Beispiel #1
class P9RLEnv(gym.Env):

    metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}
    motors = []
    timeStep = 1
    restrictedGoals = True
    boxEnv = False
    isFixedGoal = False
    fixedGoal = [3.5, 0]
    logging = False
    maxTimestep = 7000
    robotResetLocation = [0, 0, 0]

    def __init__(self):

        # Initialize TurtleBot specifics
        self.maxAngSpeed = 1.5  # 2.84 max
        self.maxLinSpeed = 0.1  # 0.22 max
        # Initialize reward parameters:
        self.moveTowardsParam = 1
        self.moveAwayParam = 1.1
        self.safetyLimit = 0.75
        self.obsProximityParam = 1
        self.EOEPunish = -300
        self.EOEReward = 600
        self.EOERewardCounter = 0
        self.EpisodeCounter = 0
        # Total reward counter for each component
        self.moveTowardGoalTotalReward = 0
        self.obsProximityTotalPunish = 0
        # Initialize RL specific variables
        self.rewardInterval = 1  # How often do you want to get rewards
        self.epConc = ''  # Conculsion of episode [Collision, Success, TimeOut]
        self.reward = 0  # Reward gained in the timestep
        self.totalreward = 0  # Reward gained throughout the episode
        self.counter = 0  # Timestep counter
        self.needReset = True  #
        self.state = []  # State of the environment
        self.done = False  # If the episode is done
        self.action = [0, 0]  # Current action chosen
        self.prevAction = [0, 0]  # Past action chosen
        self.goal = []  # Goal
        self.goals = [x / 100 for x in range(-450, 451, 150)]
        #self.goals = [[0.72, 6.78],[5.03, 6.78],[12.7, 6.78], [10.9, -1.68], [3, 0],[-11.5, -2.5]]
        self.seeded = False
        self.dist = 0  # Distance to the goal
        self.prevDist = 0  # Previous distance to the goal
        # Logging variables
        self.currentEpisode = 0  # Current episode number
        self.start = 0  # Timer for starting
        self.duration = 0  # Episode duration in seconds
        self.epInfo = []  # Logging info for the episode
        self.startPosition = []
        self.prevMax = 0  # temporary variable
        # Initialize a supervisor
        self.supervisor = Supervisor()
        # Initialize robot
        self.robot = self.supervisor.getFromDef('TB')
        self.translationField = self.robot.getField('translation')
        self.orientationField = self.robot.getField('rotation')
        # Initialize lidar
        self.lidar = self.supervisor.getLidar('LDS-01')
        self.lidarDiscretization = 30
        self.lidarRanges = []
        # Initialize Motors
        self.motors.append(self.supervisor.getMotor("right wheel motor"))
        self.motors.append(self.supervisor.getMotor("left wheel motor"))
        self.direction = []
        self.position = []
        self.orientation = []
        # Initialize Goal Object
        self.goalObject = self.supervisor.getFromDef('GOAL')
        self.goalTranslationField = self.goalObject.getField('translation')
        # Initialize action-space and observation-space
        self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array(
            [-self.maxLinSpeed, -self.maxAngSpeed]),
                                       high=np.array([0, self.maxAngSpeed]),
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-10,
                                            shape=(14, ),

        self.counter = 0

    def reset(self):

        self._startEpisode()  # Reset evetything needs resetting
        self.EpisodeCounter = self.EpisodeCounter + 1
        if not self.seeded:
            self.seeded = True
        # Make it Happen
        self.goal = self._setGoal()  # Set Goal
        self._resetObject(self.goalObject, [self.goal[0], 0.01, self.goal[1]])
        self.startPosition = self.position[:]
        self.state = [self.dist, self.direction
                      ] + self.lidarRanges  # Set State
        #self.state = [self.dist, self.direction] + self.lidarRanges # Set State
        return np.asarray(self.state)

    def step(self, action):

        self.action = action  # Take action
        self.counter += 1
        self._getState()  # Observe new state
        self.state = np.asarray([self.dist, self.direction] + self.lidarRanges)
        self.prevAction = self.action[:]  # Set previous action
        #   Get State(dist from obstacle + lidar) and convert to numpyarray
        self.reward = self._calculateReward()  #   get Reward
        self.done, extraReward = self._isDone(
        )  #   determine if state is Done, extra reward/punishment
        self.reward += extraReward
        self.totalreward += self.reward
        return [self.state, self.reward, self.done, {}]

