Beispiel #1
def data_engine_pgd(eq_lat, eq_lon, eq_dep, to, sta_lat, sta_lon, sta_alt,
                    nbuff, ebuff, ubuff, tbuff, runtime, Tlatency):

    disp = numpy.sqrt(
        numpy.power(nbuff, 2) + numpy.power(ebuff, 2) + numpy.power(ubuff, 2))
    (x1, y1) = ll2utm(eq_lon, eq_lat, -71)
    x1 = x1 - 68000
    y1 = y1 + 109000
    print utm2ll(x1, y1, -71)

    (x2, y2) = ll2utm(sta_lon, sta_lat, -71)
    hypodist = numpy.sqrt(
        numpy.power(x1 - x2, 2) + numpy.power(y1 - y2, 2) +
        numpy.power(eq_dep * 1000 - sta_alt, 2))
    epidist = numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(x1 - x2, 2) + numpy.power(y1 - y2, 2))

    effhypodist = hypodist / 1000 + Tlatency * 3

    a1 = numpy.where(effhypodist < (runtime - to) * 3)[0]
    a1 = numpy.array(a1)

    if len(a1) > 3:
        Dnew = disp[a1, 0:runtime * 5]
        mpgd_vr = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        mpgd = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        maxD = numpy.zeros([len(a1), 1])

        #maxD = numpy.amax(Dnew,axis=1,out=maxD)
        maxD = numpy.nanmax(Dnew, axis=1, out=maxD, keepdims=True)

        dep = 1
        while dep < 101:
            hypoupdate = numpy.sqrt(
                numpy.power(x1 - x2[a1], 2) + numpy.power(y1 - y2[a1], 2) +
                numpy.power(dep * 1000 - sta_alt[a1], 2))
            [MPGD, VR_PGD] = PGD(100 * maxD, hypoupdate / 1000,
                                 epidist[a1] / 1000)
            mpgd[dep - 1] = MPGD
            mpgd_vr[dep - 1] = VR_PGD
            dep = dep + 1
        mpgd_vr = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        mpgd = numpy.zeros([100, 1])

    return (mpgd, mpgd_vr, len(a1))
Beispiel #2
def rtokada(sta_lat, sta_lon, sta_alt, n, e, u, fault_lat, fault_lon,
            fault_alt, strike, dip, LEN, WID, nstr, ndip):
    l1 = len(sta_lat)
    l2 = len(fault_lat)

    LEN = LEN * 1000
    WID = WID * 1000
    xrs = numpy.zeros([l2, l1])
    yrs = numpy.zeros([l2, l1])
    zrs = numpy.zeros([l2, l1])
    for i in range(0, l2):
        for j in range(0, l1):
            (x1, y1) = ll2utm(sta_lon[j], sta_lat[j], -123.0)
            (x2, y2) = ll2utm(fault_lon[i], fault_lat[i], -123.0)
            xrs[i, j] = (x1 - x2)
            yrs[i, j] = (y1 - y2)
            zrs[i, j] = sta_alt[j] + fault_alt[i] * 1000

    G = okadagreen.greenF(xrs, yrs, zrs, strike, dip, WID,
                          LEN)  #Compute Green's functions

    #Regularization Matrix creation
    T = numpy.zeros([(2 * ndip * nstr) + 2 * (2 * nstr + 2 * (ndip - 2)),
                     2 * l2])  #Prefill matrix with zeros
    TU = numpy.zeros(
        [(2 * ndip * nstr) + 2 * (2 * nstr + 2 * (ndip - 2)), 1]
    )  #Appended to observation vector. This minimizes the difference between adjacent slip cells
    k = 0
    for j in range(0, ndip):
        for i in range(0, nstr):
            for m in range(0, 2):
                index1 = j * nstr + i
                index2 = j * nstr + i - 1
                index3 = j * nstr + i + 1
                index4 = (j - 1) * nstr + i
                index5 = (j + 1) * nstr + i

