Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.thrusters = thrusters

        # constraint functions always have to be positive for allowed thrusts
        self.constraints = []
        # bounds is an array of min, max pairs for each thruster
        self.bounds = []
        for i, t in enumerate(thrusters):
            self.constraints.append(lambda x, m=t.max_thrust, i=i: m-x[i])
            self.constraints.append(lambda x, mn=t.max_neg_thrust, i=i: x[i]-mn)
            self.bounds.append((t.max_neg_thrust, t.max_thrust))

        # calculate some "starting step" guesses for the optimization algorithm
        # by using 1/4 of the average max thrust
        # good start guesses are important and make the algorithm run faster
        self.rhobeg = 0.25 * sum([t.max_thrust - t.max_neg_thrust \
                          for t in self.thrusters]) / (len(self.thrusters) * 2)

        # initial guess for optimizing function, currently static; 0 on all
        self.initial_guess = np.array((0,) * len(self.thrusters))

        # this is multiplied by the errors so we prioritize certain DOFs
        self.error_scale = np.ones(6)

        self.quat_pid = PIDLoop()

        # other options
        self.DEBUG = False
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.thrusters = thrusters

        # this is multiplied by the errors so we prioritize certain DOFs
        self.error_scale = np.ones(6)

        self.quat_pid = PIDLoop()

        # other options
        self.DEBUG = False
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.thrusters = thrusters

        # constraint functions always have to be positive for allowed thrusts
        self.constraints = []
        # bounds is an array of min, max pairs for each thruster
        self.bounds = []
        for i, t in enumerate(thrusters):
            self.constraints.append(lambda x, m=t.max_thrust, i=i: m-x[i])
            self.constraints.append(lambda x, mn=t.max_neg_thrust, i=i: x[i]-mn)
            self.bounds.append((t.max_neg_thrust, t.max_thrust))

        # calculate some "starting step" guesses for the optimization algorithm
        # by using 1/4 of the average max thrust
        # good start guesses are important and make the algorithm run faster
        self.rhobeg = 0.25 * sum([t.max_thrust - t.max_neg_thrust \
                          for t in self.thrusters]) / (len(self.thrusters) * 2)

        # initial guess for optimizing function, currently static; 0 on all
        self.initial_guess = np.array((0,) * len(self.thrusters))

        # this is multiplied by the errors so we prioritize certain DOFs
        self.error_scale = np.ones(6)

        self.quat_pid = PIDLoop()

        # other options
        self.DEBUG = False
Beispiel #4
    def loop(kalman_watcher, quit_event):
        # PID stepping class
        pid = PIDLoop(speed=args['speed'])

        # Optimizer class
        opt = Optimizer()
        opt.DEBUG = bool(args['verbose'])

        controller_enabled = True
        tm = ThrusterManager()

        # The main loop
        while not quit_event.is_set():
            if not args['rate']:

            start_time = time.time()

            g = kalman.get()

            dt_qs = timed(tm.update, g)[1]

            # Get passive forces and passive torques on the sub in model frame
            passives, dt_pass = timed(vehicle.passive_forces, g, tm)
            set_shm_wrench(control_passive_forces, passives)

            # Handle controller enable / disable feature
            if not settings_control.enabled.get() or \
                   switches.soft_kill.get() or switches.hard_kill.get():
                # controller is disabled
                if controller_enabled:
                    set_shm_wrench(control_internal_wrench, [0] * 6)
                    controller_enabled = False

                if args['rate']:


            if not controller_enabled: # We have been re-enabled
                controller_enabled = True

            # Execute one PID step for all PID controllers.
            dt_pid = timed(pid.step)[1]

            # Set motors from PID desires.
            dt_opt = timed(opt.set_motors, tm, passives)[1]

            total_time = time.time() - start_time

            if args['verbose']:
                times = [("Qs", dt_qs), ("Passives", dt_pass),
                         ("PID", dt_pid), ("Optimizer", dt_opt), ("Total", total_time)]
                for name, dt in times:
                    log("%s step ran in %0.2f HZ (%f ms)" % (name, (1/dt), 1000*dt), copy_to_stdout=True)

            if args['rate']:
                if total_time > step_time:
                    log(str( + \
                 "## WARN: UNABLE TO MEET RATE. RUNNING AT %f HZ" % (1 / total_time), copy_to_stdout=True)
                    if args['verbose']:
                        log("Rate capped at %f HZ" % args['rate'], copy_to_stdout=True)
                        log("-----", copy_to_stdout=True) #visual break
                    time.sleep(step_time - total_time)

