Beispiel #1
    def test_sim(self, prog, cpu, util_tbl):
        """Test executing a program.

        `self` is this test case.
        `prog` is the program to run.
        `cpu` is the processor to run the program on.
        `util_tbl` is the expected utilization table.

        assert simulate([HwInstruction(*regs, ICaseString(categ)) for
                         *regs, categ in prog], HwSpec(cpu)) == [
                             BagValDict(inst_util) for inst_util in util_tbl]
Beispiel #2
    def test_processor(self, prog_file, proc_file, util_info):
        """Test simulating a program on the given processor.

        `self` is this test case.
        `prog_file` is the program file.
        `proc_file` is the processor description file.
        `util_info` is the expected utilization information.

        cpu = read_proc_file("processors", proc_file)
        capabilities = processor_utils.get_abilities(cpu)
        assert simulate(test_utils.compile_prog(
            prog_file, test_utils.read_isa_file(
                "singleInstructionISA.yaml", capabilities)), HwSpec(cpu)) == [
                    BagValDict(inst_util) for inst_util in util_info]
Beispiel #3
    def test_mem_util_in_earlier_inputs_affects_later_ones(self):
        """Test propagation of memory utilization among inputs.

        `self` is this test case.

        full_sys_unit = UnitModel(ICaseString("full system"), 2, ["ALU"],
                                  LockInfo(True, True), ["ALU"])
        res_util = (BagValDict(
            {ICaseString("full system"): [InstrState(instr)]})
                    for instr in [0, 1])
        assert simulate(
            [HwInstruction([], out_reg, "ALU") for out_reg in ["R1", "R2"]],
            HwSpec(ProcessorDesc([], [], [full_sys_unit],
                                 []))) == list(res_util)
Beispiel #4
    def test_hazard(self):
        """Test detecting RAR hazards.

        `self` is this test case.

        proc_desc = ProcessorDesc([], [], [
            UnitModel(ICaseString(TEST_DIR), 2, ["ALU"], LockInfo(True, True),
        ], [])
                HwInstruction(["R1"], out_reg, "ALU")
                for out_reg in ["R2", "R3"]
            ], HwSpec(proc_desc)),
            [BagValDict({ICaseString(TEST_DIR): map(InstrState, [0, 1])})])
Beispiel #5
    def test_instructions_are_loaded_to_lexicographically_inputs_first(self):
        """Test instructions are fed into sorted input units.

        `self` is this test case.

        in_unit, out_unit = (UnitModel(ICaseString(name), 1, ["ALU"], LockInfo(
            rd_lock, wr_lock), mem_acl) for name, rd_lock, wr_lock, mem_acl in
                             [("input 1", True, False, []),
                              ("output 1", False, True, ["ALU"])])
        proc_desc = ProcessorDesc(
            [in_unit], [FuncUnit(out_unit, [in_unit])], [UnitModel(ICaseString(
                "input 2"), 1, ["ALU"], LockInfo(True, False), [])], [])
            [HwInstruction([], "R1", "ALU")], HwSpec(proc_desc)), [BagValDict(
                cp_util) for cp_util in [{ICaseString("input 1"): [InstrState(
                    0)]}, {ICaseString("output 1"): [InstrState(0)]}]])
Beispiel #6
    def test_unsupported_instruction_stalls_pipeline(
            self, valid_prog, util_tbl):
        """Test executing an invalid instruction after a valid program.

        `self` is this test case.
        `valid_prog` is a sequence of valid instructions.
        `util_tbl` is the utilization table.

        prog = starmap(lambda in_regs, out_reg, categ:
                       HwInstruction(in_regs, out_reg, ICaseString(categ)),
                       chain(valid_prog, [([], "R14", "MEM")]))
        ex_chk = raises(StallError, simulate, tuple(prog), HwSpec(
            read_proc_file("processors", "singleALUProcessor.yaml")))
            [test_utils.ValInStrCheck(ex_chk.value.processor_state, [
                BagValDict(cp_util) for cp_util in util_tbl])], ex_chk.value)
Beispiel #7
    def test_hazard(self, instr_regs):
        """Test detecting data hazards.

        `self` is this test case.
        `instr_regs` are the registers accessed by each instruction.

        full_sys_unit = UnitModel(ICaseString(TEST_DIR), 2, ["ALU"],
                                  LockInfo(True, True), [])
        assert simulate(
            [HwInstruction(*regs, "ALU") for regs in instr_regs],
            HwSpec(ProcessorDesc([], [], [full_sys_unit], []))) == [
                BagValDict(cp_util) for cp_util in [{
                    itertools.starmap(InstrState, [[0], [1, StallState.DATA]])
                }, {
                    ICaseString(TEST_DIR): [InstrState(1)]
Beispiel #8
    def test_internal_stall_is_detected(self):
        """Test detecting stalls in internal units.

        `self` is this test case.

        in_unit, mid, out_unit = (
            UnitModel(ICaseString(name), width, ["ALU"],
                      LockInfo(rd_lock, wr_lock), []) for
            name, width, rd_lock, wr_lock in [("input", 2, True, False), (
                "middle", 2, False, False), ("output", 1, False, True)])
        proc_desc = ProcessorDesc([in_unit], [FuncUnit(out_unit, [mid])], [],
                                  [FuncUnit(mid, [in_unit])])
            [HwInstruction([], out_reg, "ALU") for out_reg in ["R1", "R2"]],
            HwSpec(proc_desc)), [BagValDict(cp_util) for cp_util in [
                {ICaseString("input"): map(InstrState, [0, 1])},
                {ICaseString("middle"): map(InstrState, [0, 1])},
                {ICaseString("middle"): [InstrState(1, StallState.STRUCTURAL)],
                 ICaseString("output"): [InstrState(0)]},
                {ICaseString("output"): [InstrState(1)]}]])
Beispiel #9
    def test_only_mem_access_instructions_are_checked(self):
        """Test always allowing instructions without memory access.