    def _trimLidarReadings(self, lidar):

        lidarReadings = []
        new_lidars = [x if x != 0 else 3.5
                      for x in lidar]  # Replace 0's with 3.5 (max reading)
        for x in range(0, 360, self.lidarDiscretization):
            end = x + self.lidarDiscretization
                new_lidars[x:end]))  # Take the minimum of lidar Readings
        return lidarReadings

    def _resetObject(self, object, coordinates):

        object.getField('rotation').setSFRotation([0, 1, 0, 0])

    def _setGoal(self):

        if len(self.goals) == 6: return random.choice(self.goals)
        if not self.isFixedGoal:
            while True:
                if self.restrictedGoals:
                    gs = random.sample(self.goals, 1)
                    gs.append(random.randrange(-45, 45) / 10)
                    g = gs[:] if np.random.randint(2) == 0 else [gs[1], gs[0]]
                elif self.boxEnv:
                    xGoal = random.randrange(
                        -40, -25) / 10 if np.random.randint(
                            2) == 0 else random.randrange(25, 40) / 10
                    yGoal = random.randrange(-40, 40) / 10
                    g = [yGoal, xGoal
                         ] if np.random.randint(2) == 0 else [xGoal, yGoal]
                    xGoal = random.randrange(-40, 40) / 10
                    yGoal = random.randrange(-40, 40) / 10
                    g = [xGoal, yGoal]
                pos1 = self.robot.getPosition()[0]
                pos2 = self.robot.getPosition()[2]
                distFromGoal = ((g[0] - pos1)**2 + (g[1] - pos2)**2)**0.5
                if distFromGoal >= 1:
            g = self.fixedGoal
        print('Goal set with Coordinates < {}, {} >'.format(g[0], g[1]))
        return g

    def _getDist(self):

        return ((self.goal[0] - self.position[0])**2 +
                (self.goal[1] - self.position[1])**2)**0.5

    def _take_action(self, action):

        if self.logging:
                '\t\033[1mLinear velocity:\t{}\n\tAngular velocity:\t{}\n\033[0m'
                .format(action[0], action[1]))
        convertedVelocity = self.setVelocities(action[0], action[1])

    def _isDone(self):

        if self.counter >= self.maxTimestep:  # Check maximum timestep
            self.needReset = True
            return True, self.EOEPunish
        minScan = min(list(filter(lambda a: a != 0,
                                  self.lidarRanges[:])))  # Check LiDar
        if minScan < 0.2:
            self.needReset = True
            return True, self.EOEPunish
        elif self.dist < 0.35:  # Check Goal
            self.needReset = True if self.boxEnv else False
            self.EOERewardCounter = self.EOERewardCounter + 1
            print("SUCCESS COUNTER:", self.EOERewardCounter)
            return True, self.EOEReward
            return False, 0

    def render(self, mode='human', close=False):


    def setVelocities(self, linearV, angularV):

        R = 0.033  # Wheel radius
        L = 0.138  # Wheelbase length

        # vr = (((2 * linearV) + (angularV * L)) / (2 * R))
        vr = ((linearV + (L / 2) * angularV)) / R
        vl = ((linearV - (L / 2) * angularV)) / R
        return [vl, vr]

    def _getDirection(self):

        # Get direction of goal from Robot
        robgoaly = self.goal[1] - self.position[1]
        robgoalx = self.goal[0] - self.position[0]
        goal_angle = math.atan2(robgoalx, robgoaly)
        # Get difference between goal direction and orientation
        heading = goal_angle - self.orientation
        if heading > pi:  # Wrap around pi
            heading -= 2 * pi
        elif heading < -pi:
            heading += 2 * pi
        return heading

    def _calculateReward(self):

        action1 = np.round(self.action[0], 1)
        action2 = np.round(self.action[1], 1)
        if self.counter % self.rewardInterval != 0:
            return 0  # Check if it's Reward Time
        distRate = self.prevDist - self.dist
        if self.prevDist == 0:
            self.prevDist = self.dist
            return 0

