def __init__(self, bgl, enda, scale, libname, srcfile, texdir, output): self.old = False # Old style scenery found and skipped self.rrt = False # Old style runways/roads found and skipped self.anim = False # Animations found and skipped assert (scale == 1) # new-style objects are scaled when placed comment = "object %s in file %s" % (libname, asciify(basename(srcfile), False)) tex = [] mattex = [] vt = [] idx = [] matrix = [] amap = [] scen = [] data = {} if != 'RIFF': raise IOError (mdlsize, ) = unpack('<I', endmdl = bgl.tell() + mdlsize if != 'MDLX': raise IOError while bgl.tell() < endmdl: c = (size, ) = unpack('<I', if c == 'MDLD': end = size + bgl.tell() while bgl.tell() < end: c = (size, ) = unpack('<I', if c == 'TEXT': tex.extend(['\0').strip() for i in range(0, size, 64) ]) elif c == 'MATE': # for i in range(0, size, 120): (flags1, flags2, diffuse, detail, normal, specular, emissive, reflection, fresnel, dr, dg, db, da, sr, sg, sb, sa, sp, ds, normalscale, recflectionscale, po, power, bloomfloor, ambientscale, srcblend, dstblend, alphafunc, alphathreshhold, zwritealpha) = unpack('<9I16f3I2f', # Get texture names diffuse = (flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_HAS_DIFFUSE ) and tex[diffuse] or None emissive = (flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_HAS_EMISSIVE ) and tex[emissive] or None if output.xpver <= 10: normal = specular = reflection = None # Not supported in<=10, so no point doing lookup else: specular = (flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_HAS_SPECULAR ) and tex[specular] or None normal = (flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_HAS_NORMAL ) and tex[normal] or None reflection = (flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_HAS_REFLECTION ) and tex[reflection] or None # Get texture filenames if diffuse: diffuse = findtex(diffuse, texdir, output.addtexdir) if emissive: emissive = findtex(emissive, texdir, output.addtexdir) if specular: specular = findtex(specular, texdir, output.addtexdir) if normal: normal = findtex(normal, texdir, output.addtexdir) if reflection: reflection = findtex(reflection, texdir, output.addtexdir) t = (diffuse or emissive) and Texture( output.xpver, diffuse, emissive, specular, normal, reflection) or None m = Material( output.xpver, (dr, dg, db), (flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_SPECULAR) and not specular and ((sr != sg or sr != sb or sr < 0.9) and (sr, sg, sb) != (0, 0, 0)) and [sr, sg, sb] or None, False, # Poly flags2 & Material.FSX_MAT_DOUBLE_SIDED != 0, flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_ZTEST_ALPHA and alphafunc in [ Material.FSX_MAT_ALPHA_TEST_GREATER, Material.FSX_MAT_ALPHA_TEST_GREATER_EQUAL ] and alphathreshhold / 255 or None, not diffuse and ((flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_SPECULAR) and (sr, sg, sb) != (0, 0, 0)) and True, flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_NO_SHADOW != 0) mattex.append((m, t)) if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("Materials %d\n" % len(mattex)) for i in range(len(mattex)): output.debug.write( "%3d:\t%s\t%s\n" % (i, mattex[i][0], mattex[i][1])) elif c == 'INDE': idx = unpack('<%dH' % (size / 2), elif c == 'VERB': endv = size + bgl.tell() while bgl.tell() < endv: c = (size, ) = unpack('<I', if c == 'VERT': vt.append([ unpack('<8f', for i in range(0, size, 32) ]) else:, 1) elif c == 'TRAN': for i in range(0, size, 64): matrix.append( Matrix([ unpack('<4f', for j in range(4) ])) if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("Matrices %d\n" % len(matrix)) for i in range(len(matrix)): output.debug.write("%s = %d\n" % (matrix[i], i)) elif c == 'AMAP': for i in range(0, size, 8): (a, b) = unpack('<2I', amap.append(b) if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("Animation map %d\n" % len(amap)) for i in range(len(amap)): output.debug.write("%2d: %2d\n" % (i, amap[i])) elif c == 'SCEN': # Assumed to be after TRAN and AMAP sections count = size / 8 for i in range(count): (child, peer, offset, unk) = unpack('<4h', scen.append((child, peer, offset, -1)) # Invert Child/Peer pointers to get parents for i in range(count): (child, peer, thisoff, parent) = scen[i] if child != -1: # child's parent is me (xchild, xpeer, xoff, xparent) = scen[child] scen[child] = (xchild, xpeer, xoff, i) if peer != -1: # peer's parent is my parent (xchild, xpeer, xoff, xparent) = scen[peer] scen[peer] = (xchild, xpeer, xoff, parent) # Replace AMAP offsets with matrix if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("Scene Graph %d\n" % len(scen)) for i in range(count): (child, peer, offset, parent) = scen[i] scen[i] = (child, peer, matrix[amap[offset / 8]], parent) if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write( "%2d: %2d %2d %2d %2d\n" % (i, child, peer, parent, offset / 8)) elif c == 'LODT': endt = size + bgl.tell() partno = 0 maxlod = 0 while bgl.tell() < endt: c = (size, ) = unpack('<I', if c == 'LODE': ende = size + bgl.tell() (lod, ) = unpack('<I', while bgl.tell() < ende: c = (size, ) = unpack('<I', if c == 'PART': (typ, scene, material, verb, voff, vcount, ioff, icount, unk) = unpack('<9I', assert (typ == 1) maxlod = max(lod, maxlod) (child, peer, finalmatrix, parent) = scen[scene] if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write( "LOD %4d: scene %d verb %d material %d tris %d voff %d vcount %d ioff %d icount %d\n" % (lod, scene, verb, material, icount / 3, voff, vcount, ioff, icount)) while parent != -1: (child, peer, thismatrix, parent) = scen[parent] finalmatrix = finalmatrix * thismatrix if not lod in data: data[lod] = [] data[lod].append( (mattex[material][0], mattex[material][1], vt[verb][voff:voff + vcount], idx[ioff:ioff + icount], finalmatrix)) partno += 1 else:, 1) else:, 1) else:, 1) else:, 1) # Only interested in highest LOD objs = {} # objs by texture for (m, t, vt, idx, matrix) in data[maxlod]: if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("%s\n%s\n" % (t, matrix)) objvt = [] nrmmatrix = matrix.adjoint() if t: assert not t.s and not t.n and not t.r # Bunching scheme will need re-work for (x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, tu, tv) in vt: (x, y, z) = matrix.transform(x, y, z) (nx, ny, nz) = nrmmatrix.rotateAndNormalize(nx, ny, nz) objvt.append((x, y, -z, nx, ny, -nz, tu, tv)) else: # replace material with palette texture (pu, pv) = rgb2uv(m.d) for (x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, tu, tv) in vt: (x, y, z) = matrix.transform(x, y, z) (nx, ny, nz) = nrmmatrix.rotateAndNormalize(nx, ny, nz) objvt.append((x, y, -z, nx, ny, -nz, pu, pv)) if t in objs: obj = objs[t] if t and t.e: obj.tex.e = t.e # Because we don't compare on emissive else: objs[t] = obj = Object(libname, comment, t, None) obj.addgeometry(m, objvt, idx) # Add objs to library with one name if objs: output.objdat[libname] = objs.values()