        `self` is this test case.

        in_unit, out_unit = (UnitModel(ICaseString(name), 2, ["ALU", "MEM"],
                                       LockInfo(rd_lock, wr_lock), mem_acl)
                             for name, rd_lock, wr_lock, mem_acl in [(
                                 "input", True, False,
                                 []), ("output", False, True, ["MEM"])])
        proc_desc = ProcessorDesc([in_unit], [FuncUnit(out_unit, [in_unit])],
                                  [], [])
                HwInstruction([], *instr_params)
                for instr_params in [["R1", "MEM"], ["R2", "ALU"]]
            ], HwSpec(proc_desc)), [
                BagValDict({ICaseString(unit): map(InstrState, [0, 1])})
                for unit in ["input", "output"]
Beispiel #10
    def test_earlier_instructions_are_propagated_first(self):
        """Test earlier instructions are selected first.

        `self` is this test case.

        in_units = [UnitModel(
            ICaseString(name), 1, [categ], LockInfo(True, False), []) for name,
                    categ in [("ALU input", "ALU"), ("MEM input", "MEM")]]
        out_unit = UnitModel(ICaseString("output"), 1, ["ALU", "MEM"],
                             LockInfo(False, True), [])
        proc_desc = ProcessorDesc(
            in_units, [FuncUnit(out_unit, in_units)], [], [])
            *instr_params) for instr_params in [[[], "R12", "MEM"], [
                ["R11", "R15"], "R14", "ALU"]]], HwSpec(proc_desc)), [
                    BagValDict(inst_util) for inst_util in
                    [{ICaseString("MEM input"): [InstrState(0)],
                      ICaseString("ALU input"): [InstrState(1)]},
                     {ICaseString("output"): [InstrState(0)], ICaseString(
                         "ALU input"): [InstrState(1, StallState.STRUCTURAL)]},
                     {ICaseString("output"): [InstrState(1)]}]])
Beispiel #11
def _run_cycle(program: Sequence[HwInstruction],
               acc_queues: Mapping[object, RegAccessQueue], hw_info: HwSpec,
               util_tbl: MutableSequence[BagValDict[ICaseString, InstrState]],
               issue_rec: _IssueInfo) -> None:
    """Run a single clock cycle.

    `program` is the program to run whose instructions.
    `acc_queues` are the planned access queues for registers.
    `hw_info` is the processor information.
    `util_tbl` is the utilization table.
    `issue_rec` is the issue record.

    old_util = util_tbl[-1] if util_tbl else BagValDict()
    cp_util = copy.deepcopy(old_util)
    _fill_cp_util(hw_info.processor_desc, program, cp_util, issue_rec)
    _chk_hazards(old_util, cp_util.items(), hw_info.name_unit_map, program,
    _chk_full_stall(old_util, cp_util, util_tbl)
        _count_outputs(_get_out_ports(hw_info.processor_desc), cp_util))
Beispiel #12
    def test_stalled_outputs_are_not_flushed(self, extra_instr_lst):
        """Test data hazards at output ports.

        `self` is this test case.
        `extra_instr_lst` is the extra instructions to execute after the
                          ones causing the hazard.

        program = starmap(HwInstruction, chain(
            [[[], "R1", "ALU"], [["R1"], "R2", "ALU"]], extra_instr_lst))
        extra_instr_len = len(extra_instr_lst)
        cores = starmap(lambda name, width: UnitModel(
            ICaseString(name), width, ["ALU"], LockInfo(True, True), []),
                        [("core 1", 1), ("core 2", 1 + extra_instr_len)])
        extra_instr_seq = range(2, 2 + extra_instr_len)
        assert simulate(
            tuple(program), HwSpec(ProcessorDesc([], [], cores, []))) == [
                BagValDict(cp_util) for cp_util in
                [{ICaseString("core 1"): [InstrState(0)], ICaseString(
                    "core 2"): starmap(InstrState, more_itertools.prepend(
                        [1, StallState.DATA],
                        ([instr] for instr in extra_instr_seq)))},
                 {ICaseString("core 2"): [InstrState(1)]}]]
Beispiel #13
    def test_util_tbl_exists_in_StallError(self):
        """Test dumping the utilizaiton table in stall errors.

        `self` is this test case.

        long_input, mid, short_input, out_unit = (
            UnitModel(ICaseString(name), 1, ["ALU"],
                      LockInfo(rd_lock, wr_lock), []) for name, rd_lock,
            wr_lock in [("long input", False, False), ("middle", False, False),
                        ("short input", False, False), ("output", True, True)])
        proc_desc = ProcessorDesc([long_input, short_input], [FuncUnit(
            out_unit, [mid, short_input])], [], [FuncUnit(mid, [long_input])])
        with self.assertRaises(StallError) as ex_chk:
            simulate([HwInstruction(*instr_regs, "ALU") for instr_regs in
                      [[[], "R1"], [["R1"], "R2"]]], HwSpec(proc_desc))
        self.assertEqual(ex_chk.exception.processor_state, [
            BagValDict(cp_util) for cp_util in
            [{ICaseString("long input"): [InstrState(0)], ICaseString(
                "short input"): [InstrState(1)]},
             {ICaseString("middle"): [InstrState(0)], ICaseString("output"):
              [InstrState(1, StallState.DATA)]},
             {ICaseString("middle"): [InstrState(0, StallState.STRUCTURAL)],
              ICaseString("output"): [InstrState(1, StallState.DATA)]}]])