Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, choices, scrolling=True, scroll_items=30, **kw):
        # passing an empty list of choices is ill-advised

        if 'choose' in kw:
            self.choose = kw.pop('choose')

        #-# Translation live update preparation
        self.scrolling = scrolling
        self.scroll_items = scroll_items
        self.choices = choices or ["[UNDEFINED]"]

        ValueButton.__init__(self, action=self.showMenu, **kw)

        self.choiceIndex = 0
    def __init__(self, choices, scrolling=True, scroll_items=30, **kw):
        # passing an empty list of choices is ill-advised

        if 'choose' in kw:
            self.choose = kw.pop('choose')

        ValueButton.__init__(self, action=self.showMenu, **kw)

        self.scrolling = scrolling
        self.scroll_items = scroll_items
        self.choices = choices or ["[UNDEFINED]"]

        widths = [self.font.size(_(c))[0] for c in choices] + [self.width]
        if len(widths):
            self.width = max(widths) + self.margin * 2

        self.choiceIndex = 0
    def __init__(self, choices, scrolling=True, scroll_items=30, **kw):
        # passing an empty list of choices is ill-advised

        if 'choose' in kw:
            self.choose = kw.pop('choose')

        #-# Translation live update preparation
        self.scrolling = scrolling
        self.scroll_items = scroll_items
        self.choices = choices or ["[UNDEFINED]"]

        ValueButton.__init__(self, action=self.showMenu, **kw)

        self.choiceIndex = 0