def __init__(self, parent, mode=None, entity=None): ''' :param parent: :param mode: 添加实体 修改实体 ''' self.entity = entity super().__init__() = Toplevel(parent) # top.attributes('-alpha',0.9) # fun attribute "transparent" if mode == 'add':"添加实体") if mode == 'alter':"修改实体") utils.setCenteredDisply(, 400, 300) self.ft_1Title = tkFont.Font(family="宋体", size=11, weight=tkFont.BOLD) self.ft_2Title = tkFont.Font(family="宋体", size=9, weight=tkFont.BOLD) # l_class 从配置文件中读取 self.conf = Config() ent_dict = self.conf.getConf('ENTITY') self.l_class = [ent for ent in ent_dict.keys()] self.v_class = StringVar() self.v_class.set(self.l_class) self.status = IntVar() # 标记复选框是否选中 self.checkEntity = "certain" # 是否对实体确认 self.entity_category = '' self.ui(
def val(embed_dim, lstm_dim, optimizer, lr, gpu, gpu_no, text): if gpu == 'ON': config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" # see issue #152 os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpu_no with open('./model/weights/config.pkl', 'rb') as input_: (word_vocab, tags) = pickle.load(input_) TAGS = {} idx = 0 for i in tags: TAGS[idx] = i idx += 1 conf = Config() ent_dict = conf.getConf('ENTITY') ent_list = [w for w in ent_dict.keys()] B_I_dict = {} for w in ent_list: B_I_dict['B-' + w.capitalize()] = 'I-' + w.capitalize() num_classes = len(tags) num_steps = utils.maxlen word_dict_size = len(word_vocab) model = bilstm_crf_model.BiLSTM_CRF_Model(num_classes, num_steps, word_dict_size, embed_dim, lstm_dim, optimizer, lr).model() predict(model, TAGS, word_vocab, text) get_label_text(B_I_dict)
def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__() = Toplevel(parent) self.parent = parent'Label&ShortcutKey Setting') utils.setCenteredDisply(, 500, 400) self.row = 10 self.column = 20 # 可以通过tuple(list) 将列表转为tuple self.conf = Config() self.entdict = self.conf.getConf('ENTITY') if type(self.entdict) == str: self.entdict = {} self.ui(
def sckSet(self): d = ConfigureEntRel_Dialog(self) self.wait_window( conf = Config() self.ent_dict = conf.getConf('ENTITY') for key in self.ent_dict.keys(): self.text.bind("<Control-Alt-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.runSCK, 'uncertain', key)) self.text.bind("<Control-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.runSCK, 'certain', key)) self.table.bind( "<Control-Alt-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.tableAlter, 'uncertain', key)) self.table.bind( "<Control-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.tableAlter, 'certain', key)) #print(self.ent_dict) self.loadShortKey() # 更新快捷键界面
def load_data(): train, train_word = _parse_data(open('./model/train_all_tag.txt', 'rb')) word_counts = Counter(row[0].lower() for sample in train_word for row in sample) #字符 .lower() word_vocab = [w for w, f in iter(word_counts.items())] # 字典大小 # get the tag conf = Config() ent_dict = conf.getConf('ENTITY') ent_list = [w for w in ent_dict.keys()] tags = [] tags.append('O') for w in ent_list: tags.append('B-' + w.capitalize()) tags.append('I-' + w.capitalize()) # save initial config data 存储配置信息 with open('./model/weights/config.pkl', 'wb') as output: pickle.dump((word_vocab, tags), output) train_word, train_y = _process_data(train_word, word_vocab, tags, maxlen) return train_word, train_y, word_vocab, tags
