def main(filename): records=[] i=0 with open(filename, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: RA = row[5] DEC = row[6] l,b = coords.eq2gal(RA,DEC, b1950=False, dtype='f8') #print row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4],row[5],row[6],l,b,row[11],row[12],row[14],row[15],row[16] RAflip = float(RA)*-1 lflip = float(l)*-1 #construct output record #record = '\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",%f,%f,\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"' % (row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4],row[5],row[6],l,b,row[11],row[12],row[14],row[15],row[16]) record = '\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",%f,%s,%f,%f,\"%s\",\"%s\",%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"' % (row[0],row[1],row[2],RAflip,DEC,lflip,b,row[11],row[12],row[13],row[14],row[15],row[16]) records.append(record) #print out results #fl ='cxc_sources_fix.csv', 'w', 'utf8') fl = open('cxc_sources_fix.csv', 'a') line = '\n'.join(records) #fl.write(line + u'\r\n') fl.write(line) fl.close()
def main(image): #initialize variables BASE_RESOURCE_URL = '' web_img = os.path.basename(image) filename, fileext = os.path.splitext(image) jpg = basename(filename)+".jpg" records=[] Type = "" Dist = "" SubType = "None"; #jpegs seem to work more consistently with pyavm - use the main jpg image for AVM try: print "Reading AVM from: "+filename+".jpg" avm = AVM(filename+'.jpg') ThmbLink = BASE_RESOURCE_URL+filename+'_250.jpg' ThmbLink2 = BASE_RESOURCE_URL+filename+'_map.jpg' except: print 'Trouble reading AVM: '+filename+".jpg" return 1 URL = (avm.ReferenceURL).strip('\n') Date = avm.Date try: Name = avm.Subject.Name[0] except: print "Missing Name:" +filename+".jpg" try: f = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(ThmbLink2)) Img = ThmbLink except: Img = avm.ResourceURL if Img == avm.ResourceURL: try: f = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(ThmbLink)) Img = ThmbLink except: Img = avm.ResourceURL print "Missing thumbnail! (" + ThmbLink + "): " + filename+".jpg" Cat = re.split("\.",avm.Subject.Category[0]) Title = avm.Title[0].replace('\"','\'') try: Headline = avm.Headline.replace('\"','\'') except: print 'Missing Headline:' +filename+".jpg" #coordinate conversions try: Xeq = avm.Spatial.ReferenceValue[0] Yeq = avm.Spatial.ReferenceValue[1] Xgal,Ygal = coords.eq2gal(Xeq,Yeq, b1950=False, dtype='f8') #Xgal,Ygal = coords.radec2aitoff(l,b) #Xeq, Yeq = coords.radec2aitoff(RA, DEC) except: print 'Missing spatial info:' +filename+".jpg" #category parser if Cat[0] == "A": Dist = "SS" if Cat[0] == "B": Dist = "MW" if Cat[0] == "C": Dist = "LU" if Cat[0] == "D": Dist = "EU" if Cat[1] == "1": Type = "Planet" if Cat[1] == "2": Type = "IP" if Cat[1] == "3": Type = "Star" try: if Cat[2] == "1": if Cat[3] == "7": SubType = "WD" if Cat[3] == "8": SubType = "SN" if Cat[3] == "9": SubType = "NS" if Cat[3] == "10": SubType = "BH" except: return 1 if Cat[1] == "4": Type = "Nebula" try: if Cat[2] == "1": if Cat[3] == "1": SubType = "ISM" if Cat[3] == "2": SubType = "SF" if Cat[3] == "3": SubType = "PN" if Cat[3] == "4": SubType = "SNR" if Cat[3] == "5": SubType = "Jet" except: return 1 if Cat[1] == "5": Type = "Galaxy" try: if Cat[2] == "1": if Cat[3] == "1": SubType = "Spiral" if Cat[3] == "2": SubType = "Barred" if Cat[3] == "3": SubType = "Lenticular" if Cat[3] == "4": SubType = "Elliptical" if Cat[3] == "5": SubType = "Ring" if Cat[3] == "6": SubType = "Irregular" if Cat[3] == "7": SubType = "Interacting" if Cat[3] == "8": SubType = "GravLens" if Cat[2] == "2": if Cat[3] == "1": SubType = "Giant" if Cat[3] == "2": SubType = "Dwarf" if Cat[2] == "3": if Cat[3] == "1": SubType = "Normal" if Cat[3] == "2": SubType = "AGN" if Cat[3] == "3": SubType = "Starburst" if Cat[3] == "4": SubType = "UL" except: return 1 if Cat[1] == "6": Type = "Cosmology" #Coordinate conversions #l,b = coords.eq2gal(RA,DEC, b1950=False, dtype='f8') #Xgal,Ygal = coords.radec2aitoff(l,b) #Xeq, Yeq = coords.radec2aitoff(RA, DEC) #construct output record record = '\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",%f,%f,%f,%f,\"%s\",\"%s\",%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"' % (Dist,Type,SubType,Xeq*-1,Yeq,Xgal[0]*-1,Ygal[0],Title,Name,Date,URL,Headline,Img) records.append(record) #print out results fl ='cxc_sources.csv', 'a', 'utf8') line = '\n'.join(records) fl.write(line + u'\r\n') fl.close()