        moveTowardsGoalReward = self._rewardMoveTowardsGoal(distRate)
        self.moveTowardGoalTotalReward += moveTowardsGoalReward

        obsProximityPunish = self._rewardObstacleProximity()
        self.obsProximityTotalPunish += obsProximityPunish

        reward = moveTowardsGoalReward + obsProximityPunish * 3

        totalRewardDic = {
            "faceObstacleTotalPunish": self.faceObstacleTotalPunish,
            "obsProximityTotalPunish": self.obsProximityTotalPunish,
            "moveTowardGoalTotalReward": self.moveTowardGoalTotalReward

        if self.logging:
        self.prevDist = self.dist
        return reward

    def _rewardMoveTowardsGoal(self, distRate):

        if distRate <= 0:
            return self.moveAwayParam * (distRate / 0.0044)
            return self.moveTowardsParam * (distRate / 0.0044)

    def _rewardObstacleProximity(self):

        closestObstacle = min(self.lidarRanges)
        if closestObstacle <= self.safetyLimit:
            return self.obsProximityParam * -(
                1 - (closestObstacle / self.safetyLimit))
            return 0

    def _startEpisode(self):

        if self.needReset:  # Reset object(s) / counters / rewards
            print('Resetting Robot...')
            self._resetObject(self.robot, self.robotResetLocation)
        self.counter = 0
        self.totalreward = 0
        self.moveTowardGoalTotalReward = 0
        self.obsProximityTotalPunish = 0
        self.faceObstacleTotalPunish = 0
        self.prevDist = 0

    def _getState(self):

        self.lidarRanges = self._trimLidarReadings(
            self.lidar.getRangeImage())  # Get LidarInfo
        self.position = self.robot.getPosition(
        )[::2]  # Get Position (x,y) and orientation
        self.orientation = self.orientationField.getSFRotation()[3]
        self.dist = self._getDist()  # Get Eucledian distance from the goal
        self.direction = self._getDirection()

    def _printRewards(self, r, interval=1):

        if self.counter % interval == 0:
            print("\n\033[1mEpisode {}, timestep {}\033[0m".format(
                self.currentEpisode, self.counter))
            for k, v in r.items():
                print("\t" + str(k) + ":\t" + str(v))

    def _printMax(self, reward):

        maxR = reward if self.prevMax < reward else self.prevMax
        self.prevMax = maxR
        print("max: {}".format(maxR))

    def _printLidarRanges(self):

        lidarFormatted = []
        for i in range(len(self.lidarRanges)):
            lidarFormatted.append(str(i) + ': ' + str(self.lidarRanges[i]))

    def _logEpisode(self):

        self.duration = time.time() - self.start
            round(self.duration, 3),
            round(self.totalreward, 3), self.epConc, self.counter, "Goal:",
            self.goal, "Start position:", self.startPosition, "Rewards:",
            self.moveTowardGoalTotalReward, self.obsProximityTotalPunish,
Beispiel #2
class P7RLEnv(gym.Env):
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}
    motors = []
    timeStep = 32
    restrictedGoals = True
    boxEnv = False
    isFixedGoal = False
    fixedGoal = [3.5, 0]
    logging = True
    maxTimestep = 20000
    robotResetLocation = [0, 0, 0]

