Beispiel #1
def rooms_get_post():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if not request.is_json:
            err = {"Error": "The request Content-Type must be JSON"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 415)
        content = request.get_json()
        if set(("number", "check_in", "wing")) != set(content):
            err = {
                "The request object is missing at least one of the required attributes"
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 400)

        new_room = datastore.entity.Entity(key=client.key(constants.rooms))

            "number": content["number"],
            "check_in": content["check_in"],
            "wing": content["wing"],
            "patient": None
        room_key = client.key(constants.rooms,
        room = client.get(key=room_key)
        room.update({"id": str(})
        room["self"] = str(request.base_url) + "/" + str(
        return constants.makeResponse(room, 201)
    #Retrieve all rooms in DB
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        if 'application/json' in request.accept_mimetypes:
            return constants.pagination(constants.rooms,
                                        int(request.args.get('limit', '5')),
                                        int(request.args.get('offset', '0')))
            err = {"Error": "Accept mimetype must be 'application/json'."}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 406)
        err = {"Error": "The request method is not recognized"}
        res = constants.makeResponse(err, 405)
        res.headers['Allows'] = ['POST', 'GET']
        return res
Beispiel #2
def patients_rooms(pid, rid):
    #check if JWT is valid
    id_info = constants.validJWT(request.headers)
    if id_info == False:
        return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "Invalid or Missing JWT"}, 401)

    patient_key = client.key(constants.patients, int(pid))
    patient = client.get(key=patient_key)
    room_key = client.key(constants.rooms, int(rid))
    room = client.get(key=room_key)
    if not patient or not room:
         err = {"Error": "No patient with this patient_id exists or No room with this room_id exists"}
         return constants.makeResponse(err, 404)

    if patient["physician_id"] != id_info["sub"]:
        return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "You do not have access to this patient"}, 403)

    if request.method == 'PUT':
        if room['patient'] is not None:
            err = {"Error": "The room already has a patient"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 403)
        elif patient['room'] is not None:
            err = {"Error": "The patient is already assigned a room"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 403)
        #Add room_id to patient["room"]
        patient['room'] = {"id":}

        #Add patient_id to room["patient"]
        if 'patient' in room.keys():
            room.update({"patient": {"id":, "last_name": patient['last_name']} })
        return('', 204)
    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
        if room['patient'] is None:
            err = {"Not Modified": "The room does not currently have a patient"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 304)
        elif patient['room'] is None:
            err = {"Not Modified": "The patient is not currently assigned a room"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 304)
        constants.removeOneEntityFromCarrier(patient, 'room',
        constants.removeOneEntityFromCarrier(room, 'patient',

        return('', 204)
        err = {"Error": "The request method is not recognized"}
        res = constants.makeResponse(err, 405)
        res.headers['Allows'] = ['PUT', 'DELETE']
        return res
Beispiel #3
def user_get_patients(id):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        id_info = constants.validJWT(request.headers)
        if id_info == False:
            return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "Invalid or Missing JWT"},
        if int(id_info["sub"]) != int(id):
            return constants.makeResponse(
                {"Error": "You do not have access to this collection"}, 403)
        query = client.query(kind=constants.patients)
        query.add_filter('physician_id', '=', str(id))
        results = list(query.fetch())
        for e in results:
            constants.getLoadsSelf(e, 'room', request)
            e["self"] = str(request.url_root) + "patients/" + e["id"]
        return constants.makeResponse(results, 200)

        err = {"Error": "The request method is not recognized"}
        res = constants.makeResponse(err, 405)
        res.headers['Allows'] = ['GET']
        return res
Beispiel #4
def patient_room_get(pid):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        patient_key = client.key(constants.patients, int(pid))
        patient = client.get(key=patient_key)
        if not patient:
             err = {"Error": "No patient with this patient_id exists"}
             return constants.makeResponse(err, 404)
        query = client.query(kind=constants.rooms)
        results = list(query.fetch())
        roomList = []
        for e in results:
            if e['patient'] is not None:
                if e['patient']['id'] == int(
                    constants.getLoadsSelf(e, 'patient', request)
                    e['self'] = str(request.url_root) + 'rooms/' + str(e['id'])
        return constants.makeResponse(roomList, 200)
        err = {"Error": "The request method is not recognized"}
        res = constants.makeResponse(err, 405)
        res.headers['Allows'] = ['GET']
        return res
Beispiel #5
def patient_get_post():
    #check if user is adding a patient
    if request.method == 'POST':
        #check if JWT is valid
        id_info = constants.validJWT(request.headers)
        if id_info == False:
            return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "Invalid or Missing JWT"}, 401)
        #ensure request is json format
        if not request.is_json:
            err = {"Error": "The request Content-Type must be JSON"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 415)
        content = request.get_json()
        #error checks of input
        content = patientInputVal(content)
        if "Error" in content:
            return constants.makeResponse(content, 400)

