def _get_ctrl(criteria_):
    "Get the control based on the various criteria"

    # make a copy of the criteria
    criteria = [crit.copy() for crit in criteria_]

    # find the dialog
    dialog = controls.WrapHandle(findwindows.find_window(**criteria[0]))

    ctrl = None
    # if there is only criteria for a dialog then return it
    if len(criteria) > 1:
        # so there was criteria for a control, add the extra criteria
        # that are required for child controls
        ctrl_criteria = criteria[1]
        ctrl_criteria["top_level_only"] = False
        ctrl_criteria["parent"] = dialog.handle

        # resolve the control and return it
        ctrl = controls.WrapHandle(findwindows.find_window(**ctrl_criteria))

    if ctrl:
        return (dialog, ctrl)
        return (dialog, )
    def windows_(self, **kwargs):
        """Return list of wrapped windows of the top level windows of
        the application

        if not self.process:
            raise AppNotConnected("Please use start_ or connect_ before "
                                  "trying anything else")

        if 'visible_only' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['visible_only'] = False

        if 'enabled_only' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['enabled_only'] = False

        kwargs['process'] = self.process

        windows = findwindows.find_windows(**kwargs)

        return [controls.WrapHandle(win) for win in windows]
def _resolve_from_appdata(criteria_, app, timeout=None, retry_interval=None):
    "Should not be used at the moment!"

    if timeout is None:
        timeout = Timings.window_find_timeout
    if retry_interval is None:
        retry_interval = Timings.window_find_retry

    global cur_item
    # get the stored item corresponding to this request
    matched_control = app.GetMatchHistoryItem(cur_item)

    cur_item += 1
    # remove parameters from the original search  that changes each time
    criteria = [crit.copy() for crit in criteria_]

    # Remove any attributes from the current search that are
    # completely language dependent
    for unloc_attrib in ['title_re', 'title', 'best_match']:
        for c in criteria:
            if c.has_key(unloc_attrib):
                del c[unloc_attrib]

    #found_criteria = item[0]
    #for c in found_criteria:
    #    if c.has_key('process'):
    #        del c['process']
    # They should match - so if they don't print it out.
    #if found_criteria != search_criteria:
    #    print "\t\t", matched[cur_index - 3][0]
    #    print "\t" ,matched[cur_index - 2][0]
    #    print search_criteria
    #    print "---"
    #    print found_criteria
    #    raise RuntimeError("Mismatch")

    # so let's use the ID from the matched control...
    #print item[1]

    # we need to try and get a good match for the dialog
    # this could be done by matching
    # - number/positoin of controls
    # - class
    # anything else?

    dialog_criterion = criteria[0]
    #print list(matched_control)
    dialog_criterion['class_name'] = matched_control[1]['Class']

    # find all the windows in the process
    process_hwnds = findwindows.find_windows(**dialog_criterion)

    dialog = None
    ctrl = None
    if len(process_hwnds) >= 1:

        similar_child_count = [
            h for h in process_hwnds if matched_control[1]['ControlCount'] -
            2 <= len(handleprops.children(h))
            and matched_control[1]['ControlCount'] +
            2 >= len(handleprops.children(h))

        if len(similar_child_count) == 0:
            #print "None Similar child count!!???"
            #print matched_control[1]['ControlCount'], \
            #    len(handleprops.children(h))
            process_hwnds = similar_child_count

        for h in process_hwnds:
            #print controls.WrapHandle(h).GetProperties()
            #print "======", h, h, h

            dialog = controls.WrapHandle(h)

            # if a control was specified also
            if len(criteria_) > 1:
                # find it in the original data
                #print item[2]

                # remove those criteria which are langauge specific
                ctrl_criterion = criteria[1]

                #def has_same_id(other_ctrl):
                #    print "==="*20
                #    print "testing", item[2]['ControlID'],
                #    print "against", other_ctrl
                #    return item[2]['ControlID'] == \
                #    handleprops.controlid(other_ctrl)

                ctrl_criterion['class_name'] = matched_control[2]['Class']
                ctrl_criterion['parent'] = dialog.handle
                ctrl_criterion['top_level_only'] = False
                #ctrl_criterion['predicate_func'] = has_same_id
                #print "CTRLCTRJL", ctrl_criterion
                ctrl_hwnds = findwindows.find_windows(**ctrl_criterion)

                if len(ctrl_hwnds) > 1:
                    same_ids = \
                        [hwnd for hwnd in ctrl_hwnds
                            if handleprops.controlid(hwnd) == \

                    if len(same_ids) >= 1:
                        ctrl_hwnds = same_ids

                    ctrl = controls.WrapHandle(ctrl_hwnds[0])
                except IndexError:
                    print "-+-+=_" * 20
                    print found_criteria


