stats.nanmedian(inset[on_nonzero]) off_med = scipy.stats.nanmedian(inset[off_nonzero]) hdr[key + suffix + "_AVG"] = float(on_avg - off_avg) hdr[key + suffix + "_MED"] = float(on_med - off_med) hdr[key + suffix + "_TOT"] = hdr[key + suffix + "_AVG"] * hdr["LITPIX"] hdr[key + suffix] = config.timestamp() hdu_list.flush() rht.update_progress(1.0) return
def process_timestamp(df): string_timestamp_list = df.loc[:, 'timestamp'] datetime_timestamp_list = list() for i in range(0, len(string_timestamp_list)): if i % 100 == 0: print(i) datetime_timestamp_list.append( config.timestamp(string_timestamp_list[i])) datetime_timestamp_series = pd.Series(datetime_timestamp_list) df['timestamp_new'] = datetime_timestamp_series # storing the new dataframe df.to_csv(r'{}/training_new.csv'.format(os.getcwd()), index=False) return True
def c_out(signum, frame): # print signum, frame print "\n\n\nstopping",timestamp(),"\n\n" filler.stopLoop() tm.stopLoop() filler.join() tm.join() myexit.exitme() print "\n\n########## stopped ##########" myThreads = threading.enumerate() print str(tm._threadCounter(myThreads)) print "##########" # print str(myThreads) print "\n\nit may take some time to completely exit all threads"
def run_pbs(self): import pbs_utils import paramiko tarball_name = '%s_%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, config.timestamp()) pbs_body = """ #!/bin/sh #PBS -N %s #PBS -M [email protected] #PBS -q psi #PBS -e localhost:/dev/null #PBS -o localhost:/dev/null cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR exec &> pbs.log . %s/bin/activate ./ --pbs False """ % (tarball_name, config.pbs_virtualenv) with open('', 'w') as pbs_f: print >> pbs_f, pbs_body tarball_dest = os.path.join(config.root, '..', '%s.tar.gz' % tarball_name) pbs_utils.make_tarball( config.root, tarball_dest, ignore=[config.experiments_dir_name, config.latest_link_file_name]) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() if config.pbs_ssh_promiscuous: ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(config.pbs_host, username=config.pbs_user) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() remote_tarball_dest = os.path.join(config.pbs_work_dir, '%s.tar.gz' % tarball_name) remote_root = os.path.join(config.pbs_work_dir, tarball_name) sftp.put(tarball_dest, remote_tarball_dest) commands = [ 'cd %s' % config.pbs_work_dir, 'tar xzf %s' % remote_tarball_dest, 'cd %s' % remote_root, 'qsub' ] ssh.exec_command('; '.join(commands))
def run_pbs(self): import pbs_utils import paramiko tarball_name = '%s_%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, config.timestamp()) pbs_body = """ #!/bin/sh #PBS -N %s #PBS -M [email protected] #PBS -q psi #PBS -e localhost:/dev/null #PBS -o localhost:/dev/null cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR exec &> pbs.log . %s/bin/activate ./ --pbs False """ % (tarball_name, config.pbs_virtualenv) with open('', 'w') as pbs_f: print >>pbs_f, pbs_body tarball_dest = os.path.join(config.root, '..', '%s.tar.gz' % tarball_name) pbs_utils.make_tarball(config.root, tarball_dest, ignore=[config.experiments_dir_name, config.latest_link_file_name]) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() if config.pbs_ssh_promiscuous: ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(config.pbs_host, username=config.pbs_user) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() remote_tarball_dest = os.path.join(config.pbs_work_dir, '%s.tar.gz' % tarball_name) remote_root = os.path.join(config.pbs_work_dir, tarball_name) sftp.put(tarball_dest, remote_tarball_dest) commands = ['cd %s' % config.pbs_work_dir, 'tar xzf %s' % remote_tarball_dest, 'cd %s' % remote_root, 'qsub'] ssh.exec_command('; '.join(commands))
def do_update(hdu_list, key, correlation_data, force): if not SILENT: print "Updating key:", key, "in", hdu_list.filename() if not force and (key == "" or key in hdu_list[skip].header): print key + " keyword found in filament header..." if "y" not in raw_input("Overwrite? ([no]/yes): "): return hdu_list, key # correlation_data can be None if and only if the functions you will call expect Cloud objects # else, it must correspond to a source_data and applicable_methods entry if correlation_data is None: if key in config.source_data: correlation_data = config.source_data[key] else: raise KeyError("No source_data for key: " + key + " in config.source_data") if key not in config.applicable_methods: raise KeyError("No applicable_methods for key: " + key + " in config.applicable_methods") # for i, hdu in enumerate(hdu_list[skip:]): for hdu in hdu_list[skip:]: hdr = hdu.header if correlation_data is not None: # Assumes correlation_data can be indexed into using ndarray notation [LowerLeft to UpperRight+1] # Assumes config.Cloud.nonzero_data_from_HDU will return the pixel coords offset properly for the above masked region # Assumes func can take this weird ndarray view as input and return a scalar value for suffix in config.applicable_methods[key]: func = config.methods[suffix] hdr[key + suffix] = func( correlation_data[hdr["MIN_Y"] : hdr["MAX_Y"] + 1, hdr["MIN_X"] : hdr["MAX_X"] + 1][ config.Cloud.nonzero_data_from_HDU(hdu, transpose=True) ] ) hdr[key] = config.timestamp() else: # Assumes all func require a config.Cloud object to work tempCloud = config.Cloud(hdu) for suffix in config.applicable_methods[key]: func = config.Cloud.functions[suffix][0] hdr[key + suffix] = func(tempCloud) hdu_list.flush() threads=ConfigSectionMap(myconfig, 'Threadmanagement') mysql=ConfigSectionMap(myconfig, 'MySQL') # paths=ConfigSectionMap(myconfig, 'paths') # threads['timestamp'] THREAD_LIMIT = int(stripQuotes(threads['threadlimit'])) m_intervall = float(stripQuotes(threads['monitor_intervall'])) tm_intervall = float(stripQuotes(threads['threadmanager_intervall'])) filler_intervall = float(stripQuotes(threads['queuefiller_intervall'])) tm_threshold = int(stripQuotes(threads['queuelength_threshold'])) db = PySQLPool.getNewConnection(username=stripQuotes(mysql['db_username']), password=stripQuotes(mysql['db_password']), host=stripQuotes(mysql['db_host']), db=stripQuotes(mysql['db_name'])) http_pool = HTTPSConnectionPool("", port=443, maxsize=1000000, timeout=urllib3.Timeout(connect=2, read=3)) myexit=exittest() print "starting ...",timestamp() print str(threads) paths="dead Variable" filler = filler.filler(queue=workerqueue,db=db, intervall=filler_intervall, name='filler') tm = threadmanager.threadmanager(queue=workerqueue,db=db,paths=paths,http_pool=http_pool, threshold=tm_threshold, intervall=tm_intervall, name='threadmanager',limit=THREAD_LIMIT) time.sleep(0.2) print "init Queue Filler" filler.start() print "starting threadmanager" tm.start() print "starting monitors" m = Thread(target=infomon, name='infomon', kwargs={'threads': tm,'intervall':m_intervall,'myexit':myexit}).start() # "Interrupt signalhandling"