    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize TurtleBot specifics
        self.maxAngSpeed = 1  # 2.84 max
        self.maxLinSpeed = 0.14  # 0.22 max
        # Initialize reward parameters:
        self.moveTowardsParam = 1
        self.moveAwayParam = 1.1
        self.safetyLimit = 0.5
        self.obsProximityParam = 0.01
        self.faceObstacleParam = 10
        # Total reward counter for each component
        self.moveTowardGoalTotalReward = 0
        self.obsProximityTotalPunish = 0
        self.faceObstacleTotalPunish = 0
        # Initialize RL specific variables
        self.rewardInterval = 1  # How often do you want to get rewards
        self.epConc = ''  # Conculsion of episode [Collision, Success, TimeOut]
        self.reward = 0  # Reward gained in the timestep
        self.totalreward = 0  # Reward gained throughout the episode
        self.counter = 0  # Timestep counter
        self.needReset = True  #
        self.state = []  # State of the environment
        self.done = False  # If the episode is done
        self.action = [0, 0]  # Current action chosen
        self.prevAction = [0, 0]  # Past action chosen
        self.goal = []  # Goal
        self.goals = [x / 100 for x in range(-450, 451, 150)]
        self.dist = 0  # Distance to the goal
        self.prevDist = 0  # Previous distance to the goal
        # Logging variables
        self.logDir = ""
        self.path = ""
        self.currentEpisode = 0  # Current episode number
        self.start = 0  # Timer for starting
        self.duration = 0  # Episode duration in seconds
        self.epInfo = []  # Logging info for the episode
        self.startPosition = []
        self.prevMax = 0  # temporary variable
        # Initialize a supervisor
        self.supervisor = Supervisor()
        # Initialize robot
        self.robot = self.supervisor.getFromDef('TB')
        self.translationField = self.robot.getField('translation')
        self.orientationField = self.robot.getField('rotation')
        # Initialize lidar
        self.lidar = self.supervisor.getLidar('TurtleBotLidar')
        self.lidarRanges = []
        # Initialize Motors
        self.motors.append(self.supervisor.getMotor("left wheel motor"))
        self.motors.append(self.supervisor.getMotor("right wheel motor"))
        self.direction = []
        self.position = []
        self.orientation = []
        # Initialize Goal Object
        self.goalObject = self.supervisor.getFromDef('GOAL')
        self.goalTranslationField = self.goalObject.getField('translation')
        # Initialize action-space and observation-space
        self.action_space = spaces.Box(
            low=np.array([-self.maxLinSpeed, -self.maxAngSpeed]),
            high=np.array([self.maxLinSpeed, self.maxAngSpeed]),
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-10,
                                            shape=(24, ),

    def reset(self):
        if not self.logDir: self._getLogDirectory()
        self._startEpisode()  # Reset evetything needs resetting
        self.supervisor.step(1)  # Make it Happen
        self.goal = self._setGoal()  # Set Goal
        self._resetObject(self.goalObject, [self.goal[0], 0.01, self.goal[1]])
        self.startPosition = self.position[:]
        self.state = [
            self.prevAction[0], self.prevAction[1], self.dist, self.direction
        ] + self.lidarRanges  # Set State
        return np.asarray(self.state)

    def step(self, action):
        self.prevAction = self.action[:]  # Set previous action
        self.action = action  # Take action
        self.counter += 1
        #   Get State(dist from obstacle + lidar) and convert to numpyarray
        self._getState()  # Observe new state
        self.state = np.asarray([
            self.prevAction[0], self.prevAction[1], self.dist, self.direction
        ] + self.lidarRanges)
        self.reward = self._calculateReward()  #   get Reward
        self.done, extraReward = self._isDone(
        )  #   determine if state is Done, extra reward/punishment
        self.reward += extraReward
        self.totalreward += self.reward
        return [self.state, self.reward, self.done, {}]

    def _trimLidarReadings(self, lidar):
        lidarReadings = []
        new_lidars = [x if x != 0 else 3.5
                      for x in lidar]  # Replace 0's with 3.5 (max reading)
        for x in range(0, 360, 18):
            end = x + 18
                new_lidars[x:end]))  # Take the minimum of lidar Readings
        return lidarReadings

    def _resetObject(self, object, coordinates):
        object.getField('rotation').setSFRotation([0, 1, 0, 0])