def __init__(self, parent_frame): ''' 初始化系统参数 :param parent: frame widget "parent=window" ''' Frame.__init__(self, parent_frame) self.Version = "EPAD V1.0" self.parent_frame = parent_frame self.currentPath = os.getcwd() self.fileName = "" self.textColumn = 7 self.fntSize = 13 self.allKey = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" self.pressCommand = {'a': "a1", 'b': "a2", 'c': "a3"} self.textFontSytle = "Times" self.textRow = 20 = 0 # 记录实体的序号,并且在treeview中记录插入位置 conf = Config() self.recommendFlag1 = "ON" # 最大前向匹配 self.recommendFlag2 = "OFF" # 深度学习 self.recoEntity = '' # 设置当前要推荐的词语 self.entity_list = [] # 实体集合 self.ent_dict = conf.getConf('ENTITY') # 获得实体类别 self.pre_ent_list = [] if type(self.ent_dict) == str: self.ent_dict = {} else: self.ent_list = [ent for ent in self.ent_dict.keys()] # 这个是类别列表 self.selectColor = 'light salmon' # 选中的颜色 self.tagColor = 'lightgreen' # 标记的颜色 self.remColor = 'pink' # 推荐的颜色 self.preColor = 'purple' # 预标注的颜色 self.onlylabel = '' self.onlyhow = '' self.initUI()
def __init__(self, parent_frame, dir_name, file_path): ''' 初始化系统参数 :param parent: frame widget "parent=window" ''' super().__init__() self.file_path = file_path # 表示要修改的标注文件 self.dir_name = dir_name # 表示要修改的标注者 = Toplevel(parent_frame) utils.setCenteredDisply(, 1000, 700) self.Version = "EPAD-V1.0 Modify" self.currentPath = os.getcwd() self.fileName = "" self.textColumn = 7 self.fntSize = 13 self.allKey = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" self.pressCommand = {'a': "a1", 'b': "a2", 'c': "a3"} self.textFontSytle = "Times" self.textRow = 20 = 0 # 记录实体的序号,并且在treeview中记录插入位置 self.conf = Config() self.recommendFlag1 = "ON" # 最大前向匹配 self.recommendFlag2 = "OFF" # 深度学习 self.recoEntity = '' # 设置当前要推荐的词语 self.entity_list = [] # entity list # 实体类别 self.ent_dict = self.conf.getConf('ENTITY') # 获得实体类别 self.ent_list = [ent for ent in self.ent_dict.keys() ] # !==[{'entity':,'pos':,},{},{},{}] 这个是类别列表 self.selectColor = 'light salmon' # 选中的颜色 self.tagColor = 'lightgreen' # 标记的颜色 self.remColor = 'pink' # 推荐的颜色 self.preColor = 'purple' # 预标注的颜色 self.onlylabel = '' self.onlyhow = '' self.initUI(
from peewee import * from configparse import Config databasetype = Config.get('database', 'type') if databasetype == "SQLite": database = SqliteDatabase(Config.get('database', 'path')) elif databasetype == "Mysql": databasename = Config.get('database', 'dbname') databaseuser = Config.get('database', 'user') database = MySQLDatabase(databasename, user=databaseuser) elif databasetype == "Postgresql": database = PostgresqlDatabase() def db_connect(): database.connect() def db_close(): if not database.is_closed(): database.close() def create_tables(): db_connect() database.create_tables([currency_history], safe=True) db_close() class BaseModel(Model): class Meta:
class Modification(): def __init__(self, parent_frame, dir_name, file_path): ''' 初始化系统参数 :param parent: frame widget "parent=window" ''' super().__init__() self.file_path = file_path # 表示要修改的标注文件 self.dir_name = dir_name # 表示要修改的标注者 = Toplevel(parent_frame) utils.setCenteredDisply(, 1000, 700) self.Version = "EPAD-V1.0 Modify" self.currentPath = os.getcwd() self.fileName = "" self.textColumn = 7 self.fntSize = 13 self.allKey = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" self.pressCommand = {'a': "a1", 'b': "a2", 'c': "a3"} self.textFontSytle = "Times" self.textRow = 20 = 0 # 记录实体的序号,并且在treeview中记录插入位置 self.conf = Config() self.recommendFlag1 = "ON" # 最大前向匹配 self.recommendFlag2 = "OFF" # 深度学习 self.recoEntity = '' # 设置当前要推荐的词语 self.entity_list = [] # entity list # 实体类别 self.ent_dict = self.conf.getConf('ENTITY') # 获得实体类别 self.ent_list = [ent for ent in self.ent_dict.keys() ] # !