                if (index1 >= 0 and index1 < l2):
                    T[k, 2 * index1 + m] = -2.0 / LEN[0] / LEN[
                        0] * 1000 * 1000 - 2.0 / WID[0] / WID[0] * 1000 * 1000
                if (index2 >= 0 and index2 < l2):
                    T[k, 2 * index2 + m] = 1.0 / LEN[0] / LEN[0] * 1000 * 1000
                if (index3 >= 0 and index3 < l2):
                    T[k, 2 * index3 + m] = 1.0 / LEN[0] / LEN[0] * 1000 * 1000
                if (index4 >= 0 and index4 < l2):
                    T[k, 2 * index4 + m] = 1.0 / WID[0] / WID[0] * 1000 * 1000
                if (index5 >= 0 and index5 < l2):
                    T[k, 2 * index5 + m] = 1.0 / WID[0] / WID[0] * 1000 * 1000

                k = k + 1

    for j in range(0, ndip):
        for i in range(0, nstr):
            for m in range(0, 2):
                index1 = j * nstr + i
                if (j == 0 or j == ndip - 1 or i == 0 or i == nstr - 1):
                    T[k, 2 * index1 + m] = 5 / WID[0] / LEN[0] * 1000 * 1000
                    k = k + 1

    U = numpy.zeros([3 * l1, 1])  #Create data vector

    for i in range(0, l1):
        U[3 * i, 0] = e[i]
        U[3 * i + 1, 0] = n[i]
        U[3 * i + 2, 0] = u[i]

    UD = numpy.vstack((U, TU))

    lampred = 1.0 / math.pow(l2 * 2, 2) / numpy.mean(numpy.absolute(G)) / 20
    T2 = T * lampred

    G2 = numpy.vstack((G, T2))

    S = numpy.linalg.lstsq(G2, UD)[0]

    UP =, S)  #Forward model for model fits
    VR = (1 - numpy.linalg.norm(UP - U)**2 /
          numpy.linalg.norm(U)**2) * 100  #variance reduction

    SSLIP = numpy.zeros([l2, 1])
    DSLIP = numpy.zeros([l2, 1])

    for i in range(0, l2):
        SSLIP[i, 0] = S[2 * i, 0]
        DSLIP[i, 0] = S[2 * i + 1, 0]

    EN = numpy.zeros([l1, 1])
    NN = numpy.zeros([l1, 1])
    UN = numpy.zeros([l1, 1])
    for i in range(0, l1):
        EN[i, 0] = UP[3 * i, 0]
        NN[i, 0] = UP[3 * i + 1, 0]
        UN[i, 0] = UP[3 * i + 2, 0]

    ST = numpy.sqrt(SSLIP**2 + DSLIP**2)

    Mo = numpy.sum(3.0e10 * ST * LEN * WID)
    if (Mo > 0):
        MW = 2.0 / 3.0 * math.log10(Mo / 1.0e-7) - 10.7
        MW = 0

    return (SSLIP, DSLIP, MW, EN, NN, UN, VR)
Beispiel #3
def moment_tensor(sta_lat, sta_lon, sta_alt, n, e, u, eq_lat, eq_lon, eq_alt,timer,effhypodist,repi):

	xrs = numpy.zeros([l1,1])
	yrs = numpy.zeros([l1,1])
	zrs = numpy.zeros([l1,1])
	azi = numpy.zeros([l1,1])
	backazi = numpy.zeros([l1,1])
	theta = numpy.zeros([l1,1])

	for j in range (0, l1):
		(x1,y1) = ll2utm(sta_lon[j],sta_lat[j], -71)
		(x2,y2) = ll2utm(eq_lon,eq_lat, -71)

		result = gps2DistAzimuth(sta_lat[j],sta_lon[j],eq_lat,eq_lon)
		theta[j,0] = 90 - backazi[j,0] + 180

		xrs[j,0] = (x1-x2)
		yrs[j,0] = (y1-y2)
		zrs[j,0] = (sta_alt[j]+eq_alt*1000)

