Beispiel #1
    def PlaceObserverPoles(self, poles):
        """Places the observer poles.

      poles: array, An array of poles.  Must be complex conjegates if they have
        any imaginary portions.
        self.L = controls.dplace(self.A.T, self.C.T, poles).T
Beispiel #2
    def PlaceControllerPoles(self, poles):
        """Places the controller poles.

      poles: array, An array of poles.  Must be complex conjegates if they have
        any imaginary portions.
        self.K = controls.dplace(self.A, self.B, poles)
Beispiel #3
  def PlaceControllerPoles(self, poles):
    """Places the controller poles.

      poles: array, An array of poles.  Must be complex conjegates if they have
        any imaginary portions.
    self.K = controls.dplace(self.A, self.B, poles)
Beispiel #4
  def PlaceObserverPoles(self, poles):
    """Places the observer poles.

      poles: array, An array of poles.  Must be complex conjegates if they have
        any imaginary portions.
    self.L = controls.dplace(self.A.T, self.C.T, poles).T
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, name="RawClaw"):
        super(Claw, self).__init__(name)
        # Stall Torque in N m
        self.stall_torque = 2.42
        # Stall Current in Amps
        self.stall_current = 133
        # Free Speed in RPM
        self.free_speed = 5500.0
        # Free Current in Amps
        self.free_current = 2.7
        # Moment of inertia of the claw in kg m^2
        self.J_top = 2.8
        self.J_bottom = 3.0

        # Resistance of the motor
        self.R = 12.0 / self.stall_current
        # Motor velocity constant
        self.Kv = (self.free_speed / 60.0 * 2.0 * numpy.pi) / (13.5 - self.R * self.free_current)
        # Torque constant
        self.Kt = self.stall_torque / self.stall_current
        # Gear ratio
        self.G = 14.0 / 48.0 * 18.0 / 32.0 * 18.0 / 66.0 * 12.0 / 60.0
        # Control loop time step
        self.dt = 0.01

        # State is [bottom position, bottom velocity, top - bottom position,
        #           top - bottom velocity]
        # Input is [bottom power, top power - bottom power * J_top / J_bottom]
        # Motor time constants. difference_bottom refers to the constant for how the
        # bottom velocity affects the difference of the top and bottom velocities.
        self.common_motor_constant = -self.Kt / self.Kv / (self.G * self.G * self.R)
        self.bottom_bottom = self.common_motor_constant / self.J_bottom
        self.difference_bottom = -self.common_motor_constant * (1 / self.J_bottom - 1 / self.J_top)
        self.difference_difference = self.common_motor_constant / self.J_top
        # State feedback matrices

        self.A_continuous = numpy.matrix(
                [0, 0, 1, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 1],
                [0, 0, self.bottom_bottom, 0],
                [0, 0, self.difference_bottom, self.difference_difference],

        self.A_bottom_cont = numpy.matrix([[0, 1], [0, self.bottom_bottom]])

        self.A_diff_cont = numpy.matrix([[0, 1], [0, self.difference_difference]])

        self.motor_feedforward = self.Kt / (self.G * self.R)
        self.motor_feedforward_bottom = self.motor_feedforward / self.J_bottom
        self.motor_feedforward_difference = self.motor_feedforward / self.J_top
        self.motor_feedforward_difference_bottom = self.motor_feedforward * (1 / self.J_bottom - 1 / self.J_top)
        self.B_continuous = numpy.matrix(
                [0, 0],
                [0, 0],
                [self.motor_feedforward_bottom, 0],
                [-self.motor_feedforward_bottom, self.motor_feedforward_difference],

        print "Cont X_ss", self.motor_feedforward / -self.common_motor_constant

        self.B_bottom_cont = numpy.matrix([[0], [self.motor_feedforward_bottom]])

        self.B_diff_cont = numpy.matrix([[0], [self.motor_feedforward_difference]])

        self.C = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0]])
        self.D = numpy.matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]])

        self.A, self.B = self.ContinuousToDiscrete(self.A_continuous, self.B_continuous, self.dt)

        self.A_bottom, self.B_bottom = controls.c2d(self.A_bottom_cont, self.B_bottom_cont, self.dt)
        self.A_diff, self.B_diff = controls.c2d(self.A_diff_cont, self.B_diff_cont, self.dt)