==[{'entity':,'pos':,},{},{},{}] 这个是类别列表 self.selectColor = 'light salmon' # 选中的颜色 self.tagColor = 'lightgreen' # 标记的颜色 self.remColor = 'pink' # 推荐的颜色 self.preColor = 'purple' # 预标注的颜色 self.onlylabel = '' self.onlyhow = '' self.initUI( def initUI(self, top): ''' init the UI :return: ''' top.title(self.Version) top.iconbitmap('./logo.ico') for idx in range(0, self.textColumn): top.columnconfigure(idx, weight=2) for idx in range(0, 24): top.rowconfigure(idx, weight=1) # 上方布局 open_btn = Button(top, text="Open", command=self.onOpen, width=10) # 打开文件 open_btn.grid(row=0, column=0, ipady=5) open_btn.configure(state='disabled') RA_open_btn = Button(top, text="ReM1 SW", command=self.swNER1, width=10) # 第一种推荐方式 RA_open_btn.grid(row=0, column=1, ipady=5) Label(top, text=self.recommendFlag1, foreground='red').grid(row=0, column=2) RA_close_btn = Button(top, text="ReM2 SW", width=10) # 第二种推荐方式 RA_close_btn.grid(row=0, column=3, ipady=5) RA_close_btn.configure(state='disabled') Label(top, text=self.recommendFlag2, foreground='red').grid(row=0, column=4) set_sk_btn = Button(top, text="Ann ConF", width=10, command=self.sckSet) # 快捷键配置 set_sk_btn.grid(row=0, column=5, ipady=5) # 中间布局 self.fnt = tkFont.Font(family=self.textFontSytle, size=self.fntSize, weight="bold", underline=0) self.text = Text(top, font=self.fnt, selectbackground=self.selectColor) self.text.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=self.textColumn, rowspan=self.textRow, padx=12, sticky=E + W + S + N) = Scrollbar(top), column=self.textColumn, rowspan=self.textRow, padx=0, sticky=E + W + N + S) self.text['yscrollcommand'] =['command'] = self.text.yview # 下方布局 设置实体列表显示 self.table = Treeview(top, show="headings", columns=('NO', 'ENTITY', 'CLASS', 'UNCERTAIN')) # 列数 是否显示表头 self.table.column('NO', anchor='center') self.table.column('ENTITY', anchor='center') self.table.column('CLASS', anchor='center') self.table.column('UNCERTAIN', anchor='center') self.table.heading("NO", text="NO") self.table.heading("ENTITY", text="ENTITY") self.table.heading("CLASS", text="CATEGORY") self.table.heading("UNCERTAIN", text="UNCERTAIN") self.table.grid(row=21, column=0, columnspan=self.textColumn + 2, sticky=NSEW, rowspan=4) self.vbar = Scrollbar(top, orient=VERTICAL, command=self.table.yview) self.vbar.grid(row=21, column=self.textColumn + 3, sticky=NSEW, rowspan=4) self.table.configure(yscrollcommand=self.vbar.set) self.table.bind('<Double-1>', self.tableClick) self.table.bind('<Control-q>', self.tableDelete) # 快捷删除预标注中的结果 # 中间中间靠右布局 export_Entity_btn = Button(top, text="Export", command=self.exportEntity, width=10) export_Entity_btn.grid(row=1, column=self.textColumn + 1, ipadx=5) import_Entity_btn = Button(top, text="Import", command=self.loadEntityFile, width=10) import_Entity_btn.grid(row=2, column=self.textColumn + 1, ipadx=5) import_Entity_btn.configure(state='disabled') self.loadShortKey(top) # 更新快捷键界面 self.cursorName = Label(top, text="Cursor: ", foreground="Blue", font=(self.textFontSytle, 12, "bold")) self.cursorName.grid(row=18, column=self.textColumn + 1, pady=4) self.cursorIndex = Label(top, text=("Row: %s\nCol: %s" % (0, 0)), foreground="red", font=(self.textFontSytle, 12, "bold")) self.cursorIndex.grid(row=19, column=self.textColumn + 1, pady=4) # 文本快捷键绑定 & table 快捷键修改 self.text.