Beispiel #1
class Focal():
'''Filter Overlap Correction ALgorithm, simulates the foveal pit
    region of the human retina.
    Created by Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya.
    See DOI: 10.1109/TNN.2010.2048339

  def __init__(self):
    self.kernels = DifferenceOfGaussians()
    self.correlations = Correlation(self.kernels.full_kernels)
    self.convolver = Convolution()
    self.MIN_IMG_WIDTH = 256

  def apply(self, image, spikes_per_unit=0.3):
    spike_images = self.filter_image(image)
    focal_spikes = self.focal(spike_images, spikes_per_unit=spikes_per_unit)
    return focal_spikes

  def focal(self, spike_images, spikes_per_unit=0.3):
    '''Filter Overlap Correction ALgorithm, simulates the foveal pit
        region of the human retina.
        Created by Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya.
        See DOI: 10.1109/TNN.2010.2048339
        spike_images => A list of the values generated by the convolution
                        procedure, stored as four 2D arrays, each with 
                        the same size/shape of the original image.
        spikes_per_unit => Percentage of the total spikes to be processed,
                           specified in a per unit [0, 1] range.
        returns: an ordered list of 
                  [spike index, sorting value, cell layer/type] tuples.
    ordered_spikes = []
    img_size  = spike_images[0].size
    img_shape = spike_images[0].shape
    height, width = img_shape
    num_images = len(spike_images)

    #how many non-zero spikes are in the images
    max_cycles = 0
    for i in range(num_images):
        max_cycles += numpy.sum(img[i] != 0)

    total_spikes = max_cycles.copy()
    #reduce to desired number
    max_cycles =*max_cycles)
    #copy images from list to a large image to make it a single search space
    big_shape = (height*2, width*2)
    big_image = numpy.zeros(big_shape)
    big_coords = [(0, 0), (0, width), (height, 0), (height, width)]
    for cell_type in range(num_images):
        row, col = big_coords[cell_type]
        tmp_img = original_img[cell_type].copy()
        tmp_img[numpy.where(tmp_img == 0)] = -numpy.inf
        big_image[row:row+height, col:col+width] = tmp_img
    # Main FoCal loop
    for count in xrange(max_cycles):
        # print out completion percentage
        percent = (count*100.)/float(total_spikes-1)
        sys.stdout.write("\rFocal %d%%"%(percent))
        # Get maximum value's index
        max_idx = numpy.argmax(img_copies)
        # and its coordinates
        max_coords = numpy.unravel_index(max_idx, big_shape)
        # and the value
        max_val = big_image[max_coords]
        if max_val == numpy.inf or max_val == -numpy.inf or max_val == numpy.nan:
          sys.stderr.write("\nWrong max value in FoCal!")
        # translate coordinates from the big image's to a single image coordinates
        if max_coords[0] < height and max_coords[1] < width:
            single_coords = max_coords
            single_coords = self.global_to_single_coords(max_coords, img_shape)
        # calculate a local index, to store per ganglion cell layer info 
        local_idx = single_coords[0]*width + single_coords[1]
        # calculate the type of cell from the index
        cell_type = self.cell_type_from_global_coords(max_coords, img_shape)
        # append max spike info to return list
        ordered_spikes.append([local_idx, max_val, cell_type])
        # correct surrounding pixels for overlapping kernel influence
        for overlap_cell_type in range(len(original_img)):
            # get equivalent coordinates for each layer
            overlap_idx = self.local_coords_to_global_idx(single_coords, 
                                                         img_shape, big_shape)
            is_max_val_layer = overlap_cell_type == cell_type 
            # c_i = c_i - c_{max}<K_i, K_{max}>
                                           overlap_idx, max_val, 

    return ordered_spikes

  def filter_image(self, img, force_homebrew=False):
    '''Perform convolution with calculated kernels
        img           => the image to convolve
        force_hombrew => if True: use my separated convolution code 
                         else: use SciPy sepfir2d
    num_kernels = len(self.kernels.full_kernels)
    img_width, img_height = img.shape
    convolved_img = {}

    for cell_type in range(num_kernels):
      if img_width < self.MIN_IMG_WIDTH or img_height < self.MIN_IMG_WIDTH:
        force_homebrew = True
        force_homebrew = False
      c = self.convolver.dog_sep_convolution(img, self.kernels[cell_type], 
      convolved_img[cell_type] =  c

    return convolved_img

  def adjust_with_correlation(self, img, correlation, max_idx, max_val, 
    img_height, img_width = img.shape
    correlation_width = correlation.shape[0]
    half_correlation_width = correlation_width/2
    half_img_width = img_width/2
    half_img_height = img_height/2