	U = numpy.zeros([3*l1,1])
	for i in range (0, l1):
		efftime = math.ceil(effhypodist[i])
		NN = n[i,efftime:efftime+10]
		EE = e[i,efftime:efftime+10]
		UU = u[i,efftime:efftime+10]
		a1 = numpy.where(n[i,efftime:efftime+10] > -999)[0]
		a1 = numpy.array(a1)
		if (len(a1) > 1):
			N = numpy.nanmean(NN[a1])
			E = numpy.nanmean(EE[a1])
			Z = numpy.nanmean(UU[a1])
			U[3*i,0]= N
			U[3*i+1,0]= E
			U[3*i+2,0]= -Z

			U[3*i,0]= 0
			U[3*i+1,0]= 0
			U[3*i+2,0]= 0

	G = okadapoint.greenF(yrs, xrs, -zrs) #Compute Green's function
	S = numpy.linalg.lstsq(G,U)[0]

	M12 = S[0,0]
	M13 = S[1,0]
	M33 = S[2,0]
	M23 = S[4,0]
	M11 = S[3,0]-0.5*S[2,0]
	M22 = -S[3,0]-0.5*S[2,0]
	M_devi = numpy.array([[M11,M12,M13],[M12,M22,M23],[M13,M23,M33]])
	eigenwtot, eigenvtot = numpy.linalg.eig(M_devi)
	eigenw1, eigenv1 = numpy.linalg.eig(M_devi)
	eigenw = numpy.real(numpy.take(eigenw1, numpy.argsort(abs(eigenwtot))))
        eigenv = numpy.real(numpy.take(eigenv1, numpy.argsort(abs(eigenwtot)), 1))
	eigenw_devi = numpy.real(numpy.take(eigenw1, numpy.argsort(abs(eigenw1))))
        eigenv_devi = numpy.real(numpy.take(eigenv1, numpy.argsort(abs(eigenw1)), 1))
	M0_devi = max(abs(eigenw_devi))
	F = -eigenw_devi[0] / eigenw_devi[2]
	M_DC_percentage = (1 - 2 * abs(F)) * 100

	Mo = math.pow(math.pow(M11,2)+math.pow(M22,2)+math.pow(M33,2)+2*math.pow(M12,2)+2*math.pow(M13,2)+2*math.pow(M23,2),0.5)/math.pow(2,0.5)
	if (Mo == 0):
		Mw = 0
		Mw = 2*math.log10(Mo)/3-6.03

	UP =,S)

	dms = U-UP
	VR = (1-numpy.sum(numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(dms,2)))/numpy.sum(numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(U,2))))*M_DC_percentage

	#VR = numpy.linalg.norm(dms)/M_DC_percentage*1000

	mt = obspy.imaging.beachball.MomentTensor(M33,M11,M22,M13,-M23,-M12,26)

	axes = obspy.imaging.beachball.MT2Axes(mt)
	plane1 = obspy.imaging.beachball.MT2Plane(mt)
	plane2 = obspy.imaging.beachball.AuxPlane(plane1.strike,plane1.dip,plane1.rake)
	T = {'azimuth':axes[0].strike,'plunge':axes[0].dip}
	N = {'azimuth':axes[1].strike,'plunge':axes[1].dip}
	P = {'azimuth':axes[2].strike,'plunge':axes[2].dip}
	NP1 = {'strike':plane1.strike,'dip':plane1.dip,'rake':plane1.rake}
	NP2 = {'strike':plane2[0],'dip':plane2[1],'rake':plane2[2]}

	return(S, VR, Mw, NP1, NP2)
Beispiel #4
def fault_CMT(lat, lon, depth, M, strikeF, dipF, nstr, ndip):
    [x0, y0] = coord_tools.ll2utm(lon, lat, -71)
    x0 = x0 / 1000
    y0 = y0 / 1000

    fault_alt = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lon = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lat = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lon1 = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lat1 = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lon2 = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lat2 = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lon3 = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lat3 = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lon4 = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lat4 = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    strike = strikeF * numpy.ones([nstr * ndip, 1])
    dip = dipF * numpy.ones([nstr * ndip, 1])