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.singleLeftClick) self.text.bind('<Button-3>', self.rightClick) # 绑定 右击快捷键 for key in self.ent_dict.keys(): self.text.bind("<Control-Alt-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.runSCK, 'uncertain', key)) self.text.bind("<Control-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.runSCK, 'certain', key)) self.table.bind( "<Control-Alt-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.tableAlter, 'uncertain', key)) self.table.bind( "<Control-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.tableAlter, 'certain', key)) # 导入文本 self.onOpen(self.file_path) # 导入已标注实体 (不确定位置有前后之分) self.loadEntityFile() def loadShortKey(self, top): ft1 = tkFont.Font(family='Arial', size=9) for i, w in enumerate(self.ent_dict.keys()): Label(top, text=w, font=ft1).grid(row=(3 + i), column=self.textColumn + 1) Label(top, text=self.ent_dict[w], font=ft1).grid(row=(3 + i), column=self.textColumn + 2) # 设置字体 def setFont(self, value): _family = self.textFontSytle _size = value _weight = "bold" _underline = 0 fnt = tkFont.Font(family=_family, size=_size, weight=_weight, underline=_underline) Text(self, font=fnt) def singleLeftClick(self, event): cursor_index = self.text.index(CURRENT) row_column = cursor_index.split('.') self.currentColumn = row_column[-1] cursor_text = ("Row:%s\nCol:%s" % (row_column[0], row_column[-1])) # print("row:%s col: %s"%(row_column[0],row_column[-1])) self.cursorIndex.config(text=cursor_text) # text 右击进行实体标注事件 def rightClick(self, event): try: firstSelection_index = self.text.index(SEL_FIRST) begin = int(firstSelection_index.split('.')[-1]) cursor_index = self.text.index(SEL_LAST) end = int(cursor_index.split('.')[-1]) # content = self.text.get('1.0',"end-1c") content = self.text.selection_get() entity = "{0}【{1},{2}】".format(content, str(begin), str(end)) if begin > end: tkinter.messagebox.showerror("OK", "Invalid Entity") else: d = MyDialog(self, mode='add', entity=entity) self.wait_window( entity_dict = { 'ENTITY': content, 'POS': (begin, end), 'CATEGORY': d.entity_category, 'STATUS': d.checkEntity } if len(d.entity_category) != 0: self.recoEntity = content self.entity_list.append(entity_dict) self.updateTable(self.entity_list) self.setDisplayCorolor() except TclError: pass # 设置下拉列表鼠标左击按下事件 def tableClick(self, event): self.text.tag_delete(self, 'highlight') item = self.table.selection()[0] pos = re.split('\(|\)|,', self.table.item(item, 'values')[1]) self.text.tag_config('highlight', background='red', foreground='white') self.text.tag_add('highlight', '1.' + str(pos[1]), '1.' + str(pos[2])) # 删除选中的一列 def tableDelete(self, event): try: item = self.table.selection()[0] for i in self.entity_list: if self.table.item(item, 'values')[1] == (i['ENTITY'] + str(i['POS'])): self.entity_list.remove(i) self.text.tag_delete('TagEntity') self.text.config(state=NORMAL) except: logging.error( 'Table deletes error in function:tableDelete of ') # self.text.tag_config('TagEntity', background=self.tagColor) # for sam in self.entity_list: # self.text.tag_add('TagEntity', '1.' + str(sam['POS'][0]), '1.' + str(sam['POS'][1])) self.setDisplayCorolor() self.text.config(state=DISABLED) self.updateTable(self.entity_list) def