    def _setGoal(self):
        if not self.isFixedGoal:
            while True:
                if self.restrictedGoals:
                    gs = random.sample(self.goals, 1)
                    gs.append(random.randrange(-45, 45) / 10)
                    g = gs[:] if np.random.randint(2) == 0 else [gs[1], gs[0]]
                elif self.boxEnv:
                    xGoal = random.randrange(
                        -40, -25) / 10 if np.random.randint(
                            2) == 0 else random.randrange(25, 40) / 10
                    yGoal = random.randrange(-40, 40) / 10
                    g = [yGoal, xGoal
                         ] if np.random.randint(2) == 0 else [xGoal, yGoal]
                    xGoal = random.randrange(-40, 40) / 10
                    yGoal = random.randrange(-40, 40) / 10
                    g = [xGoal, yGoal]
                pos1 = self.robot.getPosition()[0]
                pos2 = self.robot.getPosition()[2]
                distFromGoal = ((g[0] - pos1)**2 + (g[1] - pos2)**2)**0.5
                if distFromGoal >= 1:
            g = self.fixedGoal
        print('Goal set with Coordinates < {}, {} >'.format(g[0], g[1]))
        return g

    def _getDist(self):
        return ((self.goal[0] - self.position[0])**2 +
                (self.goal[1] - self.position[1])**2)**0.5

    def _take_action(self, action):
        if self.logging:
                '\t\033[1mLinear velocity:\t{}\n\tAngular velocity:\t{}\n\033[0m'
                .format(action[0], action[1]))
        convertedVelocity = self.setVelocities(action[0], action[1])

    def _isDone(self):
        if self.counter >= self.maxTimestep:  # Check maximum timestep
            self.needReset = True
            return True, 0
        minScan = min(list(filter(lambda a: a != 0,
                                  self.lidarRanges[:])))  # Check LiDar
        if minScan < 0.25:
            self.needReset = True
            return True, -500
        elif self.dist < 0.35:  # Check Goal
            self.needReset = True if self.boxEnv else False
            return True, 500
            return False, 0

    def render(self, mode='human', close=False):

    def setVelocities(self, linearV, angularV):
        R = 0.033  # Wheel radius
        L = 0.138  # Wheelbase length
        vr = (2 * linearV + angularV * L) / (2 * R)
        vl = (2 * linearV - angularV * L) / (2 * R)
        #print('\nCommanded linear:\t{} angular:\t {}'.format(linearV, angularV))
        #print('Calculated right wheel:\t{}, left wheel:\t {}'.format(vr, vl))
        return [vl, vr]

    def _getDirection(self):
        # Get direction of goal from Robot
        robgoaly = self.goal[1] - self.position[1]
        robgoalx = self.goal[0] - self.position[0]
        goal_angle = math.atan2(robgoalx, robgoaly)
        # Get difference between goal direction and orientation
        heading = goal_angle - self.orientation
        if heading > pi:  # Wrap around pi
            heading -= 2 * pi
        elif heading < -pi:
            heading += 2 * pi
        return heading

    def _calculateReward(self):
        action1 = np.round(self.action[0], 1)
        action2 = np.round(self.action[1], 1)
        if self.counter % self.rewardInterval != 0:
            return 0  # Check if it's Reward Time
        distRate = self.prevDist - self.dist
        if self.prevDist == 0:
            self.prevDist = self.dist
            return 0

        moveTowardsGoalReward = self._rewardMoveTowardsGoal(distRate)
        self.moveTowardGoalTotalReward += moveTowardsGoalReward

        obsProximityPunish = self._rewardObstacleProximity()
        self.obsProximityTotalPunish += obsProximityPunish

        faceObstaclePunish = -self._rewardFacingObstacle()
        self.faceObstacleTotalPunish += faceObstaclePunish

        reward = moveTowardsGoalReward + obsProximityPunish + faceObstaclePunish

        totalRewardDic = {
            "faceObstacleTotalPunish": self.faceObstacleTotalPunish,
            "obsProximityTotalPunish": self.obsProximityTotalPunish,
            "moveTowardGoalTotalReward": self.moveTowardGoalTotalReward
        rewardDic = {
            "faceObstaclePunish": faceObstaclePunish,
            "obsProximityPunish": obsProximityPunish,
            "moveTowardsGoalReward": moveTowardsGoalReward,
            "Total": reward,
            "\033[1mTotalReward\033[0m": self.totalreward
        if self.logging:
        self.prevDist = self.dist
        return reward

