Beispiel #1
def graphData_similarKonceptsVisJs(a_koncept, user=None, onlypublic=True):
	creates the json structures needed by the visjs library
	graph: network of koncept > similar koncepts > related sources

	KONCEPT_LABEL = which_labels(None)['KONCEPT_LABEL']
	DOCUMENT_LABEL = which_labels(None)['DOCUMENT_LABEL']

	def addBRspace(stringa):
		""" util to add linebreaks """
		SIZE = 3
		ss = stringa.split()
		return '\n'.join(' '.join(ss[pos:pos+SIZE]) for pos in xrange(0, len(ss), SIZE))
	if True:
		# only koncepts similar
		nodes  = [] 
		edges  = []
		rootid = "k_"+ str(
		INDEX_KONS = [rootid] #hack to keep track of what's in there already - the js libs fails otherwise	
		top = {'id' : rootid, 'label' :, 'group' : 'group_root'}
		nodes += [top]
		for x in a_koncept.getSimilarKoncepts(n=6, user=user, onlypublic=onlypublic):
			x_id = "k_"+ str(
			if x_id not in INDEX_KONS:
				INDEX_KONS += [x_id]
				nodes += [{'id' : x_id, 'label' : addBRspace(, 'group' : 'group_koncept'}]
				edges += [{'from' : rootid, 'to' : x_id, 'label' : "", 'color' : '#848484'}]
				for s in x.getSources():
					sid = "s_"+ str(
					if sid not in INDEX_DOCS:
						s_label = addBRspace(s.title) + "\n" + s.get_url_domain().strip("http://")
						nodes += [{'id' : sid, 'label' : s_label, 'group' : 'group_source'}]
						INDEX_DOCS += [sid]					
					edges += [{'from' : x_id, 'to' : sid, 'label' : "%s" % DOCUMENT_LABEL.lower(),  'color' : '#2B7CE9'}]
				if False:
					for x1 in x.getSimilarKoncepts(n=6, user=user, onlypublic=onlypublic):
						x1_id = "k_"+ str(
						if x1_id not in INDEX_KONS:
							INDEX_KONS += [x1_id]
							nodes += [{'id' : x1_id, 'label' : addBRspace(, 'group' : 'group_koncept'}]
						edges += [{'from' : x_id, 'to' : x1_id, 'label' : "similar to" }]
		return [simplejson.dumps(nodes), simplejson.dumps(edges)]
Beispiel #2
def graphData_relatedSources(a_koncept, user=None, onlypublic=True):
	creates the json structures needed by the visjs library
	graph: network of koncept > sources > others koncepts

	KONCEPT_LABEL = which_labels(None)['KONCEPT_LABEL']
	DOCUMENT_LABEL = which_labels(None)['DOCUMENT_LABEL']

	def addBRspace(stringa):
		""" util to add linebreaks """
		SIZE = 3
		ss = stringa.split()
		return '\n'.join(' '.join(ss[pos:pos+SIZE]) for pos in xrange(0, len(ss), SIZE))	

	# koncept sources + their related koncepts
	nodes1  = [] 
	edges1  = []

	rootid = "k_"+ str(
	INDEX1 = [rootid] #hack to keep track of what's in there already - the js libs fails otherwise
	top = {'id' : rootid, 'label' : addBRspace(, 'group' : 'group_root'}
	nodes1 += [top]

	for s in a_koncept.getSources():
		sid = "s_"+ str(
		s_label = addBRspace(s.title) + "\n" + s.get_url_domain().strip("http://")
		nodes1 += [{'id' : sid, 'label' : s_label, 'group' : 'group_source'}]
		edges1 += [{'from' : rootid, 'to' : sid, 'label' : "%s" % DOCUMENT_LABEL.lower()}]
		for k in s.get_koncepts():
			kid = "k_"+ str(
			if kid != rootid:
				if kid not in INDEX1:
					INDEX1 += [kid]					
					nodes1 += [{'id' : kid, 'label' : addBRspace(, 'group' : 'group_koncept'}]
				edges1 += [{'from' : sid, 'to' : kid, 'label' : "%s" % KONCEPT_LABEL.lower()}]
	return [simplejson.dumps(nodes1), simplejson.dumps(edges1)] 
Beispiel #3
def edit_quote_subjects(request):
	Ajax action for modifying the title of a quote
	user = request.user ## in the future we'll have to handle username too

	quote_id = request.GET.get('quote_id', None)
	newsubjects = request.GET.get('subjects', "")

	data = { 'new_subjects' : "" }
		f1 = Fragment.objects.get(pk=int(quote_id), created_by=user)
		return HttpResponseForbidden()
	newsubjects = newsubjects.strip().split(",")	
	old_subjects = list(f1.subjects.all())
	if not newsubjects and not old_subjects:
		# clear tags and recreate them
		if newsubjects:
			for el in newsubjects:
				if el:
						subject = Subject.objects.get(name=el.strip().lower(), created_by=user)
						subject = Subject(name=el.strip().lower(), created_by=user)
			# return_str = render_block_to_string('bstrap3.2.0/components/tags_snippet.html', 
			return_str = render_block_to_string('bstrap3.2.0/components/sidebar_tagsinfo.html', 
													{ 	'snippet' : f1 ,
														'mykoncepts' : True,
														'SUBJECT_LABEL' : which_labels(request)['SUBJECT_LABEL'] 													})
			data = { 'new_subjects' : return_str }
		Subject.cleanUpUserSubjects(user, old_subjects)
	json = simplejson.dumps(data)
	return HttpResponse(json, mimetype='application/json')
Beispiel #4
#	)

# Tip:
	# [^/]+ ==> match anything except / 
	# .*  ==> matches everything..

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.views.generic import RedirectView

from context_processors import which_labels
KONCEPT_LABEL = which_labels(None)['KONCEPT_LABEL'].lower() + "s"
SUBJECT_LABEL = which_labels(None)['SUBJECT_LABEL'].lower() + "s"
DOCUMENT_LABEL = which_labels(None)['DOCUMENT_LABEL'].lower() + "s"
SNIPPET_LABEL = which_labels(None)['SNIPPET_LABEL'].lower() + "s"
FOLDER_LABEL = which_labels(None)['FOLDER_LABEL'].lower()

urlpatterns = patterns('koncepts.views',
	url(r'^$', 'homepage', name='homepage'),

# "/test/" pattern