def makegenquad(name, output, x, z, incx, incz, heights, texs, roof): # roof types: 0=flat, 1=pointy, 2=gabled, 3=slanty cumheight = 0 vt = [] idx = [] rgbs = [] for i in range(len(texs)): rgbs.append(genrgb(i, texs[i])) sign = [(1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1)] n = [(cos(incx), sin(incx), 0), (0, sin(incz), -cos(incz)), (-cos(incx), sin(incx), 0), (0, sin(incz), cos(incz))] for story in range(3): if not heights[story]: continue (u, v) = rgb2uv(rgbs[story]) x0 = x / 2 - sin(incx) * cumheight z0 = z / 2 - sin(incz) * cumheight x1 = x / 2 - sin(incx) * (cumheight + heights[story]) z1 = z / 2 - sin(incz) * (cumheight + heights[story]) for side in range(4): (nx, ny, nz) = n[side] base = len(vt) for corner in [side, side + 1]: (sx, sz) = sign[corner] vt.extend([(sx * x0, cumheight, sz * z0, nx, ny, nz, u, v), (sx * x1, cumheight + heights[story], sz * z1, nx, ny, nz, u, v)]) idx.extend( [base, base + 1, base + 2, base + 3, base + 2, base + 1]) cumheight += heights[story] # roof x0 = x / 2 - sin(incx) * cumheight z0 = z / 2 - sin(incz) * cumheight (u, v) = rgb2uv(rgbs[3]) base = len(vt) if roof == 0 or heights[3] == 0: # simplify if actually flat vt.extend([(x0, cumheight, z0, 0, 1, 0, u, v), (x0, cumheight, -z0, 0, 1, 0, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, 0, 1, 0, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, 0, 1, 0, u, v)]) idx.extend([base + 2, base + 1, base, base, base + 3, base + 2]) elif roof == 1: # pointy topheight = cumheight + heights[3] incx = atan(x / (2 * heights[3])) incz = atan(z / (2 * heights[3])) vt.extend([(x0, cumheight, z0, cos(incx), sin(incx), 0, u, v), (0, topheight, 0, cos(incx), sin(incx), 0, u, v), (x0, cumheight, -z0, cos(incx), sin(incx), 0, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, -cos(incx), sin(incx), 0, u, v), (0, topheight, 0, -cos(incx), sin(incx), 0, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, -cos(incx), sin(incx), 0, u, v), (x0, cumheight, z0, 0, sin(incz), cos(incz), u, v), (0, topheight, 0, 0, sin(incz), cos(incz), u, v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, 0, sin(incz), cos(incz), u, v), (x0, cumheight, -z0, 0, sin(incz), -cos(incz), u, v), (0, topheight, 0, 0, sin(incz), -cos(incz), u, v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, 0, sin(incz), -cos(incz), u, v)]) idx.extend([ base, base + 1, base + 2, base + 5, base + 4, base + 3, base + 8, base + 7, base + 6, base + 9, base + 10, base + 11 ]) elif roof == 2: # gabled topheight = cumheight + heights[3] incz = atan(z / (2 * heights[3])) ny = sin(incz) nz = cos(incz) #roof vt.extend([(x0, cumheight, z0, 0, ny, nz, u, v), (x0, topheight, 0, 0, ny, nz, u, v), (-x0, topheight, 0, 0, ny, nz, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, 0, ny, nz, u, v), (x0, cumheight, -z0, 0, ny, -nz, u, v), (x0, topheight, 0, 