    AREA = math.pow(10, -3.49 +
                    0.91 * M)  #Area of fault from Dreger and Kaverina, 2000
    LEN = math.pow(10, -2.44 +
                   0.59 * M)  #Length of fault from Dreger and Kaverina, 2000
    WID = AREA / LEN * 3  #Fault width is area divided by length

    LEN = LEN + 0.1 * LEN  #fault dimensions with 10% safety factor added
    WID = WID + 0.2 * WID

    if (
            WID / 2 * math.sin(dipF * math.pi / 180) > depth
    ):  #sets the initial top depth  - either depth-width/2*sin(dip) or 0 depending on how wide and close to surface fault is
        z0 = 0
        x0 = x0 - LEN / 2 * math.sin(
            strikeF * math.pi / 180) - depth * math.cos(
                dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.sin(
                    (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)
        y0 = y0 - LEN / 2 * math.cos(
            strikeF * math.pi / 180) - depth * math.cos(
                dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.cos(
                    (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)
        z0 = depth - WID / 2 * math.sin(dipF * math.pi / 180)
        x0 = x0 - LEN / 2 * math.sin(
            strikeF * math.pi / 180) - WID / 2 * math.cos(
                dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.sin(
                    (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)
        y0 = y0 - LEN / 2 * math.cos(
            strikeF * math.pi / 180) - WID / 2 * math.cos(
                dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.cos(
                    (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)

    DLEN = LEN / nstr
    DWID = WID / ndip

    xdoff = DWID * math.cos(dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.sin(
        (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)
    ydoff = DWID * math.cos(dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.cos(
        (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)

    xsoff = DLEN * math.sin(strikeF * math.pi / 180)
    ysoff = DLEN * math.cos(strikeF * math.pi / 180)

    k = 0
    for j in range(0, ndip):
        for i in range(0, nstr):
            fault_X = x0 + (0.5 + i) * xsoff + (0.5 + j) * xdoff
            fault_Y = y0 + (0.5 + i) * ysoff + (0.5 + j) * ydoff

            fault_X1 = x0 + (i) * xsoff + (j) * xdoff
            fault_Y1 = y0 + (i) * ysoff + (j) * ydoff

            fault_X2 = x0 + (i + 1) * xsoff + (j) * xdoff
            fault_Y2 = y0 + (i + 1) * ysoff + (j) * ydoff

            fault_X3 = x0 + (i + 1) * xsoff + (j + 1) * xdoff
            fault_Y3 = y0 + (i + 1) * ysoff + (j + 1) * ydoff

            fault_X4 = x0 + (i) * xsoff + (j + 1) * xdoff
            fault_Y4 = y0 + (i) * ysoff + (j + 1) * ydoff

            fault_alt[k] = z0 + (0.5 + j) * DWID * math.sin(
                dipF * math.pi / 180)
             fault_lat[k]) = coord_tools.utm2ll(fault_X * 1000, fault_Y * 1000,

             fault_lat1[k]) = coord_tools.utm2ll(fault_X1 * 1000,
                                                 fault_Y1 * 1000, -71)
             fault_lat2[k]) = coord_tools.utm2ll(fault_X2 * 1000,
                                                 fault_Y2 * 1000, -71)
             fault_lat3[k]) = coord_tools.utm2ll(fault_X3 * 1000,
                                                 fault_Y3 * 1000, -71)
             fault_lat4[k]) = coord_tools.utm2ll(fault_X4 * 1000,
                                                 fault_Y4 * 1000, -71)
            k = k + 1