tableAlter(self, event, how, label): try: entity = '' POS = '' item = self.table.selection()[0] for i in self.entity_list: if self.table.item(item, 'values')[1] == (i['ENTITY'] + str(i['POS'])): entity = i['ENTITY'] POS = i['POS'] self.entity_list.remove(i) if how == '' and label == '': d = MyDialog(self, mode='alter', entity=entity) self.wait_window( entity_dict = { 'ENTITY': entity, 'POS': POS, 'CATEGORY': d.entity_category, 'STATUS': d.checkEntity } if len(d.entity_category) != 0: self.entity_list.append(entity_dict) self.updateTable(self.entity_list) else: entity_dict = { 'ENTITY': entity, 'POS': POS, 'CATEGORY': label, 'STATUS': how } self.entity_list.append(entity_dict) self.updateTable(self.entity_list) except: logging.error( 'Table alters error in function:tableAlter of') self.setDisplayCorolor() # 更新实体表格 def updateTable(self, list): self.clearTable() = 0 for i in list: self.table.insert("",, values=(, i['ENTITY'] + str(i['POS']), i['CATEGORY'], i['STATUS'])) = + 1 # 清除表格实体 def clearTable(self): x = self.table.get_children() for item in x: self.table.delete(item) = 0 # 再次重新显示所有标注实体 # 在text中显示已经标注的实体颜色 def setDisplayCorolor(self): self.text.config(state=NORMAL) if self.recommendFlag1 == "ON" and self.recoEntity != '': self.text.tag_config('RecEntity', background=self.remColor) try: new_words, index = utils.max_Forwar_Match( self.text.get('1.' + str(self.currentColumn), END), [self.recoEntity]) except: logging.error( 'Max_forwar_match error in function:setDisplayCorlor of' ) for i in range(len(new_words)): self.text.tag_add( 'RecEntity', '1.' + str(index[i][0] + int(self.currentColumn)), '1.' + str(index[i][1] + int(self.currentColumn))) # self.setDisplayCorolor('1.' + str(index[0][1]), '1.' + str(index[i][1]), 'rec') self.text.tag_config('dpEntity', background=self.preColor, foreground='white') # 覆盖的顺序是标记创建的顺序。 self.text.tag_config('TagEntity', background=self.tagColor, foreground='black') # 覆盖的顺序是标记创建的顺序。 self.updateTable(self.entity_list) for sam in self.entity_list: self.text.tag_add('TagEntity', '1.' + str(sam['POS'][0]), '1.' + str(sam['POS'][1])) self.text.config(state=DISABLED) def onOpen(self, file_path): '''打开文件 并将内容显示到文本框内''' self.recoEntity = '' # 每次重新打开一个文件标注 清除预标注列表 self.text.config(state=NORMAL) f1 = './model/test_data/' + file_path if f1 != '': self.text.delete("1.0", END) text = self.readFile(f1) self.text.insert(END, text) self.setTitle(" " + f1) self.text.mark_set(INSERT, "1.0") = 0 self.clearTable() # 清空表格内容 self.entity_list = [] # 清空实体内容 # clear tag self.text.tag_delete(self, 'TagEntity') self.text.tag_delete(self, 'RecEntity') self.text.tag_delete(self, 'dpEntity') self.text.tag_delete(self, 'highlight') self.text.config(state=DISABLED) # set text state disable self.setDisplayCorolor() # 首先 先显示预标注实体 def setTitle(self, new_file): + new_file) def readFile(self, filename): '''读取文件 返回文件内容''' f = open(filename, "rU", encoding='utf-8') # 以读方式打开,同时提供通用换行符支持 text = text = text.replace("\n", "") self.fileName = filename return text def autoLoadNewFile(self, fileName, newcursor_index): if len(fileName) > 0: self.text.delete("1.0", END) text = self.readFile(fileName) self.text.insert("end-1c", text) self.setTitle("File: " + fileName) self.text.mark_set(INSERT, newcursor_index) # 标记 self.text.see(newcursor_index) # 导出实体的显示框 并默认给定标注之后的文件名称 def exportEntity(self): # print(self.fileName.strip().split('/')[-1][:-3]) file_opt = options = {} options['defaultextension'] = '.ann' options['filetypes'] = [('entity files', '.ann')] options['initialdir'] = ''.join( self.fileName.strip().split('/')[:-1]) + '/' options['initialfile'] = self.fileName.strip().split( '/')[-1][:-3] + 'ann' options['title'] = "Save Entity File" checkItem = self.table.get_children() if not checkItem: tkinter.messagebox.showerror("Export Error", "No Entity Exists") else: entityFileName = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(**file_opt) self.writeEntityFile(entityFileName) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('提示', '保存成功!') # 写出实体文件 如果要更改输出文件格式 在此修改 def writeEntityFile(self, filename): # 获取所有已标注实体列表中的内容 tmp_entity = self.getTableEntity() file = open(filename, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') # print(''.join(str(self.entity_list[0]['POS']))) for i in tmp_entity: begin, end = i['POS'] file.write(i['ENTITY'] + '\t' + str(begin) + '\t' + str(end) + '\t' + i['CATEGORY'] + '\t' + i['STATUS'] + '\n') file.close() # 回显实体文件 def loadEntityFile(self): entityFile = './Multi_Annotator/' + self.dir_name + '/' + self.file_path[: -3] + 'ann' self.readEntityFile(entityFile) def readEntityFile(self, file): if os.path.exists(file): data = open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') lines = data.readlines() self.entity_list = [] certain_entity = [] entity_dict = {} for i in lines: ent = i.strip().split('\t') # pos = ent[1].strip().split(' ') entity_dict['ENTITY'] = ent[0] entity_dict['POS'] = (int(ent[1]), int(ent[2])) entity_dict['CATEGORY'] = ent[3] if entity_dict['CATEGORY'] not in self.ent_list: tkinter.messagebox.showerror("导入错误", "导入的实体类型与配置文件不匹配") entity_dict['STATUS'] = ent[4] if entity_dict['STATUS'] == 'uncertain': self.entity_list.append(entity_dict) else: certain_entity.append(entity_dict) entity_dict = {} self.setDisplayCorolor() self.entity_list = self.entity_list + certain_entity self.updateTable(self.entity_list) else: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('错误', '请正确导入已标注实体文件') def quitFrame(self): # open recommend # 此处开始实体标注,两种标注形式,一种使用深度学习,一种使用最大前向匹配 # 得到结果回显 def swNER1(self): if self.recommendFlag1 == "ON": self.recommendFlag1 = "OFF" else: self.recommendFlag1 = "ON" Label(self, text=self.recommendFlag1, foreground='red').grid(row=0, column=2) if self.recommendFlag1 == 'OFF': self.text.tag_delete(self, 'RecEntity') # 实体与关系配置 def sckSet(self): d = ConfigureEntRel_Dialog(self) self.wait_window( self.ent_dict = self.conf.getConf('ENTITY') for key in self.ent_dict.keys(): self.text.bind("<Control-Alt-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.runSCK, 'uncertain', key)) self.text.bind("<Control-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.runSCK, 'certain', key)) self.table.bind( "<Control-Alt-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.tableAlter, 'uncertain', key)) self.table.bind( "<Control-" + self.ent_dict[key] + ">", self.runSckAdaptor(self.tableAlter, 'certain', key)) self.loadShortKey() # 更新快捷键界面 def runSckAdaptor(event, fun, how, label): '''事件处理函数的适配器,相当于中介''' return lambda event, fun=fun, how=how, label=label: fun( event, how, label) def runSCK(self, event, how, label): firstSelection_index = self.text.index(SEL_FIRST) begin = int(firstSelection_index.split('.')[-1]) cursor_index = self.text.index(SEL_LAST) end = int(cursor_index.split('.')