        #retrive request data
        content = populatePatient(content)
        if not content:
            err = {"Error": "The request object has unacceptable attributes"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 400)
        #set patients physician to current doctors(user) sub number
        content["physician_id"] = id_info["sub"]
        new_patient = datastore.entity.Entity(key=client.key(constants.patients))
        patient_key =  client.key(constants.patients,
        patient = client.get(key=patient_key)
        patient.update({"id": str(})
        patient["self"] = str(request.base_url) + "/" +  str(
        return constants.makeResponse(patient, 201)
    #Retrieve all patients in DB
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        if 'application/json' in request.accept_mimetypes:
            return constants.pagination(constants.patients, int(request.args.get('limit', '5')), int(request.args.get('offset', '0')))
            err = {"Error": "Accept mimetype must be 'application/json'."}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 406)

        err = {"Error": "The request method is not recognized"}
        res = constants.makeResponse(err, 405)
        res.headers['Allows'] = ['GET', 'POST']
        return res
Beispiel #6
def rooms_get_put_delete(id):
    if request.method == 'PATCH':
        if not request.is_json:
            err = {"Error": "The request Content-Type must be JSON"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 415)
        content = request.get_json()

        room_key = client.key(constants.rooms, int(id))
        room = client.get(key=room_key)
        if not room:
            err = {"Error": "No room with this room_id exists"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 404)
        update = {}
        for attr in content:
            if attr not in roomCheck:
                err = {
                    "The request object contains unrecognized attributes"
                return constants.makeResponse(err, 400)
            update[attr] = content[attr]
        room["self"] = str(request.base_url)
        constants.getLoadsSelf(room, 'patient', request)

        return constants.makeResponse(room, 200)
    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        if not request.is_json:
            err = {"Error": "The request Content-Type must be JSON"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 415)
        content = request.get_json()
        if set(("number", "check_in", "wing")) != set(content):
            err = {
                "The request object is missing at least one of the required attributes"
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 400)

        room_key = client.key(constants.rooms, int(id))
        room = client.get(key=room_key)
        if not room:
            err = {"Error": "No room with this room_id exists"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 404)

            "number": content["number"],
            "check_in": content["check_in"],
            "wing": content["wing"]
        room["self"] = str(request.base_url)
        constants.getLoadsSelf(room, 'patient', request)
        return constants.makeResponse(room, 200)

    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
        room_key = client.key(constants.rooms, int(id))
        room = client.get(key=room_key)
        if not room:
            err = {"Error": "No room with this room_id exists"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 404)
        #Remove rooms from patients when deleting room
        query = client.query(kind=constants.patients)
        results = list(query.fetch())
        for e in results:
            if e["room"] is not None:
                if int(e["room"]["id"]) == int(room["id"]):
                    patient_key = client.key(constants.patients, int(e["id"]))
                    patient = client.get(key=patient_key)
                    patient.update({"room": None})
        return constants.makeResponse('', 204)
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        if 'application/json' not in request.accept_mimetypes and 'text/html' not in request.accept_mimetypes:
            err = {
                "The accept-header Content-Type must be application/json or text/html"
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 406)
        room_key = client.key(constants.rooms, int(id))
        room = client.get(key=room_key)
        if not room:
            err = {"Error": "No room with this room_id exists"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 404)
        room["self"] = str(request.base_url)
        constants.getLoadsSelf(room, 'patient', request)
        if 'application/json' in request.accept_mimetypes:
            return constants.makeResponse(room, 200)