Beispiel #5
class Optimizer:
    """ Class to set motors using optimization techniques (see set_motors) """ 
    def __init__(self):
        self.thrusters = thrusters

        # constraint functions always have to be positive for allowed thrusts
        self.constraints = []
        # bounds is an array of min, max pairs for each thruster
        self.bounds = []
        for i, t in enumerate(thrusters):
            self.constraints.append(lambda x, m=t.max_thrust, i=i: m-x[i])
            self.constraints.append(lambda x, mn=t.max_neg_thrust, i=i: x[i]-mn)
            self.bounds.append((t.max_neg_thrust, t.max_thrust))

        # calculate some "starting step" guesses for the optimization algorithm
        # by using 1/4 of the average max thrust
        # good start guesses are important and make the algorithm run faster
        self.rhobeg = 0.25 * sum([t.max_thrust - t.max_neg_thrust \
                          for t in self.thrusters]) / (len(self.thrusters) * 2)

        # initial guess for optimizing function, currently static; 0 on all
        self.initial_guess = np.array((0,) * len(self.thrusters))

        # this is multiplied by the errors so we prioritize certain DOFs
        self.error_scale = np.ones(6)

        self.quat_pid = PIDLoop()

        # other options
        self.DEBUG = False

    def update_error_scale(self):
            Reads shared memory for the weight of each DOF
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.yaw_i] = priorities.heading.get()
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.pitch_i] = priorities.pitch.get()
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.roll_i] = priorities.roll.get()
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.forward_i] = priorities.forward.get()
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.sway_i] = priorities.sway.get()
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.depth_i] = priorities.depth.get()
        # TODO figure out how to do priorities for individual components
        # of orientation
        self.error_scale[3] = priorities.torque.get()
        self.error_scale[4] = priorities.torque.get()
        self.error_scale[5] = priorities.torque.get()

        self.error_scale_sq = self.error_scale * self.error_scale

    def get_error(self, thrusts):
        return - self.desired_output_s

    def objective(self, thrusts):
            Takes in a thrust for each motor and calculates our "error"
            We want to minimize this.
        error = self.get_error(thrusts)
        error *= self.error_scale

    def derivative(self, thrusts):
            The derivative of the objective function with respect to
            the thrusts. Greatly speeds up optimization.
        return 2 * * \

    def optimize(self, A, b):
            Attempts to find the motor values that best achieve the desired
            thruster response. First tries the exact solution, then resorts to
            a black box optimization routine if the solution will saturate
        # After this step, the error should always be zero.
        x =

        good = True
        for bound, v in zip(self.bounds, x):
            if bound[0] > v or bound[1] < v:
                good = False

        # If the zero error point is outside the thruster bounds,
        # initiate black box optimization!
        if not good:
            # Update priorities - possibly remove after tuning is finalized

            x = fmin_slsqp(self.objective, self.initial_guess,
                           bounds=self.bounds, fprime=self.derivative,

        return x

    def set_motors(self, tm, ft_passive_world, I):
            Sets motors using the PID control loop outputs by a sketchy
            multivariable optimization technique (aka. control voodoo v3.0)

            Takes in:
                a ThrusterManager
                a wrench of passive forces and passive torques in WORLD SPACE
                the moment of inertia tensor

            return: Time taken to assign motor values
        t1 = time.time()

        # TORQUES #

        if quat_pid_enabled.get():
            # Get the quaternion desired angular accel in world coordinates
            desired_angular_accel = self.quat_pid.quat_pid()

            # If we are using individual PID loops, we need to do a bit of work
            # to get them all correctly into world space
            desired_angular_accel = tm.hpr_to_world(
                heading_out.get(), pitch_out.get(), roll_out.get()

        # Convert desired angular accel into desired torque using inertia tensor
        desired_torque =

        # Subtract torques already on the vehicle from the desires
        # Our thrusters need only provide the torques not already provided by
        # passive torques such as those due to buoyancy and drag
        # This greatly reduces the complexities the PID loops have to handle
        desired_torque -= ft_passive_world[3:]