    return (fault_lon, fault_lat, fault_alt, strike, dip, DLEN *
            numpy.ones([nstr * ndip, 1]), DWID * numpy.ones([nstr * ndip, 1]),
            fault_lon1, fault_lat1, fault_lon2, fault_lat2, fault_lon3,
            fault_lat3, fault_lon4, fault_lat4)
Beispiel #5
def data_engine_cmt(eq_lat, eq_lon, eq_dep, to, sta_lat, sta_lon, sta_alt,
                    nbuff, ebuff, ubuff, tbuff, runtime, Tlatency):
    #fid = open('gsearch_cmt.txt','w')
    (x1, y1) = ll2utm(eq_lon, eq_lat, -71)
    (x2, y2) = ll2utm(sta_lon, sta_lat, -71)
    hypodist = numpy.sqrt(
        numpy.power(x1 - x2, 2) + numpy.power(y1 - y2, 2) +
        numpy.power(eq_dep * 1000 - sta_alt, 2))
    epidist = numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(x1 - x2, 2) + numpy.power(y1 - y2, 2))

    effhypodist = hypodist / 1000 + Tlatency * 1
    a1 = numpy.where(effhypodist < (runtime - to) * 2 + 10 * 1)[0]
    a1 = numpy.array(a1)

    if len(a1) > 3:

        VARRED = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S3 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S4 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S5 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S6 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        STR1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        STR2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        DIP1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        DIP2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        RAK1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        RAK2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        MW = numpy.zeros([100, 1])

        #lons = 1
        #while lons < 21:
        #	lats = 1
        #	while lats < 21:
        #		dep = 1
        #		while dep < 101:
        #			dlat = (lats - 10)*0.1
        #			dlon = (lons - 10)*0.1
        #			[S,VR,Mw,NP1,NP2] = moment_tensor(sta_lat[a1],sta_lon[a1],sta_alt[a1],nbuff[a1,:],ebuff[a1,:],ubuff[a1,:],eq_lat-dlat,eq_lon-dlon,dep,runtime,effhypodist[a1],epidist[a1])

        #			latnew = "{0:.6f}".format(float(eq_lat-dlat))
        #			lonnew = "{0:.6f}".format(float(eq_lon-dlon))
        #			depnew = "{0:.2f}".format(float(dep))
        #			vrnew = "{0:.2f}".format(float(VR))
        #			fid.write(latnew+' '+lonnew+' '+depnew+' '+vrnew+'\n')
        #			dep = dep+1
        #		lats = lats+1
        #	lons = lons+1

        dep = 1
        while dep < 101:
            [S, VR, Mw, NP1,
             NP2] = moment_tensor(sta_lat[a1], sta_lon[a1], sta_alt[a1],
                                  nbuff[a1, :], ebuff[a1, :], ubuff[a1, :],
                                  eq_lat, eq_lon, dep, runtime,
                                  effhypodist[a1], epidist[a1])
            VARRED[dep - 1, 0] = VR
            S1[dep - 1, 0] = S[0]
            S2[dep - 1, 0] = S[1]
            S3[dep - 1, 0] = S[2]
            S4[dep - 1, 0] = S[3]
            S5[dep - 1, 0] = S[4]
            #S6[dep-1,0] = S[5]
            STR1[dep - 1, 0] = NP1['strike']
            STR2[dep - 1, 0] = NP2['strike']
            DIP1[dep - 1, 0] = NP1['dip']
            DIP2[dep - 1, 0] = NP2['dip']
            RAK1[dep - 1, 0] = NP1['rake']
            RAK2[dep - 1, 0] = NP2['rake']
            MW[dep - 1, 0] = Mw
            dep = dep + 1

        VARRED = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S3 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S4 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S5 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S6 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        STR1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        STR2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        DIP1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        DIP2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        RAK1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        RAK2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        MW = numpy.zeros([100, 1])

    return (MW, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, STR1, STR2, DIP1, DIP2, RAK1, RAK2,
            VARRED, len(a1))
Beispiel #6
def data_engine_ff(eq_lat, eq_lon, eq_dep, MCMT, STR1, STR2, DIP1, DIP2, nstr,
                   ndip, to, sta_lat, sta_lon, sta_alt, nbuff, ebuff, ubuff,
                   tbuff, runtime, Tlatency):