def main(filename): j = 0; outCONST = ["Andromeda","Antlia","Apus","Aquarius","Aquila","Ara ","Aries","Auriga","Bootes","Caelum","Camelopardalis","Cancer ","Canes Venatici","Canis Major ","Canis Minor ","Capricornus ","Carina ","Cassiopeia","Centaurus","Cepheus","Cetus ","Chamaeleon","Circinus","Columba","Coma Berenices","Corona Australis","Corona Borealis","Corvus","Crater","Crux","Cygnus ","Delphinus","Dorado","Draco","Equuleus","Eridanus","Fornax","Gemini","Grus","Hercules","Horologium","Hydra","Hydrus","Indus","Lacerta","Leo ","Leo Minor","Lepus","Libra","Lupus","Lynx","Lyra","Mensa","Microscopium","Monoceros","Musca","Norma","Octans","Ophiuchus","Orion","Pavo","Pegasus","Perseus","Phoenix","Pictor","Pisces","Piscis Austrinus","Puppis","Pyxis","Reticulum","Sagitta ","Sagittarius","Scorpius","Sculptor","Scutum","Serpens","Sextans","Taurus","Telescopium","Triangulum ","Triangulum Australe","Tucana","Ursa Major ","Ursa Minor ","Vela","Virgo","Volans","Vulpecula"]; #print out results fl ='GalBound.json', 'w', 'utf8') fl2 ='EqBound.json', 'w', 'utf8') fl3 ='RADecBound.json', 'w', 'utf8') fl4 ='TestBound.json', 'w', 'utf8') fl.write("{\n\t\"boundaries\": [\n") fl2.write("{\n\t\"boundaries\": [\n") fl3.write("{\n\t\"boundaries\": [\n") fl4.write("{\n\t\"boundaries\":\n[\n") json_data=open(filename) data = json.load(json_data) while (j < 88): i = 1; records=[] records2=[] records3=[] records4=[] while (i < len(data["boundaries"][j])-2): RA = data["boundaries"][j][i] DEC = data["boundaries"][j][i+1] l,b = coords.eq2gal(RA,DEC, b1950=False, dtype='f8') Xgal,Ygal = coords.radec2aitoff(l,b) Xeq,Yeq = coords.radec2aitoff(RA,DEC) #construct output record record = '%s,%s' % (Xgal[0]*-1,Ygal[0]) records.append(record) record2 = '%s,%s' % (Xeq[0]*-1,Yeq[0]) records2.append(record2) record3 = '%s,%s' % (RA,DEC) records3.append(record3) record4 = '{"x":'+str(Xgal[0]*-1)+',"y":'+str(Ygal[0])+'}' records4.append(record4) i = i+2 line = ','.join(records) fl.write('[\"' + outCONST[j] + '\",') line2 = ','.join(records2) fl2.write('[\"' + outCONST[j] + '\",') line3 = ','.join(records3) fl3.write('[\"' + outCONST[j] + '\",') line4 = ','.join(records4) fl4.write('{"name":\"' + outCONST[j] + '\","box":[') if (j < 87): fl.write(line + '],\n') fl2.write(line2 + '],\n') fl3.write(line3 + '],\n') fl4.write(line4 + ']},\n') if (j == 87): fl.write(line + ']\n') fl2.write(line2 + ']\n') fl3.write(line3 + ']\n') fl4.write(line4 + ']}\n') j = j+1 fl.write("\n\t]\n}") fl2.write("\n\t]\n}") fl3.write("\n\t]\n}") fl4.write("]\n}") fl.close() fl2.close() fl3.close() fl4.close()
def func_coor_obs_timewindow_calculate(obj_id,group_id,unit_id,racen,deccen,priority,MJD_time_current,tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_all,conf_obs_parameters,observatory): MJD_current = float(int(MJD_time_current)) # print(MJD_current,MJD_time_current) for line2 in conf_obs_parameters: word=line2.split() if word[0] == 'observatory_lat': observatory_lat = word[2] elif word[0] == 'observatory_lon': observatory_lon = word[2] elif word[0] == 'observatory_elevation': observatory_elevation = float(word[2]) elif word[0] == 'zenith_sun_min': zenith_sun_min = float(word[2]) elif word[0] == 'zenith_min': zenith_min = float(word[2]) elif word[0] == 'gal_min': gal_min = float(word[2]) elif word[0] == 'moon_dis_min_para': moon_dis_min_str = word[2] moon_dis_para_str = moon_dis_min_str.split('|') moon_dis_phase_data = [] for moon_dis_para in moon_dis_para_str: moon_dis_para_phase_min = float(moon_dis_para.split(':')[0].split('-')[0]) moon_dis_para_phase_max = float(moon_dis_para.split(':')[0].split('-')[1]) moon_dis_para_dis = float(moon_dis_para.split(':')[1]) moon_dis_phase_data.append([moon_dis_para_phase_min,moon_dis_para_phase_max,moon_dis_para_dis]) # moon_dis_phase_data = filter(None,moon_dis_phase_data) path = './' # start calculate observation sequence time_interval = 20.0 # 20 munitues night_number = 72 # every 20 munitues, 72 in total. # set observatory parameters ---------------------------------------- # observatory = ephem.Observer() = observatory_lat observatory.lon = observatory_lon observatory.elevation = observatory_elevation lat_dd = float(str(":")[0])+\ float(str(":")[1])/60.0+\ float(str(":")[2])/3600.0 # set mjd time ---------------------------------------- nighttime_current = jd2gcal(2400000.5, MJD_time_current) hh = int(nighttime_current[3] * 24.0 ) mm = int((nighttime_current[3] * 24.0 - hh)*60.0) ss = (((nighttime_current[3] * 24.0 - hh)*60.0) - mm)*60.0 hms = "%02d:%02d:%0.1f" % (hh,mm,ss) nighttime_current_cal = ('%s/%s/%s %s' % (nighttime_current[0],nighttime_current[1],nighttime_current[2],hms)) nighttime_current_str = ('%s/%s/%sT%s' % (nighttime_current[0],nighttime_current[1],nighttime_current[2],hms)) = nighttime_current_cal # calculate local sidereal time ---------------------------------------- current_lst_dd = float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[0])* 