def applyClassifiers(scst_pkl_path: str,
                     keras_pkl_path: str,
                     data_path: Optional[str] = None,
                     truth_path: Optional[str] = None,
                     start_second: Optional[float] = None,
                     end_second: Optional[float] = None) -> None:
    Apply both a ``SCSTClassifier`` and a ``TransientKerasClassifier`` to the data sequence
    specified by the inputs, and plot the results.

    :param scst_pkl_path: Full path to a pickle file containing a saved ``SCSTClassifier`` object.
    :param keras_pkl_path: Full path to a pickle file containing a saved
        ``TransientKerasClassifier`` object.
    :param data_path, truth_path, start_second, end_second: See ``data_utils.getPlotDataTuple``.

    # Define SCST classification parameters
    SIG_THRESH = 100
    NOISE_THRESH = 100

    # Load data and classifiers
    test_matrix, truth_array, start_second, title = getPlotDataTuple(
        truth_path, data_path, start_second, end_second)
    scst_classifier = SCSTClassifier.load(scst_pkl_path)
    keras_classifier = TransientKerasClassifier.load(keras_pkl_path)

    # Apply classifiers
    num_obs = test_matrix.shape[1]
    for test_idx in range(num_obs):
        scst_classifier.classify(test_matrix[:, test_idx], SIG_THRESH,
        keras_classifier.classify(test_matrix[:, test_idx])
        _printProgress(test_idx / float(num_obs), title)

    _printProgress(1.0, title)

    # Display results
    id_array_list = [
        scst_classifier.class_labels, keras_classifier.class_labels
    id_tag_list = ["SCST IDs", "Keras IDs"]

    if truth_array is not None:
        for classifier, name in zip([scst_classifier, keras_classifier],
                                    ["SCST", "Keras"]):
            conf_matrix = ConfusionMatrix(classifier.class_labels, truth_array,
                                          True, name)

        id_tag_list.append("Truth IDs")

    plotSequence(test_matrix, start_second, title, id_array_list, id_tag_list)