[-1]) content = self.text.selection_get() entity_dict = { 'ENTITY': content, 'POS': (begin, end), 'CATEGORY': label, 'STATUS': how } # print(entity_dict) self.recoEntity = content self.entity_list.append(entity_dict) self.updateTable(self.entity_list) self.clearTag() self.setDisplayCorolor() # except: # print('except') def clearTag(self): self.text.tag_delete(self, 'TagEntity') # self.text.tag_delete(self, 'RecEntity') self.text.tag_delete(self, 'dpEntity') self.text.tag_delete(self, 'highlight') def getTableEntity(self): tmp_entity = [] items = self.table.get_children() for i in items: tmp = self.table.item(i, 'values') ent = re.split("\(|\)|,", tmp[1]) ent_str = ent[0] ent_s = int(ent[1]) ent_e = int(ent[2]) label = tmp[2] how = tmp[3] dic = { 'ENTITY': ent_str, 'POS': (ent_s, ent_e), 'CATEGORY': label, 'STATUS': how } tmp_entity.append(dic) # print(tmp_entity) return tmp_entity
class MyDialog(): def __init__(self, parent, mode=None, entity=None): ''' :param parent: :param mode: 添加实体 修改实体 ''' self.entity = entity super().__init__() = Toplevel(parent) # top.attributes('-alpha',0.9) # fun attribute "transparent" if mode == 'add':"添加实体") if mode == 'alter':"修改实体") utils.setCenteredDisply(, 400, 300) self.ft_1Title = tkFont.Font(family="宋体", size=11, weight=tkFont.BOLD) self.ft_2Title = tkFont.Font(family="宋体", size=9, weight=tkFont.BOLD) # l_class 从配置文件中读取 self.conf = Config() ent_dict = self.conf.getConf('ENTITY') self.l_class = [ent for ent in ent_dict.keys()] self.v_class = StringVar() self.v_class.set(self.l_class) self.status = IntVar() # 标记复选框是否选中 self.checkEntity = "certain" # 是否对实体确认 self.entity_category = '' self.ui( def ui(self, top): for idx in range(0, 8): top.columnconfigure(idx, weight=1) for idx in range(0, 6): top.rowconfigure(idx, weight=1) Label(top, text=self.entity, font=self.ft_1Title, background='blue', fg='white').grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=8, rowspan=1) # 下面设置对话框中要选择的类别 以及 不确定程度 sb_category = Scrollbar(top) sb_category.grid(row=3, column=3, rowspan=2, sticky=E + W + N + S, padx=0) lb1 = Listbox(top, listvariable=self.v_class, yscrollcommand=sb_category.set, highlightcolor='blue', selectmode='SINGLE') lb1.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, rowspan=2, padx=3, sticky=E + W + N + S) Label(top, text="实体类型", font=self.ft_2Title, fg='light green', bg='dark green').grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=E + W + N + S) Label(top, text="是否确定该实体", font=self.ft_2Title, fg='light green', bg='dark green').grid(row=2, column=4, columnspan=2, stick=E + W + N + S) sb_category.config(command=lb1.yview) v_checkButton = StringVar() v_checkButton.set("不确定的") self.checkFont = tkFont.Font(family="宋体", size=12, weight=tkFont.BOLD) Checkbutton(top, variable=self.status, textvariable=v_checkButton, font=self.checkFont, command=self.checkChange).grid(row=3, column=4, columnspan=3) Button(top, text="确 定", background='red', command=lambda: self.ok(lb1)).grid(row=5, column=1, columnspan=2, pady=2) Button(top, text="取 消", background='white', command=self.cancel).grid(row=5, column=4, columnspan=2, pady=2) def checkChange(self): if self.status.get() == 1: self.checkEntity = 'uncertain' else: self.checkEntity = 'certain' def ok(self, lbl): try: indexs = lbl.curselection() index = int(indexs[0]) self.entity_category = self.l_class[index] except: tkinter.messagebox.showerror("选择类别错误", "请选择合法实体") def cancel(self):
