Beispiel #1
def get_range(prompt, min_value=None, max_value=None, value_type=float):
    """ Get a range (np.array) of values. Optionally constrain the range between min_value and max_value, or force a value_type for the first and last numbers. """
    first = get_number("First number: ", min_value, max_value, value_type)
    last = get_number("Last number: ", min_value, max_value, value_type)
    if first == last:
        return [first]
    values = get_number("Number of values: ", 1, None, int)
    return np.linspace(first, last, values).tolist()
Beispiel #2
def get_number(prompt, min_value=None, max_value=None, value_type=float):
    """ Get numeric input. Optionally have a min_value and max_value for the number, or force the number to be value_type = int. """
    if value_type not in (float, int):
        raise ValueError(
            "Numeric type must be float or int, not {}.".format(value_type))
    do = True
    while do:
            answer = value_type(get(prompt))
        except ValueError:
            if min_value is not None and answer < min_value:
                disp("Value must be greater than or equal to {}.".format(
            elif max_value is not None and answer > max_value:
                disp("Value must be less than or equal to {}.".format(
                do = False
    return answer
Beispiel #3
def get_file(prompt, directory, new_file=False, fetch_pdb=False):
    """ Get a filename that exists within a given directory.
    new_file: if True, file must be a valid but non-existant path. 
    fetch_pdb: if True, if the file does not exist but is a valid PDB id, then download the PDB to directory. """
    # The directory must exist.
    if not os.path.isdir(directory):
        raise OSError("Directory does not exist: {}".format(directory))
    if new_file:
        # In this mode, a new file must be specified.
        do = True
        while do:
            base_file = get(prompt)  # name of the new file
            full_file = os.path.join(directory,
                                     base_file)  # full path to the new file
            if os.path.exists(full_file):
                # A new file may not overwrite an existing file.
                disp("Cannot create file, path already exists: {}".format(
                # Ensure the name of the file is a valid path.
                if standards.is_path_component(base_file):
                    file_directory = os.path.dirname(full_file)
                    # Ensure the directory in which the file will be written exists.
                    if os.path.isdir(file_directory):
                        # If so, then the file path is valid: return it.
                        do = False
                            "Cannot create file, directory does not exist: {}".
                        "Only the following characters are permitted in path components: {}"
        return full_file
        # In this mode, an existing file must be specified.
        do = True
        while do:
            name = get(prompt)  # name of the file
            if name in os.listdir(directory):
                # If the file exists, then nothing more must be done: return the file path.
                do = False
            elif fetch_pdb:
                    # If the file does not exist but fetch_pdb is True, then try to download the PDB.
                    # PDBs are downloaded in this file name format.
                    temp_name = os.path.join(directory,
                    # Rename the file to PDBID.pdb
                    name += ".pdb"
                    os.rename(temp_name, os.path.join(directory, name))
                    # If that worked, return the path to the PDB file.
                    do = False
                    disp("Could not fetch PDB '{}'".format(name))
                disp("File does not exist '{}'".format(name))
        # Return the path to the file.
        return os.path.join(directory, name)
Beispiel #4
def select_from_list(prompt,
    """ Select between min_number and max_number of items from a list. If names is given, list element names are replaced with names. """
    n = len(list_)
    if isinstance(list_, dict):
        # If the list is given as a dict:
        if names is None:
            # If names is not given, use the keys as names and the values as the items in the list.
            names = map(str, list_.keys())
            list_ = list_.values()
            # Otherwise, discard the values and use the keys.
            list_ = list_.keys()
    if names is None:
        # If names is not specified, then convert the list items to strings and use them as names.
        names = map(str, list_)
        # Ensure that the number of names matches the number of items in the list.
        if len(names) != n:
            raise ValueError("Length of names must equal length of list.")
    # Strip off whitespace from the names.
    names = map(string.strip, names)
    # The minimum number selected cannot be negative.
    if min_number is None:
        min_number = 0
        min_number = max(int(min_number), 0)
    # The maximum number selected cannot exceed the total number of items.
    if max_number is None:
        max_number = n
        max_number = min(int(max_number), n)
    # The minimum number cannot exceed the maximum number.
    if min_number > max_number:
        raise IOError(
            "Minimum selction {} cannot be greater than maximum selection {}.".
            format(min_number, max_number))
    # If the minumum number equals the number of items, all items must be selected.
    if min_number == n:
        disp("Automatically selecting all {n} items from length-{n} list: {l}".
             format(n=n, l=", ".join(names)))
        # Return a copy of the list so that things that depend on the lists input and returned being a different objects won't fail.
        return list(list_)
    # Initialize to no items selected.
    items = None
    # Make a statement of which options are available.
    permitted = "Options include the following:\n{}".format(
        disp_list(names, get_string=True))
    # Has that statment been displayed yet?
    permitted_displayed = False
    # Repeat until a selection has been made.
    while items is None:
        # Ask the user to specify items.
        selection_string = get(prompt)
        if selection_string.strip() == "":
            # If the input is blank, say what options are available.
            permitted_displayed = True
            # Otherwise, try to parse the input.
            selection_keys = split_selection_string(selection_string)
                indexes = [
                    index for key in selection_keys
                    for index in get_selected_indexes(names, key)
            except ValueError:
                # If parsing fails, then stop parsing and get another input from the user.
                select_items = False
                # If parsing succeeded, then proceed to the selection step.
                select_items = True
            if select_items:
                # Select the items.
                selected_items = [list_[index] for index in indexes]
                # Ensure the number selected meets specifications.
                if len(selected_items) >= min_number and len(
                        selected_items) <= max_number:
                    # If so, then finalize the selection by setting items = selected_items, which terminates the loop.
                    items = selected_items
                    disp("You must select from {} to {} items.".format(
                        min_number, max_number))
                # Alert that something went wrong with parsing.
                disp('There was a problem selecting the following items: "{}"'.
                if not permitted_displayed:
                    # If an error occurs and the options have not been displayed yet, then display them.
                    permitted_displayed = True
    return items
python check_status [prefix]