        self.K_bottom = controls.dplace(self.A_bottom, self.B_bottom, [0.75 + 0.1j, 0.75 - 0.1j])
        self.K_diff = controls.dplace(self.A_diff, self.B_diff, [0.75 + 0.1j, 0.75 - 0.1j])

        print "K_diff", self.K_diff
        print "K_bottom", self.K_bottom

        print "A"
        print self.A
        print "B"
        print self.B

        self.Q = numpy.matrix(
                [(1.0 / (0.10 ** 2.0)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                [0.0, (1.0 / (0.06 ** 2.0)), 0.0, 0.0],
                [0.0, 0.0, 0.10, 0.0],
                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1],

        self.R = numpy.matrix([[(1.0 / (40.0 ** 2.0)), 0.0], [0.0, (1.0 / (5.0 ** 2.0))]])
        # self.K = controls.dlqr(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R)

        self.K = numpy.matrix(
            [[self.K_bottom[0, 0], 0.0, self.K_bottom[0, 1], 0.0], [0.0, self.K_diff[0, 0], 0.0, self.K_diff[0, 1]]]

        # Compute the feed forwards aceleration term.
        self.K[1, 0] = -self.B[1, 0] * self.K[0, 0] / self.B[1, 1]

        lstsq_A = numpy.identity(2)
        lstsq_A[0, :] = self.B[1, :]
        lstsq_A[1, :] = self.B[3, :]
        print "System of Equations coefficients:"
        print lstsq_A
        print "det", numpy.linalg.det(lstsq_A)

        out_x = numpy.linalg.lstsq(lstsq_A, numpy.matrix([[self.A[1, 2]], [self.A[3, 2]]]))[0]
        self.K[1, 2] = -lstsq_A[0, 0] * (self.K[0, 2] - out_x[0]) / lstsq_A[0, 1] + out_x[1]

        print "K unaugmented"
        print self.K
        print "B * K unaugmented"
        print self.B * self.K
        F = self.A - self.B * self.K
        print "A - B * K unaugmented"
        print F
        print "eigenvalues"
        print numpy.linalg.eig(F)[0]

        self.rpl = 0.05
        self.ipl = 0.010
            [self.rpl + 1j * self.ipl, self.rpl + 1j * self.ipl, self.rpl - 1j * self.ipl, self.rpl - 1j * self.ipl]

        # The box formed by U_min and U_max must encompass all possible values,
        # or else Austin's code gets angry.
        self.U_max = numpy.matrix([[12.0], [12.0]])
        self.U_min = numpy.matrix([[-12.0], [-12.0]])

        # For the tests that check the limits, these are (upper, lower) for both
        # claws.
        self.hard_pos_limits = None
        self.pos_limits = None

        # Compute the steady state velocities for a given applied voltage.
        # The top and bottom of the claw should spin at the same rate if the
        # physics is right.
        X_ss = numpy.matrix([[0], [0], [0.0], [0]])

        U = numpy.matrix([[1.0], [1.0]])
        A = self.A
        B = self.B
        # X_ss[2, 0] = X_ss[2, 0] * A[2, 2] + B[2, 0] * U[0, 0]
        X_ss[2, 0] = 1 / (1 - A[2, 2]) * B[2, 0] * U[0, 0]
        # X_ss[3, 0] = X_ss[3, 0] * A[3, 3] + X_ss[2, 0] * A[3, 2] + B[3, 0] * U[0, 0] + B[3, 1] * U[1, 0]
        # X_ss[3, 0] * (1 - A[3, 3]) = X_ss[2, 0] * A[3, 2] + B[3, 0] * U[0, 0] + B[3, 1] * U[1, 0]
        X_ss[3, 0] = 1 / (1 - A[3, 3]) * (X_ss[2, 0] * A[3, 2] + B[3, 1] * U[1, 0] + B[3, 0] * U[0, 0])
        # X_ss[3, 0] = 1 / (1 - A[3, 3]) / (1 - A[2, 2]) * B[2, 0] * U[0, 0] * A[3, 2] + B[3, 0] * U[0, 0] + B[3, 1] * U[1, 0]
        X_ss[0, 0] = A[0, 2] * X_ss[2, 0] + B[0, 0] * U[0, 0]
        X_ss[1, 0] = A[1, 2] * X_ss[2, 0] + A[1, 3] * X_ss[3, 0] + B[1, 0] * U[0, 0] + B[1, 1] * U[1, 0]

        print "X_ss", X_ss