0, ny, -nz, u, v), (-x0, topheight, 0, 0, ny, -nz, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, 0, ny, -nz, u, v)]) idx.extend([ base + 2, base + 1, base, base, base + 3, base + 2, base + 4, base + 5, base + 6, base + 6, base + 7, base + 4 ]) #gables (u, v) = rgb2uv(rgbs[4]) base = len(vt) vt.extend([(x0, cumheight, z0, 1, 0, 0, u, v), (x0, topheight, 0, 1, 0, 0, u, v), (x0, cumheight, -z0, 1, 0, 0, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, -1, 0, 0, u, v), (-x0, topheight, 0, -1, 0, 0, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, -1, 0, 0, u, v)]) idx.extend([base, base + 1, base + 2, base + 5, base + 4, base + 3]) elif roof == 3: # slanty topheight = cumheight + heights[3] incz = atan(z / heights[3]) ny = sin(incz) nz = cos(incz) #roof vt.extend([(x0, cumheight, z0, 0, ny, nz, u, v), (x0, topheight, -z0, 0, ny, nz, u, v), (-x0, topheight, -z0, 0, ny, nz, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, 0, ny, nz, u, v)]) idx.extend([base + 2, base + 1, base, base, base + 3, base + 2]) #gables (u, v) = rgb2uv(rgbs[4]) base = len(vt) vt.extend([(x0, topheight, -z0, 1, 0, 0, u, v), (x0, cumheight, -z0, 1, 0, 0, u, v), (x0, cumheight, z0, 1, 0, 0, u, v), (-x0, topheight, -z0, -1, 0, 0, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, -1, 0, 0, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, -1, 0, 0, u, v)]) idx.extend([base, base + 1, base + 2, base + 5, base + 4, base + 3]) #face (u, v) = rgb2uv(rgbs[5]) base = len(vt) vt.extend([(x0, topheight, -z0, 0, 0, -1, u, v), (x0, cumheight, -z0, 0, 0, -1, u, v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, 0, 0, -1, u, v), (-x0, topheight, -z0, 0, 0, -1, u, v)]) idx.extend([base + 2, base + 1, base, base, base + 3, base + 2]) obj = Object(name, "Generic building", None, None) obj.addgeometry(Material(output.xpver, None), vt, idx) return obj
def makegenmulti(name, output, sides, x, z, heights, texs): # building fits inside an oval inscribed in a x*z box slice = 2 * pi / sides halfslice = pi / sides sides2 = sides * 2 cumheight = 0 vt = [] idx = [] rgbs = [] for i in range(len(texs)): rgbs.append(genrgb(i, texs[i])) for story in range(3): (u, v) = rgb2uv(rgbs[story]) base = len(vt) for corner in range(sides): angle = corner * slice - halfslice nx = sin(angle) nz = cos(angle) x0 = x * nx / 2 z0 = z * nz / 2 vt.append((x0, cumheight, z0, nx, 0, nz, u, v)) vt.append((x0, cumheight + heights[story], z0, nx, 0, nz, u, v)) idx.extend([ base + corner * 2, base + (corner * 2 + 1) % sides2, base + (corner * 2 + 2) % sides2, base + (corner * 2 + 3) % sides2, base + (corner * 2 + 2) % sides2, base + (corner * 2 + 1) % sides2 ]) cumheight += heights[story] # roof (u, v) = rgb2uv(rgbs[3]) base = len(vt) if heights[3] == 0: # simplify if actually flat for corner in range(sides): angle = corner * slice - halfslice x0 = sin(angle) * x / 2 z0 = cos(angle) * z / 2 vt.append((x0, cumheight, z0, 0, 1, 0, u, v)) vt.append((0, cumheight, 0, 0, 1, 0, u, v)) idx.extend([ base + corner * 2, base + (corner * 2 + 1) % sides2, base + (corner * 2 + 2) % sides2 ]) else: incx = atan(x / (2 * heights[3])) incz = atan(z / (2 * heights[3])) for corner in range(sides): # FIXME: normal calculation is incorrect angle = corner * slice - halfslice nx = cos(incx) * sin(angle) ny = sin(incx) * sin(angle) + sin(incz) * cos(angle) nz = cos(incz) * cos(angle) x0 = sin(angle) * x / 2 z0 = cos(angle) * z / 2 vt.append((x0, cumheight, z0, nx, ny, nz, u, v)) angle = corner * slice nx = cos(incx) * sin(angle) ny = sin(incx) * sin(angle) + sin(incz) * cos(angle) nz = cos(incz) * cos(angle) vt.append((0, cumheight + heights[3], 0, nx, ny, nz, u, v)) idx.extend([ base + corner * 2, base + (corner * 2 + 1) % sides2, base + (corner * 2 + 2) % sides2 ]) obj = Object(name, "Generic building", None, None) obj.addgeometry(Material(output.xpver, None), vt, idx) return obj
def makegenquad(name, output, x, z, incx, incz, heights, texs, roof): # roof types: 0=flat, 1=pointy, 2=gabled, 3=slanty cumheight=0 vt=[] idx=[] rgbs=[] for i in range(len(texs)): rgbs.append(genrgb(i, texs[i])) sign=[(1,1), (1,-1), (-1,-1), (-1,1), (1,1)] n=[( cos(incx),sin(incx),0), (0,sin(incz),-cos(incz)), (-cos(incx),sin(incx),0), (0,sin(incz), cos(incz))] for story in range(3): if not heights[story]: continue (u,v)=rgb2uv(rgbs[story]) x0=x/2-sin(incx)*cumheight z0=z/2-sin(incz)*cumheight x1=x/2-sin(incx)*(cumheight+heights[story]) z1=z/2-sin(incz)*(cumheight+heights[story]) for side in range(4): (nx,ny,nz)=n[side] base=len(vt) for corner in [side, side+1]: (sx,sz)=sign[corner] vt.extend([(sx*x0, cumheight, sz*z0, nx,ny,nz, u,v), (sx*x1, cumheight+heights[story], sz*z1, nx,ny,nz, u,v)]) idx.extend([base,base+1,base+2, base+3,base+2,base+1]) cumheight += heights[story] # roof x0=x/2-sin(incx)*cumheight z0=z/2-sin(incz)*cumheight (u,v)=rgb2uv(rgbs[3]) base=len(vt) if roof==0 or heights[3]==0: # simplify if actually flat vt.extend([( x0, cumheight, z0, 0,1,0, u,v), ( x0, cumheight, -z0, 0,1,0, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, 0,1,0, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, 0,1,0, u,v)]) idx.extend([base+2,base+1,base, base,base+3,base+2]) elif roof==1: # pointy topheight=cumheight+heights[3] incx=atan(x/(2*heights[3])) incz=atan(z/(2*heights[3])) vt.extend([( x0, cumheight, z0, cos(incx),sin(incx),0, u,v), ( 0, topheight, 0, cos(incx),sin(incx),0, u,v), ( x0, cumheight, -z0, cos(incx),sin(incx),0, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, -cos(incx),sin(incx),0, u,v), ( 0, topheight, 0, -cos(incx),sin(incx),0, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, -cos(incx),sin(incx),0, u,v), ( x0, cumheight, z0, 0,sin(incz), cos(incz), u,v), ( 0, topheight, 0, 0,sin(incz), cos(incz), u,v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, 0,sin(incz), cos(incz), u,v), ( x0, cumheight, -z0, 0,sin(incz),-cos(incz), u,v), ( 0, topheight, 0, 0,sin(incz),-cos(incz), u,v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, 0,sin(incz),-cos(incz), u,v)]) idx.extend([ base,base+1,base+2, base+5,base+4,base+3, base+8,base+7,base+6, base+9,base+10,base+11]) elif roof==2: # gabled topheight=cumheight+heights[3] incz=atan(z/(2*heights[3])) ny=sin(incz) nz=cos(incz) #roof vt.extend([( x0, cumheight, z0, 0,ny,nz, u,v), ( x0, topheight, 0, 0,ny,nz, u,v), (-x0, topheight, 0, 0,ny,nz, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, 0,ny,nz, u,v), ( x0, cumheight, -z0, 0,ny,-nz, u,v), ( x0, topheight, 0, 