        err = {"Error": "The request method is not recognized"}
        res = constants.makeResponse(err, 405)
        res.headers['Allows'] = ['GET', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'PUT']
        return res
Beispiel #7
def patient_get_update_delete(id):
    #retrieve specific patient
    if request.method == 'GET':
        #check if JWT is valid
        id_info = constants.validJWT(request.headers)
        if id_info == False:
            return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "Invalid or Missing JWT"}, 401)

        patient_key = client.key(constants.patients, int(id))
        patient = client.get(key=patient_key)
        if not patient:
            err = {"Error": "No patient with this patient_id exists"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 404)

        if patient["physician_id"] != id_info["sub"]:
            return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "You do not have access to this patient"}, 403)
        patient["self"] = str(request.base_url)
        constants.getLoadsSelf(patient, 'room', request)
        if 'application/json' in request.accept_mimetypes:
            return constants.makeResponse(patient, 200)
            err = {"Error": "Accept mimetype must be 'application/json'."}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 406)

    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        #ensure request is json format
        if not request.is_json:
            err = {"Error": "The request Content-Type must be JSON"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 415)
        #check if JWT is valid
        id_info = constants.validJWT(request.headers)
        if id_info == False:
            return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "Invalid or Missing JWT"}, 401)

        #retrive request data
        content = request.get_json()
        content = patientInputVal(content)
        if "Error" in content:
            return constants.makeResponse(content, 400)

        content = populatePatient(request.get_json())
        if not content:
            err = {"Error": "The request object has unacceptable attributes"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 400)
        patient_key = client.key(constants.patients, int(id))
        patient = client.get(key=patient_key)
        if not patient:
            err = {"Error": "No patient with this patient_id exists"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 404)
        if patient["physician_id"] != id_info["sub"]:
            return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "You do not have access to this patient"}, 403)

        patient["self"] = str(request.base_url)
        constants.getLoadsSelf(patient, 'room', request)
        if 'application/json' in request.accept_mimetypes:
            return constants.makeResponse(patient, 200)
            err = {"Error": "Accept mimetype must be 'application/json'."}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 406)

    elif request.method == 'PATCH':
        #ensure request is json format
        if not request.is_json:
            err = {"Error": "The request Content-Type must be JSON"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 415)
        #check if JWT is valid
        id_info = constants.validJWT(request.headers)
        if id_info == False:
            return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "Invalid or Missing JWT"}, 401)

        #retrive request data
        content = request.get_json()
        #check body of request

        #Update patient info (Keeps old patient info if fields aren't specified in request)
        patient_key = client.key(constants.patients, int(id))
        patient = client.get(key=patient_key)
        if not patient:
            err = {"Error": "No patient with this patient_id exists"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 404)
        if patient["physician_id"] != id_info["sub"]:
            return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "You do not have access to this patient"}, 403)

        for fields in content:
            if fields not in patient:
                err = {"Error": "The request object has unacceptable attributes"}
                return constants.makeResponse(err, 400)
            patient[fields] = content[fields]

        patient["self"] = str(request.base_url)
        constants.getLoadsSelf(patient, 'room', request)
        if 'application/json' in request.accept_mimetypes:
            return constants.makeResponse(patient, 200)
            err = {"Error": "Accept mimetype must be 'application/json'."}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 406)

    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
        #check if JWT is valid
        id_info = constants.validJWT(request.headers)
        if id_info == False:
            return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "Invalid or Missing JWT"}, 401)

        patient_key = client.key(constants.patients, int(id))
        patient = client.get(key=patient_key)
        if not patient:
            err = {"Error": "No patient with this patient_id exists"}
            return constants.makeResponse(err, 404)
        if patient["physician_id"] != id_info["sub"]:
            return constants.makeResponse({"Error": "You do not have access to this patient"}, 403)
        #Remove rooms when deleting patients
        query = client.query(kind=constants.rooms)
        results = list(query.fetch())
        for e in results:
            if e['patient'] is not None:
                if int(e['patient']['id']) == int(patient["id"]):
                    room_key = client.key(constants.rooms, int(e["id"]))
                    room = client.get(key=room_key)
                    room.update({"patient": None})
        return constants.makeResponse('', 204)

        err = {"Error": "The request method is not recognized"}
        res = constants.makeResponse(err, 405)
        res.headers['Allows'] = ['GET', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE']
        return res