        # Convert to sub space
        desired_torque = tm.orientation.conjugate() * desired_torque

        # FORCES #

        # Get the desired linear forces from the 3 linear PID loops
        # These are returned in "sub" space that is adjusted for heading
        # but not pitch and roll
        desired_force = np.array((velx_out.get(), vely_out.get(), \
        # Convert to world space
        desired_force = tm.heading_quat * desired_force

        # subtract passive forces from desired forces in world space
        # Our thrusters need only provide the forces not already provided by
        # passive forces such as those due to drag
        desired_force -= ft_passive_world[:3]

        # Convert to sub space
        desired_force = tm.orientation.conjugate() * desired_force

        # limit final desired forces in sub space
        # This prevents an aggressive PID loop from destabilizing the sub
        desired_force = tm.limit_thrusts(desired_force)


        # Assimilate desired forces and torques into a vector of length 6
        self.desired_output_s = np.hstack((desired_force, desired_torque))

        # Output final desires to shared memory.
        set_shm_wrench(control_internal_outs, self.desired_output_s)

        # OPTIMIZATION #
        # Get the matrix that calculates outputs from thrusts (6 x 8)
        # This is needed for the optimization routine, which uses get_error.
        self.thrusts_output_mat_s = tm.thrusts_to_sub

        x = self.optimize(tm.sub_to_thrusts, self.desired_output_s)

        actual_output_s =
        set_shm_wrench(control_internal_wrench, actual_output_s)

        # Output errors to shared memory.
        error = actual_output_s - self.desired_output_s
        set_shm_wrench(control_internal_opt_errors, error)

        # Finally, we convert thrusts to PWM and output values to shared memory
        out = [0] * len(self.thrusters)
        for i, t in enumerate(self.thrusters):
            # this only happens when desires are wild and slsqp fails
            # at that point we don't really care about accuracy and just
            # truncate for safety.
            if x[i] < t.max_neg_thrust:
                x[i] = t.max_neg_thrust
            elif x[i] > t.max_thrust:
                x[i] = t.max_thrust

            out[i] = t.thrust_to_pwm(x[i])
            if t.reversed_polarity:
              out[i] = -out[i]


        # Return time required to compute this optimization
        return time.time() - t1
Beispiel #6
    def loop(kalman_watcher, quit_event):
        # PID stepping class
        pid = PIDLoop(speed=args['speed'])

        # Optimizer class
        opt = Optimizer()
        opt.DEBUG = bool(args['verbose'])

        controller_enabled = True
        tm = ThrusterManager()

        # The main loop
        while not quit_event.is_set():
            if not args['rate']:

            start_time = time.time()

            g = shm.kalman.get()

            dt_qs = timed(tm.update, g)[1]

            # Get passive forces and passive torques on the sub in model frame
            passives, dt_pass = timed(vehicle.passive_forces, g, tm)
            set_shm_wrench(shm.control_passive_forces, passives)

            # Handle controller enable / disable feature
            if not shm.settings_control.enabled.get() or \
                   shm.switches.soft_kill.get() or shm.switches.hard_kill.get():
                # controller is disabled
                if controller_enabled:
                    set_shm_wrench(shm.control_internal_wrench, [0] * 6)
                    controller_enabled = False

                if args['rate']:


            if not controller_enabled:  # We have been re-enabled
                controller_enabled = True

            # Execute one PID step for all PID controllers.
            dt_pid = timed(pid.step, tm)[1]

            # Set motors from PID desires.
            dt_opt = timed(opt.set_motors, tm, passives)[1]

            total_time = time.time() - start_time

            if args['verbose']:
                times = [("Qs", dt_qs), ("Passives", dt_pass), ("PID", dt_pid),
                         ("Optimizer", dt_opt), ("Total", total_time)]
                for name, dt in times:
                    log("%s step ran in %0.2f HZ (%f ms)" %
                        (name, (1 / dt), 1000 * dt),

            if args['rate']:
                if total_time > step_time:
                    log(str( + \
                 "## WARN: UNABLE TO MEET RATE. RUNNING AT %f HZ" % (1 / total_time), copy_to_stdout=True)
                    if args['verbose']:
                        log("Rate capped at %f HZ" % args['rate'],
                        log("-----", copy_to_stdout=True)  #visual break
                    time.sleep(step_time - total_time)

Beispiel #7
class Optimizer:
    """ Class to set motors using optimization techniques (see set_motors) """ 
    def __init__(self):
        self.thrusters = thrusters

