# Create the config
config = ConfigParser(default_section="default")
config.read(os.path.join(dir_root, "rsc/config.cfg"))

# Update
config.set("dir", "home", dir_root)
print("Home dir set to:", config.get("dir", "home"))

# Dates
config.set("date", "today", today)

# Drop columns from prediction
config.drop_cols = [
    "boxscore_index", "year", "date", "datetime", "team1", "team2"
config.targets = ["result", "pg_score1", "pg_score2", "pg_spread"]

# Season Model score columns

def save(obj, dir, filename, ext=".jb", main=True, date=True):
    """If today=True then it'll save it in a folder.
    Otherwise it'll save a copy to the main"""
    today = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    fn = filename + ext

    # Save out
    _dir = config.get("dir", dir)