Beispiel #1
def test_between_one_and_two():
    t = find(st.floats(),
             lambda x: 1 < x < 2,
    for k in range(dtoi(1.0), dtoi(t)):
        assert itod(k) <= t
        assert not (1 < itod(k))
def test_find_infinity():
    assert find(st.floats(), lambda x: not math.isfinite(x)) == float("inf")
Beispiel #3
def test_minimal_bigger_than_one_is_two():
    assert find(st.floats(), lambda x: x > 1) == 2.0
Beispiel #4
def test_sphere():
    t = find(st.lists(st.floats()),
             lambda x: len(x) >= 3 and sum(map(safesquare, x)) >= 1)
    assert t == [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
Beispiel #5
def test_can_find_zero_and_it_is_positive():
    t = find(st.floats(), lambda x: x == 0)
    assert math.copysign(1, t) > 0
Beispiel #6
def test_sum_float():
    x = find(st.lists(st.floats()), lambda x: sum(x) >= 2**32)
    assert sum(x) == 2**32
Beispiel #7
def test_find_reasonable_range_float():
    assert find(st.floats(), lambda x: 1 <= x <= 1000) == 1.0
Beispiel #8
def test_no_overflow_mean():
        st.lists(st.floats()).filter(lambda x: x and math.isfinite(sum(x))),
        lambda xs: not (min(xs) <= mean(xs) <= max(xs)))
def test_sphere():
    t = find(st.lists(st.floats()), lambda x: len(x) >= 3 and sum(map(safesquare, x)) >= 1)
    assert t == [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
def test_can_find_negative_zero():
    find(st.floats(), lambda x: x == 0 and math.copysign(1, x) < 0)
def test_can_find_zero_and_it_is_positive():
    t = find(st.floats(), lambda x: x == 0)
    assert math.copysign(1, t) > 0
def test_integral_float():
    find(st.floats(), lambda x: math.isfinite(x) and int(x) == x)
def test_sum_float():
    x = find(st.lists(st.floats()), lambda x: sum(x) >= 2 ** 32)
    assert sum(x) == 2 ** 32
def test_imprecise_pow():
    find(st.floats(), lambda x: math.isfinite(x) and (x * 3.0) / 3.0 != x)
def test_find_reasonable_range_float():
    assert find(st.floats(), lambda x: 1 <= x <= 1000) == 1.0
Beispiel #16
def test_non_reversible_floats():
    good_list = st.lists(st.floats().filter(math.isfinite))
    find(good_list, lambda xs: sum(xs) != sum(reversed(xs)))
Beispiel #17
def test_non_associative_floats():
    tup = st.tuples(
        st.floats(), st.floats(),
        st.floats()).filter(lambda t: all(math.isfinite(s) for s in t))
    find(tup, lambda x: (x[0] + x[1]) + x[2] != x[0] + (x[1] + x[2]))
def test_low_variance():
    t = find(st.lists(st.floats()).filter(lambda x: len(x) >= 10), lambda x: variance(x) >= 1)
    assert t == [0.0] * 9 + [4.0]
Beispiel #19
def test_find_infinity():
    assert find(st.floats(), lambda x: not math.isfinite(x)) == float('inf')
def test_minimal_bigger_than_one_is_two():
    assert find(st.floats(), lambda x: x > 1) == 2.0
Beispiel #21
def test_imprecise_pow():
    find(st.floats(), lambda x: math.isfinite(x) and (x * 3.0) / 3.0 != x)
def test_between_one_and_two():
    t = find(st.floats(), lambda x: 1 < x < 2, settings=Settings(max_shrinks=10 ** 6, generations=10000))
    for k in range(dtoi(1.0), dtoi(t)):
        assert itod(k) <= t
        assert not (1 < itod(k))
Beispiel #23
def test_integral_float():
    find(st.floats(), lambda x: math.isfinite(x) and int(x) == x)
    good_list = st.lists(st.floats().filter(math.isfinite))
    find(good_list, lambda xs:  sum(xs) != sum(reversed(xs)))

def test_non_associative_floats():
    tup = st.tuples(
        st.floats(), st.floats(), st.floats()).filter(
        lambda t: all(math.isfinite(s) for s in t))
    find(tup, lambda x: (x[0] + x[1]) + x[2] != x[0] + (x[1] + x[2]))

def mean(ls):
    return sum(ls) / len(ls)

good_list = st.lists(st.floats().filter(math.isfinite)).filter(bool)

def test_out_of_bounds_overflow_mean():
        good_list, lambda xs: not (min(xs) <= mean(xs) <= max(xs)))

def test_minimal_bool_lists():
    t = find(
        st.lists(st.booleans()), lambda x: any(x) and not all(x)
    assert t == [False, True]

def test_filtering_just_does_not_loop():
Beispiel #25
def test_can_find_negative_zero():
    find(st.floats(), lambda x: x == 0 and math.copysign(1, x) < 0)
def test_non_reversible_floats():
    good_list = st.lists(st.floats().filter(math.isfinite))
    find(good_list, lambda xs:  sum(xs) != sum(reversed(xs)))
Beispiel #27
def test_low_variance():
    t = find(
        st.lists(st.floats()).filter(lambda x: len(x) >= 10),
        lambda x: variance(x) >= 1)
    assert t == [0.0] * 9 + [4.0]
def test_non_associative_floats():
    tup = st.tuples(
        st.floats(), st.floats(), st.floats()).filter(
        lambda t: all(math.isfinite(s) for s in t))
    find(tup, lambda x: (x[0] + x[1]) + x[2] != x[0] + (x[1] + x[2]))
Beispiel #29
def test_non_associative_floats():
    tup = st.tuples(
        st.floats(), st.floats(),
        st.floats()).filter(lambda t: all(math.isfinite(s) for s in t))
    find(tup, lambda x: (x[0] + x[1]) + x[2] != x[0] + (x[1] + x[2]))

def mean(xs):
    xs = list(xs)
    if not xs:
        return float('nan')
    return sum(xs) / len(xs)

good_list = st.lists(st.floats().filter(math.isfinite)).filter(bool)

def test_out_of_bounds_overflow_mean():
    find(good_list, lambda xs: not (min(xs) <= mean(xs) <= max(xs)))

def test_no_overflow_mean():
        st.lists(st.floats()).filter(lambda x: x and math.isfinite(sum(x))),
        lambda xs: not (min(xs) <= mean(xs) <= max(xs)))

def test_minimal_bool_lists():
def test_no_overflow_mean():
        st.lists(st.floats()).filter(lambda x: x and math.isfinite(sum(x))),
        lambda xs: not (min(xs) <= mean(xs) <= max(xs)),