    # it is possible that the dialog will not be found - so we
    # should raise an error
    if dialog is None:
        raise findwindows.WindowNotFoundError()

    if len(criteria_) == 2 and ctrl is None:
        raise findwindows.WindowNotFoundError()

    if ctrl:
        return dialog, ctrl
        return (dialog, )
Beispiel #4
def find_windows(class_name = None,
                class_name_re = None,
                parent = None,
                process = None,
                title = None,
                title_re = None,
                top_level_only = True,
                visible_only = True,
                enabled_only = False,
                best_match = None,
                handle = None,
                ctrl_index = None,
                predicate_func = None,
                active_only = False,
                control_id = None,
    """Find windows based on criteria passed in

    Possible values are:

    * **class_name**  Windows with this window class
    * **class_name_re**  Windows whose class match this regular expression
    * **parent**    Windows that are children of this
    * **process**   Windows running in this process
    * **title**     Windows with this Text
    * **title_re**  Windows whose Text match this regular expression
    * **top_level_only** Top level windows only (default=True)
    * **visible_only**   Visible windows only (default=True)
    * **enabled_only**   Enabled windows only (default=True)
    * **best_match**  Windows with a title similar to this
    * **handle**      The handle of the window to return
    * **ctrl_index**  The index of the child window to return
    * **active_only**  Active windows only (default=False)
    * **control_id**  Windows with this control id

    # allow a handle to be passed in
    # if it is present - just return it
    if handle is not None:
        return [handle, ]

    if top_level_only:
        # find the top level windows
        windows = enum_windows()

        # if we have been given a parent
        if parent:
            windows = [win for win in windows
                if handleprops.parent(win) == parent]

    # looking for child windows
        # if not given a parent look for all children of the desktop
        if not parent:
            parent = win32functions.GetDesktopWindow()

        # look for all children of that parent
        windows = enum_child_windows(parent)

        # if the ctrl_index has been specified then just return
        # that control
        if ctrl_index is not None:
            return [windows[ctrl_index]]

    if control_id is not None and windows:
        windows = [win for win in windows if
            handleprops.controlid(win) == control_id]

    if active_only:
        gui_info = win32structures.GUITHREADINFO()
        gui_info.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(gui_info)

        # get all the active windows (not just the specified process)
        ret = win32functions.GetGUIThreadInfo(0, ctypes.byref(gui_info))

        if not ret:
            raise ctypes.WinError()

        if gui_info.hwndActive in windows:
            windows = [gui_info.hwndActive]
            windows = []

    if class_name is not None and windows:
        windows = [win for win in windows
            if class_name == handleprops.classname(win)]

    if class_name_re is not None and windows:
        class_name_regex = re.compile(class_name_re)
        windows = [win for win in windows
            if class_name_regex.match(handleprops.classname(win))]

    if process is not None and windows:
        windows = [win for win in windows
            if handleprops.processid(win) == process]

    if title is not None and windows:
        windows = [win for win in windows
            if title == handleprops.text(win)]

    elif title_re is not None and windows:
        title_regex = re.compile(title_re)
        windows = [win for win in windows
            if title_regex.match(handleprops.text(win))]

    if visible_only and windows:
        windows = [win for win in windows if handleprops.isvisible(win)]

    if enabled_only and windows:
        windows = [win for win in windows if handleprops.isenabled(win)]

    if best_match is not None and windows:
        wrapped_wins = []

        for win in windows:
            except controls.InvalidWindowHandle:
                # skip invalid handles - they have dissapeared
                # since the list of windows was retrieved
        windows = findbestmatch.find_best_control_matches(
            best_match, wrapped_wins)

        # convert window back to handle
        windows = [win.handle for win in windows]

    if predicate_func is not None and windows:
        windows = [win for win in windows if predicate_func(win)]

    return windows