0,ny,-nz, u,v), (-x0, topheight, 0, 0,ny,-nz, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, 0,ny,-nz, u,v)]) idx.extend([base+2,base+1,base, base,base+3,base+2, base+4,base+5,base+6, base+6,base+7,base+4]) #gables (u,v)=rgb2uv(rgbs[4]) base=len(vt) vt.extend([( x0, cumheight, z0, 1,0,0, u,v), ( x0, topheight, 0, 1,0,0, u,v), ( x0, cumheight, -z0, 1,0,0, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, -1,0,0, u,v), (-x0, topheight, 0, -1,0,0, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, -1,0,0, u,v)]) idx.extend([base,base+1,base+2, base+5,base+4,base+3]) elif roof==3: # slanty topheight=cumheight+heights[3] incz=atan(z/heights[3]) ny=sin(incz) nz=cos(incz) #roof vt.extend([( x0, cumheight, z0, 0,ny,nz, u,v), ( x0, topheight, -z0, 0,ny,nz, u,v), (-x0, topheight, -z0, 0,ny,nz, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, 0,ny,nz, u,v)]) idx.extend([base+2,base+1,base, base,base+3,base+2]) #gables (u,v)=rgb2uv(rgbs[4]) base=len(vt) vt.extend([( x0, topheight, -z0, 1,0,0, u,v), ( x0, cumheight, -z0, 1,0,0, u,v), ( x0, cumheight, z0, 1,0,0, u,v), (-x0, topheight, -z0, -1,0,0, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, -1,0,0, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, z0, -1,0,0, u,v)]) idx.extend([base,base+1,base+2, base+5,base+4,base+3]) #face (u,v)=rgb2uv(rgbs[5]) base=len(vt) vt.extend([( x0, topheight, -z0, 0,0,-1, u,v), ( x0, cumheight, -z0, 0,0,-1, u,v), (-x0, cumheight, -z0, 0,0,-1, u,v), (-x0, topheight, -z0, 0,0,-1, u,v)]) idx.extend([base+2,base+1,base, base,base+3,base+2]) obj=Object(name, "Generic building", None, None) obj.addgeometry(Material(output.xpver, None), vt, idx) return obj
def makegenmulti(name, output, sides, x, z, heights, texs): # building fits inside an oval inscribed in a x*z box slice=2*pi/sides halfslice=pi/sides sides2=sides*2 cumheight=0 vt=[] idx=[] rgbs=[] for i in range(len(texs)): rgbs.append(genrgb(i, texs[i])) for story in range(3): (u,v)=rgb2uv(rgbs[story]) base=len(vt) for corner in range(sides): angle=corner*slice-halfslice nx=sin(angle) nz=cos(angle) x0=x*nx/2 z0=z*nz/2 vt.append((x0, cumheight, z0, nx,0,nz, u,v)) vt.append((x0, cumheight+heights[story], z0, nx,0,nz, u,v)) idx.extend([base + corner*2, base +(corner*2+1)%sides2, base +(corner*2+2)%sides2, base +(corner*2+3)%sides2, base +(corner*2+2)%sides2, base +(corner*2+1)%sides2]) cumheight += heights[story] # roof (u,v)=rgb2uv(rgbs[3]) base=len(vt) if heights[3]==0: # simplify if actually flat for corner in range(sides): angle=corner*slice-halfslice x0=sin(angle)*x/2 z0=cos(angle)*z/2 vt.append((x0, cumheight, z0, 0,1,0, u,v)) vt.append((0, cumheight, 0, 0,1,0, u,v)) idx.extend([base +corner*2, base+(corner*2+1)%sides2, base+(corner*2+2)%sides2]) else: incx=atan(x/(2*heights[3])) incz=atan(z/(2*heights[3])) for corner in range(sides): # FIXME: normal calculation is incorrect angle=corner*slice-halfslice nx=cos(incx)*sin(angle) ny=sin(incx)*sin(angle)+sin(incz)*cos(angle) nz=cos(incz)*cos(angle) x0=sin(angle)*x/2 z0=cos(angle)*z/2 vt.append((x0, cumheight, z0, nx,ny,nz, u,v)) angle=corner*slice nx=cos(incx)*sin(angle) ny=sin(incx)*sin(angle)+sin(incz)*cos(angle) nz=cos(incz)*cos(angle) vt.append((0, cumheight+heights[3], 0, nx,ny,nz, u,v)) idx.extend([base +corner*2, base+(corner*2+1)%sides2, base+(corner*2+2)%sides2]) obj=Object(name, "Generic building", None, None) obj.addgeometry(Material(output.xpver, None), vt, idx) return obj