        # constraint functions always have to be positive for allowed thrusts
        self.constraints = []
        # bounds is an array of min, max pairs for each thruster
        self.bounds = []
        for i, t in enumerate(thrusters):
            self.constraints.append(lambda x, m=t.max_thrust, i=i: m-x[i])
            self.constraints.append(lambda x, mn=t.max_neg_thrust, i=i: x[i]-mn)
            self.bounds.append((t.max_neg_thrust, t.max_thrust))

        # calculate some "starting step" guesses for the optimization algorithm
        # by using 1/4 of the average max thrust
        # good start guesses are important and make the algorithm run faster
        self.rhobeg = 0.25 * sum([t.max_thrust - t.max_neg_thrust \
                          for t in self.thrusters]) / (len(self.thrusters) * 2)

        # initial guess for optimizing function, currently static; 0 on all
        self.initial_guess = np.array((0,) * len(self.thrusters))

        # this is multiplied by the errors so we prioritize certain DOFs
        self.error_scale = np.ones(6)

        self.quat_pid = PIDLoop()

        # other options
        self.DEBUG = False

    def update_error_scale(self):
            Reads shared memory for the weight of each DOF
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.yaw_i] = priorities.heading.get()
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.pitch_i] = priorities.pitch.get()
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.roll_i] = priorities.roll.get()
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.forward_i] = priorities.forward.get()
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.sway_i] = priorities.sway.get()
        #self.error_scale[DOFSet.depth_i] = priorities.depth.get()
        # TODO figure out how to do priorities for individual components
        # of orientation
        self.error_scale[3] = priorities.torque.get()
        self.error_scale[4] = priorities.torque.get()
        self.error_scale[5] = priorities.torque.get()

        self.error_scale_sq = self.error_scale * self.error_scale

    def get_error(self, thrusts):
        return - self.desired_output_s

    def objective(self, thrusts):
            Takes in a thrust for each motor and calculates our "error"
            We want to minimize this.
        error = self.get_error(thrusts)
        error *= self.error_scale

    def derivative(self, thrusts):
            The derivative of the objective function with respect to
            the thrusts. Greatly speeds up optimization.
        return 2 * * \

    def optimize(self, A, b):
            Attempts to find the motor values that best achieve the desired
            thruster response. First tries the exact solution, then resorts to
            a black box optimization routine if the solution will saturate
        # After this step, the error should always be zero.
        x =

        good = True
        for bound, v in zip(self.bounds, x):
            if bound[0] > v or bound[1] < v:
                good = False

        # If the zero error point is outside the thruster bounds,
        # initiate black box optimization!
        if not good:
            # Update priorities - possibly remove after tuning is finalized

            x = fmin_slsqp(self.objective, self.initial_guess,
                           bounds=self.bounds, fprime=self.derivative,

        return x

    def set_motors(self, tm, ft_passive_s):
            Sets motors using the PID control loop outputs by a sketchy
            multivariable optimization technique (aka. control voodoo v3.0)

            Takes in:
                a ThrusterManager
                a wrench of passive forces and passive torques in SUB SPACE
                the moment of inertia tensor
        # FORCES #

        # Get the desired linear forces from the 3 linear PID loops
        # These are returned in "sub" space that is adjusted for heading
        # but not pitch and roll
        desired_accel = np.array((velx_out.get(), vely_out.get(),

        # Convert to sub space
        desired_force = tm.spitz_to_sub_quat * (vehicle.mass * desired_accel)

        # TORQUES #

        if quat_pid_enabled.get():
            # Get the quaternion desired angular accel in world coordinates
            desired_ang_accel = self.quat_pid.quat_pid()

            # If we are using individual PID loops, we need to do a bit of work
            # to get them all correctly into world space
            desired_ang_accel = tm.hpr_to_world(
                heading_out.get(), pitch_out.get(), roll_out.get()

        # Convert to sub space
        desired_ang_accel_s = tm.orientation.conjugate() * desired_ang_accel

        # Convert desired angular accel into desired torque using inertia tensor
        desired_torque =


        # Assimilate desired forces and torques into a vector of length 6
        self.desired_output_s = np.hstack((desired_force, desired_torque))

        # Subtract forces and torques already on the vehicle from the desires.
        # Our thrusters need only provide the forces and torques not already
        # provided by passives such as those due to buoyancy and drag.
        # This greatly reduces the complexities the PID loops have to handle.
        self.desired_output_s -= ft_passive_s