    # Get max value's coordinates
    row, col = idx2coord(max_idx, img_width)
    row_idx = row/half_img_height
    col_idx = col/half_img_width
    # Calculate the zone to affect with the correlation
    up_lim = (row_idx)*half_img_height
    left_lim = (col_idx)*half_img_width
    down_lim = (row_idx + 1)*half_img_height
    right_lim = (col_idx + 1)*half_img_width
    max_img_row = numpy.min([down_lim - 1, row + half_correlation_width + 1])
    max_img_col = numpy.min([right_lim  - 1, col + half_correlation_width + 1])
    min_img_row = numpy.max([up_lim, row - half_correlation_width])
    min_img_col = numpy.max([left_lim, col - half_correlation_width])
    max_img_row_diff = max_img_row - row
    max_img_col_diff = max_img_col - col
    min_img_row_diff = row - min_img_row
    min_img_col_diff = col - min_img_col
    min_knl_row = half_correlation_width - min_img_row_diff
    min_knl_col = half_correlation_width - min_img_col_diff
    max_knl_row = half_correlation_width + max_img_row_diff
    max_knl_col = half_correlation_width + max_img_col_diff

    img_r = [r for r in range(min_img_row, max_img_row)]
    img_c = [c for c in range(min_img_col, max_img_col)]
    knl_r = [r for r in range(min_knl_row, max_knl_row)]
    knl_c = [c for c in range(min_knl_col, max_knl_col)]
    # c_i = c_i - c_{max}<K_i, K_{max}>
    img[img_r, img_c] -= max_val*correlation[knl_r, knl_c]
    # mark any weird pixels as -inf so they don't matter in the search
    inf_indices = numpy.where(img[img_r, img_c] == numpy.inf)
    img[inf_indices] = 0
    img[inf_indices] -= numpy.inf
    nan_indices = numpy.where(img[img_r, img_c] == numpy.nan)
    img[nan_indices] = 0
    img[nan_indices] -= numpy.inf
    # mark max value's coordinate to -inf to get it out of the search
    if is_max_val_layer:
        img[row, col] -= numpy.inf
    # No need to return, values are affected because I'm doing = and -= ops

  def local_coords_to_global_idx(self, coords, cell_type, 
                                 local_img_shape, global_img_shape):
    row_add = cell_type/2
    col_add = cell_type%2
    global_coords = (coords[0] + row_add*local_img_shape[0], 
                     coords[1] + col_add*local_img_shape[1])
    global_idx = global_coords[0]*global_img_shape[1] + global_coords[1]
    return global_idx

  def global_to_single_coords(self, coords, single_shape):
    row_count = coords[0]/single_shape[0]
    col_count = coords[1]/single_shape[1]
    new_row = coords[0] - single_shape[0]*row_count
    new_col = coords[1] - single_shape[1]*col_count
    return (new_row, new_col)

  def cell_type_from_global_coords(self, coords, single_shape):
    row_type = coords[0]/single_shape[0]
    col_type = coords[1]/single_shape[1]
    cell_type = row_type*2 + col_type
    return cell_type
Beispiel #2
class Focal():
    '''Filter Overlap Correction ALgorithm, simulates the foveal pit
      region of the human retina.
      Created by Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya.
      See DOI: 10.1109/TNN.2010.2048339
    def __init__(self):
        '''Get the four layer's kernels, create the correlations and
       a convolution wrapper.
       :const MIN_IMG_WIDTH: Minimum image width for which to use 
                             NumPy/SciPy for convolution
        self.kernels = DifferenceOfGaussians()
        self.correlations = Correlation(self.kernels.full_kernels)
        self.convolver = Convolution()
        self.MIN_IMG_WIDTH = 256