    (x1, y1) = ll2utm(eq_lon, eq_lat, -71)
    (x2, y2) = ll2utm(sta_lon, sta_lat, -71)
    hypodist = numpy.sqrt(
        numpy.power(x1 - x2, 2) + numpy.power(y1 - y2, 2) +
        numpy.power(eq_dep * 1000 - sta_alt, 2))

    effhypodist = hypodist / 1000 + Tlatency * 1
    a1 = numpy.where(effhypodist < (runtime - to) * 2 + 10 * 1)[0]
    a1 = numpy.array(a1)

    if len(a1) > 3:

            fault_lon1, fault_lat1, fault_alt1, strike1, dip1, dl1, dw1, lon11,
            lat11, lon12, lat12, lon13, lat13, lon14, lat14
        ] = fault_CMT(eq_lat, eq_lon, eq_dep, MCMT, STR1, DIP1, nstr, ndip)

        [SSLIP1, DSLIP1, MW1, EN1, NN1, UN1, VR1, Einp, Ninp,
         Uinp] = rtokada(sta_lat[a1], sta_lon[a1], sta_alt[a1], nbuff[a1, :],
                         ebuff[a1, :], ubuff[a1, :], fault_lat1, fault_lon1,
                         fault_alt1, strike1, dip1, dl1, dw1, nstr, ndip,
                         runtime, effhypodist[a1])

            fault_lon2, fault_lat2, fault_alt2, strike2, dip2, dl2, dw2, lon21,
            lat21, lon22, lat22, lon23, lat23, lon24, lat24
        ] = fault_CMT(eq_lat, eq_lon, eq_dep, MCMT, STR2, DIP2, nstr, ndip)
        [SSLIP2, DSLIP2, MW2, EN2, NN2, UN2, VR2, Einp2, Ninp2,
         Uinp2] = rtokada(sta_lat[a1], sta_lon[a1], sta_alt[a1], nbuff[a1, :],
                          ebuff[a1, :], ubuff[a1, :], fault_lat2, fault_lon2,
                          fault_alt2, strike2, dip2, dl2, dw2, nstr, ndip,
                          runtime, effhypodist[a1])

        if (VR1 >= VR2):
            FaultPlane = 1
            SSLIP = SSLIP1
            DSLIP = DSLIP1
            MFF = MW1
            EN = EN1
            NN = NN1
            UN = UN1
            VR = VR1
            STR = STR1
            DIP = DIP1
            FAULT_LAT = fault_lat1
            FAULT_LON = fault_lon1
            FAULT_ALT = fault_alt1
            FLAT1 = lat11
            FLON1 = lon11
            FLAT2 = lat12
            FLON2 = lon12
            FLAT3 = lat13
            FLON3 = lon13
            FLAT4 = lat14
            FLON4 = lon14

            FaultPlane = 2
            SSLIP = SSLIP2
            DSLIP = DSLIP2
            MFF = MW2
            EN = EN2
            NN = NN2
            UN = UN2
            VR = VR2
            STR = STR2
            DIP = DIP2
            FAULT_LAT = fault_lat2
            FAULT_LON = fault_lon2
            FAULT_ALT = fault_alt2
            FLAT1 = lat21
            FLON1 = lon21
            FLAT2 = lat22
            FLON2 = lon22
            FLAT3 = lat23
            FLON3 = lon23
            FLAT4 = lat24
            FLON4 = lon24

    return (SSLIP, DSLIP, MFF, Einp, Ninp, Uinp, EN, NN, UN, sta_lat[a1],
            sta_lon[a1], FAULT_LAT, FAULT_LON, FAULT_ALT, VR1, VR2, FaultPlane,
            FLAT1, FLON1, FLAT2, FLON2, FLAT3, FLON3, FLAT4, FLON4)