        # We should make sure that any DISABLED degrees of freedom are actually
        # disabled; PID loops will output 0 but passive forces may not!
        disables = [ (velx_active, tm.spitz_to_sub_quat * np.array((1, 0, 0)), False),
                     (vely_active, tm.spitz_to_sub_quat * np.array((0, 1, 0)), False),
                     (depth_active, tm.orientation.conjugate() * np.array((0, 0, 1)), False),
                     (heading_active, tm.orientation.conjugate() * np.array((0, 0, 1)), True),
                     (pitch_active, tm.spitz_to_sub_quat * np.array((0, 1, 0)), True),
                     (roll_active, np.array((1, 0, 0)), True) ]

        for enable, direction, is_torque in disables:
            if not enable.get():
                if is_torque:
                    direction = np.hstack((np.array((0, 0, 0)), direction))
                    direction = np.hstack((direction, np.array((0, 0, 0))))

                self.desired_output_s -= * direction

        # limit final desired forces in sub space
        # This prevents an aggressive PID loop from destabilizing the sub
        # TODO This is not implemented.

        # Output final desires to shared memory.
        set_shm_wrench(control_internal_outs, self.desired_output_s)

        # OPTIMIZATION #
        # Get the matrix that calculates outputs from thrusts (6 x 8)
        # This is needed for the optimization routine, which uses get_error.
        self.thrusts_output_mat_s = tm.thrusts_to_sub

        x = self.optimize(tm.sub_to_thrusts, self.desired_output_s)

        actual_output_s =
        set_shm_wrench(control_internal_wrench, actual_output_s)

        # Output errors to shared memory.
        error = actual_output_s - self.desired_output_s
        set_shm_wrench(control_internal_opt_errors, error)

        # Finally, we convert thrusts to PWM and output values to shared memory
        out = [0] * len(self.thrusters)
        for i, t in enumerate(self.thrusters):
            # this only happens when desires are wild and slsqp fails
            # at that point we don't really care about accuracy and just
            # truncate for safety.
            if x[i] < t.max_neg_thrust:
                x[i] = t.max_neg_thrust
            elif x[i] > t.max_thrust:
                x[i] = t.max_thrust

            out[i] = t.thrust_to_pwm(x[i])
            if t.reversed_polarity:
              out[i] = -out[i]

Beispiel #8
    def loop(kalman_watcher, quit_event):
        # PID stepping class
        pid = PIDLoop(speed=args['speed'])

        # Optimizer class
        opt = Optimizer()
        opt.DEBUG = bool(args['verbose'])

        controller_enabled = True
        tm = ThrusterManager()

        # The main loop
        while not quit_event.is_set():
            if not args['rate']:

            start_time = time.time()

            g = kalman.get()


            # Get passive forces and passive torques on the sub in world space
            passives = vehicle.passive_forces(g, tm)
            set_shm_wrench(control_passive_forces, passives)

            # Handle controller enable / disable feature
            if not settings_control.enabled.get() or \
                   switches.soft_kill.get() or switches.hard_kill.get():
                # controller is disabled
                if controller_enabled:
                    controller_enabled = False

                if args['rate']:


            if not controller_enabled:  # We have been re-enabled
                controller_enabled = True

            dt_pid = pid.step()  # execute one PID step for all PID controllers

            # Get the correct inertia tensor of the sub in world coordinates
            I = vehicle.get_inertia_tensor(tm.orientation)

            # Controller step
            dt_opt = opt.set_motors(tm, passives, I)

            total_time = time.time() - start_time

            if args['verbose']:
                sys.stdout.write("PID step ran in %0.2f HZ\n" % (1 / dt_pid))
                sys.stdout.write("Optimizer ran in %0.2f HZ\n" % (1 / dt_opt))
                sys.stdout.write("Total rate: %0.2f HZ\n" % (1 / total_time))

            if args['rate']:
                total_time = dt_pid + dt_opt
                if total_time > step_time:
                    print(str( + \
                 "## WARN: UNABLE TO MEET RATE. RUNNING AT %f HZ" % (1 / total_time))
                    if args['verbose']:
                        print("Rate capped at %f HZ" % args['rate'])
                        print("-----")  #visual break
                    time.sleep(step_time - total_time)
