def store_city_from_contact(contact): """ This function receives a contact parameter, which is an entity of type 'Contact', and stores it in the DataStore along with is geographical location. """ # If we don't have the contact's city yet, save it, along with its geo info total_city_records = ( City.all(). filter('name =', filter('state =', contact.state). filter('country = ', count() ) if total_city_records == 0 and is not None: location = get_geoinfo( # Store the city only if its geo location is available. if location: City(, state=contact.state,, location=db.GeoPt(location['latitude'], location['longitude']) ).put()
def list_contacts(request): """ The list of contacts. This view also fetches the cities that the current contacts live in and the geographical postion of those cities. """ # Set up the contacts query contacts = ( Contact.all(). filter("owner =", users.get_current_user()). order('creation_date') ) # Paginate using django's pagination tools paginator = Paginator(contacts, settings.PAGINATE_BY) page = request.GET.get('page', 1) try: page_number = int(page) except ValueError: if page == 'last': page_number = paginator.num_pages else: # Page is not 'last', nor can it be converted to an int. raise Http404 try: page_obj = except InvalidPage: raise Http404 # Get the cities that the contacts live in _cities = [] for contact in copy.deepcopy(page_obj.object_list): _cities.append( cities = set(_cities) cities_list = [] if len(cities): # Construct the cities string for our query cities_str = u'(' for city in cities: cities_str += "'%s'," % city cities_str = cities_str.strip(',') cities_str += u')' # Create the cities query for city in City.gql("WHERE name IN %s" % cities_str): cities_list.append({ 'name':, 'latitude':, 'longitude': city.location.lon }) # Create the context and render the template with pagination # This part is adapted from django.views.generic.list_detail.oject_list context = RequestContext(request, { 'object_list': page_obj.object_list, 'paginator': paginator, 'page_obj': page_obj, # Legacy template context stuff. New templates should use page_obj # to access this instead. 'is_paginated': page_obj.has_other_pages(), 'results_per_page': paginator.per_page, 'has_next': page_obj.has_next(), 'has_previous': page_obj.has_previous(), 'page': page_obj.number, 'next': page_obj.next_page_number(), 'previous': page_obj.previous_page_number(), 'first_on_page': page_obj.start_index(), 'last_on_page': page_obj.end_index(), 'pages': paginator.num_pages, 'hits': paginator.count, 'page_range': paginator.page_range, # The cities list 'cities_list': cities_list }) template = loader.get_template('contact_list.html') # Return the rendered template return HttpResponse(template.render(context))