Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, connection_uri, dbtype="mysql", **kwargs):

        if not connection_uri:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("The database connection URI is required")

        super(Backend, self).__init__()
        self._session = None
        self._uri = dbtype + CONNECTION_URI_DELIM + connection_uri
        self._dbtype = dbtype
        self._tables = {}

        TODO verify that 'create_engine' and 'MetaData __init__' don't have conflicting args -
        if so, then being a cowboy and passing in kwargs will not work.
        This will need testing obv...we might actually have to expand kwargs out rather than
        passing it in.
        self._engine = create_engine(self._uri, **kwargs)
        self._meta = MetaData(bind=self._engine, **kwargs)
        if kwargs.get("load", False):
Beispiel #2
class SQL(Backend):

    Wrapper object to adapt data source model for use with a Transactor

    def __init__(self, connection_uri, dbtype="mysql", **kwargs):

        if not connection_uri:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("The database connection URI is required")

        super(Backend, self).__init__()
        self._session = None
        self._uri = dbtype + CONNECTION_URI_DELIM + connection_uri
        self._dbtype = dbtype
        self._tables = {}

        TODO verify that 'create_engine' and 'MetaData __init__' don't have conflicting args -
        if so, then being a cowboy and passing in kwargs will not work.
        This will need testing obv...we might actually have to expand kwargs out rather than
        passing it in.
        self._engine = create_engine(self._uri, **kwargs)
        self._meta = MetaData(bind=self._engine, **kwargs)
        if kwargs.get("load", False):

    def engine(self):
        return self._engine

    def meta(self):
        return self._meta

    def tables(self):
        return self._tables

    # Instance functionality
    # The following methods provide an interface/proxy to the current Session

    def unbind(self):
        pass  #TODO unbind sqlalchemy session

    def destroy(self):
        # TODO Any additional cleanup on the table? Drop the table from the session?

    def defaults(self):
        # TODO

    def to_string(self):
        return self._uri

    def clear(self):

    # CRUD API

    def get(self, name):
        Loads a Table from the Database.
        If the tables have already been loaded (either in Meta or SQL), then the
        cached object is returned; otherwise get creates a new Table Object.
        :param name:
        :param method:

        if name in self.tables:
            return self.tables[name]

        _table = None
            _table = self.meta.tables[name]
        except KeyError:

        table = Table(self.engine, self.meta)
        self._tables[name] = _table
        return table

    def create(self, model, **kwargs):

    def update(self, model, **kwargs):
        # Updates a new row with the specified content

        if not model:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("'model' is required")

        _sync_stratey = kwargs.pop("synchronize_session", "evaluate")
        _update_args = kwargs.pop("update_args", None)

        _ret = self.session.query(self)
        name =
        if name:
            _ret = _ret.get(name)

        _ret.filter_by(kwargs).update(model.export(), synchronize_session=_sync_stratey, update_args=_update_args)

    def replace(self, model, **kwargs):
        # Replace is semantically no different than update in SQLAlchemy
        self.update(model, **kwargs)

    def delete(self, model, **kwargs):
        # Deletes rows matched by a query
        # TODO do we need to consider session.expunge?

        _sync_stratey = kwargs.pop("synchronize_session", "evaluate")
        _ret = self.session.query(self)
        name =
        if name:
            _ret = _ret.get(name)


    # Transactional API

    def close(self):
        if self._session:
            self._session = None

    def commit(self):
        if not self._session:
            raise IllegalStateException("No Session to commit. You must begin a Session prior to committing")

    def flush(self):
        if not self._session:
            raise IllegalStateException("No Session to commit. You must begin a Session prior to flushing")

    def cancel(self):
        if not self._session:
            raise IllegalStateException("No Session to commit. You must begin a Session prior to cancelling")

    def rollback(self):
        if not self._session:
            raise IllegalStateException("No Session to rollback. You must begin a Session prior to rolling back one")
        if self._session:
            self._session = None

    def invalidate(self):
        # Useful for calls in except statements
        if self._session:

    def begin(self):
        self._session = self._session_factory() if not self._session else self._session
        return self._session

    def tag(self):
        if not self._session:
            raise IllegalStateException(
                "No Session to tag. You must begin a Session prior to tagging (creating a save point)")
        return self._session.begin_nested()

    def commit(self):
        if not self._session:
            raise IllegalStateException("No Session to commit. You must begin a Session prior to committing")

    def flush(self):
        if not self._session:
            raise IllegalStateException("No Session to commit. You must begin a Session prior to flushing")

    def cancel(self):
        if not self._session:
            raise IllegalStateException("No Session to commit. You must begin a Session prior to cancelling")

    def rollback(self):
        if not self._session:
            raise IllegalStateException("No Session to rollback. You must begin a Session prior to rolling back one")