15.0+\ float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[1])/60.0* 15.0+\ float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[2])/3600.0* 15.0 # print(,'current lst 1',(current_lst_dd/15.0)) # calculate galactic coordinate of field center and all vertexes g_cen_lon_dd,g_cen_lat_dd = eq2gal(racen,deccen) galactic_lat_min = abs(g_cen_lat_dd) data = Table(names=('obj_id', 'tw_begin', 'tw_end', 'obs_stag'),dtype=('a19','a19','a19','a19')) for i in range(len(racen)): # print(i,float(racen[i]),float(deccen[i])) if group_id[i] == "XL001": tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_1 = tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_all[(tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_all["Group_ID"] == "XL001")].copy().reset_index(drop=True) tele_pointing_constrain_dframe = tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_1[(tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_1["Unit_ID"] == 1)].copy().reset_index(drop=True) # print(tele_pointing_constrain_dframe) else: tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_1 = tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_all[(tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_all["Group_ID"] == "XL002")].copy().reset_index(drop=True) tele_pointing_constrain_dframe = tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_1[(tele_pointing_constrain_dframe_1["Unit_ID"] == 1)].copy().reset_index(drop=True) # print(group_id[i],'\n',tele_pointing_constrain_dframe) for m in range(len(tele_pointing_constrain_dframe)): if deccen[i] >= tele_pointing_constrain_dframe['dec_deg'][m] and deccen[i] < (tele_pointing_constrain_dframe['dec_deg'][m] + 10 ) : hourangle_east = (tele_pointing_constrain_dframe['hourangle_east'][m]) hourangle_west = (tele_pointing_constrain_dframe['hourangle_west'][m]) mjd = [] ut_time = [] lst = [] zenith = [] hour_angle = [] for n in range(night_number): # set mjd time ---------------------------------------- MJD_time = MJD_current + (n*time_interval/60.0/24.0) nighttime_current = jd2gcal(2400000.5, MJD_time) hh = int(nighttime_current[3] * 24.0 ) mm = int((nighttime_current[3] * 24.0 - hh)*60.0) ss = (((nighttime_current[3] * 24.0 - hh)*60.0) - mm)*60.0 hms = "%02d:%02d:%0.1f" % (hh,mm,ss) nighttime_current_cal = ('%s/%s/%s %s' % (nighttime_current[0],nighttime_current[1],nighttime_current[2],hms)) nighttime_current_str = ('%s/%s/%sT%s' % (nighttime_current[0],nighttime_current[1],nighttime_current[2],hms)) = nighttime_current_cal # print( # # set local time ---------------------------------------- local_nighttime_current = ephem.localtime( str(local_nighttime_current).replace(' ','T') # set UT time ---------------------------------------- UT_nighttime_current = ephem.Date( UT_nighttime_current_str_T = UT_nighttime_current.datetime().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") # calculate local sidereal time ---------------------------------------- lst_dd = float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[0])* 15.0+\ float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[1])/60.0* 15.0+\ float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[2])/3600.0* 15.0 # print(,str(observatory.sidereal_time())) # calculate altitude angle or zenith angular distance of the sun --------------------------------- solar = ephem.Sun(observatory) solar_alt_dd = 90 - float(str(solar.alt).split(":")[0])+float(str(solar.alt).split(":")[1])/60.0+float(str(solar.alt).split(":")[2])/3600.0 #print('solar %s' % (solar_alt_dd)) lunar = ephem.Moon(observatory) lunar_ra_dd = float(str(lunar.ra).split(":")[0])* 15.0+float(str(lunar.ra).split(":")[1])/60.0* 15.0+float(str(lunar.ra).split(":")[2])/3600.0* 15.0 lunar_dec_dd = float(str(lunar.dec).split(":")[0])+float(str(lunar.dec).split(":")[1])/60.0+float(str(lunar.dec).split(":")[2])/3600.0 #print('lunar %s %s %s' % (lunar_ra_dd, lunar_dec_dd, lunar.moon_phase)) # calculate zenith angular distance of field center and all vertexes zenith_ang_dis_cen_dd = (angular_distance(racen[i], deccen[i],lst_dd,lat_dd)) # calculate angular distance between field center and all vertexes and moon moon_ang_dis_min = (angular_distance(racen[i], deccen[i],lunar_ra_dd,lunar_dec_dd)) # set mini distance from the moon for mm in range(len(moon_dis_phase_data)): if (lunar.moon_phase >= moon_dis_phase_data[mm][0] and lunar.moon_phase < moon_dis_phase_data[mm][1]): moon_dis_min = moon_dis_phase_data[mm][2] break # calculate hour angle hour_angle_n = ((lst_dd - racen[i]) / 15.0) # print(lst_dd,hour_angle_n) if hour_angle_n >= 12.0 and hour_angle_n <= 24.0: hour_angle_n = hour_angle_n - 24.0 if hour_angle_n <= -12.0 and hour_angle_n >= -24.0: hour_angle_n = hour_angle_n + 24.0 if ( solar_alt_dd > zenith_sun_min ) and ( zenith_ang_dis_cen_dd < zenith_min ) and (moon_ang_dis_min > moon_dis_min ) and (hour_angle_n >= hourangle_east) and (hour_angle_n <= hourangle_west): # and (galactic_lat_min[0] > gal_min) and (moon_ang_dis_min > moon_dis_min ): mjd.append(MJD_time) ut_time.append(UT_nighttime_current_str_T) lst.append(lst_dd) zenith.append(zenith_ang_dis_cen_dd) hour_angle.append(hour_angle_n) obs_cons = 0 mjd_begin = 0.0 mjd_end = 0.0 obs_phase = '' if (len(mjd) > 0 ): obs_mjd_begin_index = 0 obs_mjd_end_index = 0 if obs_mjd_begin_index == 0: obs_mjd_begin_index = mjd.index(min(mjd)) obs_mjd_end_index = mjd.index(max(mjd)) mjd_begin = mjd[obs_mjd_begin_index] mjd_end = mjd[obs_mjd_end_index] lst_begin = lst[obs_mjd_begin_index] lst_end = lst[obs_mjd_end_index] zenith_begin = zenith[obs_mjd_begin_index] zenith_end = zenith[obs_mjd_end_index] date_begin = jd2gcal(2400000.5, mjd_begin) #`` float date_end = jd2gcal(2400000.5, mjd_end) #`` flaot begin_hh = int(date_begin[3] * 24.0 ) #`` begin_mm = int((date_begin[3] * 24.0 - begin_hh)*60.0) #`` The last element of the tuple is the same as begin_ss = (((date_begin[3] * 24.0 - begin_hh)*60.0) - begin_mm)*60.0 #`` (hh + mm / 60.0 + ss / 3600.0) / 24.0 end_hh = int(date_end[3] * 24.0 ) #`` where hh, mm, and ss are the hour, minute and second of the day. end_mm = int((date_end[3] * 24.0 - end_hh)*60.0) #`` end_ss = (((date_end[3] * 24.0 - end_hh)*60.0) - end_mm)*60.0 #`` calendar_date_begin = "%d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (date_begin[0],date_begin[1],date_begin[2],begin_hh,begin_mm,begin_ss) #`` calendar_date_end = "%d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (date_end[0],date_end[1],date_end[2],end_hh,end_mm,end_ss) #`` obs_stag = 'observable' # obs_phase = "continous_slot" if mjd_begin >= mjd_end: mjd_begin = 0.0 mjd_end = 0.0 calendar_date_begin = "0000/00/00 00:00:00" calendar_date_end = "0000/00/00 00:00:00" obs_stag = 'unobservable' if priority[i] >= 90 and priority[i] <=99: obs_stag = 'observable' data.add_row([obj_id[i],calendar_date_begin,calendar_date_end,obs_stag]) return data
def func_coor_obs_timewindow_calculate(Obj_ID, racen, deccen, MJD_time_current): MJD_current = float(int(MJD_time_current)) # print(MJD_current,MJD_time_current) homedir = os.getcwd() conf_obs_parameters_sys = './conf_obs_parameters_sys.dat' conf_obs_parameters_sys_dev = open(conf_obs_parameters_sys, 'rU') lines2 = conf_obs_parameters_sys_dev.close() for line2 in lines2: word = line2.split() if word[0] == 'observatory_lat': observatory_lat = word[2] elif word[0] == 'observatory_lon': observatory_lon = word[2] elif word[0] == 'observatory_elevation': observatory_elevation = float(word[2]) elif word[0] == 'zenith_sun_min': zenith_sun_min = float(word[2]) elif word[0] == 'zenith_min': zenith_min = float(word[2]) elif word[0] == 'gal_min': gal_min = float(word[2]) elif word[0] == 'moon_dis_min_para': moon_dis_min_str = word[2] moon_dis_para_str = moon_dis_min_str.split('|') moon_dis_phase_data = [] for moon_dis_para in moon_dis_para_str: moon_dis_para_phase_min = float( moon_dis_para.split(':')[0].split('-')[0]) moon_dis_para_phase_max = float( moon_dis_para.split(':')[0].split('-')[1]) moon_dis_para_dis = float(moon_dis_para.split(':')[1]) moon_dis_phase_data.append([ moon_dis_para_phase_min, moon_dis_para_phase_max, moon_dis_para_dis ]) # moon_dis_phase_data = filter(None,moon_dis_phase_data) path = './' # # set observation day ------------------------------------------------ # # current_utc_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Op_time = current_utc_datetime.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d' ) # Op_time = time.strptime( Op_time, "%Y-%m-%d") # gcal_y = Op_time.tm_year # gcal_m = Op_time.tm_mon # gcal_d = Op_time.tm_mday # MJD_current = gcal2jd(gcal_y,gcal_m,gcal_d)[1] # MJD_current = MJD_newyear # date_current = jd2gcal(2400000.5, MJD_current) # calendar_d_lable = "%d_%d_%d" % (date_current[0],date_current[1],date_current[2]) # calendar_d = "%d-%d-%d" % (date_current[0],date_current[1],date_current[2]) # print calendar_d # start calculate observation sequence time_interval = 20.0 # 20 munitues night_number = 72 # every 20 munitues, 72 in total. # set observatory parameters ---------------------------------------- observatory = ephem.Observer() = observatory_lat observatory.lon = observatory_lon observatory.elevation = observatory_elevation lat_dd = float(str(":")[0])+\ float(str(":")[1])/60.0+\ float(str(":")[2])/3600.0 # set mjd time ---------------------------------------- nighttime_current = jd2gcal(2400000.5, MJD_time_current) hh = int(nighttime_current[3] * 24.0) mm = int((nighttime_current[3] * 24.0 - hh) * 60.0) ss = (((nighttime_current[3] * 24.0 - hh) * 60.0) - mm) * 60.0 hms = "%02d:%02d:%0.1f" % (hh, mm, ss) nighttime_current_cal = ('%s/%s/%s %s' % (nighttime_current[0], nighttime_current[1], nighttime_current[2], hms)) nighttime_current_str = ('%s/%s/%sT%s' % (nighttime_current[0], nighttime_current[1], nighttime_current[2], hms)) = nighttime_current_cal # calculate local sidereal time ---------------------------------------- current_lst_dd = float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[0])* 15.0+\ float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[1])/60.0* 15.0+\ float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[2])/3600.0* 15.0 # print(,current_lst_dd) # calculate galactic coordinate of field center and all vertexes g_cen_lon_dd, g_cen_lat_dd = eq2gal(racen, deccen) galactic_lat_min = abs(g_cen_lat_dd) # obs_id_1 = [] # racen_1 = [] # deccen_1 = [] # priority_1 = [] # ut_time_begin = [] # ut_time_end = [] # mjd_begin = [] # mjd_end = [] mjd = [] ut_time = [] lst = [] zenith = [] for n in range(night_number): # set mjd time ---------------------------------------- MJD_time = MJD_current + (n * time_interval / 60.0 / 24.0) nighttime_current = jd2gcal(2400000.5, MJD_time) hh = int(nighttime_current[3] * 24.0) mm = int((nighttime_current[3] * 24.0 - hh) * 60.0) ss = (((nighttime_current[3] * 24.0 - hh) * 60.0) - mm) * 60.0 hms = "%02d:%02d:%0.1f" % (hh, mm, ss) nighttime_current_cal = ('%s/%s/%s %s' % (nighttime_current[0], nighttime_current[1], nighttime_current[2], hms)) nighttime_current_str = ('%s/%s/%sT%s' % (nighttime_current[0], nighttime_current[1], nighttime_current[2], hms)) = nighttime_current_cal # print( # # set local time ---------------------------------------- local_nighttime_current = ephem.localtime( str(local_nighttime_current).replace(' ', 'T') # set UT time ---------------------------------------- UT_nighttime_current = ephem.Date( UT_nighttime_current_str_T = UT_nighttime_current.datetime().strftime( "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") # calculate local sidereal time ---------------------------------------- lst_dd = float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[0])* 15.0+\ float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[1])/60.0* 15.0+\ float(str(observatory.sidereal_time()).split(":")[2])/3600.0* 15.0 # print(,lst_dd) # calculate altitude angle or zenith angular distance of the sun --------------------------------- solar = ephem.Sun(observatory) solar_alt_dd = 90 - float(str(solar.alt).split(":")[0]) + float( str(solar.alt).split(":")[1]) / 60.0 + float( str(solar.alt).split(":")[2]) / 3600.0 #print('solar %s' % (solar_alt_dd)) lunar = ephem.Moon(observatory) lunar_ra_dd = float(str(lunar.ra).split(":")[0]) * 15.0 + float( str(lunar.ra).split(":")[1]) / 60.0 * 15.0 + float( str(lunar.ra).split(":")[2]) / 3600.0 * 15.0 lunar_dec_dd = float(str(lunar.dec).split(":")[0]) + float( str(lunar.dec).split(":")[1]) / 60.0 + float( str(lunar.dec).split(":")[2]) / 3600.0 #print('lunar %s %s %s' % (lunar_ra_dd, lunar_dec_dd, lunar.moon_phase)) # calculate zenith angular distance of field center and all vertexes zenith_ang_dis_cen_dd = (angular_distance(racen, deccen, lst_dd, lat_dd)) # calculate angular distance between field center and all vertexes and moon moon_ang_dis_min = (angular_distance(racen, deccen, lunar_ra_dd, lunar_dec_dd)) # set mini distance from the moon for mm in range(len(moon_dis_phase_data)): if (lunar.moon_phase >= moon_dis_phase_data[mm][0] and lunar.moon_phase < moon_dis_phase_data[mm][1]): moon_dis_min = moon_dis_phase_data[mm][2] break # if ( solar_alt_dd > zenith_sun_min ) and ( zenith_ang_dis_cen_dd < zenith_min ): # print(local_nighttime_current,zenith_ang_dis_cen_dd,zenith_min,MJD_time) if (solar_alt_dd > zenith_sun_min) and ( zenith_ang_dis_cen_dd < zenith_min ) and ( moon_ang_dis_min > moon_dis_min ): # and (galactic_lat_min[0] > gal_min) and (moon_ang_dis_min > moon_dis_min ): mjd.append(MJD_time) ut_time.append(UT_nighttime_current_str_T) lst.append(lst_dd) zenith.append(zenith_ang_dis_cen_dd) obs_cons = 0 if (len(mjd) > 0): obs_mjd_begin_index = 0 obs_mjd_end_index = 0 for mmm in range(len(mjd) - 1): m_gap = mjd[mmm + 1] - mjd[mmm] m_int = (2.0 / 24.0) if m_gap > m_int: obs_mjd_begin_index = mjd.index(mjd[mmm + 1]) if obs_mjd_begin_index == 0: obs_mjd_begin_index = mjd.index(min(mjd)) obs_mjd_end_index = mjd.index(max(mjd)) mjd_begin = mjd[obs_mjd_begin_index] mjd_end = mjd[obs_mjd_end_index] lst_begin = lst[obs_mjd_begin_index] lst_end = lst[obs_mjd_end_index] zenith_begin = zenith[obs_mjd_begin_index] zenith_end = zenith[obs_mjd_end_index] obs_cons = 1 print(Obj_ID, mjd_begin, mjd_end) # hour_ang_current = (current_lst_dd - racen) / 15.0 # if hour_ang_current > 12: # hour_ang_current = hour_ang_current - 24 # elif hour_ang_current < (-12): # hour_ang_current = 24 + hour_ang_current # hour_ang_west = ( current_lst_dd - lst_begin) / 15.0 # if hour_ang_west > 12: # hour_ang_west = hour_ang_west - 24 # elif hour_ang_west < (-12): # hour_ang_west = 24 + hour_ang_west # hour_ang_east = ( current_lst_dd - lst_end ) / 15.0 # if hour_ang_east > 12: # hour_ang_east = hour_ang_east - 24 # elif hour_ang_east < (-12): # hour_ang_east = 24 + hour_ang_east # hourangle_east = -5 # hourangle_west = 5 # if hour_ang_east < hourangle_east: # hour_ang_east_shift = hour_ang_east - hourangle_east # else: # hour_ang_east_shift = 0 # if hour_ang_west > hourangle_west: # hour_ang_west_shift = hour_ang_west - hourangle_west # else: # hour_ang_west_shift = 0 # mjd_begin = mjd_begin + (hour_ang_east_shift / 24.0 / 15.0) # mjd_end = mjd_end + (hour_ang_west_shift / 24.0 / 15.0 ) # # print(mjd_begin,mjd_end,MJD_time_current,hour_ang_east,hour_ang_west,hourangle_east,hourangle_west) # if MJD_time_current > mjd_begin and MJD_time_current < mjd_end: # obs_cons = 1 # # mjd_begin = MJD_time_current + (hour_ang_east / 24.0 / 15.0) # # mjd_end = MJD_time_current + (hour_ang_west / 24.0 / 15.0 ) # else: # obs_cons = 0 if obs_cons == 0: mjd_begin = 0.0 mjd_end = 0.0 # print(obs_cons,racen, deccen,mjd_begin,mjd_end) return obs_cons
def main(filename): records=[] with open(filename, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: RA = coords.ra_parse(row[0]) DEC = float(row[1]) if row[2] == "AND": outCONST = "Andromeda" elif row[2] == "ANT": outCONST = "Antlia" elif row[2] == "APS": outCONST = "Apus" elif row[2] == "AQR": outCONST = "Aquarius" elif row[2] == "AQL": outCONST = "Aquila" elif row[2] == "ARA": outCONST = "Ara" elif row[2] == "ARI": outCONST = "Aries" elif row[2] == "AUR": outCONST = "Auriga" elif row[2] == "BOO": outCONST = "Bootes" elif row[2] == "CAE": outCONST = "Caelum" elif row[2] == "CAM": outCONST = "Camelopardalis" elif row[2] == "CNC": outCONST = "Cancer" elif row[2] == "CVN": outCONST = "Canes Venatici" elif row[2] == "CMA": outCONST = "Canis Major" elif row[2] == "CMI": outCONST = "Canis Minor" elif row[2] == "CAP": outCONST = "Capricornus" elif row[2] == "CAR": outCONST = "Carina" elif row[2] == "CAS": outCONST = "Cassiopeia" elif row[2] == "CEN": outCONST = "Centaurus" elif row[2] == "CEP": outCONST = "Cepheus" elif row[2] == "CET": outCONST = "Cetus" elif row[2] == "CHA": outCONST = "Chamaeleon" elif row[2] == "CIR": outCONST = "Circinus" elif row[2] == "COL": outCONST = "Columba" elif row[2] == "COM": outCONST = "Coma Berenices" elif row[2] == "CRA": outCONST = "Corona Austrina" elif row[2] == "CRB": outCONST = "Corona Borealis" elif row[2] == "CRV": outCONST = "Corvus" elif row[2] == "CRT": outCONST = "Crater" elif row[2] == "CRU": outCONST = "Crux" elif row[2] == "CYG": outCONST = "Cygnus" elif row[2] == "DEL": outCONST = "Delphinus" elif row[2] == "DOR": outCONST = "Dorado" elif row[2] == "DRA": outCONST = "Draco" elif row[2] == "EQE": outCONST = "Equules" elif row[2] == "ERI": outCONST = "Eridanus" elif row[2] == "FOR": outCONST = "Fornax" elif row[2] == "GEM": outCONST = "Gemini" elif row[2] == "GRU": outCONST = "Grus" elif row[2] == "HER": outCONST = "Hercules" elif row[2] == "HOR": outCONST = "Horologium" elif row[2] == "HYA": outCONST = "Hydra" elif row[2] == "HYI": outCONST = "Hydrus" elif row[2] == "IND": outCONST = "Indus" elif row[2] == "LAC": outCONST = "Lacerta" elif row[2] == "LEO": outCONST = "Leo" elif row[2] == "LMI": outCONST = "Leo Minor" elif row[2] == "LEP": outCONST = "Lepus" elif row[2] == "LIB": outCONST = "Libra" elif row[2] == "LUP": outCONST = "Lepus" elif row[2] == "LYN": outCONST = "Lynx" elif row[2] == "LYR": outCONST = "Lyra" elif row[2] == "MEN": outCONST = "Mensa" elif row[2] == "MIC": outCONST = "Microscopium" elif row[2] == "MON": outCONST = "Monoceros" elif row[2] == "MUS": outCONST = "Musca" elif row[2] == "NOR": outCONST = "Norma" elif row[2] == "OCT": outCONST = "Octans" elif row[2] == "OPH": outCONST = "Ophiuchus" elif row[2] == "ORI": outCONST = "Orion" elif row[2] == "PAV": outCONST = "Pavo" elif row[2] == "PEG": outCONST = "Pegasus" elif row[2] == "PER": outCONST = "Perseus" elif row[2] == "PHE": outCONST = "Phoenix" elif row[2] == "PIC": outCONST = "Pictor" elif row[2] == "PSC": outCONST = "Pisces" elif row[2] == "PSA": outCONST = "Piscis Austrinus" elif row[2] == "PUP": outCONST = "Puppis" elif