def __init__(self, bgl, enda, scale, libname, srcfile, texdir, output): self.old=False # Old style scenery found and skipped self.rrt=False # Old style runways/roads found and skipped self.anim=False # Animations found and skipped assert(scale==1) # new-style objects are scaled when placed comment="object %s in file %s" % (libname,asciify(basename(srcfile),False)) tex=[] mattex=[] vt=[] idx=[] matrix=[] amap=[] scen=[] data={} if!='RIFF': raise IOError (mdlsize,)=unpack('<I', endmdl=bgl.tell()+mdlsize if!='MDLX': raise IOError while bgl.tell()<endmdl: (size,)=unpack('<I', if c=='MDLD': end=size+bgl.tell() while bgl.tell()<end: (size,)=unpack('<I', if c=='TEXT': tex.extend(['\0').strip() for i in range(0,size,64)]) elif c=='MATE': # for i in range(0,size,120): (flags1,flags2,diffuse,detail,normal,specular,emissive,reflection,fresnel,dr,dg,db,da,sr,sg,sb,sa,sp,ds,normalscale,recflectionscale,po,power,bloomfloor,ambientscale,srcblend,dstblend,alphafunc,alphathreshhold,zwritealpha)=unpack('<9I16f3I2f', # Get texture names diffuse =(flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_HAS_DIFFUSE) and tex[diffuse] or None emissive =(flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_HAS_EMISSIVE) and tex[emissive] or None if output.xpver<=10: normal=specular=reflection=None # Not supported in<=10, so no point doing lookup else: specular =(flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_HAS_SPECULAR) and tex[specular] or None normal =(flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_HAS_NORMAL) and tex[normal] or None reflection=(flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_HAS_REFLECTION) and tex[reflection] or None # Get texture filenames if diffuse: diffuse =findtex(diffuse, texdir, output.addtexdir) if emissive: emissive =findtex(emissive, texdir, output.addtexdir) if specular: specular =findtex(specular, texdir, output.addtexdir) if normal: normal =findtex(normal, texdir, output.addtexdir) if reflection:reflection=findtex(reflection, texdir, output.addtexdir) t=(diffuse or emissive) and Texture(output.xpver, diffuse, emissive, specular, normal, reflection) or None m=Material(output.xpver, (dr,dg,db), (flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_SPECULAR) and not specular and ((sr!=sg or sr!=sb or sr<0.9) and (sr,sg,sb)!=(0,0,0)) and [sr,sg,sb] or None, False, # Poly flags2&Material.FSX_MAT_DOUBLE_SIDED != 0, flags1&Material.FSX_MAT_ZTEST_ALPHA and alphafunc in [Material.FSX_MAT_ALPHA_TEST_GREATER,Material.FSX_MAT_ALPHA_TEST_GREATER_EQUAL] and alphathreshhold/255 or None, not diffuse and ((flags1 & Material.FSX_MAT_SPECULAR) and (sr,sg,sb)!