    def _rewardFacingObstacle(self):
        rewardFaceObs = 0
        # Check forward lidars if moving forward, backward lidars if moving backward
        lidarRange = [-2, 2] if self.action[0] >= 0 else [7, 11]
        for i in range(lidarRange[0], lidarRange[1]):
            scale = 0.15 if i in [-2, 1, 7, 10
                                  ] else 0.35  #Side readings get less weight
            rewardFaceObs += scale * (
                1 - (self.lidarRanges[i] / self.safetyLimit)
            ) if self.lidarRanges[i] < self.safetyLimit else 0
        return self.faceObstacleParam * rewardFaceObs

    def _rewardMoveTowardsGoal(self, distRate):
        if distRate <= 0:
            return self.moveAwayParam * (distRate / 0.0044)
            return self.moveTowardsParam * (distRate / 0.0044)

    def _rewardObstacleProximity(self):
        closestObstacle = min(self.lidarRanges)
        if closestObstacle <= self.safetyLimit:
            return self.obsProximityParam * -(
                1 - (closestObstacle / self.safetyLimit))
            return 0

    def SaveAndQuit(self):
        self._write_file('eps.txt', self.currentEpisode)
        with open(self.path + 'P7_NoObstacles.txt', 'a+') as f:
            print('\nSave and Quit \n')
            print('\tEpisodes Saved')

    def _write_file(self, filename, intval):
        with open(self.path + filename, 'w') as fp:
            print(f'Episodes saved: {intval}')

    def _read_file(self, filename):
        with open(self.path + filename) as fp:
            return int(

    def _startEpisode(self):
        if self.start != 0: self._logEpisode()
        # Read episode number
        if self.currentEpisode == 0 and os.path.exists(self.path + 'eps.txt'):
            self.currentEpisode = self._read_file('eps.txt')
            self.currentEpisode += 1
        print('\n\t\t\t\t EPISODE No. {} \n'.format(self.currentEpisode))
        self.start = time.time()
        if self.needReset:  # Reset object(s) / counters / rewards
            print('Resetting Robot...')
            self._resetObject(self.robot, self.robotResetLocation)
        self.counter = 0
        self.totalreward = 0
        self.moveTowardGoalTotalReward = 0
        self.obsProximityTotalPunish = 0
        self.faceObstacleTotalPunish = 0
        self.prevDist = 0

    def _endEpisode(self, ending):
        self.epConc = ending
        prevMode = self.supervisor.simulationGetMode()
            self.logDir + "screenshots/" + ending + "/" +
            str(self.currentEpisode) + ".jpg", 100)

    def _getState(self):
        self.lidarRanges = self._trimLidarReadings(
            self.lidar.getRangeImage())  # Get LidarInfo
        #if self.logging: self._printLidarRanges()
        self.position = self.robot.getPosition(
        )[::2]  # Get Position (x,y) and orientation
        self.orientation = self.orientationField.getSFRotation()[3]
        self.dist = self._getDist()  # Get Eucledian distance from the goal
        self.direction = self._getDirection()

    def _printRewards(self, r, interval=1):
        if self.counter % interval == 0:
            print("\n\033[1mEpisode {}, timestep {}\033[0m".format(
                self.currentEpisode, self.counter))
            for k, v in r.items():
                print("\t" + str(k) + ":\t" + str(v))

    def _printMax(self, reward):
        maxR = reward if self.prevMax < reward else self.prevMax
        self.prevMax = maxR
        print("max: {}".format(maxR))

    def _printLidarRanges(self):
        lidarFormatted = []
        for i in range(len(self.lidarRanges)):
            lidarFormatted.append(str(i) + ': ' + str(self.lidarRanges[i]))

    def _getLogDirectory(self):
        loggingDir = "Logging/"
        latestFile = ""
        latestMod = 0
        for file in os.listdir(loggingDir):
            fileModTime = os.path.getmtime(loggingDir + file)
            if fileModTime > latestMod:
                latestMod = fileModTime
                latestFile = file
        self.logDir = loggingDir + latestFile + "/"
        self.path = self.logDir + "log/"

    def _logEpisode(self):
        self.duration = time.time() - self.start
            round(self.duration, 3),
            round(self.totalreward, 3), self.epConc, self.counter, "Goal:",
            self.goal, "Start position:", self.startPosition, "Rewards:",
            self.moveTowardGoalTotalReward, self.obsProximityTotalPunish,