    def apply(self, image, spikes_per_unit=0.3, overlapcorr=True):
        '''Wrapper function to convert an image into a FoCal representation
        :param image: The image to convert
        :param spikes_per_unit: How many spikes to return, specified in per-unit
                                (i.e. multiply by 100 to get percentage)
        spike_images = self.filter_image(image)
        focal_spikes = self.focal(spike_images,
        return focal_spikes

    def focal(self, spike_images, spikes_per_unit=0.3, overlapcorr=True):
        '''Filter Overlap Correction ALgorithm, simulates the foveal pit
        region of the human retina.
        Created by Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya.
        See DOI: 10.1109/TNN.2010.2048339
        spike_images => A list of the values generated by the convolution
                        procedure, stored as four 2D arrays, each with 
                        the same size/shape of the original image.
        spikes_per_unit => Percentage of the total spikes to be processed,
                           specified in a per unit [0, 1] range.
        returns: an ordered list of 
                  [spike index, sorting value, cell layer/type] tuples.
        ordered_spikes = []

        img_size = spike_images[0].size
        img_shape = spike_images[0].shape
        height, width = img_shape
        num_images = len(spike_images)

        #how many non-zero spikes are in the images
        max_cycles = 0
        for i in range(num_images):
            max_cycles += numpy.sum(spike_images[i] != 0)

        total_spikes = max_cycles.copy()

        #reduce to desired number
        max_cycles = * max_cycles)

        #copy images from list to a large image to make it a single search space
        big_shape = (height * 2, width * 2)
        big_image = numpy.zeros(big_shape)
        big_coords = [(0, 0), (0, width), (height, 0), (height, width)]
        for cell_type in range(num_images):
            row, col = big_coords[cell_type]
            tmp_img = spike_images[cell_type].copy()
            tmp_img[numpy.where(tmp_img == 0)] = -numpy.inf
            big_image[row:row + height, col:col + width] = tmp_img

        # Main FoCal loop
        for count in range(max_cycles):

            # print out completion percentage
            percent = (count * 100.) / float(total_spikes - 1)
            sys.stdout.write("\rFocal %d%%" % (percent))

            # Get maximum value's index,
            max_idx = numpy.argmax(big_image)
            # its coordinates
            max_coords = numpy.unravel_index(max_idx, big_shape)
            # and the value
            max_val = big_image[max_coords]

            if max_val == numpy.inf or max_val == -numpy.inf or max_val == numpy.nan:
                sys.stderr.write("\nWrong max value in FoCal!")

            # translate coordinates from the big image's to a single image coordinates
            if max_coords[0] < height and max_coords[1] < width:
                single_coords = max_coords
                single_coords = self.global_to_single_coords(
                    max_coords, img_shape)

            # calculate a local index, to store per ganglion cell layer info
            local_idx = single_coords[0] * width + single_coords[1]
            # calculate the type of cell from the index
            cell_type = self.cell_type_from_global_coords(
                max_coords, img_shape)

            # append max spike info to return list
            ordered_spikes.append([local_idx, max_val, cell_type])

            if overlapcorr:
                # correct surrounding pixels for overlapping kernel influence
                for overlap_cell_type in range(len(spike_images)):
                    # get equivalent coordinates for each layer
                    overlap_idx = self.local_coords_to_global_idx(
                        single_coords, overlap_cell_type, img_shape, big_shape)

                    is_max_val_layer = overlap_cell_type == cell_type
                    # c_i = c_i - c_{max}<K_i, K_{max}>

        return ordered_spikes

    def filter_image(self, img, force_homebrew=False):
        '''Perform convolution with calculated kernels
        img           => the image to convolve
        force_hombrew => if True: use my separated convolution code 
                         else: use SciPy sepfir2d
        num_kernels = len(self.kernels.full_kernels)
        img_width, img_height = img.shape
        convolved_img = {}

        for cell_type in range(num_kernels):
            if img_width < self.MIN_IMG_WIDTH or img_height < self.MIN_IMG_WIDTH:
                force_homebrew = True
                force_homebrew = False