=(0,0,0)) and True, flags1&Material.FSX_MAT_NO_SHADOW != 0) mattex.append((m,t)) if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("Materials %d\n" % len(mattex)) for i in range(len(mattex)): output.debug.write("%3d:\t%s\t%s\n" % (i, mattex[i][0], mattex[i][1])) elif c=='INDE': idx=unpack('<%dH' % (size/2), elif c=='VERB': endv=size+bgl.tell() while bgl.tell()<endv: (size,)=unpack('<I', if c=='VERT': vt.append([unpack('<8f', for i in range(0,size,32)]) else:,1) elif c=='TRAN': for i in range(0,size,64): matrix.append(Matrix([unpack('<4f', for j in range(4)])) if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("Matrices %d\n" % len(matrix)) for i in range(len(matrix)): output.debug.write("%s = %d\n" % (matrix[i], i)) elif c=='AMAP': for i in range(0,size,8): (a,b)=unpack('<2I', amap.append(b) if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("Animation map %d\n" % len(amap)) for i in range(len(amap)): output.debug.write("%2d: %2d\n" % (i, amap[i])) elif c=='SCEN': # Assumed to be after TRAN and AMAP sections count=size/8 for i in range(count): (child,peer,offset,unk)=unpack('<4h', scen.append((child,peer,offset,-1)) # Invert Child/Peer pointers to get parents for i in range(count): (child, peer, thisoff, parent)=scen[i] if child!=-1: # child's parent is me (xchild, xpeer, xoff, xparent)=scen[child] scen[child]=(xchild, xpeer, xoff, i) if peer!=-1: # peer's parent is my parent (xchild, xpeer, xoff, xparent)=scen[peer] scen[peer]=(xchild, xpeer, xoff, parent) # Replace AMAP offsets with matrix if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("Scene Graph %d\n" % len(scen)) for i in range(count): (child, peer, offset, parent)=scen[i] scen[i]=(child, peer, matrix[amap[offset/8]], parent) if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("%2d: %2d %2d %2d %2d\n" % (i, child, peer, parent, offset/8)) elif c=='LODT': endt=size+bgl.tell() partno=0 maxlod=0 while bgl.tell()<endt: (size,)=unpack('<I', if c=='LODE': ende=size+bgl.tell() (lod,)=unpack('<I', while bgl.tell()<ende: (size,)=unpack('<I', if c=='PART': (typ,scene,material,verb,voff,vcount,ioff,icount,unk)=unpack('<9I', assert (typ==1) maxlod=max(lod,maxlod) (child, peer, finalmatrix, parent)=scen[scene] if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("LOD %4d: scene %d verb %d material %d tris %d voff %d vcount %d ioff %d icount %d\n" % (lod, scene, verb, material, icount/3, voff, vcount, ioff, icount)) while parent!=-1: (child, peer, thismatrix, parent)=scen[parent] finalmatrix=finalmatrix*thismatrix if not lod in data: data[lod]=[] data[lod].append((mattex[material][0], mattex[material][1], vt[verb][voff:voff+vcount], idx[ioff:ioff+icount], finalmatrix)) partno+=1 else:,1) else:,1) else:,1) else:,1) # Only interested in highest LOD objs={} # objs by texture for (m,t,vt,idx,matrix) in data[maxlod]: if __debug__: if output.debug: output.debug.write("%s\n%s\n" % (t, matrix)) objvt=[] nrmmatrix=matrix.adjoint() if t: assert not t.s and not t.n and not t.r # Bunching scheme will need re-work for (x,y,z, nx,ny,nz, tu,tv) in vt: (x,y,z)=matrix.transform(x,y,z) (nx,ny,nz)=nrmmatrix.rotateAndNormalize(nx,ny,nz) objvt.append((x,y,-z, nx,ny,-nz, tu,tv)) else: # replace material with palette texture (pu,pv)=rgb2uv(m.d) for (x,y,z, nx,ny,nz, tu,tv) in vt: (x,y,z)=matrix.transform(x,y,z) (nx,ny,nz)=nrmmatrix.rotateAndNormalize(nx,ny,nz) objvt.append((x,y,-z, nx,ny,-nz, pu,pv)) if t in objs: obj=objs[t] if t and t.e: obj.tex.e=t.e # Because we don't compare on emissive else: objs[t]=obj=Object(libname, comment, t, None) obj.addgeometry(m, objvt, idx) # Add objs to library with one name if objs: output.objdat[libname]=objs.values()