import os from model.model_utils import * from configparse import Config train_new_path='./model/train_data/' # label_dict need be modified , because the entity is Chinese. conf = Config() label_dict = conf.getConf('ENTITY_DESC') # label_dict = {'身体部位':'Body','症状和体征':'Symptom','检查和检验':'Test','治疗':'Treatment','疾病和诊断':'Disease'} def BIOtag(data_path): document_file = os.listdir(data_path) tag_all_file = open('./model/train_all_tag.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') document_file = [file for file in document_file if 'txt'in file] for file in document_file: ori_file = open(data_path + file, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') # ori text label_file= open(data_path + file[:-3]+'ann', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') # label text ori_data2=ori_file.readline() label_list = ['O'] * len(ori_data2) entity_list ='\n') for entity in entity_list: if entity is not '': ent_index = entity.split('\t') ent_s = int(ent_index[1]) ent_e = int(ent_index[2])+1 ent_type=ent_index[3] ###——————————BIOS打标———————————— # if ent_e-ent_s>1: # 多字符实体 # label_list[ent_s]='B-'+ent_type # for i in range(ent_s+1,ent_e):
class ConfigureEntRel_Dialog(): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__() = Toplevel(parent) self.parent = parent'Label&ShortcutKey Setting') utils.setCenteredDisply(, 500, 400) self.row = 10 self.column = 20 # 可以通过tuple(list) 将列表转为tuple self.conf = Config() self.entdict = self.conf.getConf('ENTITY') if type(self.entdict) == str: self.entdict = {} self.ui( def ui(self, top):'./logo.ico') for idx in range(0, self.column): top.columnconfigure(idx, weight=1) for idx in range(0, self.row): top.rowconfigure(idx, weight=1) Label(top, text="Label List").grid(row=2, column=0, rowspan=1, columnspan=8) self.cmb = ttk.Combobox(top) if len(self.entdict) != 0: entTup = tuple([ keyname + '(' + str(self.entdict[keyname]) + ')' for keyname in self.entdict.keys() ]) self.cmb['values'] = entTup self.cmb.grid(row=2, column=9, columnspan=9) self.cmb['state'] = 'readonly' if len(self.entdict) != 0: self.cmb.current(0) Label(top, text="Input label and shortcuts").grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=8) self.entEnt = Entry(top) self.entEnt.grid(row=4, column=9, columnspan=9) # 创建两个按钮 用于更改配置 delete = Button(top, text="Delete Selected", command=self.delete_entity) delete.grid(row=8, column=2) delete['width'] = 15 add = Button(top, text="Add", command=self.addEntity) add.grid(row=8, column=17) add['width'] = 15 # 添加实体类别 def addEntity(self): d_entity = self.entEnt.get() keyname = re.split('[::]', d_entity)[0] value = re.split('[::]', d_entity)[1] self.entEnt.delete(0, END) if d_entity in self.entdict.keys(): tkinter.messagebox.showerror("Add Error", "Label Already Exists") else: self.entdict[keyname] = value self.update_com() self.toConfigure() # print(self.entEnt.get()) # 删除选中实体类别 def delete_entity(self): d_entity = self.cmb.get() d_entity = d_entity[:d_entity.find('(')] del self.entdict[d_entity] self.update_com() self.toConfigure() # 更新下拉列表 def update_com(self): ent_tup = tuple([ keyname + '(' + str(self.entdict[keyname]) + ')' for keyname in self.entdict.keys() ]) self.cmb['values'] = ent_tup # 更新配置文件 此操作 再每次对实体类型进行操作后 都要进行 def toConfigure(self): self.conf.setConf('ENTITY', self.entdict) self.conf.writeConf()