row[2] == "PYX": outCONST = "Pyxis" elif row[2] == "RET": outCONST = "Reticulum" elif row[2] == "SGE": outCONST = "Sagitta" elif row[2] == "SGR": outCONST = "Sagittarius" elif row[2] == "SCO": outCONST = "Scorpius" elif row[2] == "SCL": outCONST = "Sculptor" elif row[2] == "SCT": outCONST = "Scutum" elif row[2] == "SER": outCONST = "Serpens" elif row[2] == "SEX": outCONST = "Sextans" elif row[2] == "TAU": outCONST = "Taurus" elif row[2] == "TEL": outCONST = "Telescopium" elif row[2] == "TRI": outCONST = "Triangulum" elif row[2] == "TRA": outCONST = "Triangulum Austrinus" elif row[2] == "TUC": outCONST = "Tucana" elif row[2] == "UMA": outCONST = "Ursa Major" elif row[2] == "UMI": outCONST = "Ursa Minor" elif row[2] == "VEL": outCONST = "Vela" elif row[2] == "VIR": outCONST = "Virgo" elif row[2] == "VOL": outCONST = "Volanus" elif row[2] == "VUL": outCONST = "Vulpecula" l,b = coords.eq2gal(RA,DEC, b1950=False, dtype='f8') Xgal,Ygal = coords.radec2aitoff(l,b) Xeq,Yeq = coords.radec2aitoff(RA,DEC) #construct output record record = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,\"%s\",\"%s\"' % (RA,DEC,Xgal[0]*-1,Ygal[0],Xeq[0]*-1,Yeq[0],row[2],outCONST) records.append(record) #print out results fl ='constellationboundaries_formatted.csv', 'a', 'utf8') line = '\n'.join(records) fl.write(line + u'\r\n') fl.close()
def calc_likeli_uniformXYZ(group_name, X, Y, Z, dX, dY, dZ, a1, a2, a3, U, V, W, dU, dV, dW, b1, b2, b3, ra, de, pra, epra, pde, epde, v=False, ev=False, d=False, ed=False, lencon=1.0, sharpsmooth='-'): const = -1.0 a1 = a1 * const a2 = a2 * const a3 = a3 * const b1 = b1 * const b2 = b2 * const b3 = b3 * const import coords import numpy as np if np.isnan(v): v = False if np.isnan(ev): ev = False if np.isnan(d): d = False if np.isnan(ed): ed = False gl_obs, gb_obs = coords.eq2gal(ra, de, b1950=False) # zyx rotation R1_S = np.array([[np.cos(a1), -np.sin(a1), 0.], [np.sin(a1), np.cos(a1), 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) R2_S = np.array([[np.cos(a2), 0., np.sin(a2)], [0., 1., 0.], [-np.sin(a2), 0., np.cos(a2)]]) R3_S = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., np.cos(a3), -np.sin(a3)], [0., np.sin(a3), np.cos(a3)]]) Rot_S1 =, R3_S) # Rot_SFin =,Rot_S1) Rot_SFin =,, R1_S)) # zyx R1_D = np.array([[np.cos(b1), -np.sin(b1), 0], [np.sin(b1), np.cos(b1), 0], [0., 0., 1.]]) R2_D = np.array([[np.cos(b2), 0, np.sin(b2)], [0., 1., 0.], [-np.sin(b2), 0, np.cos(b2)]]) R3_D = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0, np.cos(b3), -np.sin(b3)], [0, np.sin(b3), np.cos(b3)]]) Rot_D1 =, R3_D) # Rot_DFin =,Rot_D1) Rot_DFin =,, R1_D)) pdir = './' infile = pdir + 'PriorPDF_rv_dist_b_pm_%s_%.1f_uniformXYZ.txt' % ( group_name, 10000000.0) rv, rvpdf, dist, distpdf, gb, gbpdf, pm, pmpdf = np.loadtxt(infile, delimiter=',', unpack=True) didx = min(range(len(dist)), key=lambda ii: abs(dist[ii] - 100)) ridx, = np.where(rvpdf > 0.) distrange = range(0, didx, 5) rvrange = range(ridx[0], ridx[-1], len(ridx) / 20) dist_err = np.zeros(len(dist)) ddist = abs(dist[distrange[1]] - dist[distrange[0]]) rv_err = np.zeros(len(rv)) drv = abs(rv[rvrange[1]] - rv[rvrange[0]]) # calculate (actual) likellihood if d: dist = [d] dist_err = [ed] ddist = 1.0 distpdf = [1.] distrange = [0] if v: rv = [v] rv_err = [ev] drv = 1.0 rvpdf = [1.] rvrange = [0] like = 0. xx = np.cos(gb_obs * np.pi / 180.) * np.cos(gl_obs * np.pi / 180.) yy = np.cos(gb_obs * np.pi / 180.) * np.sin(gl_obs * np.pi / 180.) zz = np.sin(gb_obs * np.pi / 180.) TA = calc_TA(ra, de) # K = 4.74057 K = 4.743717361 # Gagne IDL procedure resultarr = np.zeros([len(distrange) + 1, len(rvrange) + 1]) for iid, ii in enumerate(distrange): # 50 iteration #(len(dist)): resultarr[iid + 1, 0] = dist[ii] x = xx * dist[ii] y = yy * dist[ii] z = zz * dist[ii] dx = xx * dist_err[ii] dy = yy * dist_err[ii] dz = zz * dist_err[ii] xp = Rot_SFin[0][0] * (x - X) + Rot_SFin[0][1] * ( y - Y) + Rot_SFin[0][2] * (z - Z) + X yp = Rot_SFin[1][0] * (x - X) + Rot_SFin[1][1] * ( y - Y) + Rot_SFin[1][2] * (z - Z) + Y zp = Rot_SFin[2][0] * (x - X) + Rot_SFin[2][1] * ( y - Y) + Rot_SFin[2][2] * (z - Z) + Z dxp = np.sqrt((Rot_SFin[0][0] * dx)**2 + (Rot_SFin[0][1] * dy)**2 + (Rot_SFin[0][2] * dz)**2) dyp = np.sqrt((Rot_SFin[1][0] * dx)**2 + (Rot_SFin[1][1] * dy)**2 + (Rot_SFin[1][2] * dz)**2) dzp = np.sqrt((Rot_SFin[2][0] * dx)**2 + (Rot_SFin[2][1] * dy)**2 + (Rot_SFin[2][2] * dz)**2) Xerr = np.sqrt(dX**2 + dxp**2) Yerr = np.sqrt(dY**2 + dyp**2) Zerr = np.sqrt(dZ**2 + dzp**2) #dX = Xerr ; dY = Yerr ; dZ = Zerr dXX = dX * lencon dYY = dY * lencon dZZ = dZ * lencon volume = 4 * np.pi / 3. * dXX * dYY * dZZ if sharpsmooth == 'sh': p = 1. / volume