If prefix is given, then only experiments that begin with the prefix will be listed.

import cPickle as pkl
import os
import sys

import console
import standards

console.disp("{:<39} {:<39}".format("EXPERIMENT", "STATUS"))
console.disp("-" * 80)
for experiment in os.listdir(standards.ExperimentsDirectory):
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        if not any([x in experiment for x in sys.argv[1:]]):
    directory = os.path.join(standards.ExperimentsDirectory, experiment)
    errors = os.path.join(directory, "errors.txt")
    pickle = os.path.join(directory, ".temp", "{}.pickle".format(experiment))
    summary = os.path.join(directory, "Summary.txt")
    results = os.path.join(directory, "Results.csv")
    if os.path.isfile(errors):
        status = "ERROR: see errors.txt"
        if all([os.path.isfile(x) for x in [summary, results]]):
            status = "Completed"
Beispiel #6
 def get_structure(self, file_name=None):
     """ Load a structure from a file. """
     # The file doesn't need to be the filename associated with the molecule.
     # Molecules can be used to load structures from any PDB or MMCIF file.
     if file_name is None:
         file_name = self.file
     structure = get_parser(file_name).get_structure(, file_name)
     # OptMAVEn currently can only handle structures with one model.
     models = Selection.unfold_entities(structure, "M")
     if len(models) != 1:
         raise NotImplementedError(
             "Optmaven cannot currently handle structures with {} models.".
     # Optionally, exclude heteroatoms from the structure. Only do this the first time this molecule loads a structure.
     if self.exclude_hetero in [
             standards.HetAtmAsk, standards.HetAtmExclude
     ] and self.excluded_residue_ids is None:
         self.excluded_residue_ids = dict()
         # Loop through the chains.
         for chain in Selection.unfold_entities(models[0], "C"):
             # Identify any heteroatoms.
             hetero_residues = [
                 residue for residue in chain if residue.get_id()[0] != " "
             hetero_residue_ids = [
                 residue.get_id() for residue in hetero_residues
             if len(hetero_residue_ids) > 0:
                 # If there are heteroatoms:
                 if self.exclude_hetero == standards.HetAtmAsk:
                     # If the user can decide whether or not to exclude them, then ask.
                     disp("Excluding hetero-residues from chain {}.".format(
                     self.excluded_residue_ids[chain.get_id()] = set(
                             "Please select hetero-residues to exclude from {}: "
                             names=map(residue_code, hetero_residues)))
                 elif self.exclude_hetero == standards.HetAtmExclude:
                     # Otherwise, exclude heteroatoms automatically.
                         chain.get_id()] = hetero_residue_ids
                     raise ValueError(
                         "Bad value for heteroatom exclusion: {}".format(
     elif self.exclude_hetero not in standards.HetAtmOptions:
         raise ValueError("Bad value for heteroatom exclusion: {}".format(
     if self.excluded_residue_ids is not None:
         # The previous step just identified residues to exclude.
         # This step actually removes them from the structure.
         for chain in Selection.unfold_entities(models[0], "C"):
             exclude = self.excluded_residue_ids.get(chain.get_id())
             if exclude is not None:
                 for res_id in exclude:
                     except KeyError:
     return structure