Beispiel #1
def get_recommendation(matrix_name, time_stamp, coordinates, user_id, ignore, number):
    Main handler function for recommend.
    :param time_stamp: Time from beginning of the epoch (1.1.1970)
    :param coordinates: Dictionary with coordinates.
    :param user_id: Identification of the current user.
    :param ignore: Identification of POI user ignored from previous recommend.
    :param number: Number of POIs to be recommended to end user.
    :return: Dictionary representing answer for request to recommend.
    # Get all POIs in radius of 300 meters from user.
    recommendation_matrix = read_matrix(matrix_name)
    points_of_interest = fetch_poi(matrix_name, recommendation_matrix['categories'],
                                   coordinates['lat'], coordinates['lon'], 300)

    # First we have to prepare necessary variables.
    length = len(points_of_interest[1])
    poi_dict = dict()

    # Add temporary keys and merge the two dictionaries.
    poi_lst_of_dict = points_of_interest[0]
    poi_lst_foursquare = dict()
    for i in range(0, length):
        poi_lst_foursquare['some-temporary-key-%s-%d' % (user_id, (i+1))] = points_of_interest[1][i]
    chunk_lst = make_chunks(poi_lst_foursquare, int(length/15) + 1)
    threads = []
    for chunk in chunk_lst:
        t = WritePOIToDatabase(chunk)

    # Get all required data for reading correct element of weight matrix.
    act_rest_answer = get_user_activity(user_id)
    if 'error' in act_rest_answer:
        activity = 'not recognised'
        req_act = dict()
        for k, v in act_rest_answer['svm_vector'].iteritems():
            req_act[k] = float(v)
        activity = get_curr_activity(req_act)

    # Get id of all poi and rate them based on activity, context and distance
    lookup_table = get_grades(recommendation_matrix, activity, time_stamp)
    for key, val in poi_lst_of_dict.iteritems():
        val['fw_core']['category'] = val['fw_core']['label']['']
        val['fw_core']['label'] = val['fw_core']['short_name']
        val['fw_core']['short_name'] = val['fw_core']['name']

        category_num = decode_category(recommendation_matrix['categories'], val['fw_core']['category'])
        f_res = lookup_table[category_num]
        s_res = grade_distance(coordinates['lat'], coordinates['lon'],
        poi_dict[key] = f_res * s_res

    # Slice out ignored.
    if ignore != 'None' and ignore in poi_dict:
        save_ignored_for_current_user(user_id, ignore)
    ignored = get_ignored_for_current_user(user_id)
    for ig_poi in ignored:
        if ig_poi in poi_dict:
            del poi_dict[ig_poi]
        elif ig_poi[:18] == 'some-temporary-key':
            key = Keys.objects.filter(temp=ig_poi,
            del poi_dict[key.real]

    # Sort POIs based on grades and return first 5 elements.
    sort_poi_lst = sorted(poi_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    ret_dict = {"POIS": [], "activity": activity}
    if len(sort_poi_lst) > number:
        n_it = number
        n_it = len(sort_poi_lst)
    for num in range(0, n_it):
        ret_dict['POIS'].append({sort_poi_lst[num][0]: poi_lst_of_dict[sort_poi_lst[num][0]]})

    # Delete old keys
    keys = Keys.objects.filter(time__lt=(

    # Wait until all threads finish the job.
    for thread in threads:

    return ret_dict
Beispiel #2
def get_recommendation(time_stamp, coordinates, user_id, ignore):
    Main handler function for recommend.
    :param time_stamp: Time from beginning of the epoch (1.1.1970)
    :param coordinates: Dictionary with coordinates.
    :param user_id: Identification of the current user.
    :param ignore: Identification of POI user ignored from previous recommend.
    :return: Dictionary representing answer for request to recommend.

    ''' Get all POIs in radius of 300 meters from user. '''

    points_of_interest = fetch_poi(coordinates['lat'], coordinates['lon'], 300)

    # First we have to assign writing jobs to threads.
    length = len(points_of_interest[1])
    poi_dict = dict()

    # Add temporary keys and merge the two dictionaries.
    poi_lst_of_dict = points_of_interest[0]
    poi_lst_foursquare = dict()

    for i in range(0, length):
        poi_lst_foursquare['some-temporary-key-%s %d' % (user_id, (i+1))] = points_of_interest[1][i]

    chunk_lst = make_chunks(poi_lst_foursquare, int(length/15) + 1)

    threads = []
    for chunk in chunk_lst:
        t = WritePOIToDatabase(chunk)


    ''' Get all required data. '''
    part_of_day = get_time_section(time_stamp)

    act_rest_answer = get_user_activity(user_id)
    if 'error' in act_rest_answer:
        activity = 3  # If activity recognition provider encountered some error.
        req_act = dict()
        for k, v in act_rest_answer['svm_vector'].iteritems():
            req_act[k] = float(v)
        activity = get_curr_activity(req_act)

    ''' Get id of all poi and rate them based on activity, context and distance. '''
    for key, val in poi_lst_of_dict.iteritems():
        f_res = lookup_table[part_of_day][activity][decode_category(val['fw_core']['category'])]
        s_res = grade_distance(coordinates['lat'], coordinates['lon'], val['fw_core']['location']['wgs84'][
            'latitude'], val['fw_core']['location']['wgs84']['longitude'])
        poi_dict[key] = f_res * s_res

    ''' Slice out ignored. '''
    if ignore != 'None' and ignore in poi_dict:
        save_ignored_for_current_user(user_id, ignore)

    ignored = get_ignored_for_current_user(user_id)
    for ig_poi in ignored:
        if ig_poi in poi_dict:
            del poi_dict[ig_poi]
        elif ig_poi[:18] == 'some-temporary-key':
            key = Keys.objects.filter(temp=ig_poi,
            del poi_dict[key.real]

    ''' Sort pois based on grades and return first 15 elements. '''
    sort_poi_lst = sorted(poi_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    ret_dict = {"POIS": [], "activity": decode_activity(activity)}
    if len(sort_poi_lst) > 5:
        n_it = 5
        n_it = len(sort_poi_lst)
    for num in range(0, n_it):

        ret_dict['POIS'].append({sort_poi_lst[num][0]: poi_lst_of_dict[sort_poi_lst[num][0]]})

    # Delete old keys
    keys = Keys.objects.filter(time__lt=(

    # Wait until all threads finish the job.
    for thread in threads:

    return ret_dict