ellip = (xp - X)**2 / dXX**2 + (yp - Y)**2 / dYY**2 + ( zp - Z)**2 / dZZ**2 if ellip < 1.: likeX = p**(1 / 3.) likeY = likeX likeZ = likeX else: likeX = 0 likeY = 0 likeZ = 0. elif sharpsmooth == 'sm': B = 0.2 pin = 0.9 / volume pout = pin * np.exp(0.5 / B**2 - 0.5 * ((xp - X) / dX / B)**2 - 0.5 * ((yp - Y) / dY / B)**2 - 0.5 * ((zp - Z) / dZ / B)**2) ellip = (xp - X)**2 / dXX**2 + (yp - Y)**2 / dYY**2 + ( zp - Z)**2 / dZZ**2 if ellip < 1.: likeX = pin**(1 / 3.) likeY = likeX likeZ = likeX else: likeX = pout**(1. / 3.) likeY = likeX likeZ = likeX for jjr, jj in enumerate(rvrange): # range(len(rv)): #print "DIST and RV= ",dist[ii],dist_err[ii],rv[jj],ev resultarr[0, jjr + 1] = rv[jj] arr = np.array([rv[jj], K * pra * dist[ii], K * pde * dist[ii]]) u, v, w =, arr) du = np.sqrt((TA[0][0] * ev)**2. + (TA[0][1] * K)**2 * ((epra * dist[ii])**2 + (pra * dist_err[ii])**2 + (epra * dist_err[ii])**2) + (TA[0][2] * K)**2 * ((epde * dist[ii])**2 + (pde * dist_err[ii])**2 + (epde * dist_err[ii])**2)) dv = np.sqrt((TA[1][0] * ev)**2. + (TA[1][1] * K)**2 * ((epra * dist[ii])**2 + (pra * dist_err[ii])**2 + (epra * dist_err[ii])**2) + (TA[1][2] * K)**2 * ((epde * dist[ii])**2 + (pde * dist_err[ii])**2 + (epde * dist_err[ii])**2)) dw = np.sqrt((TA[2][0] * ev)**2. + (TA[2][1] * K)**2 * ((epra * dist[ii])**2 + (pra * dist_err[ii])**2 + (epra * dist_err[ii])**2) + (TA[2][2] * K)**2 * ((epde * dist[ii])**2 + (pde * dist_err[ii])**2 + (epde * dist_err[ii])**2)) up = Rot_DFin[0][0] * (u - U) + Rot_DFin[0][1] * ( v - V) + Rot_DFin[0][2] * (w - W) + U vp = Rot_DFin[1][0] * (u - U) + Rot_DFin[1][1] * ( v - V) + Rot_DFin[1][2] * (w - W) + V wp = Rot_DFin[2][0] * (u - U) + Rot_DFin[2][1] * ( v - V) + Rot_DFin[2][2] * (w - W) + W dup = np.sqrt((Rot_DFin[0][0] * du)**2 + (Rot_DFin[0][1] * dv)**2 + (Rot_DFin[0][2] * dw)**2) dvp = np.sqrt((Rot_DFin[1][0] * du)**2 + (Rot_DFin[1][1] * dv)**2 + (Rot_DFin[1][2] * dw)**2) dwp = np.sqrt((Rot_DFin[2][0] * du)**2 + (Rot_DFin[2][1] * dv)**2 + (Rot_DFin[2][2] * dw)**2) Uerr = np.sqrt(dup**2. + dU**2.) Verr = np.sqrt(dvp**2. + dV**2.) Werr = np.sqrt(dwp**2. + dW**2.) likeU = np.exp(-0.5 * (up - U)**2. / Uerr**2.) / Uerr / np.sqrt( 2. * np.pi) likeV = np.exp(-0.5 * (vp - V)**2. / Verr**2.) / Verr / np.sqrt( 2. * np.pi) likeW = np.exp(-0.5 * (wp - W)**2. / Werr**2.) / Werr / np.sqrt( 2. * np.pi) like = rvpdf[jj] * distpdf[ ii] * likeX * likeY * likeZ * likeU * likeV * likeW * drv * ddist resultarr[iid + 1, jjr + 1] = like likearr = np.array(resultarr[1:, 1:]) idx = np.where(likearr == np.max(likearr)) statdist = resultarr[idx[0] + 1, 0] statrv = resultarr[0, idx[1] + 1] result = [likearr.sum(), statdist, statrv] # return result return result[0], result[1], result[ 2], likeX, likeY, likeZ, likeU, likeV, likeW #,x,y,z,u,v,w,rv,dist,pmra_obs,pmde_obs
def calc_prior(gname, Nk, ra, de, pmra_obs=False, epmra_obs=False, pmde_obs=False, epmde_obs=False, rv_obs=False, erv_obs=False, dist_obs=False, edist_obs=False, goru=False): import coords import numpy as np pdir = './' if np.isnan(rv_obs): rv_obs = False if np.isnan(erv_obs): erv_obs = False if np.isnan(dist_obs): dist_obs = False if np.isnan(edist_obs): edist_obs = False gl_obs, gb_obs = coords.eq2gal(ra, de, b1950=False) pm_obs = np.sqrt(pmra_obs**2. + pmde_obs**2.) epm_obs = np.sqrt((pmra_obs / pm_obs * epmra_obs)**2. + (pmde_obs / pm_obs * epmde_obs)**2.) if goru == 'u': PDFfile = pdir + 'PriorPDF_rv_dist_b_pm_%s_%.1f_uniformXYZ.txt' % ( gname, 10000000.0) elif goru == 'g': PDFfile = pdir + 'PriorPDF_rv_dist_b_pm_%s_%.1f.txt' % (gname, 10000000.0) rv, rvpdf, dist, distpdf, gb, gbpdf, pm, pmpdf = np.loadtxt(PDFfile, delimiter=',', unpack=True) drv = np.abs(rv[1] - rv[0]) ddist = np.abs(dist[1] - dist[0]) dgb = np.abs(gb[1] - gb[0]) dpm = np.abs(pm[1] - pm[0]) prior_pm = 0. prior_gb = 0. prior_rv = 0. prior_dist = 0. for j in range(len(rv)): prior_pm = prior_pm + np.exp( -0.5 * (pm[j] - pm_obs)**2. / epm_obs**2.) * pmpdf[j] * dpm idx, num = min(enumerate(gb), key=lambda x: abs(x[1] - gb_obs)) prior_gb = gbpdf[idx] * dgb if rv_obs: for j in range(len(rv)): prior_rv = prior_rv + np.exp( -0.5 * (rv[j] - rv_obs)**2. / erv_obs**2.) * rvpdf[j] * drv else: prior_rv = 1. erv_obs = 1.0 if dist_obs: for j in range(len(rv)): prior_dist = prior_dist + np.exp( -0.5 * (dist[j] - dist_obs)**2. / edist_obs**2.) * distpdf[j] * ddist else: prior_dist = 1. edist_obs = 1.0 prior_pm = prior_pm / epm_obs prior_gb = prior_gb prior_rv = prior_rv / erv_obs prior_dist = prior_dist / edist_obs fin_prior = Nk * prior_pm * prior_gb * prior_rv * prior_dist # print fin_prior return fin_prior, prior_pm, prior_gb, prior_rv, prior_dist, pm_obs, gb_obs, rv_obs, dist_obs