            c = self.convolver.dog_sep_convolution(
            convolved_img[cell_type] = c

        return convolved_img

    def adjust_with_correlation(self,
        '''Modify surrounding pixels by the correlation of kernels. 
         If max_val is in layer 1, we overlap all layers and then multiply
         surrounding pixels by the correlation between layer 1 and layerX (1,2,3, or 4).
       :param img: An image representing the spikes generated by the previous step
                   or simulation of a ganglion cell layer
       :param max_idx: index of the pixel/neuron that has the maximum value from
                       the previous step or simulation
       :param max_val: value of the max pixel/neuron
       :param is_max_val_layer: Required to mark max_idx as visited
       :returns: img with the proper adjustment

        img_height, img_width = img.shape
        correlation_width = correlation.shape[0]
        half_correlation_width = int(correlation_width / 2)
        half_img_width = int(img_width / 2)
        half_img_height = int(img_height / 2)

        # Get max value's coordinates
        row, col = idx2coord(max_idx, img_width)
        row_idx = int(row / half_img_height)
        col_idx = int(col / half_img_width)

        # Calculate the zone to affect with the correlation
        up_lim = (row_idx) * half_img_height
        left_lim = (col_idx) * half_img_width

        down_lim = (row_idx + 1) * half_img_height
        right_lim = (col_idx + 1) * half_img_width

        max_img_row = numpy.min(
            [down_lim - 1, row + half_correlation_width + 1])
        max_img_col = numpy.min(
            [right_lim - 1, col + half_correlation_width + 1])
        min_img_row = numpy.max([up_lim, row - half_correlation_width])
        min_img_col = numpy.max([left_lim, col - half_correlation_width])

        max_img_row_diff = max_img_row - row
        max_img_col_diff = max_img_col - col
        min_img_row_diff = row - min_img_row
        min_img_col_diff = col - min_img_col

        min_knl_row = half_correlation_width - min_img_row_diff
        min_knl_col = half_correlation_width - min_img_col_diff
        max_knl_row = half_correlation_width + max_img_row_diff
        max_knl_col = half_correlation_width + max_img_col_diff

        # c_i = c_i - c_{max}<K_i, K_{max}>
            min_img_col:max_img_col] -= max_val * correlation[
                min_knl_row:max_knl_row, min_knl_col:max_knl_col]

        # mark any weird pixels as -inf so they don't matter in the search
        inf_indices = numpy.where(img[min_img_row:max_img_row,
                                      min_img_col:max_img_col] == numpy.inf)
        img[inf_indices] = 0
        img[inf_indices] -= numpy.inf

        nan_indices = numpy.where(img[min_img_row:max_img_row,
                                      min_img_col:max_img_col] == numpy.nan)
        img[nan_indices] = 0
        img[nan_indices] -= numpy.inf

        # mark max value's coordinate to -inf to get it out of the search
        if is_max_val_layer:
            img[row, col] -= numpy.inf

        # No need to return, variables are passed as reference because we're doing = and -= ops

    def local_coords_to_global_idx(self, coords, cell_type, local_img_shape,
        '''Utility to transform from local (width*height) coordinates to
       global (2*width, 2*height) coords.             ---------
       Layers are represented in the global image as: [ 0 | 1 ]
                                                      [ 2 | 3 ]
        row_add = int(cell_type / 2)
        col_add = int(cell_type % 2)
        global_coords = (coords[0] + row_add * local_img_shape[0],
                         coords[1] + col_add * local_img_shape[1])
        global_idx = global_coords[0] * global_img_shape[1] + global_coords[1]
        return global_idx

    def global_to_single_coords(self, coords, single_shape):
        '''Utility to transform from global (2*width, 2*height) coordinates to
       local (width*height) coords      .             ---------
       Layers are represented in the global image as: [ 0 | 1 ]
                                                      [ 2 | 3 ]
        row_count = int(coords[0] / single_shape[0])
        col_count = int(coords[1] / single_shape[1])
        new_row = coords[0] - single_shape[0] * row_count
        new_col = coords[1] - single_shape[1] * col_count

        return (new_row, new_col)

    def cell_type_from_global_coords(self, coords, single_shape):
        '''Utility to compute which layer does a coordinate belong to'''
        row_type = int(coords[0] / single_shape[0])
        col_type = int(coords[1] / single_shape[1])
        cell_type = row_type * 2 + col_type

        return cell_type